r/Socialism hates on liberal black man for calling antifa: "Vegan ISIS"

232  2017-09-01 by StrawRedditor


Have you posted bussy yet?


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Holy shit.

Trevor Noah said something funny.

'Member when rightwingers used to be the stick-up-your-ass killjoys and lefties the ones with a sense of humor? I member.

The left is still the counterculture though #resist

lmao the culture supported almost unanimously by the media and the establishment is the counter culture?

I think he was being sarcastic.

It's hard to tell with the r/esist types

tell me more about this "(((the establishment)))," what is it? clearly not the political establishment

Thats like saying racism is gone because we have a black pres.

President, majority in house, senate, and supreme court now as well I think

1.) we don't have a black pres

2.) how the fuck is it even remotely like that lmao

Is that why Bernie won?

No it's why the nomination got rigged for Hillary

The fact that the furthest left democratic candidate (who is a a socdem so not even that leftist) was disadvantaged in the primary proves the left is supported by the establishment? So for you left=centrist democrats, now i understand why you think they are supported by the media and the establishment. Everyone further left isn't even considered or is despised.

Oh not Bernie's left, the establishment left. Tbh liberals today aren't liberals, which is why "classical liberalism" is a thing.

But yeah Hillary's brand of liberalism is the establishment

There's no such thing as counterculture anymore. The Occupy Wall Street and Tea Party stuff were the last gasps of a dying concept. The internet has so thoroughly integrated society that you cannot have a movement like that anymore.

Nice oxymoron.

and lefties the ones with a sense of humor?

Looking back at "leftie humour" it was just the same Colbert esque propaganda and virtue-signaling.

Yeah um no. But nice try tho 💁

It was.

Also, this is a right-wing sub.

Things to be given:

Shit ❌

Fucks ❌

rat's ass ❌

Oops 😕

You're gay.

I can be if you're the sex as me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ) ͡°

Mayocide when?

When the niggers and beaners decide to stop living on welfare.

We're radically centrist: everyone's getting nuked.

Radical centrism is blatant idiocy. Everyone needs to take a side, you can not sit in the center and expect to not get run over.

what do you think virtue signaling is exactly

This but unironically.


Stewart can have pretty smart and funny moments in his highlights. Colbert is an amazing comedian as well.

It isn't all just yelling at clouds about current year.

define what funny means to you

They do a good job of highlighting absurd behavior with satire. I find Colbert to be funnier though.


I never said any comedian is perfect.

everything on /r/funny

I think GW Bush was just easier to make fun of than Trump. Trump is kinda easy but most of the jokes are played out "SMALL HANDS LOL".

Bush consistently said ridiculous shit and misspoke with a psuedo-Texan accent.

In hindsight my opinions of Colbert and Stewart have kinda dropped, I think they were given a real softball with Bush.

Political comedy only really works when you are punching up, and there is a lag in comedians changing their acts. The Daily Show was good during the Bush era, kinda lost itself when Obama won and is still trying to find a new voice now that Trump is in office.

It's all about Lewis Black though. He leans left but is mostly a dirty centrist and south park neutral and makes fun of everyone.

That's if you can get past his screaming delivery. It cracks me up, but it's not for everyone.

It wasn't even that long ago. Like, for a good part of the 20th century up to W's presidency the left was strongly pro-free speech. Then it's like a switch was flipped a few years back. They're becoming even more annoying than back when soccer moms and conservative Christians actually had political power and tried to censor everything.

It was always there, but the seething hatred Americans had of anything even remotely Communist during the Cold War kept them on the fringes where they belonged.

Then the wall came down, the USSR split apart, China became capitalist in all but name, and Communism became a joke rather than an existential threat. The left-wing moral busybodies weren't considered a threat anymore and they subsequently became more and more brazen in pushing their idiocy.

but there's only like six Communists in america, how are they doing all this

The operative phrase there was "remotely Communist". Left-wing moral busybodies of all stripes benefited from America no longer considering Communism their biggest geopolitical threat.

You aren't counting the ones that haven't finished their college electives yet.

McCarthy was severely underestimating the problem. (((Where))) did you get the idea that there is only six of them?

I think the answer is much simpler than this. It's mainly that a lot of people like to control other people and have very conservative views about what is acceptable to think about. Given the absence of a traditional religious framework, they created something similar around social justice issues and did the exact same thing as people who burnt "witches" did a few centuries ago.

Yeah, but people have been creating secular cults as a response to the decline of traditional religion ever since Nietzsche. I'm more explaining why it suddenly got prominence in the United States when, prior to the end of the Cold War, this mindset was exclusively limited to mid-20th Century Europe and, to some extent, eastern Asia.

I see that as a separate issue, it's not even like antifa are communist or left wing in a way that fits into the Red Scare mentality. It's just about a desire for control in a situation where they have none, so they feel they need to resort to violence to gain control.

Since when are we talking about Antifa? I'm referring to all the identity politicians and socialists who have taken over left-wing media and generally act as killjoys. Antifa is a separate issue as far as I'm concerned, though I do disagree with your assertion that they aren't left wing, considering their justification for their behavior is universally rooted in themes of anti-capitalism, anti-colonialism and anti-whatever-they-declare-as-bigotry.

Because 90s-era liberals like me (and to a lesser extent, Jon Stewart) made being a liberal cool. The wasted organ-donor sacks that comprise the Authoritarian Left want to control people, but more than that, they want to be liked.

These failed attempts at humanity will never be liked for whom they genuinely are, because they are disgusting people, inside and out. So like a parrot, they tried to mimic the behavior of the cool people without any understanding of the motivations or logic behind it. "Leftists are cool, therefore if we become leftists we will be the coolest," is as far as their thinking went. And then they just tried to outdo each other in who could be more left, to the point that they are punching imaginary Nazis to try to show authenticity. Zoe Quinn, Joss Whedon, Bill Nye - these are all people who are just jumping on the liberal bandwagon as a way to gain status and money. They aren't real liberals. They're barely even real humans. They are simply opportunists with a void in the place where empathy or integrity are supposed to be.

Of course, what they don't understand is that they will never be cool, because they're failures at life. Joining the liberal team didn't make them cool, it just made liberals suck. It's similar to allowing a fat 13 year old to join the New York Giants football team. The end result is not going to be an awesome 13 year old, it's going to be a team that ends up losing constantly because of the 13 year idiot that they allowed onboard. Meanwhile, all the good players emd up leaving the team because they don't want to have their careers and reputations dragged down by some 13 year old scrote.

Soon, these whiny shits will realize that being a liberal is no longer cool, because all the cool people (like myself) have already left to play for the opposite team. Then once they realize that being a conservative is popular, they will pretend that they are real conservatives and will try to outdo each other in the same sad attempt to pretend that they are fully actualized human beings.

The mistake of former leftists like me is that we allowed these broken puppets to join us, instead of throwing sticks at them and driving them out to starve in the desert. Please learn from our mistake. When being a conservative becomes cool again (which is already happening), and these bottom-feeders come scrounging over and try to ally with you in their endless quest to be popular, try to remember that they are not real allies, or even real humans - they are sociopaths who will turn on you the second they cannot benefit from their alliance.

P.S. Also, please feel free to use this wall of text as either a copypasta or quote for Snappy.

No one that is actually fucking cool and hip actually thinks conservativism is the next thing, why did you even write that.

It's certainly the new counterculture

This is a long comment but lemme just ask you... when you say authoritarian left, do you mean Antifa? Not sure if you're all in on what anarchism is, buddy. They generally tend to lean more towards the "no authority, lets wreak havoc" kind of deal

Authoritarian left you'll probably wanna look more at MLMs (Marxist-Leninist-Maoists), leninists, third wordists; so called "tankies"

For reference: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarchism

In my experience anarchists in general and antifa in particular are hypocrites who are all too eager to use state force when it comes to fighting perceived discrimination or hatred but the whine about it if it's ever applied to them.

Anarcho-communism, an ideology found amongst antifa members in spades, is literally "it's ok when I do it", the political system.

They identify as anarchists, yet push for government censorship so....

Every anarchist is a baffled dictator

Cookies are still authoritarian, as a Lynch mob enforcer is equally as capable of authority as a top-down enforcer.

This is a long comment but lemme just ask you... when you say authoritarian left, do you mean Antifa? Not sure if you're all in on what anarchism is, buddy.

Well, neither are the part-time baristas that compose antifa, to be fair.

When being a conservative becomes cool again (which is already happening)

If conservatives' contribution to the "cool" factor is shit like

P.S. Also, please feel free to use this wall of text as either a copypasta or quote for Snappy.

I wouldn't get your hopes up.

Honestly cool doesn't mean it's smart or logical or good remember people used to think pogs and AOL discs were cool in the 90s, in the 2000s emo and nowadays being autistic (those spinners )

Inviting people to make a copypasta out of your own post is never going to be cool. It's about as cool as quoting yourself saying some self-indulgent philosophical bullshit on Facebook.

I was just beating r/drama to the punch. I knew that if I didn't add the last sentence some tard would say "nice copypasta bro" or "we should use that for Snappy" so I figured I'd take away their fun by letting them know I was OK with it.

Don't get me wrong, I love r/drama, but it does have to be admitted that some of the people who come here are uninspired emo kids who say cliche shit like that.

Part of it is people have no fucking clue what socialism is. Look at Bernie - he called himself a "democratic socialist" when he's actually a "social democrat." Similarly, people have a fascination with Scandinavian countries and their high HDI scores and social democracies while thinking that those too are socialist countries.

Nah, you're the fucking idiot here. Bernie is a socialist who ran on SocDem programs. He also tried to develop C L A S S C O N S C I O U S N E S S in America

That doesn't make sense. Can a Fascist run on a Communist platform? Does that make them a Fascist or a Communist? Bernie is big on the working class, but he stops short of seizing the means of production.

It makes perfect sense you fucking retard. Spend 2 minutes looking into Bernie Sanders past. He was a socialist who ran on SocDem proposals so he had a chance of being elected.

So what you're saying is if someone runs on a Communist platform, but calls himself a Fascist, even though he only implements Communist policies and when pressed to describe his idea of Fascism, he describes Communism, he is still a Fascist. That makes a lot of sense, retard.

Sanders is a socialist. He ran of a platform of Social Democracy. He tried to make Socialism palatable. He helped introduce C L A S S C O N C I O U S N E S S into America

Look into nicaragua, look into Debs. This guy is not some lulzy Socdem you utter fucking retard. How hard is this to understand?

Oh man, you really won me over repeating that vaporwave C L A S S C O N S C I O U S N E S S. What's funny is you support my initial point. No one fucking knows what Socialism is, which is why you have so many chucklefucks spouting off about how great it is when they are actually fans of SocDem policies. I still disagree that Sanders is actually socialist given that plenty of other SocDem politicians in other countries where Socialism isn't a bad word also had friendly relations with union leaders and socialist states (say someone like Justin Trudeau).

Sanders knows what socialism is. He knows he can't win on that platform. He chose to campaign on a platform that is socdem. Socialism is pretty much a dirty word across the establishment everywhere. Even in places like the UK and France

Your point doesn't make sense because if socialism is such a dirty word, why would Sanders call himself that while implementing the more palatable SocDem policies? The opposite would make more sense - call yourself something benign but attempt to implement actually socialist things.

Also, Socialism is definitely not a dirty word in France. Where the fuck are you getting that from? BTW - the Parti Socialiste is also more of a SocDem party. My guess is this is where Bernie's thinking comes from.

He's normalising it dumbass.

No he isn't, dolt. Way to keep repeating retarded shit.

Of course he fucking is. Keep Yourself Safe

Prove it. Like your lie about how socialism is a bad word in France when the socialist party is one of their biggest political parties. His idea of Democratic Socialism is more in line with what Social Democracy is. Everything he's done is consistent with that.

As I said, look into his part. A lolzy soc dem would not be in nicaragua or idolise Eugene debbs

France's socialist party is by and large a soc dem party

Trudeau was in fucking Castro's lap as a kid. Doesn't make him a socialist. I already replied to that point, you just repeated it. Nice try.

What are you fucking about cunt

I have touched that, but you keep missing it. Let's talk about France.

They have the Parti Socialiste. You just admitted that they are really SocDem. This party is friendly to unions and socialist states. Your criticisms of Sanders apply equally to this party, yet you claim they are SocDem.

Now, for some reason, you have this bug up your ass trying to call Sanders a socialist, despite everything he's doing being more SocDem. "Muh he's NORMALIZING SOCIALISM." Here's the American version of Parti Socialiste.

You haven't touched that, you're going after some irrelevant side comment

I have replied to it multiple times, retard. It makes no sense to say someone is a Socialist that is running on a SocDem platform, especially given that everything Sanders has done is SocDem. What you're basically saying is, "Well he's practically a Social Democrat, but deep down I know there's a filthy Socialist soul."

especially given that everything Sanders has done is SocDem.


I thought the pendulum was swinging back after "cock holster" but if it is it's taking too long

I blame 9/11. So when you think about it it's really Hillary Clinton's fault.

It wasn't even that long ago. Like, for a good part of the 20th century up to W's presidency the left was strongly pro-free speech. Then it's as if a switch was flipped a few years back.

Because they've used their freedom of speech to advance their agendas, many of which are/were incredibly unpopular, and they don't other people using their freedom of speech to undo what they've done. It shouldn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out why they act like they do.

i cant remember if jokes about george bush were any better than the cringey trump stuff now or if i was just 20 and didnt know any better

Why should I care? I still can laugh at all the cringe on the internet. Humor has been automatized.

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

No, I don't.

There was a political joke that went, "Conservatism is the paralyzing fear that someone, somewhere, is having a good time."

I think we can switch it out for progressivism these days.

Every time I read threads like this, I always think "Why hasn't /u/Minn-ee-sottaa moved to a third world county and get raped and killed yet?"

His rich Asian parents know they make more in America and Minnie wants to lead the revolution through his showing up to random Minnesota BLM protests to help the 5 black people there.

You'd be surprised how many black people live in minnesota. Especially somalians. Downtown minneapolis seriously looks like northern africa.

I know the city has been increasing people from there. The amount isn't significant when you consider the state as a whole. The city is white as fuck too. It would be nothing when compared to any generic Northeast city much less places in the South.

I was also cracking a joke. The loser is fucking set with his upper class life from the very beginning and he treats the USA like a war torn dystopian politics state with roaming death squads.

Damn. I haven't run across his particular brand of absolute retardery in a while.

The fact that in the USSR until Khrushchev's market bullshit since 1921 there was no surplus value being stolen, the workers exercised their control through the soviets and used their labor to better the worker's state.

Wow if that isn't some Stalin apologetics I don't know what is.

Is that from the retard /u/Minn-ee-sottaa posting history? Sounds like something that fucking degenerate pile of faecal matter would say.

It's all posted from his iPhone.

TBH hating on minorities for having dumb views are fine.

Except /r/socialism posters can't call it dumb, or quote your post, without a ban for ableism.

I want to know what it's like to pretend to have the moral high ground. I want to hear his excuse in having absolutely no shame. It's the equivalent of denouncing someone you don't like as a Nazi.




Gas Nazis and Commies.

Commies first. We can benefit from the gassing experience that Nazis have.

Do the raft thing from the Dark knight, except with gas Chambers. What they don't know is that they have the button for their own chamber.

Ah! See? You're the idea guy. Good work. ;)

Tbh Isis actually aren't scared of being recorded though.

so antifa is cops too? man they're complicated

And extremely minor point here: why vegan?

Because he's a comedian making a silly throwaway comment Jesus Christ why are you taking this so seriously

Because he's a comedian making a silly throwaway comment Jesus Christ why are you taking this so seriously

Because being out of touch with people in general is a prerequisite to being a socialist.

That and a burning, genocidal hatred for catgirls and any woman who draws them.

Comment, /r/totalscrotalimplosio ?

You need to use /u/ to ping people, you catastrophic failure of a human being.


You can still edit your comment btw

Or he could delete his avco

This but unironically.

For the record, I meant that bullying not talking about users behind their backs works even if you edit your comment later to include their username.

I heard pings dont work after an edit, and there's no point in hiding my shame.


Fuck, you might as well be a socialist too, just having others do your work like that.

I am, and that's not how socialism works guy.

Not enough gulags?

Too many private prisons, not enough lines for potato

Alright, that was actually pretty funny.


Pick one

I dunno, Norway and Sweden seem to work out pretty well.

As does our fire departments, PDs, libraries, military, Congressional healthcare, hell even FEMA for after harvey.

I never said capitalism and socialism can't coexist in some form; shit I'd be happy with functioning healthcare and corporstions that paid their fair sjare of taxes without insane subsidies, especially defense contractors. There are positive aspects of the free market that can be incorporated into a socialist system.

wat r incentives pls more fairness

wat is socialism, its when government gibbes welfare and firetrucks right?

dude, you need to get off of /r/socialism and hit the econ and political science section at your local library.

Kewl have a good night kbye

Guess you would prefer someone reap all the fruits of your labor.

/u/totalscrotalimplosio do you hate cat girls because you want a submissive woman?

Already have one, and I don't know the cat girl reference, but I also don't speak for the mods at /r/socialism

Because these people get their self-worth out of being "right" and having mainstream comedians/media agree with them.


Hahaha retards they should get their self-worth out of mocking idiots like we do

This, but unironically.

I wasn't being ironic.

This, but postbussily.

All comedians make money out of taking the piss out of someone. If you get your self worth out of agreeing with them you are neither liberal or nice. Most sensible people laugh at comics, not nod along.

Not being right, but calling out others for their supposed wrongness. They especially love calling out the ones on their side who have perceived ideological impurities so they can demonstrate to the rest just how pure they are. They don't actually care about the cases they espouse because effectiveness in accomplishing those goals aren't as important. It's very frustrating, to say the least.


"Extremely minor point" means I'm not taking it very seriously. You need some help with reading comprehension.

I bet someone in that thread has called him a house nigger or uncle Tom. This is the closest I could find

Probably called Mandela a terrorist in his teenage years

/u/cindysoloud you know Mandela literally was a terrorist

Wow how rude we're only crypto-hate








Gas kikes, rape children, za. Zot. Zottle. -/u/cindysoloud

/u/cindysoloud why are you such a nazi, what did jew children ever do to you?

Blacks aren't even human, if you really think about the definition of "human"



u/CindySoLoud tag you are it

Fucking lol 😂

/u/CindySoLoud, notice me senpai

By south african standards, setting people's heads on fire until they die is considered an act of charity worthy of becoming the leader of the country

i'd say they're more like lactoovovegetarian decepticons

Muh windows

Muh walls

Muh sweat dripping down muh balls

It actually made me chuckle quietly. Didn't know /r/socialism could do that.

They'll make good witty capitalists when they grow up.

there are no vegans in the crowd.


Yeah dude, the people going to be in the studio audience of The Daily Show with Trevor Noah are all a bunch of truck-drivin', Miller-swillin' carnivores.

I think Miller has union shops so they're probably more than touch with the plight of the worker than anyone on lefty reddit

ALL the pre Coors Miller shops are union.

Does Antifa brutalize and rape women? Does Antifa use children as weapons in suicide bombings?

No but they occasionally damage private property, which to liberals is roughly the same thing

So the bikelock and shovel attacks never happened?

I always find it interesting how they downplay "damage private property" like it's literally nothing (totally ignoring the "occasionally").

I mean, sure, smash up a persons store and cost people their jobs and/or livelihood... no big deal.

Smash some cars, people don't need to get to work or get paid or anything.

They do this with everything, they take a serious complaint their opposition has then repeat it with a mocking tone until it becomes meaningless, e.g. "muh freeze peaches".

Or they say something that's wrong with a serious tone then repeat it until people start taking it seriously, e.g. "privilege + prejudice = racism".

Marxist believe "property is theft". So they don't feel empathy when they smash someone else's stuff.

the guys who invented the personal/private property distinction using them wrong

why am i not surprised

but no the bikelock attacks probably never happened, that doesn't even sound feasible

why am i not surprised

Because the distinction is intellectually bankrupt.

the bikelock attack probably never happened

Plural because there was one of each. The bikelock attack definitely happened, there is video and there's an identified suspect with multiple /r/drama threads about him.

how do you remove a lock from a bike? did he run the whole vehicle into the victim or

He attacked someone with a bike lock, I don't know where he got the bike lock from.

i don't know what a bike lock is

It looks like this. I think you wre thinking of motorbikes not bicycles.

I think he used a chain one

Unfortunately it was actually a U-lock style system, which allowed his effete bussy touching hands to get a solid grip on its rigid black rod.

his effete bussy touching hands to get a solid grip on its rigid black rod.

Go on...

they put motors on bikes now?

You are dumb as hell

no you

And shooting elected officials at baseball games.

What did that have to do with antifa?

He was a leftist but yeah he wasn't part of Antifa AFAIK

antifa is just a collection of leftists

Specifically violent ones, and usually anarcho-communiss.

what where do shovel attacks and the bike lock retard fit under brutalizing/raping women or using children in suicide bombings? Antifa is bad but they're not that bad

That's more a response to the second line with only "occasionally damaging private property" and of course a vindication of what Noah originally said about Antifa.

So they admit antifa breaks shit when when they show up but counter with at least they don't kill people? WOW

I like the part where the publication being screencapped is apparently somehow confused that Noah holds this view.


How can someone possibly compare Antifa to a group that cuts peoples' heads off? Does Antifa brutalize and rape women? Does Antifa use children as weapons in suicide bombings?

I mean, they're on video smashing people over the head with bike locks, throwing M80s, and bullying disabled veterans. They use the slogan "by any means necessary" and do their darnedest to act like they mean it, going so far as to name groups after that slogan. They dress in uniform for the explicit purpose of making it harder for the legal system to prosecute them, relying on the goodwill of the state (in the form of Blackstone's formulation) even as many of them decry that state as illegitimate.

And that's just the stuff I can remember off-hand.


Muh windows

Muh mean words :'(


PM yourself a selfie because you existence is a really sad one.

Oh no, my reality is crumbling down around me. Who knew a reddit comment was all that it would take??

My comment hit a nerve didn't it? Made you reply lol.

Well a mention appeared in my inbox, and this isn't the first time someone's come up with that witty jab, I basically copy paste my response now :)


Note: The Rules are subject to update at a later time.

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Take your fucking trash elsewhere, or eat it yourself and choke on it. Stop leaving it on my doorstep.

I know this is copy pasta, but you're clearly putting more effort and emotional investment into this spat than he is

He said copy pasta. I pulled a vaguely related funny copy pasta. It's really easy for me. There's a Jailbreak tweak called "pasithea" where a second language (like Tibetan) keyboard gets changed into a clipboard with a capacity of 100 copy pastas. One tap and BOOM done! So yeah lol ¯\_(ツ) _/¯

you're shitposting at levels I didn't even know exist


Well, you niggers really get riled up by words so you can't blame him for thinking so.

I would've thought your realization that socialism will never work would've done that for you

Wow that's the shittiest reaction gif I've ever witnessed.


Not wavy smh


Socialism: the people (defined as the proletariat) are paramount

The above user critiqued how liberals (including democrats and conservatives) wish to support private property over all, as property is considered one of the three founding tenets of an individual under liberalism.

How can you possibly simultaneously believe that "the people are paramount", while seeking to deprive them of a fundamental human right?

(Yes, I've read your 101 material on "personal property vs. private property". It doesn't actually make a difference. If I cannot charge rent, I cannot reasonably call a property my own, because the implication is that other people are entitled to spend as long as they want on it without negotiating an agreement with me. Also, the idea that "workers owning the means of production" changes anything is idiotic. Like, we already have that under capitalism - in the form of programmers who telecommute - and it demonstrably did not change anything. We have that, incidentally, due to technological progress that capitalism made possible; and capitalism not only never sought to prevent it, it welcomed the advance. Because it is amoral, not immoral.)

Just looking to explain founding ideologies not looking to argue with capitalists today lmao. Read the pinned comment.

Come back when you can handle distribution of goods and services with no markets and no currency.

Lol read the pinned comment i need to go get my labor exploited for six more hours anyway so I can pay to exist. don't have time for your shitty opinions. Go to a different sub for debate about that.

Exploited just means 'put to use'. Why not start your own business and work for yourself?

Read some marx

I have.

Historicity has terrible predictive power, the means of production are available to anyone, quality of life continues to rise at an incredible pace. He was wrong, and telling me to read the 150 year old books by an anti-semite who didn't ever labor himself is like telling me to read the Bible.

If you can defend your own opinions, don't tell outcry people to educate themselves.



Figures a socialist wants someone else to do their work for them.

From each according to his ability... Wait a sec I have no ability, jackpot!

So the proles are paramount, and the proles overwhelmingly voted for Trump, therefore the socialist thing to do is support trump :)

Good God did we get linked to some cap sub? Pinned post

I don't see a pinned post here friend, I'm glad to find a fellow Trump supporter here though, most of the people here call me bad names for loving daddy unconditionally.

Lol mobile fucked up and I thought I was still in socialism not some fash sub

Lol mobile fucked up and I thought I was still in socialism not some fash sub

We try not to be fashionable here, recently we hit too subs and tried to scare people away with a zozzle bot. Zozzlebot was pretty great, he'd say:


Then reply to himself:


And finally complete the exercise with a satisfying:


So we're not really fash.

Zozbot was the last true revolutionary.



Glad we lynched him.

Zozzbot demonstrated the perfect dialectic.

I like the part where you still somehow think this is an argument against the idea of democracy, you know, actually representing the will of the people.

This sub is crypto-hate™ not fash thank you very much

"I just want to be able to tell everyone why I'm right, not actually have to convince people who disagree"

Don't we all.

landlords are fucking stupid fuck em

Wow, your half assed post refutes socialism. Landlords are good now. Great job, class cuck.

Socialism is already refuted

your half assed post refutes socialism

No, socialism is refuted by the century or so of attempts worldwide to implement it, with universally catastrophic results involving millions of deaths.

Landlords are good now.

They were good to begin with.

telecommuting is the same as communism

No, telecommuting is the workers owning the means of production. Because that's obviously actually true: the workers literally purchased the physical computers they are using, and legally own them. Communism is, of course, a lot more than that. The point was that, since "seizing the means of production" evidently doesn't do anything (including but not limited to overthrowing capitalism), the private/personal property distinction is a farce.

Great job, class cuck.

Like, I heard you the first few times; you don't have to tell me yet again that you don't have an argument and are butthurt about it.

"Not an argument!" "My deliberate misunderstanding of a concept discredits said concept!" "Why aren't you taking this seriously?" Yes, I also think the Molyneux rhetorical style is super effective. Do you have a cult too?

Unironically thinking landlords are good. Jesus Christ. What kind of sexual pathology is that?

I do agree with you on one thing: Property. If I can't shove my big black dildo up u/zahlman's ass regardless of consent, I cannot reasonably call the dildo my own, because of the implication that u/zahlman might lube up and ruin all the fun.

"Not an argument!"

A perfectly reasonable thing to say, because you don't actually have an argument. Literally all you did was sneer.

"My deliberate misunderstanding of a concept discredits said concept!"

I have not deliberately misunderstood any concept here. As far as I can tell, I have not misunderstood any concept here.

I merely fail to ascribe any value to a particular distinction you like to make, because it is a distinction without a difference.

"Why aren't you taking this seriously?"

I don't in fact expect you to take anything seriously. I'm simply pointing out how idiotic you sound. Which is, of course, a natural consequence of how idiotic you are; but I digress.

Unironically thinking landlords are good. Jesus Christ. What kind of sexual pathology is that?

Why don't you think they are? Explain this in a way that could possibly, even in principle, make sense to someone who isn't already part of your cult. Keep in mind that you don't get to appeal to moral values like "being wealthy is evil" or however you'd actually phrase it, because people not part of your cult don't actually hold them.

If I can't shove my big black dildo up u/zahlman's ass regardless of consent, I cannot reasonably call the dildo my own, because of the implication that u/zahlman might lube up and ruin all the fun.

Like, really obviously not at all analogous to what I said, in any way, shape or form. Charging rent on a property is a thing you're obviously entitled to do because that's what it means for land to be property: having the right not to have other people trespass upon it, except on your own terms (within the reasonable restrictions set forth by the law). Sodomizing others with your property is obviously not an entitlement, first off because of concepts like consent and bodily autonomy, and second because it has nothing to do with the concept of property. The actually analogous claim would be that I don't have the right to take your dildo from you and shove it up my own ass, because it's your dildo and not mine. Which, uh, actually sounds perfectly reasonable to normal people.

Do you ameridumbs ever realize how fucking retarded you sound to people from the west who don't come from a country stuck in the dark ages? Jesus fucking christ. Trump really is a perfect example of an amerifat.

Cool story bro, but I'm Canadian. I also vote for the NDP.

Cool, so you're either a liar or an idiot.

"No, socialism is refuted by the century or so of attempts worldwide to implement it, with universally catastrophic results involving millions of deaths."

"Waaah waah I'm a braindead propaganda swallowing 90 iq'ed amerifat with a mutilated cock. I'll just vomit nonsense, HaHA GOT EM". - You.

You are really bad at this.


Basically everyone except communists, some anarchists, monarchists, fascists, and some socialists are not liberals as they come from different philosophical/political traditions. Still even using "liberal" in a strictly American politics sense there are horrible ones (most of them) like Trevor Noah as you can see in the OP.

This reduces to "Everyone who doesn't want society run by a tyrannical dictator, is inherently terrible".

Yes, the anarchists too. They want themselves to be the dictators. It is a naked power ploy.

This reduces to "Everyone who doesn't want society run by a tyrannical dictator, is inherently terrible".

I mean this is by definition it's not a matter of opinion and I explicitly said being a liberal doesn't make someone inherently terrible, I mentioned two (there's more than two of course but these are prominent examples historically) who I believe are people we at least socialists should look up to.

I mean this is by definition it's not a matter of opinion

By definition of what word(s)? Show your reasoning.

I explicitly said being a liberal doesn't make someone inherently terrible

I'm sure you think some of them can be "redeemed", sure. That doesn't change the fact that you hate them, and that you preach a hateful ideology towards them, as part of a group that is hateful towards them.

It also doesn't change the fact that you want society to be run by a tyrannical dictator, just like the fascists do.

By definition of what word(s)? By the definition of what liberalism is and how all the ideologies I mentioned either came before it's tradition and already separate, as reaction against it, or progression from it.

The rest of what you said doesn't deserve a serious answer because it isn't a serious response.

By the definition of what liberalism is and how all the ideologies I mentioned either came before it's tradition and already separate, as reaction against it, or a progression from it.

That doesn't answer my question. How does that prove that, if you don't want society run by a tyrannical dictator, that makes you inherently terrible?

The rest of what you said doesn't deserve a serious answer because it isn't a serious response.

Yes, it is. I'm sorry you don't feel that it is, but it is. It is completely, absolutely, dead serious.

You want society to be run by a tyrannical dictator, just like the fascists do, and you think liberals are terrible people for the specific reason that they do not want that.

My point was that those are all the ideologies that aren't in the liberal political philosophical tradition, that's all. I never claimed anything about inherent terribleness.

It is completely, absolutely, dead serious.

Just because you think something is dead serious doesn't make it serious given any real standard. You have no idea what you're talking about and you strawman the entire argument to fit your own narrative so why should you be taken seriously?

I never claimed anything about inherent terribleness.

If you didn't think being a liberal (as you define the concept) was inherently terrible you would be one, instead of posting in threads dedicated to complaining about them, in a subreddit for people who consider them the outgroup, as a part of a culture that is well-known for hating them. You also wouldn't draw the political dividing lines in a way that makes Democrats and Republicans fundamentally the same, given that the overwhelming majority of the American population a) falls into one of those camps and b) can immediately see what utter nonsense that is.

Just because you think something is dead serious doesn't make it serious given any real standard.

Um, yes, it does. I am the one who gets to determine whether I really mean what I'm saying or not. You aren't.

strawman the entire argument

Nothing I said was in any way a strawman. You really do want society to be run by a tyrannical dictator, which is something you have in common with the fascists. This is demonstrated by the fact that you support an ideology that has a long, perfect track record of causing exactly that to happen, even though you are aware of the history.

Society presents you with a dominant ideology that is based in personal freedom, and you reject it. Because you do not believe in personal freedom. This is why your ideology inevitably leads to tyrannical dictators.



It's not confusing pal. Even Tina Fey understood the difference with her head buried in a cake.

It's cute how you think the people getting hurt here actually are Nazis.

Or it would be, if it weren't fucking dangerous.

I particularly like the part where you didn't attempt to "correct" the "Or someone who just disagrees with them." bit. Because you know it's true, and you know it's terrible, and you don't have a way to justify it.


Words have meaning and you're not using them correctly

Lol, it's funny how you think your little cult there gets to decide what the words in question mean.

Guys, Hitler is bad and all, but Ernst Thälmann is just as bad, if not worse.

Please, not even in jest. The man was killed fighting for the cause and against Nazism. I hold him in the highest honor.

liberals don't

Lol, I like the part where you nerds expect anyone to know who the fuck that even is, let alone expect your political opponents (by which you apparently mean over 90% of the country) to use him as a talking point.


and no, antifa does not use the same tactics, shitwit. nazis kill people. antifa defends themselves and their communities from assault and harassment.

fucking w e w. You have literally one (1) example of this to work with right now, and Fields' political affiliation hasn't even been proven yet. Meanwhile, you're going to have a pretty hard time convincing me that Clanton didn't have murderous intent, because a guy with a fucking PhD reasonably ought to know that clobbering someone over the head with a piece of metal is often fatal.


You think Trevor Noah, being from South Africa would know better.

Cool crypto-racism, bro.

He's just upset Noah is being uppity

How can someone possibly compare Antifa to a group that cuts peoples' heads off?

It's this little thing called a joke, but if you're dumb enough to buy into socialism, I doubt you'll be able to wrap your head around concepts like jokes.

wtf i love trevor noah now

same thought WTF i want trevor noah's cock now

He's black; that's a given.

yeah but he jumped up a few spots.

Check this out.

False dichotomies and black-and-white thinking.

Hey! You'll like this one: either you're too dense to know who the bad guys are, or you are just evil enough to argue in bad faith to advance shit ideas.

u/nefastvs, as a dense person, I am triggered by your ableism. I thought r/socialism was a safe space for all levels of retardation.

Dude, why are you making fun of intellectually challenged thirteen year olds

Have some tact

Does Antifa brutalize and rape women? Does Antifa use children as weapons in suicide bombings?

No but they occasionally damage private property, which to liberals is roughly the same thing


Honestly, even as someone who isn't still a child and thus not a socialist moron, that's a pretty solid zinger. I think you'll make an excellent capitalist when you grow up some day.

Expecting any intelligent discourse in r/drama

Trevor Noah is a vile, smug liberal talk show host. The mainstream media, keeps pushing the "anti fascists are just as bad, if not worse than fascists" narrative. Nancy Pelosi wants to legally smear Antifa as "terrorists". Looks like the American government is openly tolerating fascists. I can easily see this idiotic remark by Trevor Noah as a signal that the mainstream media and the American government, along with the wealthy elite, will do anything to sabotage any potentially growing leftist movements from organizing.

r/drama unironically defends nazis.

Antifa are violent scumbags though. You guys got run over because of your ooking and eeking in the city streets

when did beating stupid down become wrong? you are a literal retard who has misjudged their importance to society. learn your place bitch, its at the end of the check out bagging my fucking groceries. i want that shit double bagged.

The rent that I pay is more than what you make a year, bruh.

lol, why you so mad corky? and you only make six figures if you leave out the decimal...you know, when you include disability.

Dude you're in Denver, median income of $62,000. The yearly rent in NoHo is more than half of that.

lower aristocracy

Fuck off Eliot Rodger

Elliot Rodger was the result of miscegenation. I mean, I shouldn't be complaining as I am currently nailing a mulatto girl whose father is a dentist in Darien (guess where she gets her white half lol) but I'm not putting my babies in her, no fucking way.

Lol man are you one lonely kid

Too bad you're an ugly little bitch with a mutilated cock and 80 iq. Ahh, to be american.

Hyperbolic comparisons are literally Hitler

I've noticed the left wing pundit types are turning slowly against antifa. I think they figured out they can't be allowed to represent the anti-trump people come 2018.

Does Antifa brutalize and rape women? Does Antifa use children as weapons in suicide bombings

Be a lot cooler if you did

Does the alt right??

I'm a vegan and I condemn ISIS

Bet that took a lot of energy out of you, go rest a little.

The far-left groups are so fuckin' bad at PR. The same people who desire revolution are often the same people who don't seem to think they need to court the masses.

It's so strange seeing them think of themselves as the allied forces in ww2, considering they've hated that generation their whole lives.

Tbh, if you dont promise to vivisect and then set on fire anybody who has ever said anything criticozong anybody that has ever said anything against a nazi ever then you deserve to slowly starve to death in a gulag

You confuse me.

Thats the kind of thing a fascist would say

Exactly what Dan Harmon was on about. He said that yes, there were two sides- one was Nazis and the other was against Nazis.

Someone should tell poor Comrade /u/drkalmenius that you can hate Nazis and still be a piece of shit. For example, the communists of the USSR were against the actual, honest-to-God, Hitler is the fuhrer Nazis in WWII when it mattered. It wasn't just the proud, freedom-loving democracies of western Europe and our own republic. Of course, you'd probably have to explain to them why Stalin was a monster and commies are no better than Nazis, which would likely make them toss their tendies and start a rousing round of "NOT REAL COMMUNISM/SOCIALISM."

Believe your own shit, your last line proves your ignorance and lack of will to do anything about it.

As predicted, the tendies are all over the floor. The only reason the sub I summoned you from is called /r/socialism is because Reddit would ban a sub called /r/Retards.

Fuck off guys. No one gives a shit about your politics, your sub is literally about hating on others.

We only hate on people who deserve it, hence why commie drama is common here, because you people are completely reprehensible.

Show bussy or go fuck yourself

Whereas you just hate yourself.

"antifa is fighting ISIS"


Its funny how they get super offended by someone calling them isis but have no trouble calling everyone else a nazi