Downvotes splat in SRD when user asks why TERFS are unpopular in trans-loving SRD and begs not to be downvoted for asking questions.

48  2017-09-05 by John_Kvetch


This, but unironically.


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I'm not concern-trolling


Combine that with "trans is a mental illness" and you end up with fewer friends than foes.

Not in the real world, /u/flucksy

lol, implying anyone gives a shit about tranny rights in the real world, /u/flucksy, does the sunlight hurt your eyes when you open your curtains every half decade?

I work night shifts, so yeah, kinda.

What is your job?

Lab assistant

Why does a lab assistant have to work at night?

My lab is open at night.

More like your bussy is open at night.

It's honestly not that busy. I end up shitposting here most of the time.

My sweet innocent child

It's a joke. I'm not retarded.

(Edit: please don't downvote me for asking questions.)

I'm down voting you not for asking questions, but for playing devil's advocate for a group that views transgender people as mentally ill, perverts or brainwashed people who are seeking to maliciously invade feminism. Transgender people face enough discrimination without having people play devil's advocate for groups that ought hate them


Why was John_Ketch banned?

He's not.

Then prove it by replying to this comment.

Sorry, why the fuck should I?

This is giving me major honeypot vibes dude, who tf are you?

Sorry, why the fuck should I?

To prove you aren't banned, duh.

lmao, honeypot elsewhere babe

Spoken like a true banned man.

shut the fuck up bitch

Anarchist. Antifa. Gamer.


You can't be a gamer if you're an anarchist, gamers are dead.

I'm actively attempting to become trans because I fit all the rest of those criteria.

u/Garethp "terfs believe trans women are mentally ill" who knew I would find something I agree with terfs on. Really makes you think that no matter how different you are you can still find common ground

Looking through your post history. Wow. You are not a good person

Yeah, but you posted this.

Like, you are seriously retarded enough to think Trump is going to make brown death camps or something while talking about privilege on voting. Ironic, really considering people vote on self interests but when it's a majority of the populace in a country you ask for understand and self sacrifice.

You are a hypocrite and a window licker. When not dealing with your crippling obesity, you talk about tranny and women and Muslims ever two seconds because instead of looking at people as people, you categorise then via faux-oppression levels so you can finger yourself while blasting your bullshit answers to all of injustices to society in an attempt to look like a pious humanitarain instead of a race/sex obsessed loser who never goes outside.

In short, i dislike you and think yo u should get a new start, pperf by switching to new socks half off! 50% off at!!


Not even memeing, I actually agree with the TERFS on quite a few subjects, mainly about sex work and porn.

I agree with them about trannies.

about sex work

Women aren't mature enough to decide for themselves how they want to use their bodies. That's why I believe they shouldn't have the right to abortion... oh wait.

I don't give a fuck what women do with their bodies, they can turn them into abortion mills for all I care. That still doesn't mean I believe in paid consent.

Would you consent to going to work everyday without being paid? Is your salary maybe a contributing factor to why you would consent to going to work?

Do you think a masseuse would consent to massaging strangers backs if she didn't get paid for it? Do you think a woman shouldn't be allowed to work as a masseuse? What is the difference between a woman selling her consent for a back rub and selling it for a hand job?

Its mainly about the sex trafficking angle. I have no way to know that the person is there as a willing participant as opposed to having a pimp or trafficker threatening their life if they don't comply. Simple as that. If you think that being a massage​ therapist and being forced to work in a rub 'n tug are the same thing then more power to you, I'm sure you give a mean old fashioned.

You think sex trafficking and forced sex work would be more prevalent if the industry was legalized and regulated? That's interesting. I'd be more inclined to believe a lot of the issues prostitutes face is because their work is illegal.

Let's flip it around. Do you think the working conditions of massage therapists would improve if you labeled them as criminals, removed them from a safe working environment and stripped them of things like minimum wage and other benefits.

Some men are always gonna suffer from back pains and if they can't get a massage at a massage parlor they'll have to go looking for it on the streets. Maybe these men will beat up the massage therapists or refuse to pay them. If it had happened at a proper massage parlor the man would be arrested and convicted.

A poor 5 dollar massage therapist on the street doesn't have that option. She'll have to look for a pimp that takes a cut out of her earnings, maybe he'll force her to work extra to make more money.

Kinda crazy that she has to associate with this sleazeball now when he'd serve no purpose in a world with legal massages. I think you're right though. It's better to force her into these unsafe situations than to allow a two consenting adults to decide for themselves whether they want a massage service or not.

So when I said people can do whatever the fuck they want, regardless of how I feel about it, you managed to pull that paragraph that I didn't read out of it? Nice.

Oh, so you don't agree with TERFs on the subject of sex work. Cool.

Terfs don't believe that we should prosecute sex workers the way we do in america. Most of them favor the Swedish model of banning the purchase of sex because it likely reduces instances of sex being sold when compared with the German model of full legalization.

From what I've gathered it's equally important to deny men the opportunity to sexually oppress women. They're willing to throw a couple of dirty street whores under the bus in order to give men a well deserved kick in the balls. That's just my impression though.

Uh, consent is implicitly implied in all non-coerced transactions under capitalism, that's the difference between a trade and extortion. Your criticism of the possibility of paid consent is moronic.

Good thing you set me straight then, boss.

you're welcome, but it is my job to educate you so please send bitcoins to address: "1LBVoGL3FFqL3oZGGkJDubgtWQQ77sJ1HN"

Socialists should keep themselves safe

The whole concept of TERFs is that they don't like trans people. That's literally it.

most people, in general, dont like posers. doubly so when those posers are moving in on your oppression game

I mean that's the distinction between them and normal radical feminists, which is a niche group of second wave feminists anyways.

Except that isn't what they believe.

Probably the single most significant aspect of feminism is it's critique of gender roles. Feminism, much like all social science, argues that gender roles are social constructs. Trans people have a problem with this so they invented the term "terf" to disparage them.

I think it is incredibly bizarre and stupid to find feminists supporting all this trans nonsense. Feminism can't talk about men and women if there is no stable definition of them (which there isn't according to some trans activists). If there is no such thing as 'woman' then there is no subject for feminists to talk about it. Its crazy.

they are more consistent, but still really inconsistent.

Let's accept this de-facto tabula rasa thing, that for all intents and purposes people are blank slates at least as far as sex-linked genes go, and socialization accounts for all generalizable differences between men and women.

You'd think then, that if men today do bad things, it wouldn't be proof that men are worse and evil. After all, men have just been programmed to do those bad things!

No. Men are worse. But also, there are no sex-linked mental differences.

they are more consistent, but still really inconsistent.

Let's accept this de-facto tabula rasa thing, that for all intents and purposes people are blank slates at least as far as sex-linked genes go, and socialization accounts for all generalizable differences between men and women.

You'd think then, that if men today do bad things, it wouldn't be proof that men are somehow fundamentally worse and evil. After all, men have just been programmed to do those bad things!

No. All the time in /r/GenderCritical and /r/Gender_Critical sentiments along the line of "Men are worse" are upvoted like crazy right next to "there are no sex-linked mental differences."

/r/GenderCritical and /r/Gender_Critical are not representative of feminists in general. The fact that they are shitty and stupid does not in any way mean that feminists in general are shitty and stupid.

Any yeah, the feminist argument that gender roles are social constructs is entirely consistent and is backed up by a lot of credible evidence. The fact that a few twats in some stupid online forum don't don't take this fact into consideration when hating on men is neither here nor there.

I mean that's literally their defining characteristic. They are right about one thing.

devil's avocado

Nothing like JAQqing off to upset the SRDines.

wtf is a 'terf'?

Trans exclusive radical feminist

TERFs are only mad because they know they can't compete with us.

Basically daywalkers in the world of gender.

I cant imagine the mental gymnastics it takes to simultaneously argue that gender is a social construct but also that people are born trans. Lul

Press F

Pretty devoid of cans in that thread for the amount of SRD I'm encountering.


It's literally a gaping open wound that they need to dilate to prevent from healing.

/u/Physicsismymistress will never accept that his tranny boyfriend's vagina isn't actually real! What next! He's been having his dick sucked by a guy all along?

My gf has a dick and I'm the one doing the sucking. Why you can't even get simple things correct is beyond me.

Wow, the fact you can still delude yourself into thinking you're sucking the penis of a woman is powerful. Yeah, just giving her feminine balls a tongue workout, no, I'm the guy in this "straight" relationship.

I don't get why you care so much about my relationships. Your hand boring you too much?

It's really, really funny watching you get hot and bothered when I tell your boyfriend is a man.

It's true my gf gets me hot and bothered. Too bad you've got no one to get you that way.

Don't worry, my girlfriend has something yours will never have: ovaries.

It's sad you're so unhappy in your relationship that you're so focused on mine.

Rustling your jummies doesn't mean I actually care about your degenerate love life. You're probably wearing one of your boyfriend's boxers, aren't you?

lol who even uses that phrase "rustling your jimmies" anymore.

People who don't fuck men.