Skyrim modder throws tantrum; removes all his mods because everyone who disagrees with him is a Nazi and they might download them.

67  2017-09-07 by TheCodexx


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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Blah bah blah I have autism blah blah watch me rage quit blah blah blah sympathy pls

"I'm taking my toys and going home," said the supposed adult.

Looks like someone stole his sweet-roll. #RESISTIMPERIALS

Anti-Stormcloak is code for anti-Nord.

I am openly antinord. They are just worthless. Orcs/Redguards/Imperials are objectively better warrior characters.

Yeah, cuz Nords are plainly the awesomest. The other races need special affirmative action-esque bonuses to even compete.

#FreeMorrowind #FluffySlavesBestSlaves

This is not a 'Apollo got trolled off the internet'

He's not wrong, some people just merely existing is enough.

Did he atleast make some good or famous mods or is he a random no namer?

Well they're Skyrim mods so they're definitely not good.

Apparently he's well-known in the community, but Skyrim is for casuals so nobody cares what they think.

no one cares what sonicfags think either

I'll grab a chili dog and go sulk in the corner with my Sega Saturn, thanks.

No. His mods were popular, for some reason, but for the most part they were really buggy.

He made Civil War Overhaul and Dragon Combat Overhaul. Both were pretty good mods. CWO was pretty finicky with larger load orders, though.


Keep 👏🏾 your 👏🏾 self 👏🏾 safe 👏🏾

I actually threw up on the sidewalk in front of the bar I was watching the results at while the hispanic cooks swore openly about him inside.


Not trying to kinkshame, but Roman showers are just too much, even if it's ryona manga and the girl's throwing up because she's been slugged in the gut over and over again, I mean I'll masturbate to it but probably not to completion and I won't feel good about it later

man I thought he was being pretty reasonable with the whole "I do this modding thing for myself and you retards doxxing me and flooding my inbox aren't entitled to anything" but this is so retarded lol

And hello new copy pasta.

And one thing I began noticing was a dramatic uptick in gendered/racial/anti-LGBTQ insults following/coinciding with the advent of Gamergate.

Let me translate

"I started to notice all the homophobia that was already taking place on my mods and amoung the modding community when it became a popular platform I could exploit to raise my profile on"

/u/apollodown made shit mods and has always had an entirely toxic and entitled attitude, the irony.

And one thing I began noticing was a dramatic uptick in gendered/racial/anti-LGBTQ insults following/coinciding with the advent of Gamergate.

Let me translate

"I started to notice all the homophobia that was already taking place on my mods and amoung the modding community when it became a popular platform I could exploit to raise my profile on"


You're a mong.

oh no a misplaced u. off to kms

And I thought your guys where grammar-southparkneutrals

Fucking hell that proposal is one of the most aspie things I've seen on this website. He legitimately thinks that you care enough about his dumb Skyrim mods for him to use them as leverage. It's honestly sad.


an actual person who believes in eugenics

90% of retards are aborted, so it sounds like pretty much everyone believes in eugenics when they are forced to choose.

Don't be so hard on yourself, no one has probably enjoyed your mods.

My fucking sides are in orbit

The salt left is real folks

Apollodown's mods were actually pretty solid. Civil War Overhaul, for example, turned Skyrim into a pseudo-M&B with how you could lose and retake settlements and lead battles with small armies. Too bad the man behind them turned out to be such a pathetic faggot.

Then again, that is how anti-Trump people work. Every anti-Trump person in this sub, for example, is an enormous cuck that has a spergout whenever they find out a user here is pro-Trump.

Civil War Overhaul, for example, turned Skyrim into a pseudo-M&B with how you could lose and retake settlements and lead battles with small armies

When it fucking worked, which was almost never.

Yeah I needed a light load order to run it.

see you on the battlefield

he literally sees himself as a social justice warrior



Comments are locked not to prevent dissent, but to prevent a degradation of civility

/u/morganmarz if you're so worried about maintaining civility then why the fuck don't you care about this cuck retard calling 60 million people evil racists because they voted for a political candidate they don't like?

You locked the comments because people were calling out this dipshit, don't even pretend otherwise.

Agree, poorly handled

AKA a normal mod action.

I swear 75% of mods go on power trips. I just got a mod position and Im scared I might have a bad day and go nuts. Reddit needs to watch more carefully. Too many nuts holding big positions.

"Internet forum moderator" is the ultimate end for all the people who are desperate for power but too much of an abject failure to ever make it further than middle management.

As such they get off to needlessly removing comments or locking threads when really the only important and relevant part of their job is occasionally banning spambots.

That's why most of them are mods on at least three figures worth of subreddits, and why they sperg out so hard on the mod subs when anyone suggests something like a limit to the amount of subs you can mod or removing their power to lock threads.

/u/Zachums You aren't going to stand here and take this guy making fun of you being on reddit for 7years are you.

yeah probably

He does it for free!!!

Reddit was a good idea

I swear 75% of mods go on power trips

Fuck you I have a big dick. Power trips are for those that don't.



Mod me plz.

Castrate yourself first tbh.

Done daddy

I'm not satisfied tbh.

I'll cut my dick off





Possibly acceptable. Ask /u/Mircy.

/u/Mircy I cut my dick off, did I pass?


Goddamnit. How do you reattach a dick?

Mail it to me and I'll find a way

Where to?

Betsy in st sault marie

Alright, at the post office, sending my dick now

I have a tiny dick, but I have stacks of cash so I don't need to go on power trips either.

I have neither but i know marhsall arts so yah

I think you will do just fine. You already know what the problems are with other mods so just don't do stuff you personally don't like others doing.

Thanks man!

I guess I was raised in a different time. I see people get really pissed off when a mod removes their post for no reason at all, but they do the same exact shit in the subs they mod.

Yeah, I haven't had to do that yet, but I'm scream when the day comes, hell breaks loose.

Just be as transparent as possible. I did a lot more mod duties on Voat before the major invasions. I would let people know and give them a day if they posted something in the wrong sub and they would always remove it themselves. After the major invasions, people started to angry if you told them it was the wrong sub for their content. They would call you a reddit mod and bitch about how you were some kind of plant from reddit set out to destroy Voat. The thing that ruined Voat was the invasions by the biggest crybabies reddit had. It took me about a month before I said fuck that site and deleted my account.

I seen your sub and I think that you won't have too much trouble there being that it's a very narrow topic sub. The more broad topic subs is where you might have the most trouble, especially if you try to censor something.

I never thought Trump would win. When I saw the number of people who actually voted for him, I vomited. This is not an exaggeration, I actually threw up on the sidewalk in front of the bar

I cannot fucking wait for 2020.

Jesus, if Trump wins again, Reddit might go into shutdown

  • u/The_Reason_Trump_Win

I guess he should take being doxx because internet.

This is like legitimately the best time to be unemployed so when you go for an interview and they ask, what's with this gap in employment? you can say, 'that's when Trump won' and they will welcome you with open arms.

i wonder how every creative person ever to exist in the history of the world ever coped with people they may not agree with entirely consuming or appreciating their work

must be hard

See shit like this is why I'm so die hard about using permissive licenses. This one loser got butthurt and because of that he was able to take all his mods offline. Had they been permissively licensed then someone else could've just taken over development

We tried to allow this to conversation to happen but it is getting a bit crazy now, just gonna lock this thread up.



8 months ago

I don't even know what mods did he make.

Civil War Overhaul and Dragon Combat Overhaul.

Nazis havs taken over America, whjch is the e tire world, and to save us OP took down his shitty mod? Did no one me tion to him Hillary's racist escapades before the election?

I am guessing our resident spastic has been flushing his Aripiprazole because 'the Nazis' were trying to mind control him.