r/canada shows how being unironic is a precondition for autism

13  2017-09-05 by newcomer_ts


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/u/Spartanfred104 The country you described is not Canada, pls move for your sake and mine

Literally the epitome of some who is tilted


what do u think that word means?

Most people posting from Canada are posting from the East side of the province. I wonder if they are all stupid over there.

Most people posting from Canada are posting from the East side of the province. I wonder if they are all stupid over there.

Stupid people are everywhere, as evidenced by your comment. Canada is a country, not a province. Judge not, that ye be not judged.

:P My bad.

He is right though, /r/canada has gone to hell lately. For some reason it's become a cesspool of Trump supporters and people ranting about immigrants, transgendered people and more immigrants.

When subs like r/physical_removal get the r/digital_removal treatment, these lousy autists are bound to flee to other subs and REEEEE about this.

Apparently they're fleeing to /r/drama now.

They didn't even leave r/dankmemes alone. Smh

And natives. Don't ever forget natives.

Well the natives thing is pretty rare, actually. There's some pretty shitty comments when there is a story about natives, but there isn't literally over a dozen articles about natives per day, every day, like there is with immigrants and refugees.

The death of of klugerhans and ranmacanada helped.

Anyone who opens a post with "we need to have a talk" should keep themselves safe.

He's not wrong tho, especially with the storm front copy pasta being high upvoted in that thread

It looks like they're complaining about American immigrants crossing the border into Canada.

/u/vanarum is in the Ku Klux Klan, and that's not only because he's a racist. He IS racist, but he also looks much better with a hood over his head!

And Canadians are supposed to be so nice. It's all LIES.