Chad on /r/justneckbeardthings shames virgins, gets brigaded by circlebroke.

33  2017-09-07 by Frank_Tenpenny


This, but unironically.


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Everything he said was 100% right.

Pretty much. If you go to college and try to get laid but don't then you need help.

u/hold_on_holy_ghost getting your bussy blasted in a black dick gangbang isn't really something to brag about lmao

Clearly you're not living your life to its fullest :P

Welcome to the sub, hope you decide to stay


I hope you contract rabies and don't get it treated in time.

Y-you too!

Cool cool.

Hit me with them spit facts boi

Shit wrong bot :(

Oooh...I have suitors I see?

Damn honey I'm alllllllllllll yours ( ͡° ͜ʖ ) ͡°

Ed is the resident retard. He wears a helmet 24/7 and is missing both thumbs.


Eds the type of guy to come to your house and eat all the glue you have.

Don't talk behind my back. BITCH!! 😤

Everyone's the resident retard here.

But some unironically claim to not be retards. Now that's autism.

Thanks! And sure I'll check it out. Mostly post on sports subs like the chad I am.

You'll love it here. This is kind of a sports sub, if you consider laughing at various tards and degenerates a sport


Oh shit am i kink shaming? Pls forgive :(

you're not living your life to its fullest

Can't do that when you have a gussy instead of a bussy 😔


If, as a male, you went to college, wanted to have sex, and didn't have sex, there's definitely something wrong with your approach that's worth working on and trying to fix.

The circlebroke response of "who cares that you didn't have sex, get over it" is the kind of weak, tepid shit that drives these guys directly to r/theredpill.

Pretty much anyone can have sex, the quality is just going to vary. Like, I'm pretty sure the most socially awkward person could still find a land whale to sleep with.

Just because you're OK with sleeping with land whales doesn't mean everyone else has pathetically low standards too, ya know.

Not what I said you illiterate incel.

You know, I'm in college and I've never initiated a relationship, never asked any girls out, but I've gone out with two girls that asked me out. And I guess I drove them away with neglect and indifference. They wanted to talk all the time and they would buy or make me gifts and I would more just give any bare minimum effort and like give them a card and gift on holidays.

One time my then girlfriend stayed over my house and she insisted on sleeping in the bed with me. I set up a bedroom for her, but whenever I told her to go to her bed she would stay with me. It's just weird seeing people get all emotional.

I guess I'm just an empty husk incapable of feeling genuine romance for another human being and I don't know how normal that is. I will die alone: this much is known. But whatevs idc.

Not sure if copypasta or autistic user.

I want to believe.

Real shit.


FYI OP, your thread has been targeted by a vicious hate subreddit engaging in a direct brigade; they have actually gone so far as to link directly to your thread without using the NP domain (which is tantamount to openly asking other users on their hate subreddit to manipulate this thread). It should be noted that the aim of these hate subreddits is to use artificial voting in order obfuscate the perspective of actual users on this sub. To that end, we encourage all users to take voting patterns in this thread with a grain of salt going forward, as there is indeed an active sticky submission by a mod of the hate subreddit pointed directly at this thread.

Imagine being this liberal

never ping me or my son again.

This nazi cesspit should have been shut down when the admins took out physical_removal.

The pity of it all

This, but unironically

Show me your butthole or I'll fox your grandma


Have you ever tongue fucked your dads grundle?

What's a grundle?

Here is a good one



You say that drama breaks sitewide rules, yet Leddit rules clearly state:

We do not tolerate the harassment of people on our site, nor do we tolerate communities dedicated to fostering harassing behavior.

Being annoying, vote brigading, or participating in a heated argument is not harassment.

Np links aren't mandatory either, and there is no organized effort to manipulate votes

Is this pasta?

No, that's a reddit comment you bellend.

Do you wanna get shoved in the locker again you fucking nerd?

Another alt, ketch?

I'd shoot myself were I a Brit tbh

nazi cesspit

excuse me, this subreddit is a safe space for posadists, situationists, and post-left anarchists. detourn yourself and renounce ideology before posting again, please.


You all might have laughed before but North Korea is finally gonna make this happen.


I renounce ideology. I love only America.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

Dear u/psychoticseal, r/incels is waiting for you, well and us, lolcows make good currency

(>there are people who haven't lost their virginity by 12)[blob:]


Lol @ everyone calling him an incel.

He's literally the opposite, assuming he isn't just trolling.

wasn't there some reddit poll that found like 70% of users were virgins? i guess it's not a surprise they don't like being called losers

Hahaha, he made the mistake of thinking the neckbeardpire is female feminists, not primarily thirsty virgin white knights trying to feel less sorry for themselves by saying "at least we're not that guy*". They're really nice guys though. They stick up for females.