WTF I love George W. Bush now

39  2017-09-02 by HodorTheDoorHolder


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That fucking fed chairman was not great. He was the daddy of 'too big to fail.'

Bernanke? That man is great.

I literally can't even right now. That mother fucker set the stage for housing bubble.

what set the stage for the housing bubble was an intentional policy of leaning on fannie mae and freddie mac to set the mortgage bar really low. That blew up in their faces when people who should've never been given a mortgage didn't pay off their mortgage en masse

Aye my dude. Uncontrolled credit expansion has got to contract eventually!

like a loose anus, it will cramp

Bussy is great, but that doesn't mean we can treat the economy like one.

It ended up working out and gave the FED a shitton of profit in the end, no? IIRC the companies that were still in the red wrt TARP were AIG and the like, not actual banks.

I mean, you can lay the blame for the bubble in every which way possible (including Obama personally for pushing black agenda for an example of one such way), but the way it was dealt with was OK and the people who complain about TARP don't realize that it had like 20% interest and was in fact collected, it was not a handout to "too big to fail" banks.

no, you can't lay the blame on the bubble on a guy who didn't get elected until after the bubble had already popped. Sure, the government was using every trick they've got to keep the 2008 mess from spiraling any further. Has the fed even stopped lending at 0%? What are they gonna do when the next one hits?

Oh, and the big consequence of all this? Other countries quietly buying up gold, waiting their turn for the next dollar correction to show up and say "See, we can't trust the american dollar as the world currency anymore!"

And then things get real fucking messy

no, you can't lay the blame on the bubble on a guy who didn't get elected until after the bubble had already popped.

Should kms probably. Anyways, I distinctly remember someone blaming someone for pushing the agenda of getting poor (actually middle class) blacks get housing loans. I'm not sure how much did that matter because there's so few of them, but whatever.

I'm pretty sure I'm not qualified to comment on FED policies.

On the other hand I think that I'm qualified enough to lol at your suggestion about gold. Like, on general principles, and also because the last time I checked the US debt to foreign countries was at parity with the opposite, most of the US debt is to itself.

while I agree that the world is never going to return to the gold standard, I expect more and more countries to switch from pegging their currency to the USD to a basket of currencies.

I looked up the bit about U.S. holdings of foreign debt - that's good stuff, thanks. Did not know that. Still concerned about what the next recession will look like

Are you sure? From my own (limited) understanding there were too many causes to pick one. I think unregulated derivatives were more important in the whole mess but I wouldn't pick it as THE cause.

You're talking about Greenspan, not Bernanke, retard.

I am? Oh fuck me sideways.

He inherited the mess. For most of it it was Greenspan, who made the mess

Wtf I love Helicopter Ben now people thinking that a man like that has no realistic chance of winning is beyond me.

Please tell me thats real


Trump was elected. Nothing is real. Everything is allowed.

Remember when neoliberalism was just an economic stance and not smug left-wing liberalism? For all their hatred on Donny Blanco, they sure do take after his fanbase.

it was actually smug left-wing liberalism to begin with back in the 30s. it wasn't redefined till the 80s

OG neoliberals were basically the south park neutrals of the broad left. they saw all these socialists and capitalists arguing all over the world and went "pssh, you're BOTH wrong"

Funny enough, they also got murdered by both the left and right.

I vote to return to those times

they did really good for an extremely brief period actually, but then they disappeared when the world didn't need them anymore...

...but everything gets a comeback in 2017

OG neoliberals were basically the south park neutrals of the broad left. they saw all these socialists and capitalists arguing all over the world and went "pssh, you're BOTH wrong"

I think i just threw up in my mouth. This truly is the South Park generation

Neoliberalism was always a buzzword used by lefties against anything they don't like or by edgy contrarians. It's more abused than "fascist", "political correctness" and "identity politics".

I always saw it being used by socdems who were too pussy to call out "capitalism", so i'm surprised that the neolib sub is now socdem.

Socdem is abused too. I guess a sub so smug was bound to be mocked by everyone.

I love how /r/neoliberal proves again to be 50% socdem lmao.

Also i want to congratulate /u/PM_ME_FREE_FOOD and /u/darkaceAUS to keep the good fight in /r/neoconNWO 👍 👍

looking back, there were only like four huge things wrong with W. which I guess makes him overqualified by today's standards