violentacrez and happyofficeworker get into a 3000+ comment long slapfight over whether a water authority was racist, whether violentacrez is a troll, and more.

79  2017-09-01 by justcool393


This is why we need mayocide.


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1488 points


kill yourself



wow, u call a nigger to do the work for u? rude

Nobody called you

it's gonna be a long night, but i'm reading all of it.

Wow this is drama from before I was born

Inb4 the pedos pizzagate your inbox.

Inb4 admin sting.

Inb4 jails are baited.



8 years ago

Hey there sexy.

ew dont even joke about that thats fucked up you should not even be pretending to solicit a minor or imply that any minor is sexy that is extremely gross

Icky and gross! UGH!

pls send nudez

send bobs and vagine

milk truk just arive.


Been awhile since I've seen that name. Man, that dude used to be the sleaze king of Reddit and a big ol' dick. Can't say I'm sad his life got ruined.

I'm sad

Here's a picture/gif of a cat, hopefully it'll cheer you up :).

I am a bot. use !unsubscribetosadcat for me to ignore you.

Thanks, but I said I can't say I'm sad, not that I'm sad.

I'm sad

Here's a picture/gif of a cat, hopefully it'll cheer you up :).

I am a bot. use !unsubscribetosadcat for me to ignore you.

I think we're having some communication issues. I'm sad is the opposite of what I meant.

I wanna test this real quick:

I'm sadistic

I'm Saddle

I'm sad

Here's a picture/gif of a cat, hopefully it'll cheer you up :).

I am a bot. use !unsubscribetosadcat for me to ignore you.

I'm Sadie

I'm Sad

Here's a picture/gif of a cat, hopefully it'll cheer you up :).

I am a bot. use !unsubscribetosadcat for me to ignore you.

If I weren't such a fervent supporter of bot-rights I would fuck you in the eyehole.

I'm sad and if a bot responds to me im starting White Genocide

I'm sad

Here's a picture/gif of a cat, hopefully it'll cheer you up :).

I am a bot. use !unsubscribetosadcat for me to ignore you.

Youll regret this

bad bot

Wasn't violentacrez a woman? Or am I confusing my drama

It all just blends together. Anyway, I hope that the guy that was interviewed on CNN was actually VA.

Who am I thinking of that was the crazy chick that would sometimes crash at people's houses?

I want to say Laurelai.

Probably, most definitely, Laurelai.

That's the one

He wasn't a woman.

Did you just assume xir's gender?

I know xir's name and I've seen xir's facial hair.

XD XD what kind of a retard acts like a retarded troll, pisses off a website full of unloved, bitter niggers and then leaves a trail of crumbs leading to him getting doxed?

The most I have told you kikes is that I live in NoHo and I am tall, muscular, and white. No more.

Did they ever figure out what the government injected his mom with to make him born all fucked up like that?

Eh, his life barely got ruined. It's been eight years and no one really cares about him running a creepy subreddit more than half a decade ago.

It makes everybody feel better to believe his life was ruined, don't burst their bubble.

This one is a particular classic because if you go long enough, you get to a point where one of them isn't able to reply because reddit's code wasn't made to accommodate a thread that long, so an admin comes along and changes it so they can keep going.

Yeah. violentacrez made a comment explaining that they broke reddit. This wasn't the only thread to get admin attention regarding comment depth. /u/alienth, a reddit sysadmin, had told /r/counting that they couldn't create a forever going nested chain of comments.

I believe it is now limited to 10,000 replies in depth, but I could be wrong.

/u/supergauntlet and I tested it a while ago and gave up around 3000, its def higher now

Okay, so from what I've gathered, it's 10,000. Any more than that, the reply and is accessible, but doesn't appear in the comment tree.

Autist fucks just go ask an admin ffs. Wtf you moron kys

it was a very long chain of just "u"

We did it on a /r/blog post

Question: How do you pronounce your username? All this time, I've been pronouncing it violenta-crez. I now see that it can also be pronounced violent acres.

Easily the best thing about the internet is that if someone is a retard, it's there forever

i miss va

They say he still lurks.

So do they have water or what? Also who do you think has access to a pig's head, the water authority, or some farmers?