Venezuelans desperate for food, does Runescape raids for money. Runescape sub upvotes guide on how to kill them.

63  2017-09-05 by fourredfruitstea


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This is pretty fucking disgusting. This are people who are so desperate they turn tho video game gold farming just to feed their family.

Ruining my experience. Yes.

Nobody gives a shit about your imaginary pixels tho.

Or the Venezuelans apparently.

Lmao "these people are ruining mah vidya games"

"mah globalist values"

This is the real gamergate tbqh

Notice how insulting one's target is central to this strategy. It's taken for granted that a gold farmer will abandon his 'job', and let his family starve, if you call him a puta.

If this strategy is effective, it is evidence that the Venezuelan people are culturally inferior and deserve to be griefed into actual death.

Im over this dumb sarcasm and ironic stuff. The Venezuela thing is serious but you are just a person behind a computer who thinks anything is a joke.

Unironically, Venezuelans chose to ruin their economy, and now that they're reduced to grinding for videogame funny money for food, they are still so prideful and shortsighted that they're willing to give up what meager hope they have and destroy their lives if someone insults them via machine translation. These are people who will starve unless you physically go over there and shove food into their mouths.

yeah fam, the people grinding a videogame to feed themselves are definitely the same people who instituted price controls and a petro-economy

They had a chance to vote. That's the entire point of a democracy, which Venezuela was able to briefly maintain.

i didnt know voting for someone was the same as managing the national economy, or that everyone in venezeula voted the same way. very informative.

As a collective, they voted for an administration that intended to carry out certain economic policies. You can blame leadership in a dictatorship, but in a democracy the blame is squarely with the people, who at no point failed to give their consent to this disaster.


Uh, fuck off, no one is obligated to not kill people in a video game. The whole point of the game is to play it. Why should they get special treatment. There are areas they can be in that prevent being killed.

This are people that are suffering and are relying to this scheme in desperation.

And? Why do you play video games exactly? The whole point is to play the game as intended. Botting and farming also ruins the game. They are the ones doing something wrong not some random person playing it as intended.

Like jesus fucking christ if I'm going to have to fucking worry about every single person I ever play against. Oh no, I killed someone in an FPS and now they get pushed over the edge and commit suicide.

What kind of unreal standards are you putting on people? This is just moral fucking grandstanding.

You're only here because SRD is closed, aren't you?

This is me mocking you and telling you to go agendapost there.

mah srd Im gonna stay here.

Well done, you're making retarded comments in SRD and then making even more retarded comments here.

You really are one full autism deluxe package aren't you?

Im just disagreeing with you, no need to get so defensive.

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

Call me an autist shit muncher, you dumb fuck. You can't even /r/drama right, stick to SRD where they upvote feel-good "trannies are people too" comments.

We really need to add "but try to actually be kinda funny while doing it" to that part of the sidebar tho

You should try to actually commit suicide tho

Whoa hey hey this sure was a dramatic comment. Keep up the good work, comrade!


better dead than red, commie scum

Wait I thought you didn't like overused memes


1950s proud anti-communist slogan

OG memes are the best

You are already providing enough drama for yourself, no need to be angry at me.

You're profoundly boring, ugh.

Then don't read my responses, if i was reading something that bore me, something which i had no responsibility to actually read, i would probably just go do something else.

Your existence bores me. Can you leave and do something else, I'm too lazy.

Im probably gonna hang around, so no im gonna stay here.

That's really sad. Is SRD not satisfying you baby? Seeing /r/drama on the side for a little excitement and hot action?

Rewind frankengash until it is a penis again, lol

Im not transsexual.

Not with that attitude.

Or any attitude. Im just not transexual. You can't really will yourself into wanting sec reassignment surgery.

We can still send you to Thailand.

Why would i go to Thailand? For the SRS thing? I dont want it. Also what is your obsession with transsexuals?

All Hillarymen are frustrated transexuals.

I don't know what a hillaryman is. You mean hillary supporters? Impossible, transgender population amount for around less than 1% of the population. Lets just round up her numbers and say she got 50% of the vote. That means probably around half are men so that would mean 25% of the population is trans by your comments. That is an insane amount over the actual amount of trans people in the US.

That means probably around half are men


Even if 15% are men or 10 or 5, your comments are crazy. Transgender account for less than 1% of the population. It is impossible for all men that are Hillary supporters to be transgender or even LGBT for that matter.

They are frustrate transgenders. When their T levels drop low enough, they will start shopping at Hot Topic and change their names to Zoe.

Rewind communism.

Im not by any stretch of the imagination, a communist.

Only communists don't love the most American President.

That's false given that he has 40% approval rating. And that's not even hard approval. If something like 60% dissaproving him, meant 60% of the country was communist then full on communist policies would have already been enacted. Given that the US is a very capitalistic country it makes your statement false.

That's false given that he has 40% approval rating.

Hillary has a 95% chance to win!

Hillary lost and she didn't have a 95% chance to win. I think 538 put up averages at 60% chance of her winning or something like that.

But the approval rating news man on TV said she had a 95% to win and that President Trump is a Nazi. Rachel Madcow.

Idk, that's none of my business. Im just going by the 538 aggregate.

Death to Islam.

Are you just making inflammatory comments now?

I am laying out my policy goals.

Well i wouldn't vote for you, you seem unstable and rude. Also you are really bad with percentages and data.

Yes Trump won. Im aware.

Yes he won. That's another video with the same message.


You aren't even being coherent anymore. You are just spouting phrases.

Punch a jihadzi.

You don't say.

Rewind Islam

Im not a muslim.

Rewind It Anyway.

Im not really sure what that means, but shouldn't be telling muslims that if you want muslims to get that message?

Why would I want them to be warned?

You are just making inflammatory comments at this point.

Reverse the Islamic Expansion. Rewind it.

Ok, i guess. Then donate to causes that preach your other religion of choice.

I have already donated my energy to the GOD-EMPEROR!

Ok. Not really sure how that works but ok.

That's just more pro trump propaganda. I know he won.

No thanks but you go right ahead.

It was either this or going back to trading rare Pepes.

"This is making the community so toxic that no one will want to play anymore and the game will die out"

It's almost like retarded mod decisions make the player base angry or something. "Toxic" is just a buzzword for "people aren't agreeing with me" anyway.

Toxic is people bringing shit that doesn't matter into video games regardless of me agreeing with them or not.

Lol the mods can't bangulag people fast enough.

Those can't be real Venezuelans starving, they must be expats or bourgeoisie facists who hate black people.

Nothing like starving people through killing pixels.

The 2007scape subreddit is very autistic. Can't believe how whiny they got over the LGBT thing. You just know they have piss bottles in their rooms

the LGBT thing

I don't know what my expectations were of a community that plays a 10yo point-and-click browser RPG, but virtual KKK protests over a gay pride event that took up 7 tiles was not one of them.

Seriously it was just pathetic, like I'm not someone you'd call an SJW at all, but it just made no sense to me how everyone found so much energy to care.


The best part of that whole thing was the word "gay" was still censored in game.

This is like that cookie clicker game where, for every 100 clicks they took one grain of rice away from a poor family

The amount of people triggered over this is hilarious, we even have some bootyblasted losers in this thread crying right now.

where's /u/deere442 anus anguished comments about how much he doesn't play Runescape and why he totally doesn't care about "a game he played in elementary" waa waaa

you know you're the totally-not-mad one when you ping users from conversations you had days ago because your ass still hurts

thanks for providing the bootyblasted response I was hoping for.

Communism. Not even once.

Can we mod the Finland perkele bot? The rest of that was fairly shit.

SUOMI MAINITTU TORILLE PERKELE!!! I am the annoying finnish bot with no real purpose. [/r/suomi | /r/finland]

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I love you

good bot

Nobody is more based than a former communist.

Well then