Computer Whiz has a Class-D Meltdown when his Skillz are questioned by yours truly

76  2017-09-06 by oblivion2k


Have you posted bussy yet?


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Alright then, I'm gonna bow out and let the mods and/or admins handle things from here.

Immediately posts to /r/Drama

I've had my fun, and he's banned, but this is too good to keep to myself.

Yeah why was he self-censoring anyways?

But F*** you man, you F****** troll. I've been using computers since F****** 2006, man. Go eat F****** D****.

do you even amd duron, jfc.

when i use google voice it censors cuss words. maybe this sperg actually said all that outloud.

I would think about 1/5th of the way through speaking that aloud one would realize they were such a faggot they would keep themselves safe.

can you imagine being his family member overhearing this from another room

I imagine his land whale mom and borderline retarded mouth breathing father turned up the TV to drown it out

Don't use language like that around r/drama or I will F*** you in the B****

Find you in the Alps?

Yeah why was he self-censoring anyways?

Probably the usual reason, faggotry.

Posting your own drama can be fun when it's not about godforsaken Iowa!

>be me

>be banned from /r/iowa

>post zany /r/iowa drama to /r/drama

>get accused of posting my own drama

Ohh, right, your shitty Iowa agendaposts are in addition to your shitty self posts

All of my posts are of the utmost quality and adhere to the level of quality visitors to /r/drama have come to know and expect

Iowa can't have agenda posts, because noone gives a shit about Iowa.

I agree

I like Iowa posts. It's a fantastic place to live.

I thought we were talking about /r/iowa ... yeah Iowa is an awesome state

It was the combination of that f****** post full of f****** , and this, that made me f***** lose my f****** s*** I'm f****** dying here...

Me too, that shit was a 11/10 on the Autism scale

it's not even a copypasta, he actually wrote that

I think /u/arkhamsaiyan has the tism

I kinda miss the days when it was just assburgers.

There used to be a guy named u/scaleofaspergers that would post where they were on the scale, from the White Castle slider to the BK Double Rodeo Angry Whopper

I am halfway convinced this is a pasta chef.

computer whiz



If /u/arkhamsaiyan put as much effort into his education as he did his online walls of text he'd probably be a Computer Genius.

implying that this level of tism will ever do anything but sperg


F****** h*** you guys, what sort of dumb s*** is this self censoring b*******? This is actually annoying enough I think we should add it to the CSS.

^ ^ ^


SNAPPY IS MY WAIFU! Well damn I didn't realize we were having a who's got a bigger dick contest. What the f*** is wrong with you dude? Are you that f****** pathetic that you have to attack somebody's waifu you don't know because you don't like their f****** suggestions?

K*** Y******* S***


kill yourself self

Wow how rude. I was suggesting that you keep yourself safe.

That's very interesting that K*** and S*** can be many things in the context of r/mama

Although that's a valid point it does make me cringe to think about how predictable this sub has become

Well damn I didn't realize we were having a who's got a bigger dick contest. What the f*** is wrong with you dude? Are you that f****** pathetic that you have to attack somebody you don't know because you don't like their f****** suggestions look I wouldn't f****** troll anybody because I'm not like other people in this f****** planet I saw somebody that had a problem and I offered my suggestion because despite what the f*** you have to say I actually have encountered something with a problem when it comes to selective startup I understand that sometimes it is normal but when you cannot change it back to normal and you run an ABW cleaner and it comes back with browser hijacker search provider Vice and everything's f****** lagging including games streams on YouTube I know what the f*** I'm talking about so just because you have a problem with your life don't f****** attack mine because you have no f****** right you have no idea what the hell you're talking about you say it's an example of textbook trolling why don't you text book troll your dick in your own ass and leave the people who actually want to help others alone because you're sounding like a whiny little b**** you're like wow I really don't like your f****** suggestion because you're talking out your ass you don't know what the f*** you're talking about of course I know what f****** selective startup is but I also know when you have checked boxes on the selected boxes I know for a goddamn fact you can keep it on normal even if you have disabled any of the startup tasks any of the programs it's not that f****** hard to remove something from the registry but you don't know what the f*** you're talking about so I suggest you back to f*** down and one more thing just because somebody post something that you don't like didn't your mother ever f****** tell you if you don't like or if you don't have something nice to say don't f****** say it at all? This is straight-up b******* I only was offering from my point of view a type of suggestion and no I don't like the fact that you don't know what the f*** you're talking about when it comes to what I was talking about so shut your f****** mouth and I wasn't telling him that he needs to erase his hard drive right away you know you can back up s*** I just personally wouldn't but I'm not going to give you that satisfaction of knowing what the fuc I've had to do because I guarantee you you have no idea you just read what the f****** media tells you or you read the forums and you are just one of those Savage f****** waste of a condom really and you're literally profiling somebody and calling them a moron and they don't know what the f*** they're talking about because why because I'm not sucking your dick get the f*** over it because right now you're truly acting like I'm a Hotshot I know what the f*** I'm talking about so anybody who attacks me on the Internet or I don't like what I see from them I'm just going to attack them dude right the f*** on that is like being the smartest kid with Down Syndrome

So let's be honest with each other this is not about my quote stupidity this is about you seeing something that you're just like wow that's f****** stupid and you think nice profiling by the way asshole you don't judge a book by it's f****** cover just because I said not everything I wanted to say because I had to drive and I didn't want to kill a family or something by texting my f****** response you need to understand right now you're not going to get f****** anywhere in life if you have a dick up your ass all f****** time and showing it by not f****** even understanding that not everybody is a troll like are f****** president okay why don't you just go smoke your little pipe and let the adults handle the real situations because I have more background and history and emulation and software development than you have in your own little testicle hair now f*** off and don't f****** message me or reply to any of my s*** ever again I'm usually a very nice guy but I can't f****** stand people like you because we don't suck your dick and f****** love everything you have to say and believe in everything you have to say go f*** Satan okay because honestly not everybody's going to agree with you you can't f****** change people and I don't appreciate the fact that I actually was trying to help someone and you but in and call me a f****** moron and a troll how am I a f****** troll when I'm just trying to help I understand that people are f****** assholes but I'm not hairy and I don't smell like s*** so f*** you and have a nice day

On a side note, I want to apologize to anyone who had a problem with my language and whatever else. I really just was trying to help.

A new snappy quote?

Too long

Not with that attitude ( ͡° ͜ʖ ) ͡°

Well damn I didn't realize we were having a who's got a bigger dick contest. What the f*** is wrong with you dude? Are you that f****** pathetic that you have to attack somebody you don't know because you don't like their f****** suggestions look I wouldn't f****** troll anybody because I'm not like other people in this f****** planet I saw somebody that had a problem and I offered my suggestion because despite what the f*** you have to say I actually have encountered something with a problem when it comes to selective startup I understand that sometimes it is normal but when you cannot change it back to normal and you run an ABW cleaner and it comes back with browser hijacker search provider Vice and everything's f****** lagging including games streams on YouTube I know what the f*** I'm talking about so just because you have a problem with your life don't f****** attack mine because you have no f****** right you have no idea what the hell you're talking about you say it's an example of textbook trolling why don't you text book troll your dick in your own ass and leave the people who actually want to help others alone because you're sounding like a whiny little b**** you're like wow I really don't like your f****** suggestion because you're talking out your ass you don't know what the f*** you're talking about of course I know what f****** selective startup is but I also know when you have checked boxes on the selected boxes I know for a goddamn fact you can keep it on normal even if you have disabled any of the startup tasks any of the programs it's not that f****** hard to remove something from the registry but you don't know what the f*** you're talking about so I suggest you back to f*** down and one more thing just because somebody post something that you don't like didn't your mother ever f****** tell you if you don't like or if you don't have something nice to say don't f****** say it at all? This is straight-up b******* I only was offering from my point of view a type of suggestion and no I don't like the fact that you don't know what the f*** you're talking about when it comes to what I was talking about so shut your f****** mouth and I wasn't telling him that he needs to erase his hard drive right away you know you can back up s*** I just personally wouldn't but I'm not going to give you that satisfaction of knowing what the fuc I've had to do because I guarantee you you have no idea you just read what the f****** media tells you or you read the forums and you are just one of those Savage f****** waste of a condom really and you're literally profiling somebody and calling them a moron and they don't know what the f*** they're talking about because why because I'm not sucking your dick get the f*** over it because right now you're truly acting like I'm a Hotshot I know what the f*** I'm talking about so anybody who attacks me on the Internet or I don't like what I see from them I'm just going to attack them dude right the f*** on that is like being the smartest kid with Down Syndrome

So let's be honest with each other this is not about my quote stupidity this is about you seeing something that you're just like wow that's f****** stupid and you think nice profiling by the way asshole you don't judge a book by it's f****** cover just because I said not everything I wanted to say because I had to drive and I didn't want to kill a family or something by texting my f****** response you need to understand right now you're not going to get f****** anywhere in life if you have a dick up your ass all f****** time and showing it by not f****** even understanding that not everybody is a troll like are f****** president okay why don't you just go smoke your little pipe and let the adults handle the real situations because I have more background and history and emulation and software development than you have in your own little testicle hair now f*** off and don't f****** message me or reply to any of my s*** ever again I'm usually a very nice guy but I can't f****** stand people like you because we don't suck your dick and f****** love everything you have to say and believe in everything you have to say go f*** Satan okay because honestly not everybody's going to agree with you you can't f****** change people and I don't appreciate the fact that I actually was trying to help someone and you but in and call me a f****** moron and a troll how am I a f****** troll when I'm just trying to help I understand that people are f****** assholes but I'm not hairy and I don't smell like s*** so f*** you and have a nice day

On a side note, I want to apologize to anyone who had a problem with my language and whatever else. I really just was trying to help.

Also that username /u/arkhamsaiyan reminds me of those emails small kids do like [email protected]

grow up and seek help. this man does not deserve to be laughed at or made fun of. you are lower than dirt if you have to try and hurt someones feelings to make yourself feel higher than you actually are and i dont care for your disrespect. kindly, i will ask you to please stop before you take someones life from them with your nonsence childish words.

Did arkhamsaiyan respond to this (from my telephone notification he said "grow up and go seek help") but then he or a mod delete it? Welp :p

Did arkhamsaiyan respond to this (from my telephone notification he said "grow up and go seek help") but then he or a mod delete it? Welp :p

/u/arkhamsaiyan does your autism regularly manifest digitally? Or was this the first time? You F****** G** C**** F***** Y* and also G************* your X******* $******

Just checked, apparently you're just retarded


Wow very nice

do you get off talking shit to people who have to suffer daily with a mental disability just so you can feel good about your pathetic self? are you aware that words can hurt someone to the point that they want to kill themselves? you need to understand that talking down to someone doesnt make you a bigger man. grow up and realize that what you are choosing to do by making fun of someones disorder makes them want to hurt themself? i hope you seek help, because you are the one who needs it. may god bless your soul

It's completely asinine.

Well la de da. Look at you with them posh words

I hear it's a real pain.

Top kek.

Is that a pasta or did he actually write that wot down and expected people to read it?

autism speaks

I went through his history, apparently its Aspergers, whoops. Didnt know i was punching down.

wow noob everyone knows that if the java update scheduler is disabled on startup that means you have the startup virus and you need to wipe your hard drive or else you'll never be able to run an emulator again but i wouldnt expect anyone with a 420 watt amd 9590 to know anything at all about computers lmfao you bought a hot asf cpu with the performance of an i3 xD

Oh man trust me I regret buying this CPU every goddamn day.

fun fact: his post only contains three (very long) sentences