Is the Great Cheeto also involved in Pizzagate? MAT decides

8  2017-09-04 by Frank_Tenpenny




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Can anyone REALLY price they haven't fucked an 8 year old in a pizza parlor basement that isn't in listed floor plans.

20k points. MAT botting again?

nah just bored


Hillary will never be President. The literal, actual President, because he is the best choice for the American people, is

President Donald J. Trump, Leader of the Free World; First of His Name. The Unstumped; Breaker of Cucks; Light of the West; Lord of Mar-a-Lago; God-Emperor of Mankind.

Breaker of Cucks

He is a literal cuck

He is a literal cuck

That would be Paul Ryan, Undocumented Democrat.

I don't think Ryan's bodyguard fucked his wife, no.

Paul Ryan, cuckservative.

get off the stag

let me take a selfie

Um, sure. (???) I actually wanted Barack Obama for another term, but I'd take Hillary. Whatever.

Barack Obama, some more

lol I can't breathe

Really? You mean if I keep dropping the Obama bombs, you'll let yourself asphyxiate? Obama Obama Obama Obama Obama...

Are they blue yet?

Obama Obama Obama Obama Obama...


So clever.

Minimum wage, lol

I keep dropping the Obama bombs

It's funny, because Obama dropped enough bombs to make Bush look like a pot smoking hippy.

Imagine unironically wanting Obama back. If you think Trump is getting cucked by NK (he is), imagine how bad Obama would do. He'd probably end up making some deal with them that's as bad as the Iran deal.

MAT is still a thing? Huh.

i mean T is still a thing ainit