Some Things You Should Know

21  2017-09-04 by thesecrettruth

I have inside information from Reddit that has to do with your sub. Listen closely, because I'm doing you a favor. There was more to the shutdown today than you knew.

I think there are some things that you should know about this little sub. It has been up on the chopping block many, many times. There have been multiple meetings where banning it completely has been discussed.

Here are some obvious things that some of you can't seem to comprehend, but really ought to:

1) Pinging users to harass them is barely allowed and probably won't be allowed for more longer

2) Telling users to kill themselves is vile

3) Most of you brigade under alts. We know. Don't think we don't know. Just about all of the problematic comments on women- and LGBT-oriented subs can be traced back to here.

So why am I posting this? Because I think a lot of your jokes are funny. I think "bussy" is funny. I will admit that I've read posts here from time to time and have had a chuckle or two.

You guys need to focus on the laughs and back off a little on the targeted harassment, lest your sub goes bye-bye.

I'm not supposed to be posting this. I could get in trouble for posting this. But I want to help. Be better.

PS - Enough with mocking autism. While not a violation of any rules, it's just mean.



lol i thought this was another post from u/ghost0town

Oh fuck I totally missed part 3 because it wasn't stickied or I wasn't paying attention.

Just about all the problematic comments on women and LGBT subs can be traced back here

That's terrible bait. We aren't even in the top 100 probably, incels and TD exist










I was perhaps being a bit hyperbolic with "just about all." However, despite being a relatively small sub, you account for a disproportionate amount of trolling, harassment and complaints.

The alt-right sub wasn't particularly large either; in fact, I believe it was smaller than drama. However, that doesn't mean that they weren't causing a significant amount of trouble.

You can believe what you wish to believe. I'm just trying to give a warning here.

lol i saw OPs comment before delet

Look, I'm not trying to have a debate. I don't want to have a back and forth.

I should have known the sort of response I would get, but I thought perhaps you people could be serious for one post. I guess not.

That was prob the wrong way to say it if ur serious. There's no evidence, and it was way too hyperbolic. There prob is a lot of harassment, but a lot of the post screams troll. If ur a troll, tone it down so ppl believe u somewhat. If ur serious, also tone it down for the same reason

yes. should have foreseen being called a

SJW LARPr hellbent on "saving the world" -one sub at a time.

or some shit. def has to bring something to the table with all these over exaggerations (((leaking))) to the public

I am not an SJW. I love freedom of speech. This isn't about censorship.

i appreciate the heads up about everything, make sure you also keep yourself safe as well

this bait is so unfunny lol. It's not inflammatory at all it's just lame

What was his comment?

Not knowing we're merely crypto-hate smh

SHA-256 hate FTW!

It's pasta


I was perhaps being a bit hyperbolic with "just about all." However, despite being a relatively small sub, you account for a disproportionate amount of trolling, harassment and complaints. The alt-right sub wasn't particularly large either; in fact, I believe it was smaller than drama. However, that doesn't mean that they weren't causing a significant amount of trouble. You can believe what you wish to believe. I'm just trying to give a warning here.


Are you a simple cheese maker?


/u/thesecrettruth keep yourself safe

There will always be /r/Dramalamadingdong

You say you like bussy but I DON'T SEE YOU POSTING

Harassing should be a basic internet right.

/u/thesecrettruth has a big fat bussy and should be banned for harassment.

Hey OP would you mind posting some pics? Sounds sexy af


"I was perhaps being a bit hyperbolic with "just about all." However, despite being a relatively small sub, you account for a disproportionate amount of trolling, harassment and complaints. The alt-right sub wasn't particularly large either; in fact, I believe it was smaller than drama. However, that doesn't mean that they weren't causing a significant amount of trouble. You can believe what you wish to believe. I'm just trying to give a warning here."

Thanks, dodged a bullet there dude

Just about all of the problematic comments

troll detected

  1. gr8 m8 let us know when the admins get ir8 enough to actually announce that it's banned.
  2. I thought we were talking about admin deliberation as to whether to ban the sub, not about ethics in subreddit commenting
  3. subs get banned for explicitly calling for a brigade. If brigading - which mods don't have control over - was the actual reason SRD would have been banned long ago. If we're expected to tiptoe in regard to rules compared to SRD, because of our "problematic" politics that's another animal altogether in terms of why /r/drama would actually have been delet.

Ban r/drama

So who's deep throat

I think "bussy" is funny.

drink bleach


Reported for surplus autism.

Hmmm... where do we go after this sub gets banned?

PS - Enough with mocking autism. While not a violation of any rules, it's just mean.

Definitely troll.

So why am I posting this? Because I think a lot of your jokes are funny. I think "bussy" is funny. I will admit that I've read posts here from time to time and have had a chuckle or two.


unironically kill yourself, preferably take me out with you and spare me from having to read anything this autistic ever again

you're forgetting the level of autism exhibited in this sub. with everyone here being somewhere on the spectrum, they have no trouble poking holes in your poorly thought out story.

I don't bother to use an alt when I brigade, I just go in raw

Most of you brigade under alts.

That sounds like a lot of hard work. We're not SRS.

I expected them to do something about the username pings a long time ago but it's never come. Not much else to say about that. As for the "brigading", we used to relentlessly bully "brigaders" and even banned a few. This subreddit was generally quite good about not shitting up other subreddits (especially compared to crap like SRD) but in case you haven't noticed the admins have tacitly approved "brigading". They changed up all their rules about 6 months ago (not that they were being regularly enforced before that) and now spamming is allowed (lol) and as far as I can tell "brigading" wont get you banned unless you're particularly vile. Their stance seems to be "ban them". As a subreddit that advertises itself as only enforcing the sitewide guidelines there's not much we can do about it. If the admins don't give enough of a shit to ban people for it we certainly don't either. I personally dislike how much some of the good drama is shit up by a few assholes and I wish we would go back to just trying to bring people over to the /r/drama comment section but seeing as how I can't even enforce the very small number of bans that we have on the subreddit (the admins do fuck all about ban evasion. They seem to suspend every 3rd account or so when we report it which isn't really helpful) I don't know what I'm supposed to do about behavior on other subreddits.

username ping

I didn't even know what this is until I looked it up, I figured it's common sense not to mention usernames when you're in non-participation mode.

NP Mode? wtf? have u even posted bussy yet? these are bannable offenses , slut

/u/thesecrettruth hey you autistic faggot, kill yourself.

i think i checked all the boxes, are we banned now?

The definition of concern trolling lmao

Enough with mocking autism

Ruined it.