Trump LITERALLY on suicide watch!!! | Eric Trump says his father 'tunes out' criticism so he doesn't kill himself

9  2017-08-31 by DonaldBlythe


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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Don't we all?

Personally, I drink, so basically I'm both shutting out criticism and killing myself.


Damnit. I didn't came to r/Drama for the feels

what a pussy

Pussy In Chief

have some respect

i don't understand the correlation but thanks for the free porn of a cute girl i guess

what a pussy!

what a car!

what a shot!

It sounds like you're praising a vagina.

bit of a stretch imo but i see now... thank you

someone take Trump's shoelaces IMMEDIATELY

Come on, we all know he has Velcro shoes...

Unlucky, would really be nice if they found Trump hanging from a doorway or something, would save Mueller a lot of trouble.

it would also be hilarious

I don't think he's smart enough to figure out a noose tho. Probably more of a head-bashing sort of deal

He needs to be placed on suicide watch!