Update on classic lolcow Ulillillia

96  2017-09-01 by snallygaster

For those of you who don't know, Ulillillia was a huge internet personality almost on par with CWC about 10 years ago. Suffering from severe OCD that caused him to fixate on video games in a way that completely disrupted his life, Uli's website was discovered by Something Awful, who did what they did best and obsessed over his every move. Eventually somebody even created a documentary about the tortured man.

A quick rundown about Uli:

  • Thought pattern is incredibly organized, as if he's writing up a technical document (it's hard to describe, you'd be able to pick it up by reading some of his writing)
  • Was obsessed with attaching a quantity to everything and otherwise describing them with video game terms
  • Most of his fears corresponded to things that harm or kill you in vidyagames (e.g. terrified of water because hitting water makes you die in many games), the rest correspond to various weird shit and minor life events
  • Interests outside of videogaming were traditional games and games he created
  • Used to keep an organized online journal of every dream he's had since 2001
  • Wrote one of the best outsider novels of all time (proud owner of a copy)
  • Had terrible hygiene, in part due to his fear of water
  • Exclusively ate pizza for years, lost 85 pounds after starting to 'degrease' it with napkins
  • Lived in his parents' house on welfare and rarely left
  • Tried to develop a video game with similar results to his novel
  • Ran a (now defunct) youtube channel wherein he found obscure bugs in games nobody cares about
  • Freaked out after a goon discovered his sister's camming site and sent him her nudes

You can find plenty more information about the guy. In short, it's well-established that he's very strange in a very unique way, and because of this he amassed a large following.

Well, it turns out that his life has changed quite a bit since his rise to fame, and even since the 2011 documentary was made. A quick rundown:

  • Moved out of his parents' house to a different state
  • Got a job as a cashier at Walmart, reportedly very happy and motivated in his job
  • Stopped playing so many videogames and deleted his yt channel (though there's an archive that also includes some of his progress)
  • Fixed his hygiene and fucked up sleep schedule
  • Conquered his fear of water, two of his big hobbies are now swimming and diving
  • Possibly got a gf (he was very adamant about his asexuality)

What's your excuse?


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, snew.github.io, archive.is

  2. website - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  3. documentary - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  4. outsider novels - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  5. archive - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

What's your excuse?

I'm lazy.

You got pics of the sister's nudes?




Mate how could you not mention that the book has hexadecimal color codes next to as far as I know EVERY mention of a color in the whole book.

You don’t??? Are you some kind of black(#000000)?

> tfw no vantablack hex zero gf



Huh, wikipedia says #020003.

Haha, amateur, the real Ulillillia always includes alpha as well!

Knuckles resembles a human, but with differences. Knuckles is neither male nor female, though referred to as a "he". Three-quarter-inch-thick dark-violet-colored (FFA000E0) fur covers his entire body. He is only 25 1/3 inches tall, 4 inches wide and 2.5 inches deep. Knuckles gets his name from his large hands, 40% bigger than a human his size would have. A reflective, glittery greenish (FFA0FF00) haze a half millimeter across borders his pupil. Knuckles has no nose and a mouth 2/3 as big. Every other aspect of his is that of what a human would have for his size.

I think I’m unironically going to buy a copy.

It's like reading the secret language of angels

Just got home and bought a kindle release on Amazon, five minutes in -- the quote above is not representative of the style at all, it's actually pretty fluid and easy to read. Maybe easier than most more conventional authors, because while there are frequent digressions to describe stuff like the above, it's all very to the point.

Also, by the way, stuff like "FFA0FF00" is relatively easy to read.

It's a hexadecimal encoding of (transparency, red, green, blue) color components.

Hexadecimal means that instead of 10 digits it uses 16: the usual 0 to 9 plus letters A to F standing for 10 to 15. That also means that hex-digits in the second position should be multiplied by 16 rather than 10 to get the actual number, so for example "A0" means "'A' * 16 + '0' * 1" = 160. And the full range of each component is 0 to 255 (FF = 15*16 + 15)

Well, anyways, you see something like "FFA0FF00" and it means full opacity, 160/255 red, 255/255 green, 0 blue. So yellowish-green.


wut, that's literally just 100% transparent isn't it?

No, it's opaqueness. FF means 255/255, 100% opaque.

Yeah so 00 would be 0% opaque right? I thought alpha came last but I dunno, I don't do web dev shit.

idk how it's usually, but here it obviously is ARGB.

Unpacking the special features of the book would take wayyyyy too long

What's your excuse?

I'm the sort of asshole who unironically posts on /r/drama.

Just out of interest, does anyone know what Chris-chan’s up to? I haven’t heard about him for a while.

How long ago have you last heard about him?

He went to Bronycon last week.

Oh shit, how did it go?

He got really inspired by going to bronycon and met all his equals. He started his antics of chasing girls again after getting a harsh rejection from Doopie.

LadyOfTheCosmo is his latest victim. Since LadyOfTheCosmo already has an idea of what Chris-Chan is like, no friendly banter was given at all.

How the fuck is he still alive? Last I saw he had a festering wound in his taint and that was like two years ago

friendship is magic

It seems like he has a few former-troll "handlers" now who, under the guise of being girls, give him life advice so he doesn't kill himself. This included getting him to see a doctor and making sure he was not going to die.

I guess it's good to see they took partial responsibility for getting him this far in the first place

I agree, though I somewhat wish that Chris was left alone by the trolls and so on more. Then again, while Ulillillia when left to his own devices made a decent life for himself and overcame his fears, Chris when left to his own devices peppersprayed someone in the face because Sonic had blue arms. So maybe Chris just cannot be left unsupervised and it's not like his mom is capable.


Not sure if you're retarded or not, so apologies if it's the former, but people have been documenting xir's every move for years

He's making Sonichu comics again and set up a Patreon because between his mom's hoarding and his bad habit of spending all their cash on McDonald's and Lego they're once again getting sued by a bank for unpaid loans.

There's been a couple funny incidents where he dug up old Chris-Chan memorabilia like the Sonic Totem and his striped shirt and tried to sell them on ebay, but they're either bought by weens who do immediate chargebacks or he never sends the buyers the item in question.

He's also been transparently crushing on an artist named Doopie and eventually I guess he sent her one too many creepy requests for pony fetish art that she finally told him to get lost. Kiwi Farms had a good laugh over that, IIRC Doopie even signed up on the site and joined in on the shit talking.

Yea Doopie leaked emails Cris sent her iirc.

Also the Sonic Totem DID get buy, someone paid like $1k for it and posted pics on /v/.

Then Cris quickly dillapidated his earnings and went back to begging, as always.

What's your excuse?

This might be meanest thing said on this sub tbqh

Alexa, how much does a helium hood cost?

The cost really depends on your source for the helium. The old kits were in the $60 range, but if you're assembling it yourself the cost of the helium could bump that up quite a bit, into the vicinity of $200 or so.

Yeah, I thought snally was the nice mod.

Is the novel actually good? Like in a weird art kind of way?

I used to listen to his channel, it was actually very zen to listen to the obscure glitches. Hope hes doing well.

It's really interesting but hard to get through unless you like reading through technical manuals. He seems to be doing great and apparently wants to move out of Fargo to Florida

Sounds unique, im gonna try to get myself a copy. Honestly happy for the guy, great he is doing so much better. 👍

Would highly recommend ordering one on Amazon if you're into outsider art. It's really something else.

i mean he had some good quality's as well before he cleaned himself up (heh) so its not that crazy

controlling his ocd is pretty cool tho

imo it's one of the most dramatic transformations I've ever seen. He's obviously a very smart guy, but he was pretty much non-functional for most of his life and ruled by his crippling fears. The fact that he not only overcame them but turned his biggest one into an important, productive hobby of his is incredible.

snally, that trailer reminded me, are you familiar with trappped's documentaries on weirdo youtubers? i watched his film on king cobra a while ago, and it was really shockingly good, really strange and awkward and fascinating. there's a sam hyde production credit on it since trappped works as an editor for mde or something, which makes the films even stranger since theyre so far away from that style. there's a really genuine, serious interest in the subjects as people (unlike mde's triple-ironic approach), mostly just observing, letting them talk, letting them show why they're sad and fascinating themselves. i feel like youd really dig it if youre not hip yet.

Never watched any of those or heard about the producer specifically, but watching the king cobra one is on my to-do list. It sounds very compelling.

definitely worth the watch, one of the better documentaries ive seen from this decade. i keep meaning to watch his one on hampow but i keep putting it off.

Is it really like Gummo?

there's similarities, but i feel like the comparison does a certain level of disservice to both films. it's definitely a fantastic portrait of a truly unique, truly marginal midwestern figure, which is the same basic terrain that gummo explores, but gummo is as much a portrait or a community (or lack thereof) and of a sort of transcendent concept of new weird midwestern americana, where trappped's film is totally focused on this one guy, not necessarily symbolic or not symbolic but somewhere inbetween, to an incredibly intimate degree.

i have a lot of opinions about these films lol

man, you've sold this for me

i'm glad, it's ridiculously up your alley

this was a great way to start my day.

Wrote one of the best outsider novels of all time (proud owner of a copy)

Holy shit, I really like outsider art and this sounds great, is it actually still purchasable through that link, and does it support him?

Freaked out after a goon discovered his sister's camming site and sent him her nudes


You can still buy it, and it does support him. Would recommend, it's unlike any other piece of creative writing you'll otherwise read.

EDIT: This was a really happy read, actually. Thanks for the post.

np np, just found out about what came of him today, and it's really heartwarming given how most broken internet people fare. He's always seemed like a very kind-hearted and self-aware person who was just crippled by mental illness, rather than a rotten person who's crippled by rottenness and possibly mental illness like most internet figures, so I guess it makes sense that he more than anyone would succeed. But the hurdles he had to overcome to get there were well beyond what the average person has to face.

He never went mean despite it being easy to in his situation. Honestly it must of been hell to be just aware enough to know there are crippling issues with yourself that are extremely hard to control so seeing him make is genuinely heartwarming.

The kindle ebook is $4.75 on Amazon.

His Bubsy 3D videos was absolutely entrancing.

Holy shit, never heard of this guy besides his "bubsy 3d secrets" video. He said he spent over 500 hours just on that one level (it was his favorite)


Ulilillilia was divergent from CWC in that he acknowledged these limitations, and was generally a sweet person in his videos. A lot of channers liked to wax philosophically about him but I remember that he ate exclusively 'degreased' pizza.

Never knew about the goon that sent him his sisters nudes, that's kind of funny in awful way, but holy shit poor Ulil....

Ulilililia was the lovable version of CWC.

It's a shame he stopped working on his game in a way, even if it looked awful. He must have put thousands of hours into it, he worked on it for years.

Also, fuck "3verythingWorks" (they certainly don't work) for not releasing he documentary or just giving the footage to someone else to complete it.

Yeah, it'd be nice if he finished the game, though he'd probably have to ruin all his progress and he's already published a book so fuck that

i'm glad he gtfo of whichever dakota he lived in and has been doing better. i followed up on him like six months ago and everything seems the same as what you wrote

i never understood why he had so many problems with youtube though

what's your source for all this because this sounds pretty /r/thathappened

This has all been pretty well documented over the years. There's tons of sources

TMZ is really blowing it not having you on staff snally

He seems like he's a cool dude.

It is a very nice turn of events, and a very different turnout compared to Chris-Chan. Hope he is doing much better than in 2011.

What's your excuse?

I don't have one. Please don't judge me.

So... Platform Masters confirmed for vaporware? Fuck this gay earth.

TIL Joe Dirt is real, but he's actually a nerd.

I loved him. I'm glad that he's doing better now.

Got a job as a cashier at Walmart, reportedly very happy and motivated in his job

What's your excuse?

Do I really need one?

Guy was the very manifestation of KiA.

Yeah, so 00 alpha would be 0 transparency no?