I've noticed most the things posted on /r/politicalhumor aren't even jokes, just typical political statements.
Instead of getting something like "Fuck Trump like he wants to fuck his daughter," we just get "Fuck Trump" and the retards who subscribe to /r/politicalhumor just up vote it like crazy.
It's always just mean for the sake of mean. It's like watching cavemen throw rocks at each other from across a river solely because me tribe good, them tribe bad.
I'm all for political jokes. I even dislike Daddy quite a bit. I should be the target audience for their circlejerk, but it's just aggressively unfunny. Most of the posts don't even seem to be attempting to crack a joke.
There's no actual basis to that humor. It's all kind of superficial. You're attacking his name or saying "45" like he's Voldemort it feels like hollow criticism. Corny nonsense that doesn't mean anything. Nothing you can say about this guy is zanier than the dumb shit he says and does every day. We are living in a post political comedy world.
Probably the worst thing Jon Stewart brought to the table is the idea that you can just laugh these people out of existence. Look at this moron and realize millions of fucking people approve of this shit
Norm mcdonald? Did a piece a while back about how modern comedy isn't about saying something funny but instead something that people will agree with. Somehow retard brains have been circuited to release endorphins and shit when you """validate""" their political opinions.
Trump is a constant gold mine of joke opportunities and this fucking post has 10k upvotes right now. Literally all it says is "I super duper don't like Drumpht you guise!!!!!" That's the entire fucking joke. It's like the dregs of /r/all has decided that actually learning about what is actually fucking happening in politics is too hard for their tiny pea brains and decided to jump to the part where they get to call Trump the second coming of Hitler without realizing that if you skip that step you come off as an absolute retard to everybody who hasn't gotten their /r/politics mandated lobotomy yet. Their only saving grace is that Trump supporters tend to be just as retarded if not more so.
u/ceylonMoose maybe they remember the Clintons making a bunch of bullshit promises about retraining when NAFTA happened and aren't quite stupid enough to believe them twice.
This is it, really. But every time this comes up, a bunch of idiot college kids with rich parents cling to the 'retraining' myth, both because it's very convenient for rich kids to believe, and because they are politically ignorant and don't realize that this lie has literally been told five times before they were even born.
Wow. /u/moeiz really fucking hates coal miners. I didn't know this was a thing. Wtf is going on there? I've never heard of someone mocking coal miners before holy crap.
We need coal, and coal mining is a shit-ton more dangerous and difficult than working at Arby's. There's a reason why you have to wear 20 lbs of safety gear mining, but just a silly apron and hat while making sandwiches.
The US "needs" coal because it's average citizen is too retarded to understand solar, wind, or hydroelectric. It's a zombie industry that dumbfuck traditionalists have somehow persuaded you is critical, despite the fact the people saying it loudest have black lung and terminal stupidity.
According to every non-retarded first world country that accepts the reality of anthropogenic climate change, yes. I like how you dropped off hydroelectric, too. Only coincidence that it's the one with the most syllables.
/r/drama stop this shit. ComedicSanta is right, green energy is the future, it's more energy efficient, so even of you think global warmsies is a ching chong hoax you should be for renewables.
This place has gone so fucking hard right over the last few months. Like not just "anti-SJW" hard right, increasingly it's just dumbass generic Republican talking points. I expect threads about the estate tax any day now.
Aww thanks I want to thank /r/the_donald for giving me talking points /r/gassingkikes for helping me with lols and /r/iowa for convincing me the salt-left mayos should be exterminated
You know, no men are anywhere. And I'm allowed to go in because I'm the owner of the pageant. And therefore I'm inspecting it... Is everyone OK?You know, they're standing there with no clothes. And you see these incredible-looking women. And so I sort of get away with things like that ... I'll go backstage before a show, and everyone's getting dressed and ready and everything else.
Epstein on Trump:
Q: Have you ever had a personal relationship with Donald Trump?
A. What do you mean by "personal relationship," sir?
Q. Have you socialized with him?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Yes?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Have you ever socialized with Donald Trump in the presence of females under the age of 18?
A: Though I'd like to answer that question, at least today I'm going to have to assert my Fifth, Sixth, and 14th Amendment rights, sir.
Miss Teen USA contestants
Mariah Billado, Miss Vermont Teen USA, is one of four women to mention such a dressing room visit incident in 1997.[92] Billado said of the visit: "I remember putting on my dress really quick, because I was like, 'Oh my god, there's a man in here.' Trump, she recalled, said something like, 'Don't worry, ladies, I've seen it all before.'"[2] The dressing room had 51 contestants, each with their own stations. Eleven girls said that they did not see Trump enter the dressing room, though some said it was possible that he entered while they were somewhere else, or that they didn’t notice. Allison Bowman, Miss Wisconsin Teen USA, expressed skepticism: "these were teenage girls. If anything inappropriate had gone on, the gossip would have flown."[92] Billado recalled talking to Ivanka, Trump's daughter, who responded "Yeah, he does that."[2] Trump's campaign stated the allegations of him entering the dressing room “have no merit and have already been disproven by many other individuals who were present.”[93]
Tasha Dixon (2001)
Tasha Dixon, Miss Arizona USA 2001, told a CBS affiliate in Los Angeles that in 2001, "[Trump] just came strolling right in. There was no second to put a robe on or any sort of clothing or anything. Some girls were topless, other girls were naked." She said that having been walked in on when the women had little or no clothes put them in a "very physically vulnerable position, and then to have the pressure of the people that work for him telling us to go fawn all over him, go walk up to him, talk to him ..." Trump's response, provided through spokeswoman Jessica Ditto, is that: "These accusations have no merit and have already been disproven by many other individuals who were present," Ditto adds that she believes that there is a political motivation behind the accusation.
Every forum that jerks about politics devolves into either SJW or alt-right, given enough time. Frankly, I'm kind of surprised that this place has avoided being completely captured by one wing or the other for as long as it has.
There should be more solar with so much unused sunny land, but from what I've read solar just doesn't bring in enough energy compared to the energy use of say, a city, no matter how many panels you set up. It'll have to be a combination of many things. But it is still cost-prohibitive compared to the current setup which is the problem. You have to convince people (politicians, voters) to pay more for something, which many people don't like. And then hippies protest stuff that's not just a field of solar panels and love.
People ITT are repeating out-of-date conventional wisdom. Especially when they say shit like what we need is nuclear! Sure, if you assume away the (excessive, but politically entrenched) safety and regulatory requirements that make Western nuclear projects ridiculously expensive, then nuclear is cheap. But why can you just assume that away? Actually-existing nuclear is ridiculously expensive which is why there have been something like three new nuclear projects since 1980. Just chanting "moonshot!", "political will!," "nuclear renaissance!" doesn't actually make this problem go away. It's a smug "radical centrist" way of seeming like a smart problem-solver but it's actually the complete opposite.
Dude it's not even a climate change thing anymore. The technology is cheaper outright. "Hurr durr, solar and wind are expensive fantasies" has quietly stopped being true over the last decade or so. There's a reason nobody is building new coal plants anymore outside of India and China.
The instructions? To make a sandwich? Do you mean the Arby's corporate instructions by this? Probably they could show them how to put it together, but if they can't read they wouldn't do well on the register. I don't see why they couldn't be a cook or something, but I've never been to Arby's and don't know exactly how they operate. Although, you'd be surprised at the amount of employees in low-level positions that have trouble reading, something we tend to take for granted.
He's a retard who thinks that the only reason we're not generating one trillion terawatts of solar power is because republicans. Somehow the fact that even the most hipstery shitholes on earth still set things on fire for electricity doesn't seem to factor into this.
1 SnapshillBot 2017-09-05
Providing a Community Safe from TITrCJ's Sexual Advances Since October 2015.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-09-05
1 SperglockHolmes 2017-09-05
I've noticed most the things posted on /r/politicalhumor aren't even jokes, just typical political statements.
Instead of getting something like "Fuck Trump like he wants to fuck his daughter," we just get "Fuck Trump" and the retards who subscribe to /r/politicalhumor just up vote it like crazy.
1 MakeAmericaSageAgain 2017-09-05
Have you heard what they say about his last name though? Oh man, you're gonna love this one. It's too good. Ready?
It's Drumpf! Lmao
1 buttermyself 2017-09-05
People that say drumph all the time seem easily triggered.
1 Oh_hamburgers_ 2017-09-05
What the fuck did you just say drumpftard?
1 grungebot5000 2017-09-05
but like "Drumpf" isn't even as unusual a name as "Trump"
only one of those words means "fart"
1 SlavophilesAnonymous 2017-09-05
Nope: Trump
Broke: Drumpf
Woke: Blumpf
1 nomad1c 2017-09-05
bigly irritates me too. like, he clearly says "big league" but people are like HURR LET ME MAKE FUN OF MY MISHEARING OF YOUR SPEECH"
i don't even like trump but fuck those people
1 ManhattanTransFur 2017-09-05
I do like Trump and I think those people are great! Because it is great that the President's detractors are retards.
1 uniqueguy263 2017-09-05
So basically it's political humor?
1 SpectroSpecter 2017-09-05
It's always just mean for the sake of mean. It's like watching cavemen throw rocks at each other from across a river solely because me tribe good, them tribe bad.
1 TheGhostOfRichPiana 2017-09-05
1 autistitron 2017-09-05
If you're paid to astroturf you probably don't care about post quality.
The time required to put a decent joke together could have been spent on 100 le-drumpf posts.
1 SkippyDippo 2017-09-05
I keep hearing from liberals that all Mexicans are brown.
1 nanonan 2017-09-05
He's referring to criminals, so it's a safe bet.
1 Br00ce 2017-09-05
1 ashent2 2017-09-05
Holy shit that thread is a train wreck. A+
1 glmox 2017-09-05
1 Deity_Of_Darkness 2017-09-05
I miss George Carlin.
1 GuillotinesNOW 2017-09-05
That sub is confusing.
I'm all for political jokes. I even dislike Daddy quite a bit. I should be the target audience for their circlejerk, but it's just aggressively unfunny. Most of the posts don't even seem to be attempting to crack a joke.
1 Shalabadoo 2017-09-05
There's no actual basis to that humor. It's all kind of superficial. You're attacking his name or saying "45" like he's Voldemort it feels like hollow criticism. Corny nonsense that doesn't mean anything. Nothing you can say about this guy is zanier than the dumb shit he says and does every day. We are living in a post political comedy world.
Probably the worst thing Jon Stewart brought to the table is the idea that you can just laugh these people out of existence. Look at this moron and realize millions of fucking people approve of this shit
1 pressure_dicking 2017-09-05
Norm mcdonald? Did a piece a while back about how modern comedy isn't about saying something funny but instead something that people will agree with. Somehow retard brains have been circuited to release endorphins and shit when you """validate""" their political opinions.
1 ManhattanTransFur 2017-09-05
Le Drumpf!
1 ironicshitpostr 2017-09-05
Why bother when low-effort humor will be as well received and far less risky than something creative?
lol bussy mayocide
1 dramashitposter 2017-09-05
Trump is a constant gold mine of joke opportunities and this fucking post has 10k upvotes right now. Literally all it says is "I super duper don't like Drumpht you guise!!!!!" That's the entire fucking joke. It's like the dregs of /r/all has decided that actually learning about what is actually fucking happening in politics is too hard for their tiny pea brains and decided to jump to the part where they get to call Trump the second coming of Hitler without realizing that if you skip that step you come off as an absolute retard to everybody who hasn't gotten their /r/politics mandated lobotomy yet. Their only saving grace is that Trump supporters tend to be just as retarded if not more so.
1 ProGenji 2017-09-05
Can't expect lefties to crack a kek once a while.
Afterall keking would be cultural appropriation of the korean people.
Don't want to upset kimmy now would they.
1 ManhattanTransFur 2017-09-05
Leftists aren't funny. Much like women.
1 JohnTheOrc 2017-09-05
Hi. I'm concern trolling you
1 saint2e 2017-09-05
Check your privilege, starving Irish immigrants from the 19th century!
1 jacksfilmsbot 2017-09-05
me me big disappointment
1 nmx179 2017-09-05
u/ceylonMoose maybe they remember the Clintons making a bunch of bullshit promises about retraining when NAFTA happened and aren't quite stupid enough to believe them twice.
1 DontTrustRedditors 2017-09-05
This is it, really. But every time this comes up, a bunch of idiot college kids with rich parents cling to the 'retraining' myth, both because it's very convenient for rich kids to believe, and because they are politically ignorant and don't realize that this lie has literally been told five times before they were even born.
1 ManhattanTransFur 2017-09-05
We will just retrain them to write 'apps'. The future is everyone writing 'apps'.
1 JohnnyLargeCock 2017-09-05
Wow. /u/moeiz really fucking hates coal miners. I didn't know this was a thing. Wtf is going on there? I've never heard of someone mocking coal miners before holy crap.
1 moeiz 2017-09-05
I disdain them and their whiny culture and everyone who has sympathy for them, alert your friends
1 makes_people_cringe 2017-09-05
I just sent your info to the FBI, freak.
1 moeiz 2017-09-05
Oh snap maybe I'll get sent straight to gitmo
1 doughboy011 2017-09-05
You bet your ass he included the REEEEEEEEEEEE.
1 ComedicSans 2017-09-05
Why is a coal-miner more valiant than an Arby's worker tho.
1 moush 2017-09-05
Cause we need coal to survive, not Arby's.
1 ComedicSans 2017-09-05
Lmfao. No. Just no.
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-09-05
You're not alone! I will die with you on this hill.
Coal miners can eat my ass REEEEEEE
1 ComedicSans 2017-09-05
There's only 50,000 of them.
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-09-05
I ejaculate a thousand times more sperm. Pffft!
Muh Christian™ Traditional Fossil fuel energy
1 ComedicSans 2017-09-05
Lol. Fossils don't real.
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-09-05
Shove some coal down your throat so we can see how you survive lol
1 aqouta 2017-09-05
You're talking about "coal" metaphorically like in the insult for the mother of a mulatto child being called a "coal burner" right?
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-09-05
.....yes? Pls don't hurt me :(
1 DontTrustRedditors 2017-09-05
We need coal, and coal mining is a shit-ton more dangerous and difficult than working at Arby's. There's a reason why you have to wear 20 lbs of safety gear mining, but just a silly apron and hat while making sandwiches.
Are you retarded or something?
1 ComedicSans 2017-09-05
The US "needs" coal because it's average citizen is too retarded to understand solar, wind, or hydroelectric. It's a zombie industry that dumbfuck traditionalists have somehow persuaded you is critical, despite the fact the people saying it loudest have black lung and terminal stupidity.
1 Karma-Means-Nothing 2017-09-05
You don't actually unironically think that solar and wind energy is better than coal energy, do you?
1 ComedicSans 2017-09-05
According to every non-retarded first world country that accepts the reality of anthropogenic climate change, yes. I like how you dropped off hydroelectric, too. Only coincidence that it's the one with the most syllables.
1 Karma-Means-Nothing 2017-09-05
I dropped hydro energy because it's an actual efficient form of energy but also it's not easily accessible.
That optimal 20% efficiency on solar energy really gets almonds going when compared to coal.
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-09-05
Coal mining is dead. Get over it psssshhhh. Shilling on Reddit is where it's at bro
1 kippot 2017-09-05
too many layers now
1 Thhueros 2017-09-05
All reactions are inefficient dummy its literally a law of the universe.
1 Karma-Means-Nothing 2017-09-05
1 Thhueros 2017-09-05
So coal doesn't have great efficiency either, combined with the fact that you have to continually spend energy digging it out of mountains.
1 Assy-McGee 2017-09-05
they dont dig so much anymore. they just blow the mountaintops off and sift through the rubble.
Bonus: this process gives everyone living within 15 miles of each blast zone lung cancer and poisons local water sources too.
1 IFuckedZoeQuinn 2017-09-05
Hahaha u don't need TNT to mine coal, wtf are you talking about. All you need is a stone pick, although of course iron and diamond picks are better.
1 NoRealsOnlyFeels 2017-09-05
Only MINECRAFTERS will get this! XD subscribe to my channel, AutismGaming
1 I_squeeze_gats 2017-09-05
Wood pick you fuckig pleb
1 PresidentHooper 2017-09-05
the worst that can happen with solar is that the plants won't have any sun to chow down on. If we don't got plants we don't got caol. :(((
1 Imgur_Lurker 2017-09-05
The states with the highest geothermal potential are Oregon, Nevada and California.
3,844 thousand MWh was produced by Hydroelectric, 297 by Natural Gas ( Oregon has one of the few Pacific Northwest Natural Gas Fields)
Your hippy bullshit that we've been pushing and working on since the last time New Zealand was relevant on the world stage?
655 thousand MWh
Twice of one Gas Field we kind of sort of work on sometimes.
It's simply not viable at this point, the technology isn't there yet.
Have you even looked into the impacts on marine life for hydroelectric Buoys in the ocean?
1 InspiringShitpost 2017-09-05
/r/drama stop this shit. ComedicSanta is right, green energy is the future, it's more energy efficient, so even of you think global warmsies is a ching chong hoax you should be for renewables.
1 EvanHarper 2017-09-05
This place has gone so fucking hard right over the last few months. Like not just "anti-SJW" hard right, increasingly it's just dumbass generic Republican talking points. I expect threads about the estate tax any day now.
1 InspiringShitpost 2017-09-05
Let's steer her back to the radical center while keeping that SJW filth out.
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-09-05
I blame u/ManhattanTransFur u/IvankaTrumpisMyWaifu u/boyoyoyoyong
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-09-05
u/niggerpenis because why not ¯\_(ツ) _/¯
1 niggerpenis 2017-09-05
I'm actually kind of offended that I'm being associated with this fuckery 🤕
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-09-05
Awwww 😕
(ɔˆ ³(ˆ⌣ˆc)
1 IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu 2017-09-05
Aww thanks I want to thank /r/the_donald for giving me talking points /r/gassingkikes for helping me with lols and /r/iowa for convincing me the salt-left mayos should be exterminated
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-09-05
And r/physical_removal with.....oh wait! Didn't it get the r/digital_removal treatment? 😂
1 IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu 2017-09-05
I just liked the helicopter memes there.
1 ManhattanTransFur 2017-09-05
I blame President Donald J. Trump for making me believe in Rome, the West and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGAIN!
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-09-05
1 ManhattanTransFur 2017-09-05
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-09-05
I think i just came!
Actually you should blow your load whenever you have the chance to. That is what I have done and that is what true power really comes to.
There is magnificent power in the wealth of cum and of the act of cumming.
I have found that it is better to let it consume you, retaining it only hinders yourself and serves evil.
When I say evil I mean the moral busybodies who try to shame you for pleasure.
I engage in astral orgies practically every night where the possibilities are endless.
I've held orgies with many extraterrestrial and extradimensional entities alike.
השבח לאל
1 InspiringShitpost 2017-09-05
I blame the furry for everything.
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-09-05
1 ManhattanTransFur 2017-09-05
I'm sorry that your HuffPo infected brain is confused right now.
1 Thulean-Dragon 2017-09-05
Lmao, you say this every couple of weeks.
Just leave already, you are the worst regular.
1 EvanHarper 2017-09-05
that's because it gets noticeably worse on a few-weeks timescale bb
1 disgruntled_chode 2017-09-05
Every forum that jerks about politics devolves into either SJW or alt-right, given enough time. Frankly, I'm kind of surprised that this place has avoided being completely captured by one wing or the other for as long as it has.
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-09-05
But muh Christian™ traditional energy production resources :(
1 ManhattanTransFur 2017-09-05
Talk to me when the future gets here then.
1 InspiringShitpost 2017-09-05
Hello I am from the future. Trump wins a second term. Still don't know how I feel about it.
1 ManhattanTransFur 2017-09-05
Is there a cure for gay autism yet?
1 InspiringShitpost 2017-09-05
There is, but it requires the tears of a transsexual.
1 ManhattanTransFur 2017-09-05
What a conundrum.
1 eeso99 2017-09-05
Green energy isn't feasible for the U.S. and you know it. If we ever want to move past coal, nuclear is going to have to make a major comeback.
1 InspiringShitpost 2017-09-05
Why not? There's a lot of unused land in the desert just ripe for solar panels. The nuclear option is fine by me too.
1 JohnnyLargeCock 2017-09-05
There should be more solar with so much unused sunny land, but from what I've read solar just doesn't bring in enough energy compared to the energy use of say, a city, no matter how many panels you set up. It'll have to be a combination of many things. But it is still cost-prohibitive compared to the current setup which is the problem. You have to convince people (politicians, voters) to pay more for something, which many people don't like. And then hippies protest stuff that's not just a field of solar panels and love.
1 EvanHarper 2017-09-05
Yeah none of this is true.
1 JohnnyLargeCock 2017-09-05
Sources say you're full of shit, though?
Solar is better than coal? From an energy standpoint?
1 EvanHarper 2017-09-05
See table 1b, page 8 of https://www.eia.gov/outlooks/aeo/pdf/electricity_generation.pdf
People ITT are repeating out-of-date conventional wisdom. Especially when they say shit like what we need is nuclear! Sure, if you assume away the (excessive, but politically entrenched) safety and regulatory requirements that make Western nuclear projects ridiculously expensive, then nuclear is cheap. But why can you just assume that away? Actually-existing nuclear is ridiculously expensive which is why there have been something like three new nuclear projects since 1980. Just chanting "moonshot!", "political will!," "nuclear renaissance!" doesn't actually make this problem go away. It's a smug "radical centrist" way of seeming like a smart problem-solver but it's actually the complete opposite.
1 JohnnyLargeCock 2017-09-05
Well that sounds pretty good. We should build more solar panels.
Also, did you check my source in my previous comment?
1 im-a-koala 2017-09-05
sand makes solar panels sad
1 grungebot5000 2017-09-05
that's why you put the panels on sticks
1 Thulean-Dragon 2017-09-05
Solar PV is massively overrated:
expensive but pathetic output
constant maintainence required (even more expensive)
short life-span
damaged easily (especially in desert where they're most effective
Solar thermal is far superior, even then, if you want to solve climate change, you'll need nuclear, hydro and geothermal.
1 InspiringShitpost 2017-09-05
Hmm. I might have to reconsider my position / do some serious research on this.
1 grungebot5000 2017-09-05
nuclear is the greenest energy of all. haven't you seen the simpsons?
1 EvanHarper 2017-09-05
Dude it's not even a climate change thing anymore. The technology is cheaper outright. "Hurr durr, solar and wind are expensive fantasies" has quietly stopped being true over the last decade or so. There's a reason nobody is building new coal plants anymore outside of India and China.
1 ManhattanTransFur 2017-09-05
China is just a bunch of dumb fags who love wasting money, hahaha
1 EvanHarper 2017-09-05
No you fucking moron they're dumb fags who love nitrogen oxides. Coal plants are still cheaper if you're willing to literally kill people with them.
1 ManhattanTransFur 2017-09-05
We're all willing to kill people. We just differ on who those people should be.
1 EvanHarper 2017-09-05
good save your opinions on power plants are not retarded anymroe
1 grungebot5000 2017-09-05
you don't actually unironically think it's still 2013 do you?
1 doughboy011 2017-09-05
Wait you forgot about my boi nuclear.
1 ComedicSans 2017-09-05
That too.
1 doughboy011 2017-09-05
Inb4 "But remember chernobyl was so bad!"
1 Minimum_T-Giraff 2017-09-05
get out of here stalker.
1 ieatpussy69 2017-09-05
Coal isn't even the best fossil fuel lmao did you get this opinion from a radio commercial
1 EvanHarper 2017-09-05
This is wrong on multiple levels dumbass
1 grungebot5000 2017-09-05
arby's is a far more valuable source of fuel than coal. they're rich in biomass.
you can't use roast beef for industrial purposes though, though I'm pretty sure pork can be substitued there
1 froibo 2017-09-05
The difference is coal miners are dumb enough to sacrifice their health for money. It's like if Arby's workers ate there instead of dishing it out.
1 ManhattanTransFur 2017-09-05
Because a woman can make a sandwich.
1 ComedicSans 2017-09-05
And the average coal-miner can't read the instructions.
1 ManhattanTransFur 2017-09-05
1 Gothmog26 2017-09-05
Here's already here, dumbass.
1 grungebot5000 2017-09-05
no that was the right thing to do
1 JohnnyLargeCock 2017-09-05
The instructions? To make a sandwich? Do you mean the Arby's corporate instructions by this? Probably they could show them how to put it together, but if they can't read they wouldn't do well on the register. I don't see why they couldn't be a cook or something, but I've never been to Arby's and don't know exactly how they operate. Although, you'd be surprised at the amount of employees in low-level positions that have trouble reading, something we tend to take for granted.
1 ComedicSans 2017-09-05
You ruined the slight on coal-miner illiteracy :(
1 Gothmog26 2017-09-05
Why haven't you slashed your wrists like you promised you would if Trump won?
1 ComedicSans 2017-09-05
Why the fuck would I do that? He's not my president.
1 TheGhostOfRichPiana 2017-09-05
shut up you dumb aussie cunt
1 ComedicSans 2017-09-05
GOOD point.
1 SpectroSpecter 2017-09-05
He's a retard who thinks that the only reason we're not generating one trillion terawatts of solar power is because republicans. Somehow the fact that even the most hipstery shitholes on earth still set things on fire for electricity doesn't seem to factor into this.
1 take_a_dumpling 2017-09-05
MER-MAN, pop
1 TotesMessenger 2017-09-05
I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:
If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)
1 moeiz 2017-09-05
Is there a subreddit where I can post a contrarian contrarian circlejerk to this one?
1 ohfughalb 2017-09-05
This like turning 360 degrees to walk away.
1 moeiz 2017-09-05
1 ohfughalb 2017-09-05
That's the spirit!
We got room for people like you here. Stay and shitpost.
1 Stuntman119 2017-09-05
1 CirqueDuFuder 2017-09-05
Lol, you think "humor" about Trump is contrarian.
1 CirqueDuFuder 2017-09-05
Try one of the 70 anti trump subs. You were already in one of them. So much humor, many lols.
1 Karma-Means-Nothing 2017-09-05
I dropped hydro energy because it's an actual efficient form of energy but also it's not easily accessible.
That optimal 20% efficiency on solar energy really gets almonds going when compared to coal.
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-09-05
u/ATryHardTaco r/AsABlackMan
1 ManhattanTransFur 2017-09-05
Dear god, a minority has gotten off the plantation! Send the slave catchers!
1 aliceunknown 2017-09-05
That's what you get for being brown!!
1 missmurrr 2017-09-05
> thinks only DACA recipients are brown.
> ignores the fact that there are more than just hispanics in the program.
>ignores the fact that steel mills have been closing with jobs moving to china.
> but muh hispanic steel mill workers. wut.jpg
critical thinking is gone from america, and this guy proves how racist liberals can be.
1 EvanHarper 2017-09-05
1 EvanHarper 2017-09-05
Was the tweet even intended as "political humor?"
1 CirqueDuFuder 2017-09-05
Just ranting and anti trump reddit loves that.