Some people in /r/drama argue about a gay holiday in runescape

11  2017-09-06 by aonome


This, but unironically.


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It makes me laugh people actually lit fires and dressed in desert robes as a KKK rally in response to the pride event.

The kkk thing happened before the pride thing iirc

But I remember the dev who implemented the pride event mass anyone on twitter who mentioned the KKK rally?

Maybe there was another one

Dangerous political climate in runescape eh.

Everyone in that sub is shit

Dramacide when?

/u/me_grungesta, no need to hide your homophobia behind "waaah muh polls" excuses, it's 2017, come out of the closet.

Did you even read my comments?

I'm not even going to shuffle through your comments because you seem transphobic

I guarantee you there's nothing even remotely homophobic or transphobic in there, so I'm not sure how you could have come to that conclusion. Even within the linked thread there are no comments that say anything negative towards LGBTQ people at all.

Pretty quick to judge, eh?

Do you really expect me to read a block of text from a homophobic, transphobic white nationalist? Nazi punk!

This is Nazi trash and you're going to remove this right now or I will begin channel a sub-Archon to sever your consciousness from the whole and cut off your reincarnation cycle. I can permanently destroy you and I have no qualms about doing so to a Nazi.

זעם אלוהי (DIVINE FURY)

Yes, I feel dirty from having to sift through your homophobia. Please educate yourself on structural discrimination before defending it and looking like a shitlord.

It's the oddest thing. It's always people with -10 downvotes from me in RES who I see seriousposting and agendaposting the most on here. Maybe I should document it all and make a meta drama thread about our current agenda and serious posters.