Reddit /r/conspiracy Mods actions protecting their own

18  2017-09-01 by HAL989O

Here is a screen shot showing how a /r/conspiracy Mod is using R10 to protect what I think is one of the current Mods Alts. My feeling is that its either Mod creq or JCP.

You can also see another user stating the fact that they were being attacked by the user WarSanchez. And just to let everyone know, if anyone points out these facts in the sub, they remove them.

And here we got the trio working together to support each other in this sub.

Post OP is: WarSanchez, TrumpRusConspiracy and AATA

From this screen shot you can see AATA lying to its users.

The top original mods wanted to restore /r/conspiracy back to its roots.


Where does the vaping birdmask retard fit in all this? Whose side is he on?

Unfortunetly BirdVape doesn't fit in this story.

Whose alt is it?

Either drones or the guy that got banned because he was trying to dox people that didn't agree with him and I called him out on it.

  • u/DronePuppet
  • u/SmokeOnTheDirt
  • u/BuildTheWalle
  • u/WarmBacon
  • u/MAGABolt
  • u/RussianToe
  • u/TruthButter
  • u/HAL989O
  • u/HAL9890
  • u/-ThePedoHunter-
  • u/QuantumPlasma
  • u/TruthNuggets
  • u/AlienLips
  • u/NameSanitized
  • u/BitchyTerrorist

Have you noticed how the voting here got all wonky once he got exposed? LOL This guy isn't even a good troll.

Based on the kinds of insults he used with his alts, I think there is a good chance that these accounts belong to The_Donald founder /u/jcm267.


I can provide proof of who I am.

You can't just say this and not provide proof.

Any suggestion?

I don't know what you're comfortable with. Or even who you are. So, anything, for starters.

5 bucks says Skygirl whatever is Grarglrjobber enacting his sociopathic plan to engage in black propaganda against "libruls".

I bet it is grarglejoberr as well.

Look at you bitching about being picked on online while cheerfully participating with people who refer to someone they don't like as the "vaping birdmask retard". The irony is hilarious, please don't hurt yourself man but when you lay with dogs don't bitch about the flea bites. Flea bites are all that these words are after all, nobody is kicking in the door of your house and dragging your family off into the night, nobody has frozen your assets or charged you falsely of a crime.

Isn't this softness the primary reason that people are resisting the implied SJW Utopia where microaggressions matter and facts don't. You people happily take over other people's space but then demand that safe spaces exist for your own. And when those safe spaces are challenged you react with violence and violence begets violence so your all ready and waiting to demonize the eventuality of your opposition's violent counter punch.

Society can stay on this road until they discover that forcing the situation to violence will result in less diversity and less freedom as killing fields always do.

It's not too late to realize that the American dream isn't contained in any collectivist movement, that person liberty and personal freedom move us towards a more diverse world and anything else no matter how self evidently virtuous will ultimately be hijacked by the less virtuous and used against those foolish enough to fail to stand up for the personal liberty of someone they utterly despise.

Now quickly brush away everything I said as if it doesn't apply to you or as if it is just the ramblings of a "vaping birdmask retard".

My feelings won't be hurt, I was created by the intolerance of this hivemind called Reddit. Tolerant on paper, unforgiving in action and ridiculous in it's evolution.

Go run some dirt in your wounds and quit fucking crying.

Actually where it started was /u/Sarah_Connor getting tired of your bullshit. Firing all the mods for trying to tow the reddit line.. Reddit admins stepped in. Reddit admins gotta make sure their little puppets control the narrative.. The mods left are literally the reddit approved mods.. No matter what bullshit you try to spew, you cannot deny that fact..

Yo u/HAL9890 what app did you use to edit the screencaps?

The overlap shadow of the screencap on the right? Was that done using skitch too? Skitch on iOS is a bit buggy ☹️

No. That is coming from the Mac OS when overlaying windows.

Oh. Ok thanks OP :)

No problem.

Skitch on iOS is a bit buggy ☹️

I had been reserving judgement on your account, hedging my wagers on what kind of human being or robot you might be.

But now, the final clue has dropped.





strange comment history. looks like a botnet account.

Don't know about that. 27 karma 2y account age tho.

I found the "wake up after 2 years to comment only on the recent r/conspiracy mod controversy posts" suspicious but now that you mention the karma, it seems like a legit account. Sorry /u/HAL989O

Your conspiracy theory actually makes sense tbh 🤔

Not a problem. Just here to expose Reddit riffraff then empty the garbage.

Eh you seem real to me. Fuck it. I act like a fucking bot most of the time lol. I meant bleep bloop ;)

What's CST?

I think it's /r/C_S_T aka Critical Schizophrenic thoughts. You'll have to dig through tons more more shit than in /r/conspiracy to see interesting stuff.

Dear u/HAL9890

Are you accusing me of being an alt?

Cus if you are, you are a lying faggot.

Also, tag my name when you talk about me. Even SJWs do direct call outs. Don't be a pussy.

Also, it's nice to see another one of u/dronepuppets accounts wake up recently to mention my name. Nice to know he's mad I caught onto him.

Also, Drama is my home go find your own nitch.

I'm betting this is an alt of one of the mods of conspiracy because Sabremesh recently banned be because Flytape started a witchhunt against me in his conspiracyright sub where he tried to accuse me of being an alt of skygirl.

Which is fucking stupid, because I was one of the first ones besides /u/Awesomo3082 who we were trying and expose skygirl as ban evasion with his alt accounts of /u/wang_peng_88 and /u/russian321 for a few days.

It started in this post where we started to call him out

Specifically with this thread

I was asking for users to report skygirl

And then I started bring it up in most of skygirl's posts

And here I stated suspicion that skygirl is also CRUSTY_VAGINA_CHEESE because of similar style of meta threads

And in that thread, skygirl replied to himself in the same comment thread. I was the first person to call him out and I reported him. A few hours later, other people took notice as well and tagged on to it.

Flytape then started a witchhunt against me and then banned me from being able to defend myself, but at least didn't remove my one comment I was able to get in before he banned me.

I messaged the conspiracy mods and linked to the witch hunt thread by flytape. Sabremesh then banned me for using sockpuppets and not posting in good faith.

I made my case again to the mods. And AssuredlyAThrowAway said something along the lines, that he agrees with me, and that it looks like skygirl was purposely trying to get me banned by looking it was me talking to myself.

This was all said in private messages which I assume only the mods can see.

So color me surprised that this suspicious account of OP's which has no account history is now trying to tag me with AssuredlyAThrowAway.

Hey, how are you? Today was a good day, was it not?

Probably for the best for me to be honest. As I was saying to you before and to others, my mental state is not the best right now. I've been battling with severe depression and suicide, and all of this stress of people attacking me online hasn't been helping.

It's the best for everybody then.

I'm just glad you won't be spitting disinfo in conspiracy anymore. My advice is to learn to look beyond identity politics and learn who the real enemy is (the deep state).

That said, shill or not, I don't wish you harm. At the end of the day it's an internet forum, don't let it rule or ruin your life. Maybe you should look into finding a community where you won't be viewed as a disinfo agent, like /r/politics, they love all that anti-Trump propaganda there.

And here you go attacking me. Listen man, I don't need that shit right now.

Just leave me alone for awhile alright? I'm not ok.

I'm not attacking you, I'm honestly trying to be sympathetic. I'm not sad that you got banned, but I really don't wish you any harm. I see that I probably came off as a condescending ass, but that was not my intent. I hope you're ok. I get upset sometimes after I get shill brigaded, and I have to remind myself that the internet isn't real life.

For the record, I'm leaning towards you not being SkyGirl after doing some history comparison.

Thank you for that. Yeah, it's not really the ban that gets me, it's the people that have been attacking me for the past few months and it's finally getting to me. And the thing is I think that is the whole purpose of it and I think it's done with intent by shill organizations or groups of people with an agenda.

It seems we have gotten off of the wrong foot and I hope you all the best in life.

it's the people that have been attacking me for the past few months and it's finally getting to me. And the thing is I think that is the whole purpose of it and I think it's done with intent by shill organizations or groups of people with an agenda.

The problem is that most of the cool kids think that this is you. We don't know you, we only know what you post on the internet, and what you post on the internet makes us think you're a DNC or SB operative, because your posting pattern matches exactly what we expect that kind of person to do. I don't say this as an attack, I'm just trying to explain why we see things the way we do.

Also the best to you. Don't hurt yourself, there's a future ahead of you.


That you Roger Stone?

Hey. I never saw you in the Conspiracy sub before a week ago. What alts had you been using? Why start using this account? Ban evading?

I switch accounts every year.

Comfortable sharing your previous account name?

No, the reason I change accounts is to make it harder to profile me. My last account is only banned from /r/the_donald and /r/politics afaik, and I have no interest in participating in either of those partisan shitholes anyways.

Odd that you seem hellbent on harassing critics of the Trump administration.

I think Trump is an awful president. However, that doesn't mean he deserves all the shit and propaganda the deep state and corporate media are slinging at him. Lord knows there's enough to criticize Trump about without making shit up.





You're saying that the MSM and corporate media isn't allowed to speculate and discuss conspiracy theories?

I'm saying I prefer my news to be news, not deep state / corporate propaganda.

Definitely keep yourself safe.