/r/sex discusses double standards. Always good for some drama.

16  2017-09-05 by zahlman


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Bluepill: women want nice guys Redpill: women want bad boys Blackpill: women want tall guys with strong jawline and wrist Dogpill: women want G O O D B O Y E S

/r/Incels is so fucking crazy I can't even tell if that post is a joke or not.

That's the beauty of mental illness. Sometimes you just can't tell if it's satire or a honest to God belief.

is /r/theredpill/ the same as incels

It's different because trpers pretend that they have sex.


WTF is with this wrist obsession? Has it always been a thing and I didn't notice, or is it a newish meme?

Which feminist subreddit is brigading that thread downvoting anyone saying anything against size queens?

I mean, I'm not an expert, but at least in my opinion being a little jealous isn't bad. It's normal. Especially if you're not used to talking about stuff like that. One thing that helps me, is thinking about it from the other point of view. I've been with other girls who I had a ton of fun with, but that doesn't really impact how I view my current girlfriend. Plus, I view it as a challenge. Like if my girlfriend hooked up with a guy who was better at going down on her than I am, that's incentive to get better at it right? Hope this helps:)

Jesus christ /u/penissheathq one one step above being a literal cuck. Where's your self respect?


Trust me when I say there's only one way out of this situation. Size queens aren't only in it for the feeling of being full; they love the simple idea of big cocks stretching them out. I'm 8.5 inches and very girthy, and the size queens I hook up with are almost ready to orgasm before I even touch them. Fisting as some people in the thread will do nothing for her. Buying a big dildo will do nothing for her. She doesn't want your fist or a big dildo; she wants a huge dick.

You need to let your girlfriend explore her sexuality and be with other men.

I know you don't want to hear this. It sucks. You love her. You feel like she's cheating on you. But what's the other option? An unsatisfied girlfriend? Your relationship falling apart as she reminisces on her days with guys more well endowed than you?

What will happen is you will be in control. You'll find a bigger guy (only in the pants, not in the heart, the mind, or anywhere else your girlfriend loves you), and you'll tell him when he's allowed to touch her. She will be thinking about you the whole time. If she's more comfortable with you waiting elsewhere, make it so. If she's more comfortable with you in the room, make it so. If she wants you to prep him while wearing knee socks and a diaper, step up and do it for her.

The only real way to salvage this situation is written above. I hope you heed my advice before it's too late.

lol cuck

I'm not a cuck. I'm just saying he should be one.

No man should choose to be a cuck


Relevant username ;)

He's like one step away. I'm just giving him a push in the highest drama direction.

Where do you think you're posting now?

I see your point.

He didn't choose the cuck-life, the cuck-life chose him.

I'm 8.5 inches and very girthy

Pics or your lying. PM


lol cuck

Emancipation was a mistake.

"Last night me and my boyfriend were talking about out sexual history and he mentioned that he's had sex with one REALLY tight girl before and he loved it." The poor girl's already booking an appointment with her therapist.

/u/lovequest, taking the most obvious bait in the world and running straight into feminazi land with it.

You guys are weird


Seriously, what are these people going to do when they hit 30, and they can't realistically go ,'You're a virgin!' or 'LOL, you hate women and have only had sex with one of them' like they can sort of pretend might be true when they're 16 (now)?

They're going to keep doing it, despite how unrealistic it is.