Jerk tries trolling me with my own post from r/suicidewatch

35  2017-09-02 by picard_kennedy


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OP, are you doing better now? Have you talked with anyone lately? That post is from 4 days ago.

Thanks, and I am doing better. Trying to have some perspective on how pathetic u/pizzashill must be. The mods here didnt care either Hahah, they actually told me "our response would have been the same" hahaha.

Massive cuck.

Hey, It's you! Thanks!

Please no kink shame


lol at all the pussies in this sub getting in their feelings. This place went to shit after the tards from r/all flooded in and we broke 20k




He is risen

No John. You are the pussy.

Hey. Fuck you.

I gotta be honest nigga, I've commented with you on here a few times and I thought better of you.

/uj That's really fucked up, why would anyone do that ever.

Lol pussy ass nigga

This but unironically. Only time I've liked pizzashill

I'm glad to hear that you're doing better.

The mods here didnt care either

To put that in perspective, this is a sub for cyberbullying people, and we tell each other to commit suicide all the time.

But yeah, that was kind of messed up.

Take a hint from /u/picard_kennedy and consider killing yourself.

Honestly, I was feeling worthless and depressed, but looking at the shit you post reminded me that autists more pathetic than me somehow manage to survive.

Thanks for the encouragement and remember to keep yourself safe.

Stop repeating bad memes and actually kill yourself unironically.


You get this subs goal is to create as much drama as possible.

Yeah, but I didn't even come here on purpose. I was mentioned or something and I was getting responses from this sub, I was on mobile which is confusing. Also that is beyond the pale.

This sub is cancer. Supposed to be cancer in a fun ironic way tho, that's legitimately messed up

literally who are you

Who r u

You're in a safe space now, you're among friends here.

The mods here didnt care either Hahah, they actually told me "our response would have been the same"

Way to show exactly zero reading comprehension, friendo.

Have a party parrot. They make me feel better.

Trying to get to the salt mines faster, OP? A terrible afterlife awaits you. I would hold on to this life as long as I could

Yes please don't leave us :(

Bill Clinton Is A Rapist INFOWARS.COM

Oh god that shit's real. I feel dirty writing that but it was in the screenshot. Lesson learned.

This but unironically.

OP keep yourself safe my dude

Tried to commit suicide seriously once and it still hangs in the back of my head.

The best advice I could give would be reading socrates and plato. Along with them I strongly recommend Zeno.

Philosophy changes how you see life, and is a way of living life. To learn new philosophy is akin to changing and or bettering yourself.

It's a really underrated way of dealing with depression. But it works. No matter how sad or depressed you are, logical constructs will always work because they are built on infallible truths.

A final note is you don't have to literally read them, if you want just watch some videos on them, read some of their quotes, and read some essays on them as well as short stories.

Here's an audiobook you can run in the background while doing other things:

i dunno man, if the philosophy youre reading makes you believe in things like "logical constructs" or "infallible truths" its probably for cucks and should be disregarded

The philosophy I use in my life works on factual truths, not assumptions.

For example, all conclusions are made based on evidence, or at least when we are trying they are, as such the amount of evidence you have can determine your outcome, without all the evidence you cant say for sure that the conclusion you come to is 100% correct, as it is made with ignorance to all the facts. Another infallible truth is you can never truly know how much data/evidence there is, as you don't have all the data/evidence to determine that, and beyond that truth logically there is an almost infinite amount of evidence due to all the different perspectives and phenomena (for example, you cannot prove definitively that a god did not smite the man, a god only he can see), and you cannot prove you are seeing the facts as is.

Because of these eternal truths, we come to the conclusion that every conclusion is made with ignorance.

And using this conclusion we can realize our own ignorance in life, which is that when we think we want to die, we are making that conclusion with basically nothing when we compare what we have for evidence vs what is left to get for evidence.

You can never truly say life is pointless, and the opposite is true too. But being neutral on death is better than wanting to die.

nice pasta

tips fedora


Remember if you had done it instead of looking for attention, there would be no post to have used against you.



just say faggot like a normal person

Pizzashill is actually autistic

/u/pizzashill is one of the worst prolific posters tbh

He is the cancer of nu-drama and should be killed

I bet he posts on /r/politics with his main account, and gets a lot of upvotes there.

Suicide is a mortal sin.

Fuck off hoe

This, but uncatholicly

A+ nice catechism

Do tons of LSD. It'll fix you right up.

Unless you have schizophrenia. Or a bad trip.

Nigga you need to get laid.

Kill Your Self

What kind of faggot pink theme is that?

u/comedicsans u/justcool393

Just tell that to the mods. The chose the pink color for the mobile version.

Doesn't look bad to me tho ¯\_(ツ) _/¯

Trolling the users is a long-standing tradition in /r/Drama. In saying that, I have no idea who made shit pink.

Reddit mobile is cancer

Hey don't be mean! Reddit mobile on iOS is really good (especially compared to its android counter part) plus when you add the magic of Jailbreak tweaks, it's like on steroids!!

Anyone who uses an iPhone should be neutered.

You're such a big meanie! 😩

Good bye :(

I am nice sometimes. I'll put some sugar in your bleach before you drink it <3

Awww didn't you're such a sweetheart!!

(ɔˆ ³(ˆ⌣ˆc)

I'm a people person.

ComedicSans/Zozbot 2020 ticket 😩💦💦💦

Don't an hero. We may need you for the next shit storm you create.