The proletariat revolution begins in /r/forwardsfromgrandma! Some question antifa's methods and are holodomor'd by some WOKE comrades 👀

82  2017-09-01 by BasicallyADoctor


This, but unironically.


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How dare you believe in small government and personal responsibility you fucking fascist REEEEEEEE


And with that you'd put petite bourgeoisie out of business, not people.

Jesus Christ, imagine being so deluded in your beliefs that you sincerely view people who own burger shops as not being "people" anymore.

That individual was a real winner althroughout the thread! And probably in life as well 😂

If Hitler had killed Commies instead of people, he would be remembered as the greatest hero Europe had ever seen.

For now, our boy Pinochet holds the top spot


Retards like you need to be gassed

I see the commies are working double time on Reddit trying to deny the Holodomor.

Sometimes I wish communist revolution in America did happen just so tranny, hipsters, and academia would be purged in a hail of bullets.

Would make reddit more enjoyable for a week or so, until the bread lines start kicking up.

It's so funny to see trump supporters piss themselves over Antifa.

/u/vfxdev my fav part is when they run them over.

A trump supporter leaves the safe space of his mom's basement for 1 day and ends up in jail. SAD!

Guess he made the space.... Unsafe...

Yep, a bit less safe than when he was beating his own mother for sure.

Like 7 more unsafes.

Yeah, he could've expended that energy in a more productive way, like taking an antifa members' head and bashing it against a rock

He could have, but the fat fucker would have gone into cardiac arrest. I think holding that lame ass wooden shield was the most exercise he's had in years. He looked like the kinda puss that requires a car to do any real damage, like most trump supporters I'm guessing.


Antifa are probably the least intimidating activists possible. Especially in the US, where it's practically legal to kill them if they start shit on your property.

This. Basically the only intimidating antifa type I have seen is the MMA fighter Jeff Manson. Dude is 5'9 and weighs like 230.

Those black dudes that your disheveled, filthy white commie cucks love fanboying over only look good in comparison to their disgusting "comrades". They are just cut, not that scary.

I basically admitted that a guy who is 5'9 AND a socialist can be scary. That is being humble.

5'9" | 1.75 metres

metric units bot | feedback | source | block | v0.7.9

I'm 6'3 230lb and my Big 3 lifts are combined 1615lb. I look like a fucking demigod from the classics when confronting these subhumans.

So humble.

Post pics you smoothbrain protozoan

Why the fuck would I post pics? Holy nigger droppings.

talking out of your extremely dilated shitpipe

you're my favorite new drama troll. It's so obvious but somehow retards in this sub almost always fall for it

Lmao what

1615 pounds??? I'm calling bullshit unless you've been on some serious cycles my man.

what a shit comment like no original jokes whatsoever.

this sub was so much better when all these nerds didn't join in and start downvoting the pinged tards cause they got them in their feelings. Control urselves jfc

This is some of the worst banter I've ever seen.

They missed the point if that cartoon. It's not saying Nazis are better people than antifas, it's saying antifa is a more dangerous organization than the neo-Nazis. I'd be more concerned to deal with 500k terrible than 10 absolutely abhorrent people.

Its amazing how easily they excuse the assaults, destruction of property and their communist leaning.

What do you expect from a subreddit built entirely on "hahahaha those old people who are multiple times older than us and have had much more filling lives sure are stoopid! Dumb old people! Lol!"

Fuck the elderly 🖕


Whatever . It's your dick.

Where you puttin that finger bb

uh u wot m8

The only people Marxists can feel superior to are the senile.

whatever makes u feel better about being old and having gross raisin skin I guess

Success breeds jealousy

I think it's more like "my parents are over 30, my parents are gay for not letting me play call of duty, therefore everyone over 30 is also gay"

I will literally eat an entire live sheep if any of the mods of that sub are over 15

That's more along the lines of r/oldpeoplefacebook. Forwards from Grandma is more about grandma's trash political opinions.

Conservatism is no worse than Liberalism.

It's demonstrably worse but they're both pretty bad. Any political party right of center is nothing short of evil.

Any political party LEFT of center is just as evil. Radical centrist extremism is the only true ideology of peace




It's not a horseshoe. It's a ⟂.

I feel like I'd like your joke but Sync just gives me the mystery box where that emote should be. [x]

So this and this and this and this and this are fine?

Pff. Just looks like a typical Glaswegian barbecue.


Actually you are. The same way screaming "fire" in a theater is forbidden

You are unbelievably, completely, utterly wrong about both the analogy and what you are actually trying to get at. Also relevant.

Few argue that there are or should be no limits to freedom of expression. Last week on The Torch, I discussed the boundaries of several categories of speech that are unprotected by the First Amendment, such as true threats and incitement to imminent lawless action.

You own fucking source. l2r

That doesn't actually refute me nor support you. "true threats" and "incitement to imminent lawless action" describe a fundamentally different thing from "screaming 'fire' in a theater".

Right, I forgot that nazis pushing for extermination of the jews aren't making true threat. My bad for knowing what happening between 39-45.

It's "peaceful ethnic cleansing," you bigot.

Have you ever tried saying things that are actually relevant to the conversation?

I don't know how sarcastically pointing out that call to genocide by nazi can definitely be considered as a threat by jew could ever be relevant to the discussion either. My bad.


The problem you encounter is when the words are advocating violence.

So? That is still not even remotely morally equivalent to actual violence.

The way you respond to "you should be violent" is by saying "no, that's wrong". If you respond instead by being violent, well guess what, you fucking lose.


Their opinions are dangerous.

How? Are you worried people will find them convincing?

If so, then don't you think the rational response is to present a stronger counterargument? No? Why not?

Surely you aren't suggesting that coming up with a stronger counterargument is too difficult or something?

Well I mean they got their followers somehow. Somebody found them convincing and then those people joined them, and often times they were otherwise pretty normal people before.

Unlike your normal Klansmen that are basically just racist Republicans, Nazis are an actual party of sorts. They have their ideology, outlined goals, and they have plans. To give them even a platform to speak on is to enable them and support their efforts.

Well I mean they got their followers somehow. Somebody found them convincing

You understand that this does not actually logically follow, right?

How so?

Because there are other ways for them to get followers.

Please take an introductory course in logic.

I never said they don't have other ways, but we can deny them the implied legitimacy of a public event. It would be best if nobody would host their websites either and cesspools like /pol/ were purged, but that's not something that should be done at a governmental level.

I never said [the necessary logical implication of my argument, in response to someone asking about that exact point]

Again, please take an introductory course in logic.

Is this your only method of discussion? To downvote and assert that the other party does not understand logic?

The first and foremost way to combat these Nazis is to deny them public demonstration. In public they can appear on TV, the internet, in newspapers, and to random passerby. It is their largest method of exposure and it must be prevented.

Is this your only method

No, but it's the one that I find appropriate here.

of discussion?


thanks m8y gret banter ave a gud one

/u/sprickles, trying to tie shitty helicopter maintainence to Nazis is like Pizzagate level retarded. Actually, it's more retarded.

Are you honestly special needs enough to believe that that argument holds water or are you just so high on dat agenda that you don't see anything wrong with using misleading and objectively dumb arguments just to push your agenda? Maybe when you have to include a completely irrelevant helicopter crash in your argument as evidence it means that you don't have enough evidence to support that argument.

If you want some actual non-bullshit cop-deaths then how about trying this one on for size?