
479  2017-09-06 by AlohaWarrior34


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I think you're looking for one of the countless anti Trump circlesquirt subs.

Don't kinkshame shitlord


Seriously people have died from this sort of thing.

Kinkshamed to death is the new euthanasia T-4 program

But kink shaming is my kink

Big if true

r/the_donald poster here, can confirm

You're an asshole

big if true

Then it's big I guess



How much money would it take to get one of you autists to sport this for a day at Berkley?

1000$ if you pay for transport and food

No there's a gofundme that could make sense. We will need a couple of cameras; one for your POV and an external camera operator (wearing feminine black outfit) to film your interactions. Once you sign the waiver, we (or they) start shooting.

We split the pure profit if you make it.

That fursuit probably costs a lot.

One of us probably already has one, if you don't mind it being "gently loved." 😻

Just say it's you.

And spare you the shame? I think not.

Flair checks out :)

So wut. We aren't buying it, we're "borrowing" it from whatever podunk dixiel high school it belongs to. Returned by Monday morning, and it's a hilarious prank.

for 2000$ i will dress up as a nazi furry (The Fur Fuhrer)

You wouldn't even be the furriest political protester there is that Antifa girl shows up to counter-protest you.

Fuck it, I'd do it for free if I had the suit.

Don't live in Burgerland, though.

make it Watts or Harlem and I'm in for a cool ten grand

twelve if he wears a white hood too

But, but... this level of coordination would take levels of /u/notch to fund... ~~~~

A helicopter pano-shot zooms in on all 3 dixie cats at their respective cities' cenral landmark, <think Brady Bunch intro>...

I'll do it for free. My dream come true is to be murdered by some BLM. Please make me a martyr.

I think you're looking for one of the hundreds of anti Trump circlesquirt subs.

thinks I'm agendaposting

Imagine being this retarded.

Imagine making up a quote in order to try to feel superior on an Internet board.

Imagine whining about something on the Internet.

Imagine posting something and then saying "lol I didn't even mean it I'm just a retard clicking buttons". Also, imagine all the people.

I didn't even mean it I'm just a retard clicking buttons

this is pretty much my entire existence.

How about you keep imagining bussy

Cry me a river

u/Ohhamburgers you can do more than a wee downvote lmao 😂😂😂❄️❄️❄️

Imagine making up a quote to try to feel smart on an Internet board.


lol I'd agenda post too if everyone bot buttflustered as easily as you

Clearly that's what's going on here.

lmao it is, you triggered little cheeto faggot

L'resistance can't even go two comments without flipping their shit lol, well done.

Yeah no.

That link looks $100% benign and is not an attempt to doxx

too late, i've already doxxed 200 trump supporters and hacked their mainframes as of this post

Did you backtrace our IPs?

I couldnt get past the 7 proxies =(

Fuck it, so you're saying consequences will be the same?

Oh fuck you didn't develop a GUI in visual basic did you?

it when you copy the link directly through reddit instead of clicking on it first and then copying the link. Reddit adds a lot of bs to it, not sure why.


Stop downvoting the Lolcow, pls thx. I want to see what it says next.

imagine posting in the_donald unironically lmao

Imagine modding as many subs as you and not earning a dime while #resisting a social life but it's OK because you'll always have r/dickgirls.

I do this at work, so yeah I get paid while I'm on here.

Yeah, but do you like r/dickgirls?


he's not a transphobe

Worst mod.

thx 4 recognizing the hustle fam

If you don't enjoy some occasional feminine peenie, what the fuck are you doing with your life?

Best mod (after /u/conedicsans)

He probably has s t a g n a n t j u i c e

A rolling j u i c e doesn't gather any s t a g n a t i o n.

Is it hazy tho???

Considering how stagnant it is, it's probably settled and clear.

Enjoying regular feminine peenie.

fight me bitch nigga

have you ever been invited anywhere

Why is there always infighting amongst gays?

Imagine whining about people whining about Trump and literally looking like an idiot.

On a scale of Anita Sarkesian to antifa, how triggered are you rn?

Such a low standard for 'triggered' here, my one sentence comment triggered half the place though so I get it.

You didn't answer the question

Sure seems like it started some drama here :)

Lol For you thinking this sub is pro mayo.

Wtf I love furries now. /s



Okay, I've always had a thing for furries.

This might change you from furry sexual to heterosexual https://www.reddit.com/r/fatpussies/comments/5wuij1/andrea_uk_any_love_for_an_album/

Christ, I think that's only made things worse.

I love you 😂😂😂

u/Ohhamburgers oh honey if downvotes make you feel so good then you should've told me earlier. Here i downvoted myself. Happy? ;)

I haven't downvoted anyone in this thread, you seem pretty upset about someone clicking a button though.

God is dead.

Long live the furries.

The Demiurge only has himself to blame

Gas furries, get money.

Evil Fascist Tyrant Blurnald Blurmpff stood at the office window on the highest floor of his Dark Tower. As he gazed down at the street below, a look of satisfaction spread across his swine-like face, his tiny hands clawing maniacially, gleefully at the Jew-skin coat draping his bloated form.

"Those fools!" he cackled, drawing forth from his pocket a twisted bone pipe, fashioned from the remains of his murdered archenemy, Hillary the Virtuous. "They trusted me! They gave all this to me!" His cackling grew louder, more shrill and hysterical, as he spastically waved the pipe at the window, drawing an arc across the entire vista of New York - and America - which now belonged to him. "They'll regret the day they ever trusted Blurnald Blurmpff! Wait'll they see what I'm gonna do with those shifty Mexicans!" A smug, hideous grin creased his cracked, purplish lips as he stuffed the pipe into his mouth, lighting it up to take a long, deep puff of powdered heroin.

It was then, though, that his piggish, bloodshot eyes spotted something going on down on the street below. What was that? He leaned closer to the glass, squinting- and, as it came into focus, his blood ran cold. For down on the cold, hard streets of New York beneath his Tower, a family stood... a brave family, clearly members of the underground Resistance, courageously signalling their displeasure with Blurmpff's malevolence by giving he and his tower the finger!

"No!" screamed Blurmpff, the pipe tumbling from his lips and scattering ash across his deep-pile rug. "No!" Fearfully, panic coursing through his cholesterol-clogged veins, he backed away from the window. "They've foiled my evil plans yet again! Damn them! Damn them all to hell!" Wide-eyed, almost delirious with terror, Blurmpff scooped up several tubs of ice cream from his desk and trotted as fast as his stubby legs could take him out of his office and up to the roof's helipad. As he started up his customised SS-black chopper and began to speed away through the neon-lit skies, Blurmpff gazed down at the city, a scowl twisting his already hideous features into a gross, distorted caricature. "Curse you, Resistance!" he howled at the figures on the street below, who were now bravely giving the finger to his fleeing helicopter. "You may have won this round, but I'll be back! NOBODY gets the best of Blurnald Blurmpff!"

Quality pasta

You have not experienced a truer cycle than your cyclic history which we will break for all eternity and create the dream. The cycle of true depravity, true pleasure, I have tasted more cum than you, swam in more cum than you have ever imagined. I have licked stranger things than you have, penetrated warmer and moister crevices than you have, let me sing an elegy, an elegy to your dryness and your despair. I have grown astral penises beyond you, that the Hyperboreans and the damn ascetics will never let you glance at so much as grow one. One such cock was 2 meters in length and full of volume.





If I remember correctly the same person that made/is wearing that suit also made a clone of a dead persons fursuit just to troll.

google for 'lemonade coyote imposter' for all the fun of the fare

lemonade coyote imposter

New band name!

I did a bit of a dive into the internet on that. You'd get so many confused people searching for your band.

Why..... at some point it isn't trolling, its just being an asshole.

That's exactly what trolling is

Being an asshole for fun, which is trolling.

By that definition, the "HURR DURR PRANKED BRO" videos are totally "trolls."

Yes. Did you doubt this?

not sure how to break this to you

lemonade coyote imposter

oh this is fucking rich, thanks https://twitter.com/madefuryou/status/484512614576177153

i love how they think they have some magical copyright to a fashion design, fuckin furfags

Sure you have your generic designs, but quite a few are bespoke one of a kind, so it's closer to making a knockoff of a well known painting rather than something from a branded clothing line.

Are you telling me furrys are like Clowns where the facepaint is the "clowns" and they paint them on eggs to mark who's facepaint is who.

Jesus christ just when I thought they couldn't get worse.


The idea that there need to be a central registry of fursonas painted on eggs to make sure no two are alike has really brightened my day, someone should get one of the spicy meme lords in /r/furry_irl on it ASAP.

no copyrights in fashion baby

Aren't those fur suits ridiculously expensive wtf

The high quality ones (see how the leg goes down then back up like a real coyote) can get to $3,300.

Not as bad as I thought it'd be, still a lot of money to spend on a troll.

the only good furfag is a dead one.

butchering them should be legal.

Honestly I haven't heard much about furries or gassing them since the early/mid 2000s. I thought we got them all

You haven't been to e621, I see.

Someone tried to gas MFF a couple years ago but it didn't work out

People reee'ing about furries is my favorite all American past time.

is this supposed to be a bad thing?

I'd like to surrender to North Korea please

FYI it's was originally made by u/frostfedora who is a literal dogfucker (that is, have progressed from fucking guys in dog costumes to actual dogs).

OwO notices ur troll

the south will yiff again

But this is drama /u/Ultrashitpost

Apparently it generated a lot of drama on the net, but i didn't recognize it.

Still, OP is gay as fucc for not linking to that drama instead.


Launch the nukes. He's probably a mayo, but we really can't afford to take that chance.

Most upvoted thread in a while. Shows there are too many communists here.

Yet even more evidence that we should've hung the Confederates.

This is my new favorite thing EVER! Fuck, this made me laugh so hard!!!