TrollX'er dares question a black lady's story. REEing ensues.

99  2017-09-06 by reddog2442


This, but unironically.


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Hmm. Who's the one that came in here and doubted OP's experience? I consider that far ruder than a simple honey.

It's rude to ask a question? Damn they're sensitive

Did you just ask a question about asking a question? Rude.

Sure thing, honey.

Damn they're sensitive

This is why I don't know why anyone would believe any story on that sub. Even the most blatant bullshit stories get upvoted there into the tens of thousands and if anyone dares suggest it might not be true, the water works come out. I'd believe the sub was trying to make a caricature of typical women stereotypes if I hadn't seen a good chunk of the type of women that post there.

I'd hate to see a bad chunk of them.

if I hadn't seen a good chunk of the type of women that post there.

Elaborate m8


They leveled up.

Man, I read on Kotaku that that episode was better than Civ 5 with the Brave New World expansion pack.

In their minds being a walking stereotype is something to be proud of. A "fuck the haters" kind of way, like your trashy cousin who brags about smoking whole pregnant or your alcoholic uncle who brags about driving drunk.

Just after the election was the absolute best for this sort of thing.

When someone shows you who they are, believe them.

so please believe /u/queenkellee when she tells you she is sensitive

Don't you have a job? Or at least a hobby? Maybe this is it. That's pretty sad. Jeez.

Are you implying that you didn't also waste your time bullshitting on the internet today?

How far can you push that mindset in r/trollxchromosomes? I mean, I've got a ham wallet, so can I claim that I bested Bruce Lee in combat but say that no one believes me "cuz misogyny"?

r/trollxchromosomes are, ironically, sitting ducks for trolling, probably one of the top subs for that actually.

Troll convinces TrollX that Google will lynch black women who enter their building

Can't find am archive link, but here's the classic "GET OWNED BY GAMERGATE" one

How they never even read the damn username and realized this guy was obviously trolling them is beyond me. One of my favorite posts on this site though. The average user on TrollX isn't qualified to ride on the short bus.

...Holy shit.
One comment (strawman-ing Mr.Google Manifesto, James Demore's views):

"Why do you get to call me a bigot just because I think black people are inferior, trans people are mentally ill perverts, women are solely for male enjoyment, gay people are child molesters, and Mexicans are rapists?"

The comment right under that:

"Projection at its finest."

Wew. How can you be so dishonest as to make the most extreme jump to outlandish conclusions to someone you label as "conservative" (the motherfucker SAID he was liberal leaning, but don't let that stop you) as the epitome of evil incarnate...yet say HE'S the one projecting?

Reminds me of that SRD thread that somehow is okay with labeling all the people associated with conservatism as fascist after one idiot hits someone with a car, yet multiple violent Antifa incidents "doesn't make the whole movement violent extremists."

How do these people function? This is like "I preheat my microwave before I cook food in it" levels of retardation.


yeah she doesn't 'code'

But it's rude to question their bullshit? K.

You're the one hanging on a drama sub and you want to pretend you hold the moral high ground. That's HILARIOUS.

I never said you were being rude. You are being sensitive though.

He needs to stop whitesplaining

I have internalized whitesplaining

I have an internalized penis.

"There weren't a lot of female engineering students when I was in school."

incoherent screeching and shitting

Or : "I haven't seen such good work in a while!" "SCREEEEEEEEE"

Or even "that was a funny joke, I wish engineers had a sense of humor in my day!"


Jesus, nothing sets my teeth on edge more than women who use "honey" or even worse "sweet summer child" when communicating online. So condescending and annoying. If I could, I would blast them into the sun.

I felt my blood pressure rise when I read those comments. So damn condescending.

Damn. oh sweetie, yikes, is that really the hill you wnat to die on? Let me spill some truth tea, yass queen, you are being really shitty. Y'all, it's another toxic edgy garbage manbaby misogynerd techbro dudebro. This whole thread is a shitshow garbagefire. Chicken Deluxe.

Damn. oh sweetie, yikes, is that really the hill you want to die on? Let me spill some truth tea, you are being really shitty. Yass queen, this is me throwing shade, you toxic edgy garbage manbaby misogynerd techbro dudebro. This whole thread is a shitshow garbagefire, y'all. Wow, I bet I've fooled you all and no one can tell I'm a pasty nu-male.

Ugh I love it when you talk dirty to me

I wanna kill you for writing this


We need to unpack this.


don't forget sassy black gifs

Tbh honey ewww gross and frankly creepy full stop you're mansplaining I can't even and to think there are people like this toxic problematic white male it's almost as if women are people too



You forgot "p much".

something something historical context matters ! ! !


Jesus Christ






Needs a Harry Potter reference.

oh honey, it'll be okay

Well bless your heart, darling.

I've spent a lot of time in the South, and I don't hear that a quarter of the time that I see it on the internet.

"Sweet summer child" means "I have nothing to contribute to the conversation and, in fact, have close to no knowledge on the subject - however, I see that the hivemind disagrees with you and I must obey."

Condescending women are my fetish and /r/TrollXChromosomes is ruining it

sweet summer child

I need to borrow preset phrases from a famous author and the other infinite number of fat cows online who have used it as an insult. This is because I grew up in a society which treated me like a porcelain doll, and I've never been insulted so I never learned how to banter.

I actually had to look it up only to remember it was from GoT.

I mean, it's not using Harry Potter quotes bad, but it's still pretty damn wretched.

like this is totally like when voldemort convinced katniss to use the dark side of the force you guys

Did your daddy used to call you mean names?

Hahaha, I wish.

Well I'll be your daddy now........................slut

I think you're onto something. Men tease each other mercilessly, we insult each other to show affection. If women talked to each other the way men do they'd be crying constantly.

uh-huh sure

I have daughters, I know this to be true. There are some exceptions, but the norm is this.

Ya idk what this guy is on about, the real reason women aren't funny is because they just aren't smart enough.

Eh, I'm not sure anyone thinks they're being hilariously funny when they call someone "honey". Think there's a different motivation.

Oh honey....

Now you know how people feel when they come here and read 'mayocide.'

/u/queenkellee is a racist anyway, why believe anything she says

don't believe shes a racist? she says so herself

"If you are white in this country you are by default racist. Myself included."

You bet. And if you're white and American, you are too.

What do you think this is? A gotcha? K, fetus. Try harder next time.

Oh, honey.

Why the hell would anyone listen to a racist?

Sorry honey. Just so you know, I'd blast you into the sun first since you're the type to hang out and absorb other people's drama. That's a pretty sad state of affairs.

Here's the thing. When speaking to anyone, you follow their lead. The person speaking was acting very high and mighty about their interpretation to the point that they insisted they were right because.....feelings? That's shit that fetuses do. Or sweet summer children, if you insist. So I answer that shit back by hitting them riiiiight in the tender spot. Guess I found yours too. Good to know. ;)

When speaking to anyone, you follow their lead. The person speaking was acting very high and mighty

So, if a person is acting like a clown, in your view, your solution to this is to let them set the tone of the discussion?

Why on earth do you any of you shitheads who hang on the DRAMA subreddit think you hold some kind of moral highground?

Yeah, but hanging out on DRAMA doesn't make me less than you either. At the end of the day, we're both killing time by being assholes to people on the internet.

Nah. Drama is about finding lulz in other people's conversations and adding fuel to a burning fire that doesn't even involve you. Justify all you want but that's not a healthy habit. Get a new fucking hobby. But then I'm older than most fetuses around here so go on, make your mistakes. Have fun living a miserable life.

Get a new fucking hobby.

Oh, hell no.

How's that borderline personality treatment coming?

fucking cunts

more like unfucked cunts

do people not realize that all these situations are made up for reddit karma?

The stories are so obviously written by people who hate TrollX. They celebrate b8 posts harder than cringeanarchy.

You're a dick move. Seriously, don't be a fucking ass.

No u

Usually when a guy says something like this to me it's with a leer and innuendo, rarely about my talents so much as my sexual appeal.

I'm picturing a talentless, blue haired legbeard with no sexual appeal saying this.

Trust me, women in STEM have < 0 sex appeal.

Land whales ahoy!

Hmm..I somehow doubt you actually have any experience in STEM 🤔

Climate change is an unfounded myth

Computer programming is STEM retard.

Oh neat, you're a computer programmer. How would you feel if a cohort of geologists, physicists, and biologists just started telling you that your field is 'fake' and they knew more than you, despite your training? I'm not going to argue climate change with you. The data are overwhelming and the scientific consensus is too. Double down on your bet and buy your retirement home on the coast of Florida 👍

You expect me to believe the same retards that can't predict if it's gonna rain or be sunny next week are gonna tell me what the planet is doing in 50 years.

Get real, fucking retard.

I've never actually met a climate change truther in the wild, +1 diversity

Lol... NASA is not who runs the weather channel.

But you also make a compelling argument!

Get real, fucking retard.

Can you imagine the level of faggotry it would require, trying to debate climate change in /r/drama when the post doesn't even have anything to do with climate change?

I once tried to take the biggest shit on white women by pretending to be a black transwoman on there and until they looked through the history on my account I got quite a bit of applause for doing so.

Link pls :(

You can't just say that and not link us to it.

I did link it here a couple of months ago. I don't remember the exact title, but if I recall it was close to

'Another sub turns on white women (guess which before taking a gander)'

No more safe spaces for well-meaning people who are 'just trying to be friendly.'

Why do people like this leave the house if human speech damages their fiery bat wings and cartoon pitchfork?

let's not assume for one second that them bitches leave the house.


question a black lady

Racism really is powerful.

You're a dick move. Seriously, don't be a fucking ass. Would he have said that to a man?

Yes. I've been told this by people for being respectful and genuine but I understand why a troll X'er would not have.

That's fair. But that's not what TrollX is about... It's meant to be a ladies version of the locker room where we snap towels, compare boobs, and SUPPORT EACH OTHER UNCONDITIONALLY because every goddamned day we are doubted. This is meant to be a place to share small victories and always, always give credit to the motherfucking OP for knowing the context.


This was locker room banter, a private conversation that took place many years ago. Bill Clinton has said far worse to me on the golf course - not even close. I apologize if anyone was offended.

Lol at this whole thread. Women's locker room talk is not as rape-y. More like, 'are you sure this looks okay?'

I watched GLOW, all you bitches do is compare titties and share tampons.

We share hair ties and deodarant too!

Share deodorant? Reeemales should be gassed.

"I think we can assume OP had a handle on the tone of the situation as she was the one who was there and we were not."

Man, I hate to throw out the ol' "tisim" cliché, but knowing that engineers/mathematical occupations are more likely to attract individuals on the autism spectrum , it maaayyyy be a legitimate concern that she, in fact, did not have a handle on it.

You don't have to be autistic to misread a situation. Or to make shit up for easy reddit karma.