TrollXer posts comic about men being shamed for their feelings and toxic masculinity. User casually mentions that there are several male tears jokes on TrollX every day. Members of the board begin literally shaking, crying, and shrieking over the mansplainer's presence.

176  2017-09-02 by Rubitinwhydontyou


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The "male tears" thing that people poke fun it isn't really misandrist. It's not referring to "all male emotions," it's referring to "the emotions of male bigots who are upset that they are losing some of their privilege." But the second one doesn't make a good meme.

lol, you actually believe that, /u/spicyricin? TrollX is filled with bitter, fat, ugly man-haters.

Yeah, /u/spicyricin just like "niggers" is not referring to "all african americans", it's referring to "bad black people that do fucked up shit for some reasons".

Only fat white women are allowed to rant online.

Wtf I am a fat woman now.

The "male tears" thing that people poke fun it isn't really misandrist. It's not referring to "all male emotions," it's referring to "the emotions of male bigots who are upset that they are losing some of their privilege." But the second one doesn't make a good meme.

isn't really misandrist

Of course it isn't because TECHNICALLY this term was intended to be used to laugh at ACTUAL misogynists and not people on the Internet you disagree with who also happen to have penises and testicles between their legs.

The problem is that when you use this "meme" to bring down men innocent of misogyny. Men who you simply disagree with.

Ugh i feel retarded to even explain this. Being intellectually disingenuous in an argument is not a gender specific trait. Dicks and cunts both are guilty of doing this.


P.S: That comic is really good. I really like it. Fite me ( ._.)/

That comic is shit and you are shit.

No u!


Does this include the numerous feminists who love joking about "male tears," including TrollX posters? Until you handle your pocket of belligerent misandrists

Fuck you (and anybody) who straw mans like that. He's not complaining about THE MEME. He's complaining about it being used by MISANDRISTS in r/TrollX. Do you deny the existence of misandrists in your sub?

Don't you feel ashamed when you look in the mirror? Being that disingenuous reinforced by biased upvotes from the same people as you but who can't word their comment the way you did?

Yeah good luck because WILL ALWAYS CALL YOU OUT ON DISINGENUOUS SHIT so then don't cry about "muh soggy knees" then. I'm pretty sure women will call you out too and then you'll cry "internalized misogyny".

You're mansplaining and gaslighting. The door is over there. Get out if you don't like it.

I will gladly commit sudoku senpai.

I still see you as weird and autistic fwiw


Well hello there handsome ;)

The comic begins well and ends well but the whole middle is garbage. It's nothing to do with masculinity that made him quit cooking (ffs the top level cooks almost all male, if kids telling you to make a sandwich hurts then you don't belong in a kitchen)

And even the blaming keeping quiet on mental health issues (Which is a vastly different thing to struggling) on masculinity is an entirely toxic thing of itself, something basic cunts like /u/spicyricin will never understand and should fuck off out of activism because their basic soundbite culture is doing far more harm then good.

And even down to the definition, the flaw lies in calling anything bad that isn't a gendered phenomenon as "toxic masculinity" so his justification for it not attacking masculinity defeats itself entirely.

To quote a wise boy (wiser then basic butch feminists on troll x will ever be) "you are over simplifying a complex issue".

TL;DR: the ending is a nice message but the workings out on how to get that result are flawed from the ground up.

Your idea and my idea of masculinity CAN be different. Vastly different. It varies from society to society and culture to culture.

Expecting mothers as being automatically better parent and can also supplement the lack of a father figure is "toxic" (you can use another word) societal idea regarding femininity.

Expecting men to not defend (even complain) themselves against physically abusive spouses because "YOU'RE A MAN! SUCK IT UP! MAN UP" is a toxic societal ideal which has been made part of "masculinity".

Am i wrong here? Is it not true? Is it only what i think?

You are almost there, egde a little more for the climax.

While you do let me tell you a story.

When I declared I wanted to go to a liberal arts school for a degree it was my mother who spent months trying to stop it, convince me out of it, to the point our relationship had become so toxic I had to move out. My mother wanted to have a "stable job and income" and ignored my then obviously failing mental health, being so unhappy in the school I was in at the time, doing art was the only thing that helped, while on the course, I speciallised in Textiles, not once did I feel shamed by the male staff or other male students in other specialicities, the girls, even the ones within the textile course though questioned it all the time. Roll on a few more years, I have a friend, who was telling me about why she started art so late in her career, because he father wanted her to go into buisness management for the sake of money...and she attributed that to "masculinity" having that negative impact on her life. Neither experience cancels out the other but note the difference, In spite of being mocked by peers and feeling depressed and even having strain on my relationship with my mother, I made the choice to do what I wanted, so whats that, femininity at work (And even as a raging homo, when I come out, as I so often need to, people will often reply "you don't act it").

Again incredibly complex issues cannot be condensed into this soundbite culture, thats the most toxic thing in society right now, just look at the communities that use it so heavily, TrollX Ghazi KiA TD it's all utterly toxic, it is poisoning the well of these issues and making it harder every day to have a real conversation about them.

So what's that, femininity at work?

In the comic, it says something about narrow things regarding these ideals and that seems to be the problem. It isn't black and white. Not following a masculine ideal? Surely you must be then following a feminine one!

This shouldn't be the case. The concepts have to broad and certain things should be ideals for all individuals. You doing what you like because you consider your well being an important priority IS AN EXCELLENT IDEAL that shouldn't be gendered.

You're right about the sound bite part. Someone else here also complained about it being a bad term. Maybe there's room for improving the term or out right changing it. But shit people will always twist and turn good stuff. Nothing can't be bullet proof imo. I'm not denying room for improvement btw.

The best part is awareness. Being vocal. Ideas are liked viruses. You'll have to quick to infect others with the one your believe in order to have the upper hand. In the past your "loudness" depended upon the number of individuals but nowadays any retard can have the same effect a 100s of them in the past thanks to the Internet and social media.

I'm studying medicine so tbh i can't relate you in a similar way so i can't comment on that in a proper way but what you said isn't wrong.

Anyone who talks about masculinity or femininity is an automatic retard TBH.

Dude, just put like 4 party parrots at the bottom of your seriouspost and you're fine.

Rookie mistake! ugh, where were you when i was making an ass of myself? :(

Now bend over and receive my plastic penis and feminine supremacy .

Nice try bob!

More lies. It's shocking that feminists flood upvote this shit when it makes them sound completely fucking retarded.

Somehow, 'Guys, it's just a joke!' never seems to fly for anyone but leftists.

Friendly reminder that feminism is good for society and to watch out for all the male redditors with toxic masculinity problems!

jfc even I'm not baited that easily, and being easily baited is like half my schtick here.

It's not about tearing men down silly, it's about empowering everyone! That's why it's so funny when those male bigots are upset that we are destroying their privilege.

This but ironically

We are all fat white women on this blessed day.

Speak for yourself

I am all fat white women on this blessed day.

Thanks, Amy "wtf how are n****ers making more money than me" shumer.



I think the lolcow is the one doing the nagging though.


Nuggers of course

Hey man, there's white niggers.

Just look at the irish

It's the melanin in the freckles that does it.

Of course they don't believe it. It's one of many lines femnists use to try to convince people that it's okay for them to act like complete jack-asses.

The big question is: why the fuck does anyone let them get away with it?

Well this thread is full of people REEEEE-ing over it, so whether they "get away with it" is debatable.

Doing God's work.

Most people have more important things to worry about than some whining losers.

"Men do __" and "Men are __" are not misandrist.

"Women do __" and "Women are __" are absolutely misogynist 100% of the time.


u/spicyricin talking about male privilege while being that most privileged group in human history

really makes you think

Toxic masculinity exists. Toxic femininity exists. EVIL SHIT EXISTS. Are you really that ignorant? The only reason the former is more harmful because MEN HAVE BEEN IN POWER for the entire human history. Male sex has mostly dominated the social and financial power market hence the more potential to cause damage if shit does wrong.

Western civilization didn't get here due to dicks and cunts. It got here because of GOOD PEOPLE. People who found no shame in accepting their mistakes and learning from the past. Pride gets in the way of that.

Her straw manning in assuming that OP cried about the meme being misandrist is the problem here. Address that.

Jesus you sound like a faggot. Those male traits got us out of caves, kept us alive and had gotten humanity to where it is.



OK are you are either a great troll or a real fucking basket case.

Either way, you single?

great troll or a real fucking basket case.

I really want to tell you what I'm actually doing but shit...then you know ;)

You single?

Baby I'm all yours 😘 you in da mood for some fucky fucky OP?

So your username is based off of Ed, Edd n Eddy when Ed says "I like chickens and buttered toast", right?

I "really" like that cartoon. I mean shit, I'd sneak at 3-4am for a repeat watch sometimes because it was fun. Cartoon Network was a really good part of my childhood.

Also i'm not good at usernames so that was the first thing that popped into my head.

It was either that or u/PMME_YOUR_BUSSY or u/IEATASSLMAO soooo ¯\(ツ) _/¯

are you on adderal or something


He is fucking loved.

You literally complained about toxic masculinity like that's a real thing. You sure you don't belong in subreddit drama or trollx. They do seem to be more your speed as they seem to be fans of the idea that being a man is toxic, ignoring the fact these traits are probably responsible for where we are today. Let's face it if toxic masculinity was bad it wouldn't have been bred out.

the idea that being man is toxic

First panel of the comic

Last panel


I have very few barely working brain cells. I'll spare them the extra autism.

How are you even able to get on the internet. I'm impressed as people with your level of retardation can't even clean themselves let alone operate a computer

Hahahaha please cry me a river. It's not my fault you resort to straw mans and then whine about being called out.

Say it with me faggot (ooh! nice)





I'm glad you're able to bold letters,that's very impressive for a retard. What else can you do, the world wants to know.

I'm a very smart individual! Jealous much hater? ;)

I'm glad that we've gotten to a point in western society that even retards can have high self esteem

"And kids it all started with a disgusting mansplaining manspreading MAN that stepped out of the cave for the first time!"

Imagine if books actually were like that lol.

First panel of the comic

Except that's a load of bullshit, "toxic masculinity" is absolutely used to mean that being a man is toxic.

Except that's a load of bullshit, "toxic masculinity" is absolutely and frequently used to mean that being a man is toxic.

Umm yeah but frequently used by.....? Go on! Tell me. Show me one non retard who actually spouts that. The stage is yours.

Frequency by autists doesn't discredit the actual term. Who the fuck cares what they say. And it's not just masculinity. It's feminity too. Do you think ideals attached to both genders are perfect? Don't you think shit ideals and ideas and expectations from men and women don't exist?

Using autistic people as examples won't do shit for your argument.

Where have I said that a certain "feminist's" is right about her point about one specific "masculine" trait imposed by society being toxic? Do you see me agreeing with the people you claim to "frequently" claim shit?

Show me one non retard who actually spouts that. The stage is yours.

I mean it's pretty obvious that even if I bothered to find an example of someone doing this you'd just declare them a retard. I'm not really interested in watching you play "no true feminist".

Instead of that, I'll say that if the way "toxic masculinity" is commonly used is such a misuse, why can't social scientists come up with a better term that isn't so easily abused to say or imply that masculinity is toxic? Why is it so important to them to connect masculinity with toxicity?

Nah nah nah my dude. I'm not going to do that. You said "frequently". So what? Surely a vocal MINORITY doesn't get do define what things are right? But the problem can arise when shit is spouted "frequently" by rather sane people. By sane i mean who aren't disingenuous, have intellectually honest views generally other societal issues but honestly believe in the shit that you claim some group of an unknown size (your comment doesn't state that) spouts frequently!

It's like asking for examples of non retarded people believing that climate change isn't real.

I need to know what people bother you? Is it only the tumblr/TrollX types with no actually credibility on anything?

Also you're complaining about a term being misused? Sure a term can be worded better but still it don't guarantee from people misusing it to suit their agenda.

You'll have to discredit their claims with more course speech. That's more effective.

Sure a term can be worded better but still it doesn't out right guarantee from people misusing it to suit their agenda.

There's a wide difference between "no guarantee it won't be misused" and "guaranteed it will be frequently misused", and "toxic masculinity" is overwhelmingly the latter.

You'll have to discredit their claims with more counter speech. That's more effective.

Yes, counter speech like saying that "toxic masculinity" is a stupid term that by design is easy to abuse, and should be discarded in favor of something better and less hostile towards men.

Shit, I can come up with a term now that's unisex.

Unhealthy Gender Expectations.

Hey that's pretty gooooood.

Instead of that, I'll say that if the way "toxic masculinity" is commonly used is such a misuse, why can't social scientists come up with a better term that isn't so easily abused to say or imply that masculinity is toxic? Why is it so important to them to connect masculinity with toxicity?

The same reason that gender roles are blamed on "patriarchy", that "feminism" is the morally virtuous and acceptable framework for discussing the issue, and that women who dissent are self-victimizing via "internalized misogyny".

Why do you hate being a man?

Because this masculine body prevents me from expressing my true identity as an apache attack helicopter, obviously

You literally complained about toxic masculinity like that's a real thing. You sure you don't belong in subreddit drama or trollx. They do seem to be more your speed as they seem to be fans of the idea that being a man is toxic, ignoring the fact these traits are probably responsible for where we are today. Let's face it if toxic masculinity was bad it wouldn't have been bred out.

With all due respect gentlesir, but you are a retard. Do you even understand what the expression means?

Triggered nigger.

I said "nigga" so you assumed i'm black? Dude wtf lmaooooo :p

A nigger obsessed with unfunny children's cartoons and le epic humor.

Oh man your comment hit me where it really hurts! How will i ever recover from this?

Lol such a snowflake that you're scared of people who aren't white. Bitch ass.

Did I say anything and chinks or sand niggers you stupid nigger?

I was with you until this.

How can i make it up to you? I'm serious. 😔

Go tell feminists about toxic femininity and tell me how receptive they are. Start in feminist spaces like SRD TrollX SRS Ghazi and Menslib.

Annnnnd your point being? These are cancerous af/hypocritical subs. Do you think I DONT KNOW that. Many of them flat our lie so much it's disgusting tbh.

"Feminists"/"Meninists" lol

These are cancerous af/hypocritical subs.

So where do the non-cancerous / non-hypocritical feminists hang out on the internet? Or do non-cancerous / non-hypocritical feminists lack the ability to operate a laptop or phone, the way all the cancerous and hypocritical feminists seem entirely capable of doing?

Why are you asking me? I know you're trying to make a point but state it flat out right now.

Those ones aren't very noticeable because they don't REEEEEEE that much over manspreading/mansplaining. You're in r/Drama. You're going to get drama from the stupid kind of "feminists" from tumblr and TrollX because YOU look into those places.

The world doesn't revolve around those cesspools or Reddit/Tumblr you know.

If being a feminist/Meninist means (it does linguistically) EQUAL/FAIR/JUST treatment then yeah sure I am one. But you won't see me actually contributing and campaigning for that because I AM A LAZY FUCK! I can barely get out bed in the morning my dude :(

why are you assuming that non-cancerous people hang out on the internet?

have you been to the internet?

Because the alternative is that all the "non-cancerous" feminists have all chosen to let the cancerous feminists speak for them on the world's currently predominant communications medium. Which would make them just as cancerous as the non-cancerous feminists.

there is, of course, option c: nobody is that invested in policing the thoughts of whiny children who complain on the internet all day, or spending all their time trying to clean up after them

the internet and the useless parts of academia are our society's outlets for our spoiled, inept upper-middle-class and rich kids. we used to give those people military commissions instead, so in a way it's like progress

i don't really have any personal knowledge of what the relative proportion of "non-cancerous" feminists is, but "people who have to spend all their time on the internet are the ones nobody else likes" doesn't really tell us anything new

Except that your option c is just my option b.

Because if the non-cancerous feminists can't be bothered to "police the thoughts of whiny children who complain on the internet all day", then they're choosing to let those "whiny children" speak on their behalf, on the world's predominant mass communications medium.

i don't really have any personal knowledge of what the relative proportion of "non-cancerous" feminists is

Then what the fuck is the point of your boring pablum?

Because if the non-cancerous feminists can't be bothered to "police the thoughts of whiny children who complain on the internet all day", then they're choosing to let those "whiny children" speak on their behalf, on the world's predominant mass communications medium.

not particularly, and it's really pretty retarded to equate the two

but let's follow this line of reasoning a bit. say that there are 100,000 whiny teenagers of the "daddy won't let me go out until my homework's done, he's such a manspreader" sort of "feminist." we will say that they complain on the internet for eight hours a day, every day.

given those numbers, what number of "non-cancerous feminists," and what temporal investment from them, would be required to meet their apparent burden to go publically bitch and moan at teenagers -- at least to the point where they would not be "choosing to let those whiny children speak on their behalf?"

Then what the fuck is the point of your boring pablum?

you're making stupid comments and their existence annoys me. worse, they're stupid comments of the "le internet is serious bizness" sort

given those numbers, what number of "non-cancerous feminists," and what temporal investment from them, would be required to meet their apparent burden to go publically bitch and moan at teenagers -- at least to the point where they would not be "choosing to let those whiny children speak on their behalf?"

Any such effort at all would be a good start.

you're making stupid comments and their existence annoys me.

And here you are, taking the time to disagree with them.

Exactly the way non-cancerous feminists would take the time to disagree with the cancerous feminists, if any such non-cancerous feminists existed.

Friendly reminder that feminism is good for society and to watch out for all the male redditors with toxic masculinity problems!

idk if this warrants a "good bot" since it's blatant and low-effort

/u/deepdickedhillybilly can you offer this person some advice

eh, usually there's one or two people who do go over to bitch and moan at the teenagers every time they have a particularly big thread. occasionally they have some kind of explicit feminist angle (but the response, "jesus christ, what the fuck is wrong with you people" is likely to be similar regardless).

you can tell when this happens because the teenagers all mash the "make bad opinion go away" button and then complain about persecution if the person disagreeing with them stuck around for a while

can't say it appears particularly productive, but i guess if it's your thing, you can do you. not like this is particularly productive either

Friendly reminder that feminism is good for society and to watch out for all the male redditors with toxic masculinity problems!

So where do the non-cancerous / non-hypocritical feminists hang out on the internet?

/r/TheFemPill, arguably the best and most important feminist subreddit on reddit, is a space for empowering all types of women through positivity, and never about putting others down.

Most other feminist subreddits are incomplete knock-offs, and it clearly shows.

So, you just have to be looking in the right places.

You're right, I did forget momentarily about the only good feminist subredddit on the internet

This is the sort of feminism I think we can all get behind.

The non-cancerous / non-hypocritical feminists are the people who just do certain shit when it needs doing, they don't feel the need to congregate in 'feminist' spaces or label themselves. They're actually the mainstream. The people the core group of 1st and 2nd wave feminism convinced.

Now we're up to what, 6th wave feminism? There's the core group, who are running around making groups and giving themselves grandiose doctrine based labels, and they're trying to convince the mainstream feminists, aka the majority of people. Personally I don't like their odds.

If you can answer the question 'do I believe that women are inferior to men' with a no, you are already a feminist.

Because they spend 100% of their time pretending they are literal fucking heroes.

I don't think they are heroes.

Well my logic is cancerous sub gets mocked and you want to teach nuance on how they are actually right to the people laughing at them. Silly as fuck.

Go tell feminists

Nice whataboutism. Are you a SRSer?

Feminists tell me often they are the best advocates for men. I wanted their hot take.

Also I have been deep inside of SRS. Just ask many people here.

Feminists tell me often they are the best advocates for men.

I have to agree here.

Feminists know what it is it's just not called that.

Please no serious posting on r/drama

You never know. I might actually be a very dedicated troll with a lot of time and energy to spare ;)

Yeah what this sub needs is even more boring, repetitive shitposting.





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Have you heard of a little thing called the Spartans?

Yeah and where are they today ... or even when they got owned by the Thebans... who got owned by the Macedonians... who got owned by the Romans.... who got owned by the Ottomans... who got owned by the Russians.

So basically you're saying women shouldn't be in power /s

Western civ shits the bed

No doubt letting women vote was a huge mistake

ooh, so close, you almost have it. in actuality, letting people in general vote was a huge mistake.

If only communism succeeded. Everyone would be too busy standing in bread lines to shitpost on the internet that doesn't exist

Neo-absolute monarchism when?

this but unironically

id have to check the dates, but right around the same time we gave women the vote, we had a) alcohol get banned, giving rise to massive organized crime and b) federal income tax came into existence, explosively growing the federal governments power


Checkmate Atheists! 😤

the traits that got western civilization to where it is now

you mean a place where r/trollxchromosomes exists?



the traits that got western civilization to where it is now was, fifty years ago, before leftists started taking over.

It's more than that, though. We aren't saying, "Look at that weak dude over there", we are saying, "look at that person who has so much privilege whine because a tiny bit was taken away to allow more rights for women."

The hypocrisy in this post is the stuff of legends.

u/hh893731 you are literally saying "look at that weak dude over there" you shameless bullshitter.

You'd understand the post better if you weren't so easily triggered, I think.

>lol ur triggured

Dank meme, friendo


Not really, what's there to be mad about?

it's time to cut down on the cake.

I was mocking your comment.

Ah, right. In that case, yeah, I'm pretty upset.

The fact that you'll never find a healthy relationship?

No, but not a bad guess.

[](Seriously? This is the kind of rhetoric that helped get Trump into the white house.

ttps:// , though seriously this intellectual dodging of any responsibility for poor behavior is one of the reasons Trump is in the white house.

I'm not sure where you're going with that, but I'd tend to agree.

I am glad we do.

The analogy makes sense if you read the comic, because the main character in it is talking about his experiences with toxic masculinity throughout his life and how it stunted his growth as a human being. So the analogy to childhood makes sense. But you clearly didn't read the comic. I'm not willing to have discourse with someone who refuses to read the subject material and at least try to understand where it's coming from. As this discussion has devolved from an attempt at civil discourse, to all out name calling, I think I'll make my exit now.

an attempt at civil discourse

"This discussion of my right to cry 'lol male tears' at men's problems has devolved into UNCIVIL DISCOURSE"

LM fucking AO, your bullshit is piled so high I can smell it through my monitor.

my worldview works in the context of this hypothetical and situational comic about a man, made by a woman

Really disturbed by your cuntsplaining right now

Are you fucking tone policing us?

toxic masculinity

Imagine using this term unironically

The analogy makes sense if you read the comic, because the main character in it is talking about his experiences with toxic masculinity throughout his life and how it stunted his growth as a human being.

Are you familiar with the Motte and Bailey argument?

I'm not willing to have discourse with someone who refuses to read the subject material and at least try to understand where it's coming from

Did you read Mein Kampf, or are you just assuming it's evil?

we are saying, "look at that person who has so much privilege whine because a tiny bit was taken away to allow more rights for women."

What the fuck does that even mean?

Are you dumb or something?

Yes. Explain it.

Because as we know. Mean have to be subjugated in order for women to be equal in the eyes of society and law.

For fucks sake

Men are unfairly allowed to sleep on the streets, while women are shamed into sleeping at shelters in the night on a comfy bed.

Males crying is only shameful when we disagree with them-strong allies of men everywhere

It's not really that surprising. TrollX is a pro female-on-male rape board because to them, men have privilege and therefore it is OK for underprivileged women of size to do as they please to them.

Bet then like Amy for her "joke" about that.

/u/OptimalCynic please explain what sealioning is

Waste of time

Yeah, it takes time to make an informed opinion, no shit.

It even coined a new verb - "sealioning" - to describe the act of jumping into a discussion with demands for evidence and answers to questions.

Damn, I fucking hate when someone interrupts the circlejerk!

So evidence based judgement is sealioning and progressives are not fundamentally anti scientific? Well, fuck me.

They've already bit that bullet when basic biology like the function of chromosomes and hormones became part of muh patriarchy


No tell me in your own words. I doubt you've even read what you just linked me.

So you're not able to explain it in your own words.

So you're claiming to be the author of that article?

Only feminists are retarded enough to label the call for proof as a bad thing

Gawd just let me be a bigot!!!! What's wrong with you asking questions about my hateful views???? Literally why would you do that????

so basically when people call you out for generalising a gender or race or w/e, you just invent a word to call them the bad guy

Anything that isn't sucking your dick and worshipping your every word is clearly a waste of time and toxic.

I just bought a "women's tears" mug. Hope you're cool with the fact I thrive on women crying. Xoxo lylas

Of course, these questions are not asked because the person genuinely wants to know.

Often a fair assessment, but...

No, these questions are asked to make you waste your time.

Lol, no. They are asked because - get this - the person asking disagrees with you, and is expecting you to engage in a discussion where you might possibly change your mind as well, at least theoretically.

If that causes a problem for you, what you're saying is that you feel like you're just plain right, that the matter is settled, and that you oughtn't have to justify yourself to anyone. Funny thing about that attitude, though - it has this strange habit of not convincing anyone who isn't already convinced.

It works, too; I've responded to sealions before, answering all their questions and claims for evidence [sic], only to be greeted by even more willful ignorance.

No; they're greeted by people pointing out to you how your purported "evidence" doesn't actually establish what you want it to, and explaining why the answers to your questions are unsatisfactory.

Sorry about your chronic inability to admit fault.

The purpose of sealioning never to actually learn or become more informed. The purpose is to interrogate. Much like actual interrogators, sealioners bombard the target with question after question, digging and digging until the target either says something stupid or is so pissed off that they react in the extreme.

I'm also sorry about your inability to remain calm when calmly asked rhetorical questions by someone who thinks you're full of shit. I guess Socrates was the ur-sealion, showing people the flaws in their reasoning simply by making them confront their own logical inconsistencies.

especially the same question under a different phrasing, which is very common when sealioning

You should consider the possibility that the people asking the questions genuinely believe them to be different in salient ways.

They have to fight the natural instinct to respond in good faith to neutrally-phrased questions, as answering them will only bring more.

But the people asking the questions aren't fighting any natural instinct to ask more clarifying questions in good faith when they repeatedly get answers that seem nonsensical or based in an incomprehensible worldview, right? They're just evil mustache-twirlers, obviously.

It's unfortunate that we must be suspicious of purportedly honest and neutral questions.

Have you ever wondered why it's only the tiny minority of people who agree with your ideology who ever seem to run into this sort of problem, or complain about it online? Has it ever occurred to you, for example, to attempt to "sealion" prominent alt-right people, and see how they react? Like, if this technique is so effective, and "there are no bad tactics, only bad targets", you'd think this would have been tried by now.

Socrates was the ur-sealion

Hah. I need to remember this for later.

It's a cheap fucking tactic to not engage with valid criticism.

No that's called Tinder

Huh? How does this even make sense?

It doesn't make sense, minters make sense

Compelling! Now where do I get my free mints?

Sweet! Thanks.

It's exactly what you are doing dumbass.

So expecting someone to prove that they actually know what they're saying and aren't just regurgitating buzzwords is sealioning?

Yeah that sounds about right.

Why are you afraid of facts? Is it because your life is built on a shallow facade?

No, it's because I'm a woman, obviously.

You know, I have thank those armchair "feminists" of trollx - they helped me value women in my country more by being whiners and professional victims.

Also, if trollx would be the mirror of what 20-30 year old american women are and I would have to live in the USA,I think that I would need to rethink the options of bisexuality; using only porn; or suicide.

So thanks, ya landwhales, REEEEE, get fat, and get diabetes sooner.

[ Sorry r/drama, gangsta rap made me do it].

Also, if trollx would be the mirror of what 20-30 year old american women

It really isn't. It's a subset of really, really bitter, lonely women with severe social anxiety.

I thought that was /r/drama

We're mostly just drunks, right?

Bored frustrated drunks children

Frustrated drunk children?

Count me the fuck in! Being an adult sucks ass.

Bored drunks actually.

Ayy bby.

There are enough bitter lonely people to go around

/r/drama is faggots and autists. Almost women, but not quite.

They consider eye contact like fucking assault.

Literally the only thing I'm jealous of third world countries for is the fact that their women seem to have actual morals and values, by and large. Modern feminism is what happens when a cause outlives it's usefulness.

I left America to experience an exciting new culture.

I stayed to get away from these people. lol

2) Not all masculinity is "toxic masculinity," which is the part you are misunderstanding. I like competent, strong, intelligent men. There is a difference between that and "never showing weakness," which, in my experience, is not something I have ever had a preference for. But that's exactly what this post is about. You've been taught this by culture too-- that women want someone who never shows weakness. Woman here-- we don't.

Oh, I get it now. You want men to show weakness but only when it's convenient and doesn't burden you. You want a man to cry when his dog dies but not more than once. Otherwise he's just a pussy.

I think calling a man a pussy at anytime would fall under their definition of 'toxic masculinity'.

Dumb basic bitch feminist cunts (just the bad ones...wait that's all of them)


Still waiting for the day when trollX develops a bit of self-consciousness

Keep waiting, the cognitive dissonance isnt the result of an actually consistant belief system so much as it is an ad hoc justificaltion for their irrational hated of men and anybody who challenges them

No man should cry in front of someone else ever.

u/ryugi unironically believing male tears only refers to entitled men and not men legitimately upset over lame accusations

Also not realizing male tears is slang for semen

so many of the world's problems would be solved if people would just stop trying to justify their meanness and embrace it smh

of course that would also necessitate learning to take it as well as dish it out so it's probably too much to hope for

My daily reminder that women's suffrage was a mistake.

You should never take women seriously, they lack the brain power to reason. They're like obnoxious little kids.

Repeal the 19th.

What a bunch of fags


It's making fun of misogynists who complain about petty stuff like Ghostbusters featuring female actors.

That is literally not why anyone complained, and literally none of the people you're talking about actually hate women.

You, however, hate men. And you should feel bad about that.

Yes. The male tears meme comes from men who are upset that they cannot rape people. That is why we call it male tears. Because primarily men cry about not being allowed to touch or do things to another person without their consent.

"Yeah, I totally think men should be able to share emotions I deem valid. I just don't think they have any"

Imagine being so fat that you subscribe trollXchromosomes.

"Toxic masculinity" is the best example of the motte and bailey fallacy in human history.