my shaved pussey

131  2017-09-05 by snallygaster


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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jk he got put down 4 years ago because he had cancer

deeply unkind

Sorry :'(

What did you do with your dead powwsi? I hope you got him stuffed and mounted

He got cremated and placed beside my other dead pussey

Ah the old Auschwitz treatment, mine too

RIP fluffy

post pix of fluffy

Don't think I have any :(

He dieded like 10 years ago

rip kitty :(
i wish cats reproduced less and lived longer

I too long for a miniature, long lived, shaved , eunuch as my life companion.

Jesus, you must be old. ..

no fucking way



what the actual fuck

This hurt my feels. A lot.

Thanks, Obama


oh sweet, i've been looking for these

First it was (((HYPERBOREANS))) now it's HIBERNIANS. Fucking looooooooooooool! Where will these conspiracies stop as in at what point will they think "nigga c'mon that's some bullshit". 😂

how could you DESTROY my HEADCANON like this



RIP kitty. What was his name?

wilson :'(

I thought with cat's (relatively) short lifespan, it would be quite hard for them to develop cancer? What kind of cancer was it?

Indoor cats can live a long time, and cats are pretty prone to certain types of cancer, unfortunately. It was feline lymphoma, which is especially common in persians

RIP. We will always live in our hearts.

Got any nudes of the lady in the frame? That guy doesn't seem too interested so I assume it didn't work out.

Does she do anal?

Torture play?


Mario Tennis?

you might have to build a time machine for that

Ugh, temporal fetishes are the worst.

or a shovel

all cats are beautiful

truer words have never been spoken

ive been using your flair as my twitter pic for a while. is it from something?

>not knowing heathcliff

you're not getting any garbage from the ape tonight


Heathcliff is dollar-store Garfield.

delete this


Here's mine


Jonesy never got hit by a fucking car

Any videos with belly rubs?

Anyone who posts this kind of attention-garnering, pathetic shit to an unrelated subreddit can't be happy with her life IRL.

Prove me wrong by pming me nudes so that I can trade them to Hypnozoid for dopeass train pix.

Won't work, unless they're nude train pics.


that's a nice cat and all, but on /r/Drama we care about shaved bussy.

Sorry for your loss /u/snallygaster

i'm reporting you to the naacp, that's kitty abuse.

That's a well-shaved pussey

Oh my gosh she's so cute