Porn-hungry incel gets outclassed by his 14-year-old Chad brother. Incels blame watching porn instead of being a self-loathing, antisocial autist who posts in r/incels.

120  2017-09-01 by SethRichOrDieTryin


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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Feel free to fap but fapping to other men fucking women is both pathetic and unhealthy

Watching women get fucked is so gay.

Touched a nerve I see

watching femoids get fucked is incredibly gay, I'm glad ur brave enough to say it


You're a seriously mentally damaged individual, your rape post was a gem. Is it any wonder women don't want to be around You? I'm guessing most dudes don't either you worthless little sperg

This subreddit is not good for the mind man, I just hope they are all contained on reddit.

This is the future of the maleoid race.

You're a seriously mentally damaged individual

That's your opinion

your rape post was a gem.

Sad it got like no replies, it spitting the truth

Is it any wonder women don't want to be around you?

Looks probably

I'm guessing most dudes don't either you worthless little sperg

I'll ask my friends

if you and a sack of dead cats were hanging off a cliff, and I could only save one, I would save the sack of dead cats.

At it has some sort of sex appeal

I would use my newfound strength from lifting to save myself then force my way into your bussy and then throw you off the cliff

let's be real, you wouldnt even be holding onto that cliff would u?

Why not

you're too feeble and lack any upper body strength


you're a fat fuck and lack an upper body strength

what makes you think that?

you post on /r/incels

you don't have to be fat to post there though

no, you can also be skinnyfat, or borderline bones.


You wouldn't even know what to do with a Bussy once you got access to one you pathetic loser.

stick my wiener in it

Might not work well with your impotent rage.

I'm not impotent so I'm good

What would your friends think if they saw your rape post? Would they still be your friends?

Anyone who posts trash like that has no friends.

They'd think it's funny probably

To be fair, you can make your imaginary friends like or dislike anything you want.



Sad it got like no replies, it spitting the truth

So you wouldn't mind if a woman stronger than you forced you down and fucked you hard in the ass with an unlubed dildo? Because you know you're more than just orifices?

No but women like that stuff so it's fine for them

They like consensual penetration.

Having my girlfriend put her tongue in my mouth while we make out is awesome. Some random old or ugly woman overpowering me and forcefully shoving hers in would be disgusting and traumatising. The same applies to girls getting fucked.

Are cels really too dumb to understand that difference?

Are cels really too dumb to understand that difference?

Yes and you cannot possibly overstate how fucking stupid incels are. A random tree frog literally is more intelligent and well adjusted than any /r/Incel poster.

and more cuter and more likely to get laid

All women have rape fantasies buddy, why do you think they love "bad boys" so much

They want rape

Then go ahead and try to rape someone, tough guy, see how it turns out for you.

Sounds good

please tell us all about how you know exactly what women want


Looks, Money, Status is what they look for in men

They all do have rape fetishes which is why they are pro immigration and love criminals

I have a fetish for men killing themselves, care to indulge me?


that's a shame, it'd be the most a female has ever paid attention to you

Why do you think that

You can tell by the way he's drowning in snatch.

Oh I would love for you to explain to the police how rape isn't that bad. Actually please do, falling down a couple flights of stairs in a one story police station might do you some good.

Women want to be raped, why do you thinl they love immigrants from third world and criminals?

Its their fantasy

Hell even the patron saint of reddit Bernie Sanders wrote a paper on it in college

There are a lot of women who won't date outside of their own race so there goes that idea.

On a scale of 1-10 you're 10/10 retarded. Non-ironically kill yourself.

There are a lot of women who won't date outside of their own race so there goes that idea.

Most don't care lol

On a scale of 1-10 you're 10/10 retarded. Non-ironically kill yourself.

Broke your image that women are all innocent princesses huh?

You don’t have friends. You ought to kill yourself, honestly.

huh, lol?

youre *pathetic enough to say it?

pathetic not gay


Whenever I watch POV porn I just think of hard man cock filling my bussy. Girls are gross. You coming out of the closet anytime soon?

I doubt your bussy ever truly feels full, slack arsed cock whore

it's true... I always feel empty.. no matter how many people are in my bussy.

Straight porn = men fucking wimmenz. Wimmenz = feminine. Therefore, straight porn is feminine.

Gay porn = men fucking men. Men = masculine. Therefore, gay porn is masculine.

Only some kind of fag would watch feminine porn, therefore, straight men should only watch gay porn.

So where does pegging porn fit into all of this?

In the bussy, obviously.


I feel like we should draw a line at pinging people who are obviously 15 and will either a) grow out of whatever the fuck is wrong with them or b) become Elliot Rodger within the year

Poor guy has some figuring out to do

This is why I swear by videos of traps fucking women: The least gay porn of them all.

/u/NewLoadsOfFun, do you actually thinking sucking dick is gay?

1) you're sharing protein 2) you're admiring masculine physique 3) being in the vacinity of other high testosterone males increases your own testosterone

eating pussy is gay because you're litterally slurping down estrogen. and long term relationships have been proven to lower testosterone.

spartans had gay orgies all the time and they were the height of masculinity. you bet they were at least fondling eachothers test producers.

all these summer DYEL's piss me off. their twink bodies don't understand, but in time i'm sure they'll get it.

Eating pussy is pretty pathetic

Yeah but why? At the very least it's a reliable way to get your dick sucked by a woman.

Of all the times I had my dick sucked I never needed to eat pussy to get it like a beta

What's beta about oral sex? Is PIV the only manly sex, missionary style? Lots of women love oral sex, and I like doing it. Mutual benefit.

You're a joke, and if beta males were a real thing you'd be the poster child.

Lots of women love oral sex, and I like doing it. Mutual benefit.

The woman's job is to please me, I don't go out of my way to please her. My dick is plenty for that

I might know why you are an incel but I can't quite put my finger on it

My dick is plenty for that

it obviously isn't


you're getting laid then? consensually i mean

Nah, only a few times

It's not even enough to keep you happy, how would it ever please a woman? p

That makes no sense

You are obviously super unhappy, mostly because of your sad dick.

Why do you think that


Ya know I have gotten way past the point of sympathy for these males and now I am just filled with glee at their suffering.

Man I feel this way too some days and I wonder what the fuck is wrong with me. Like, I consider myself compassionate enough. Do what I can to help homeless people and addicts and I don't really care if they put themselves in that situation because they still need help. But when these guys advocate things like rape even I can't feel bad that they're miserable

Same lol. I'm generally highly empathetic to suffering but these people are beyond salvation. I can't feel empathy for someone who doesn't feel it for others and advocates for rape and stuff like that.

You need to realise that sometimes suffering and having to deal with the consequences of your actions can do people a world of good. You may get to feel smug by saving people but often you aren't actually helping them. That guilt could well be just withdraw symptoms from do-gooding hits.

I pray one of them livestream a "Chad goodbye" just got the shitstorm

Are they real though? Ive never met anyone close to resebling these people.

Ive never met anyone close to resebling these people.

Because they don't go outside and when hey do they just never talk to anyone. You've probably seen one before but didn't know it because they make absolutely no impression on anyone IRL.

Elliot Rogers and the 'government give girlfriends' guy are very real. They exist and are retarded enough to actually post a threat if they ever spontaneously grow a backbone and go outside.

Same. I used to try and give them advice but it's always "waaahhhh, women aren't literally throwing themselves at like they they do in my dating sims!!!!" They have no interest in improving themselves or learning the very basic social skills that they are completely lacking in. They think they're perfect as the weird, fucked-up shut ins they are and are far too narcissistic to ever understand that they're actually doing something wrong.

The phrase "dangerously retarded" gets thrown around a lot but incels absolutely are. Ever single one of them is the load their mother should have swallowed.

Dude it says right there in the r/incels sidebar that they bathe occasionally, what more could a roastie whore want?

Just kill the omegas and the nu-males and start over.

And the Transexual Furries!

Well, obviously.

We need a subreddit just to hate on incels.

I would be shocked if there weren't (at least) one already.

That subreddit sucks: no tagging, no linking to "hostile subs" (i.e. r/incels), no "low blows" (i.e. calling incels posters what they are and hoping they kys before they go Columbine).

What's the point?

You don't have to call them names when their own posts say worse things about them than anything you could come up with. I also think not attracting incels to your sub is a good idea for any one.

but drama...


that sub is full of bigger faggots than the sub they're making fun of, who makes a rule on a sub where you mock morons that you can't call someone a retarded autist?

I didn't make it, someone asked for a sub that made fun of incels and I linked it. Go be the biggest faggot of all and make your own if you don't like it


lol pussmonster btfo

We do it's /r/incels

cuck cope. chad watches porn all day and in the night he sodomizes your crush

Chad fucks her ass


you're young enough to be living at home, which means that you have PLENTY of opportunity to improve yourself and meet somebody who has shared values and interests, or at least plenty of opportunity to get laid in college or beyond. Stop buying into this garbage ideology, because it will genuinely ruin you before you've even had a chance to bloom. Cultivate your hobbies and interests (and join groups related to said hobbies and interests, seriously), get help for your mental illness(es), learn how to cook, stop using others' experiences as a metric for your own (MANY people only start to get laid and find relationships in their 20's), focus on your career, learn more about other cultures, stop using broad excuses for why you're not a ~chad~, and read books on eastern and western metaphysics and philosophy. And stop buying into this toxic incels garbage. Seriously. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. You're holding yourself back. Things will get better if you release yourself from this hateful, external-locus-of-control bullshit and just focus on living a meaningful life.

He said he is still 17... It it that weird to be virgin at 17? Damn M I L L E N I A L S

Fuck you, us millennials are all too busy fucking virtual bussy in Waifu Simulator: VR.

Is that halal?

No it isn't, but Goat Fucker: VR is completely halal.

being a virgin by the time highschool ends pretty much cause to join the incel community

Only if you're a pathetic sack of shit

My life will be over if I'm still a virgin in 2 months.

Fucking LOL m8 no it won't.

Not to tell you that you're wrong on the risk that you'll try to maneuver into an I-told-you-so leap off of a bridge, but you're wrong.

You'll survive because you're healthier than you believe and you're still maturing into that brain of yours.

when you take 4chan memes literally

Will you livestream the suicide?

Stop whining, nobody feels sorry for you. Grow the fuck up and stop debasing yourself in such an unbelievably pathetic manner dumbass

Kek, why? I'm a full Chad normie now but I had sex later than most people.


Real talk bro. You're a senior in high school. Most of your peers are still virgins. I didn't get laid until my freshman year of college and I'm doing just fine in my late twenties.

I post in r/drama. I have a micropenis. I can't get erect unless I'm watching that special video where Bailey Jay fucks the shit out of that random latino guy's ass. Yeah, it's a fetish, but it's my fetish. I own it.

I'm gainfully employed at a gas station in Abilene. I have responsibilities, motherfucker. You think that cash register is going to have a correct count within $2.50 of the receipt total when this hardass isn't on watch? Don't think so, bitchface.

I've fucked a woman or one. Her name was Meredith and she was a total cunt.

"How can you propose to me? We just met at Outback last night.

I don't buy a goddamn bloomin' onion and a two for 25 steak deal for any bitch. This was the one.

Am I sour? The short answer is yes. The long answer is if you're reading this Meredith, the proposal's still on. If not, Meredith is a cunt.

Anyway, wait until college and if you haven't gotten laid by junior year, keep yourself safe, hombre.

Wanna know how i know you're a virgin? You put pussy on a pedestal. Having sex will give you a confidence boost for a month or two but you'll go back to being miserable right after. Sex isn't an anti depressant. Sorry to ruin thar for you but it's the truth

I guarantee you I wouldn't be miserable if I was fucking a model every night.

Yes you would

What makes you think I'm not in clubs/out of my room alot?

You're an incel.

Depends on your definition of it, currently I am

Regardless plenty of incels are in clubs and have hobbies

Pokemon GO! and Magic the Gathering tournaments don't count.

Sounds like things reddit numales play

The ven diagram of NuMales and Incels is a circle.

Numales are feminists

If that's the way you want to define them.

The way they are

Feminism is good for society

Good for destroying it

There is a reason islam is taking over

can't tell if you are being tongue in cheek or serious... if you are racist though, that could get in the way of you getting laid. racism simply isn't attractive to most folks.

Nothing racist about it friend :]

Islam will take over the west thanks to you normies and we will put women in their rightful places

My friend was an ugly 48 year old 5'2 guy and he was having trouble finding a woman who wanted to be with him. Do you think he just sat around and complained about it all day? Fuck no. He improved himself and now he's a tall handsome 20 year old guy and he can get any girl he wants.

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You forgot to tell him to LIFT!

Also, have you done your part by taking incels' virginities?

read books on eastern and western metaphysics and philosophy

I was with you until this.

t. formerly sexless philosophy major

Am I the only one who think that the incels have a point about porn fucking up young guys? I mean there's plenty of studies on it that show it's addictive and leads to a fucked up real sex life.

yup, can confirm. Got some troublesome problems due to watching too much porn, including addiction to it, genital desensitivation (no pleasure from doing anything, so no climax when doing it with your SO => trust issues ensued for both of us), a big lack of energy and motivation.

Took me several difficult month to repress myself from fapping on a daily basis after several years of unaware porn addiction, r/nofap was a real support for me and others.

This is no joke, porn is addictive, and it does have real life consequences. If you want to fap, make sure it doesn't seems compulsive or too often, it's natural but can be dangerous for your health and overall happiness.

So how many times per day is normal?3?

Everybody is different, but this was also my average. you should try to stop fapping al together and see if you have some difficulties not doing it, if you feel a need to fap, then you are addicted. That's how I figured it out mysself, I just couldn't stop because I "needed" it.

I was just curious, I personally only do it twice a week or so.


Seems fine to me, as long you can control yourself from fapping! Better safe than sorry after all! :) didn't knew there was a panda emoji in unicode! I love it! Thanks for the discovery!

If you feel a need to eat, you are addicted.

Don't be dumb, sexual drive and desire for orgasm are natural. If it's not affecting your life in a negative way, it's not a bad thing, and it's not addiction.

I believe that porn could be addictive, but 'batin is natural and healthy.

Read my other replies, it was affecting my life in a negative way and was an addiction.

Fapping or porn?

porn, fapping was a consequence of it

porn is addictive

Anything can be addictive. I jerk off a decent amount and have sex on a normal basis, I've never had genital desensivation. Even if that was true, how the fuck does that lead to trust issues LOL or energy or motivation?

You ever think your mental illness is the problem, not jerking your dick?

Trust issues : When you are unable to climax with your SO but you still can alone, she/he can think not being attractive enough for you, or being cheated on. That's your SO side. When you are yourself unable to explain that to yourself, you can doubt your own sexuality, just "wtf why can't I take any pleasure, is the problem from my own desire?". Humans are complicated you know? And relationships too.

Lack of energy and lack of motivation is probably due to you having too much serotonin in your blood too often. Because each time you climax, you get a burst of it being released.

Like every addiction, it's a complex issue with multiple symptoms, and I'm glad I got over it. But hey, cool for you not having any problem with it.

You are describing clinical depression with a psychomotor component. You don't get that from too many orgasms.

Go see a doctor.

How many times did you beat it that your dick lost sensation? Were you literally beating it like it owed you money?

Way too much xD Like I said, it could be from 1 masturbation per day to 3-4, sometimes more when I couldn't for a "long time" (1-2 weeks)

And yeah, damned lebowski, have you ever heard of the death grip?

it could be from 1 masturbation per day to 3-4

Hahaha look at this fucking n00b

probably not but it's still a fucking retarded thought to have, and agreeing with incels JESUS FUCKING CHRIST.

I'm allowed to agree with some of the things they say if they're right. They're not right on much...give them credit where it's due.

Somehow those guys even manage to drain all of the pleasure out of whack in off.

My mom cheated on my dad after I was born and out came my brother. No one realizes this except for me. My brother got all of Chads good genes and I fucking hate him for it.

Imagine being so pathetic that you are jealous of your 14 year old brother's game.

Who said anything about being jealous?

Your entire post?

How did you even know this?

He doesn't. It's his little fantasy so that he can think about his mother fucking and so he can find an excuse for not getting laid like his little brother does.

Hit the gym and learn to be funny and you can become chad

I already have a great personality.

Maybe you do, but i didn't say you needed a great personality, I said you needed to be funny.

As a followup, stop giving a shit. looking through your post history you say things like this.

I wished her happy birthday and she replied to every comment except for mine.

shit like this so is irrelevant and the less you care about it the better your life will be.

Why wouldn't I care about a girl I like ignoring me? Shit hurts especially when you give your heart to someone who has no clue how you feel.

Why should you care about someone who has no respect for you? Because in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter. Why get worked up over it? Focus on the positive people in your life not the negative ones.

You have a mental disability that makes you think you have a great personality.

If you had a great personality you wouldn't be posting on incels about how your life is over because good genes chad jr is smashing pussy already.

Go talk to a shrink.

People who write the comments you've been writing don't have great personalities. You sound like a toxic loser

I'm a loser because I don't have good genes. My mom should have cheated on my dad before I was born so I could look as good as I am intelligent.

Intelligent people don't think this way, they see a problem and get over it

I'm not socially intelligent because everyone ignores me.

Even your mom doesn't realise it?

That's some sly cheating.

Fact: Chad's semen produce airborne pregnancies

The View is what happens when you allow women a platform for free thought. I think the only non-cunt in The View history is Merideth Vierra.

He types out as he wonders why women avoid him like the plague.


Women don't avoid me because I'm an asshole on the internet. Women avoid me because I'm not chisiled like a God. If I had perfect genes I wouldn't have this problem. Women don't care about personality, it's all about looks, money and status.

As a fat guy who has had relationships, you are wrong.

The funny thing is you are a fucking incel claiming to know anything about women. By definition you don't know jack shit or you wouldn't be in that cancer sub.

Go and buy a hooker already so that you can move on from this pathetic phase you are in.

Are you rich? Because women love nothing more than money. Put yourself in our position then tell me women care about personality.

I'm a poor piece of shit who lives in a closet.

> Arguing with an incel

This doesn't work fam.

Women care about personality.

women love nothing more than money

why won't anyone fuck me ABLOOOOO

Come on now niggah give your meat a good ol' rub and let go of this inferiority complex

no one wants to put themselves in your position. we're all chiseled gods here.

I mean I hate to not all women at you, but really.

Look at all the disgusting and degenerate poor fat slobs who get laid. Women definitely will bang a useless piece of shit, often with little to no provocation. There must be something extra hideous about you, some glimmer of the serial killer to be, that prevents even the most desperate from considering you a possibility.

Fat slobs have a lot of money.

Not always true, I am a fat slob with only moderate amounts of money and my wife is a total piece of ass who makes significantly more than I do. I'm going to need more information about you, but I'm confident that if you provide it I can pinpoint your failures.

I'm the most intelligent person in school, maybe even my entire county. I have a great personality. My only flaw is I don't look like Chad. The only thing I don't have in life is pussy but it's the one thing I want the most. I'm completely and utterly hopeless and feel like a fucking loser for being almost an adult and still a virgin. I'm a failure and my parents are also failures.

A likelier possibility is he hasn't spoken to any women

Fellow fat body, who was broke AF as a teen, didn't really date until 17, and a virgin past 18. I was shy, lacked confidence, but somehow managed to get laid. On top of it, as I've grown and matured, I've realized how many fucking signs I missed from girls back in high school. Oh well. Happily married, own a home, a kid on the way.

One time a girl I was friends with was complaining about wanting to find a casual fwb for the summer. In my defense I was pretty drunk but I was like "GOOD LUCK WITH THAT".

As they say, "here's your sign".

Idk if bashing me in the face with it is clear enough.

I met my girlfriend on a forum many years ago. I was a broke student then but we kind of got along being nerds and all.

I haven't been fit once in my life, and I didn't have disposable income for many years (and even today, I'm not able to give her gifts because we leave far from each other). So I know for sure there is more to relationships than sex appeal or money.

Take care of your hygiene, try to be less dull (have hobbies, long term goals, study), even exercise may help a little even if you are not going to have ripped abs, and you'll improve your chances.

You are way too young, there is time to fix a lot of stuff in your life. You are just merely giving up and ignoring your own responsability to make your own life better.

Did you take jobs in different cities?

No. I'm in my first job (I did an internship though).

So what is it like being in a lesbian relationship?


Women don't avoid me because I'm an asshole on the internet

No they avoid you because you're an asshole afk.

Women avoid me because I'm not chisiled like a God.

Ha lol. Women settle to m8. Go to a bar, flirt around and wait till last call. Someone will settle for you (Or you for someone)

Using autism as an insult I see. I hope you're a woman cause I'd love to see a guy smash in your face


Proving my point on societies cruelty

You said you'd smash my face in...

Doesn't excuse you for using autism as an insult

this is ironically an incredibly autistic exchange on your part

Autism is not retardation. That's something you have to realize but society is too caught up in its slutty ways

so you're saying you're actually retarded then?

No I'm just saying sluts deserve abuse

just like downs and autists deserve abortions

I know I wish I was aborted lol

I wish you were too

How does it feel knowing females will always be worthless and hated?

I wouldn't know, I'm not worthless or hated by my bf or friends

You will always be an ugly worthless slut

Single digit partners and a hot boyfriend

What have you got

My Xbox, and my family but I'm banned from owning a firearm sadly. I love guns

Banned cuz you tried to hurt someone I presume

No just myself


I'm sure you like to watch guys smash all kinds of things.

That's a lot of tough talk coming from a guy who can't look a waitress in the eyes when he orders food.

And you wonder why you're such a lonely worthless person

I love when women get abused and seeing their tears fall down their cheeks

That's the only time a woman ever gets wet for you, and it's only every your mother.

I remember the night after Trump got elected. One of my friends who is a very militant feminist made a post saying "I can't trust men anymore" because of the results. Every now and then you get a completely visible display of people's outwardly visible troubled nature. This comment is yours.

This comment made no sense

hey, that really hurt my feelings :(

Oh well

I hope you've learned a lot today about how easily you can hurt other people on the internet.


That's what I get for daring to love, I suppose.

What are you talking about?

Maybe I'm just a romantic at heart, maybe I love too much. Either way, we're all on this ride together in life and we can shine together or we can be dim bulbs alone. I choose to fight. I choose love.

I'm not gay sorry

That's one of the many times where /r/gendercritical and /r/incels agree.

/r/gendercritical is just female incels.

We should start a GoFundMe me to sterilize both groups and let them finally get laid. While they definitely shouldn't be reproducing it might do them some good.

the difference is GC just wants to be away from men, while incels wants to enslave all women

They just say that because they can't get any even if they try paying for it.

GC just wants to be away from men

A lot seem to be married and pissed off. Instead of adressing issues in their spousal life, they blame society for them and go complain on the internet.

yeah please tell me all you know about the perspective of married females

You mean those who post on /r/gendercritical, or normal people?


That those on /r/gendercritical complain and then go into conspiracy theories to explain why their relationships aren't satisfactory. Other people either move on or try to fix things.

Other people either move on or try to fix things

not incels

You're right. I meant "other people" to be normal people. Incels aren't included.

so you don't know their perspective, you're just making a lot of assumptions based on how you think they should feel?

Nope based on what is written on their sub. If I see any good thread like that in the next few days I'll post it here, it's a common source of drama (between lesbians, wgtow and straight/married radfems).

Man thinks he knows how women should feel, more news at 11

and yeah I know you you have a creepy obsession with them

Man thinks he knows how women should feel

I was saying it's more productive to seek couple therapy, or separation, than to complain on the internet. But if that's how you feel about me saying that, guess you're entitled to being retarded.


Don't defend /r/gendercritical users here sweetheart, it's not a good look for you. Or anyone. It's like defending retarded chimps

You don't need that. All you need to know is that /r/gendercritical users are beached landwhales who project the reasons for their problems on men instead of their poor hygiene, anti-social tendencies and general unattractiveness inside and out.

Like, this dude really thinks his beta ass wouldn't have died early? He can't bang a chick in the easiest time in history for people to have sex and this dude thinks he's going to nab a chick back in the caveman days because his inferior genes would make him a top hunter or some shit? Lolololololol

Logic is not there strong suit hence r/incels


And grammar isn't mine :(

he's going to nab a chick back in the caveman days

he would have to live in a society where rape is the norm in order to get laid

I mean, dude made a post complaining he never had a growth spurt, so most Neanderthal women would be able to overpower his tiny ass.

Yeah, I'm picturing an Urkel vs. Roseanne situation.

And only if that rape consisted of falling on top of a woman who weighed less than him.

Back when going "clubbing" meant coming back with an unconscious chick draped over your shoulder. Come to think of it I guess things haven't changed much for incels.

A saber toothed tiger would have violated his bussy before it ate him.

"All women are cuntbags... why don't any of them like me?! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"

/u/HothOurYou next time ask your brother if you can get sloppy seconds on his chick.

/u/commander_zoidberg ask your sister if she wants to fuck.

Problem solved.

Whoa, that's quite a _??__ subreddit.

Can't think of suitable adjective.

Neither watching a lot of porn nor being a bitter incel make you a great person.

I'm glad I killed my sex drive ages ago lol