GDC-IWOC Joint Statement on Repression of Juggalos

49  2017-09-04 by shitpost953


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A spectre is haunting the white trash rust belt-the spectre of magnets.

This is what the IWW has turned in to?

They are trying to recruit Jugalos for the revolution.

Eugene Debs is rolling in his grave

While a diverse range of people enjoy the music and fandom of ICP, Juggalos are typically working class people living in poverty.

Not wrong.

With recent events raising the profile of the Juggalo community, many activists are beginning to realize how the government’s being capable of labeling a group a “gang” without any accountability or due process is an important issue for revolutionaries to engage in.

Not wrong.

We want to acknowledge that while there are themes in ICP’s music we support (anti-racism, anti-elitism, anti-classism), there are also problematic aspects such as misogyny and homophobia. We want to show solidarity to the Juggalos doing work around these things, and around toxic masculinity generally, while also remembering that not everyone has access to help or experience working through these issues as we do.

You gotta give the Wobblies credit on trying to grow their movement rather than jerking themselves about how enlightened they are.

The left calls it toxic masculinity, the right calls it alpha masculinity, all we can say for sure is Juggalos lack it.

Woop woop!

wtf i hate the IWW now

The IWW used to be solid citizens who had actual jobs fighting the bosses for their rights.

Nowadays every fucking socialist group has been taken over by the never-employed twenty-somethings, furries, the mentally ill, and attention whores who claim that their gender changes depending on what temperature it is outside.

The Juggalos need to be eliminated, not befriended.

lmao sure it was the "college kid assholes" that ruined the labour movement. Learn history k thx

It's not working people saying that we need to ignore class struggle in favor of focusing on making sure lesbians who refuse to fuck ladyboys are called transphobes or whatever.

It's not working people saying that we need to ignore class struggle in favor of focusing on super-duper important things like shaming lesbians for refusing to suck a ladyboy's dick.

MUH ESSJAYDUBYUHs filled a vacuum caused by a concerted effort to discredit and crush the labour movement during the Cold War and beyond by both government and corporate interests. You think the labour movement is run by people that you claim have no jobs?? my god you are a dumb fuck. If these upstanding workers you talk about were so upstanding they would still be fighting for equality and living wages instead of bitching about inconsequential SJWs.

MUH ESSJAYDUBYUHs filled a vacuum caused by a concerted effort to discredit and crush the labour movement during the Cold War and beyond by both government and corporate interests

Well, you can fill a vacuum with shit and it is still shit.

If you fill a vacuum with shit, it's just not still shit. It works be nothing but shit.

what does that have to do with juggalos

This is what happens when you never leave the internet

It was the Mafia that ruined the labor movement. Hard to cast yourself as a moral counterweight to the corporations when you're smuggling drugs and extorting construction firms.

Somehow these college kid assholes have taken the workers out of every workers' movement.

Actual workers are very racist and sexist. Also, many of them own tools and trucks, which makes them labor aristocrats.

Nazbol when

For Rome, America and the West!

Nailed it. This is just about the best impression of /r/socialism I've ever seen.

Which is why they shouldn't get to decide who is in power.

This is why I'm a Hillary Man tbh

me too irl

I would take furries and crazies over reds tbh fam

>commies and juggalos in one place

Can you imagine the smell?

I can almost taste it

There is... armpit, and bussy, with a bass note of frog-pond. There is also a tangy, acid smell. It could be black tar heroin. It could be estrogen solution. I can't quite place it.

tbh it is pretty retarded the fbi thinks juggalos are a gang

The Juggalos, a loosely-organized hybrid gang, are rapidly expanding into many US communities. Although recognized as a gang in only four states, many Juggalos subsets exhibit gang-like behavior and engage in criminal activity and violence. Law enforcement officials in at least 21 states have identified criminal Juggalo sub-sets, according to NGIC reporting.

so youre saying you agree with me?

no, it was related to what you said and i found it interesting. is this how reddit works or no

it was interesting, but every comment reply is, by definition, either aggressively argumentative or slavishly agreeing, get with the program

I agree, I mean like this, I'd give you gold if it wouldn't support a website that hosts uncanned srdines. 🌚

The aggressive canning of aquatic life is an abuse of power and privilege by the land walkers rooted in hatred, hunger, and political subterfuge by the Kingdom of Plantae.

Fuck you and your thoughts

Considering every juggalo I know is some combination of criminal, unemployable asshole, and druggy... Meh.

Makes sense.


Fentanyl god bless


Wow, what a year huh. 🙊

Finally it makes sense why the Juggalos were at Berkeley. Thanks OP I was wondering why for too long.

GNAA stands in solidarity

who dis

Gay Nazi Automobile Association?

They put the Benz in Mercedes.


I am kinda pissed this shits being posted to IWW considering its rich, over century-old history, you'd think there'd be something more important or pressing atm other than the classification of fans of a shit Detroit music group in a single country. Have decorum or some shit.

The fucking faygo mafia

Give me your juggalos, your diaper fetishists, your HAES lasses, yearning to shriek REEE

Cultural treatment of Juggalos has ranged from mocking to fearful, leading many people to assume Juggalos are undereducated, and possibly dangerous.

Fucking magnets, how do they work?

Have we considered the possibility that juggalos ought to be oppressed?