Are Lebanese Arabs?

15  2017-09-06 by OniTan


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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Imagine being so triggered by a Drama shitposter you make a whole thread about it.

Doctor Zhivago was Arab you heard it here first.

Not long enough. I'm going to need another novel length comment.

It's pretty formalistic, you take niche drama, argue for a retarded side and the only people dumb enough to take the bait despite being in /r/Drama are retards like yourself :)

It's the same as when I lied about Obama putting arugula on his hamburger and it being a pansy topping because only the retards who thought that happened took the bait.

Wow you are actually serious about this rofl.

Nice shitty meme, whatever makes you feel better for serious posting about a porn stars ethnicity like a pathetic virgin.

"Let me tell you all about how I'm trolling " -a mediocre troll

Tfw you realise these morons were posting here.


Brain damage due to extreme hypoxia from being too stupid to know how to breathe correctly, which leads to more hypoxia naturally. An Oroborous of stupity if you will.

It might have something to do with the fact with the fact that I'm constantly inhaling gasoline fumes recreationally.


Yes. Next brainbuster?

No. Duh. To be Arab you have to be human.

Who cares? They're not white, and that's all any of us, including them, really care about.

Yup they're safe from mayocide.

Safe from the mayo but not safe from the mustard gas

Djion gas?

Lebanese are Phoenicians. One of the great civilized people, unlike filthy camel-rapers.


Make Islam Arabian Again

Imagine your country being so shit that you need to tell people that your ancestors had some city-states

Can't blame him. If i was famous i would try to get with as many instagram models as i could.

I'm starting to think seriousposters need to keep themselves safe before the mayocide happens.

The real story in that post is that we've got furries.


More Mediterranean I'd say.