/r/PoliticalHumor thinks voting Hillary would have prevented natural disasters.

88  2017-09-07 by IAintThatGuy


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The fact that most Right Wing politicans, a major one of being the President, are climate change deniars/skeptics. And that if you vote Left Wing politicians, they are more likely to understand climate change. The current administration might just take all of this as 'bad luck' where as a democrat might attribute it as a part played out by our changing climate and what's caused it.

/u/explodingsheeple I hope you're literally retarded, there's no other excuse for posting this.

me says it like me likes it. Me me big boy!


Add some protein.

Y-you too!

Cool cool.


Everyone knows that if you elect a vagina you won't have natural disasters. And when you elect a dick you'll get repeated natural disasters.

Its simple science folks; dicks = disaster. Tuck them back for the sake of humanity.

the point here is that trump is mentally retarded, not that Hillary can stop hurricanes

But do you think he really gives a shit about that? He straw manned right in the first sentence. DAE "BUTTERY MALES? πŸ˜‹"

This is advanced Cognitive Dissonanceβ„’! Powered by Autism!

He has to defend daddy! Daddy can do no wrong!

He doesn't care about the point. He wants to defend daddy at all costs. Lol

Both of you are missing their point. You cherrypicked the fuck out of this sentence

The fact that most Right Wing politicans, a major one of being the President, are climate change deniars/skeptics. And that if you vote Left Wing politicians, they are more likely to understand climate change. The current administration might just take all of this as 'bad luck' where as a democrat might attribute it as a part played out by our changing climate and what's caused it.

By only responding to this one point

a major one of being the President, are climate change deniars/skeptics

To make sure everybody knows DRUMPF is an idiot. We already all know that, and you're being a liberal idiot again by bringing it up, just like you do in every other thread.

God I need to keep myself safe, fuckin seriousposting and everything.

Dude FIRST OF ALL i never started an argument. Even if it looked like it. Daddy is a retard. I simply posted his retarded tweets regarding climate change. But these guys went all "but her turn" "buttery males" on my comment. Lol

this has never been disproven

when was the last time Germany got hit by a hurricane?

You can't argue with that.


British cuisine is a natural disaster.

yeah but they were inflicted with that under the reign of the great King Γ†thelstan

Try straw manning harder. I heard it cures autism.

This sub needs to suck Trumps dick to appear south park neutral. Dont worry.


u/explodingsheeple you understand complaining about global warming is like complaining about a solar flare. To prevent the temperature going up were going to have to destroy the world economy. Bitching about trump refusing to sign the Paris accord(one of the good things he's done) is pointless too unless you think wealth redistribution from the first world to third is a good idea.

Implying global warming wont destroy the global economy

You rather do that now or in 40 years where we probably have developed technology to mitigate the effects

Implying the effects of climate change are decades away and not already well underway

Implying we don't already have the technology to mitigate it

Dude! Don't you ever doubt a Redditor. I'm pretty sure he's done his research. He knows what he's saying.

Pretty lulz that climate denial is suddenly big on reddit considering it's just as retarded as anti-vaxx or creationism.

Reddit is full of low-level tech workers who think they're scientists though so not surprising.

Oh look we're both getting downvoted. The short bus brigade must be in full force lmao

You can't refuse, because of the implication.

40 years will be too late. Take a fucking science class.

Go fuck your tranny you degenerate faggot. read the accords they first don't do anything about climate change in realitg and the target date is in the middle of the century, around 40 years.



Pulling out of the Paris accords does nothing if you don't focus on cutting emissions and such on your own with a closer target. Plus a large part of emissions is cattle and such in the US and if we can subsidize the shit out of corn we can subsidize the shit out of less polluting animals.

at least putting in the effort instead of talking about "clean coal" and cutting the budget drastically for those of us who need clean water and air.

How does subsidizing corn make us eat steak and burgers less?

government incentive for preferred crops and animals and cracking down on big beef and such

that's the reason beef is so prevalent in the first place

The govt already subsidizes corn a ton. Its the most versatile crop and pretty much what all the major farms out in the flyover states grow. Beef farms are normally in places that would struggle to grow anything more exciting than hay.

gets called out on shit

Go fuck your tranny/faggot/niggercuck

Lmao classic u/boyoyoyoyong

OK. I have three years in each of Physics, Chemistry and Electrical Engineering. It was many, many science class.

Global warming is a scam.

There's no such thing as more science than me

False, you think women have penises.

Not when all the "warming" is based on manipulation of the raw temperature data to make it conform to the models that were not accurate.

Ahh let's see that source

So one dude, Dr. Bates manipulated some numbers to show we were warming faster? Ok sure I believe that. I'm still not convinced that the changes aren't happening. It's a natural occurrence, I still think we are having an influence on it.

I don't doubt the climate is changing--it always is. But, the central premise of man-made global warming--the hockey stick model has proven inaccurate. We stopped warming for 20 years. That did not fit with the preconceived narrative so the data was altered to eliminate the "pause" to make the figures correspond to the model.

Do you know it is not possible to see or verify HOW NOAA altered the raw temp data because NOAA will not release its algorithms? Yet, that "altered data" is then used as the basis for all the analyses, papers, and models. --All based on data that cannot be peer-reviewed and verified...it is simply taken as a given. That is not how "science" works.

Of course it changes constantly, obviously then making up daily weather patterns. This is the first I've heard of any altered data. Im not sure why we would have stopped warming for 20 years, I know that global warming doesn't mean we don't have periods of cooling just that average global temperatures have risen. These articles seem to focus solely on the US where it's possible we could have seen a cooling here and warming elsewhere globally.

Yeah I know how "science" works and specially global warming and cooling. A large portion of my undergrad degree in geography, specifically Urban and Regional Planning (city planning) was focused on sustainable practices and climate change. So the idea NOAA's fabricated data could have corrupted my own research is frustrating.

I know that global warming doesn't mean we don't have periods of cooling just that average global temperatures have risen

Compared to when? There are plenty of other periods in Earth's history hotter than now.

Some cooler times there too, lest we forget about the ice ages and mini ice age too. Technically speaking it's all relative heat.



Www.garybuseyisalizard.com if you enter that incorrectly it will take you to an illegal viagra website


This is why people in the sciences laugh at lawyers btw.

You do realize that the activity on the surface of Sol can change the average temp on Earth for thousands of years, right?

Which activity is that specifically?

What have they been teaching you in middle school?

Fusion of hydrogen into helium, mainly.

The Venn diagram of people who call the sun Sol and people who own hugboxes is one big ol' circle.

Yay..someone gets it

So much bad science in that thread. And plenty of comments pointing out how retarded the post is.

Who's botting upvptes of such a plainly retarded crap meme? πŸ€”

Why the fuck is that sub even called Political Humor, it's just agenda posting and low effort facebook memes

Why the fuck is that sub even called (((r/Drama))), it's just agenda posting and obvious remarks


Signs of butthurt: when you reply to literally every comment in a thread


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Take your fucking trash elsewhere, or eat it yourself and choke on it. Stop leaving it on my doorstep.

Bussy or GTFO

spahgetti is all right

Ed is a beautiful spazposter don't be ableist to him

Man, you're obnoxious. As bad as automod in r/imgoingtohellforthis

Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted "Trump Supporter".

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Man i don't think I can handle such screechy sperging. Please keep you serious posting to a dull roar. Kthnxbai

The comment you replied to originally isn't even a serious post you retard. Smh

Impossible to tell anymore TBH Fam, you've gone that crazy.

Tbh there's a lot of butthurt.

you've gone that crazy

Yeah that's what I'm talking about. If you're interested in circlejerk about a certain political position (except of radical centricism) then this place isn't for you.

Been here a lot longer than you Fam, I just know how not to shit up the place with effort posting like some kind of SRDine.

I've been here for two years. Didn't comment much. For no particular tbh. I abandoned my last account because of some private info i left here and there. Enough to doxx me. I was dumb :(

  1. Actually goes and links to relevant Trump Tweets

  2. Doesn't effort post

Pick one.

It's a copy pasta. I don't man. I'm addicted to copy pastas. Copy pasted it from a comment sometime ago in r/worldnews. I have copy pasta about sex offender republican GOP politicians list.

Do you really believe I would have complied that?

Also posting copy pastas for me is literally two taps. I have a jailbreak tweak called "pasithea" that turns the Tibetan keyboard into a clipboard for copy pastas. About 100.

Also please don't get me even started on SRD. Why do you think i come here? It's basically SRS v.2.0. And if this place turn into SRS or TD, then whooosh i go. Lol

historical reasons

Sure is seriouspost in here. Go back to Donald you inhuman garbage, this is a south park neutral sub, we accept global warming is real and try to harness it to raise the real estate value of our high sea level properties.

We need more of u/ManhattanTransFur u/IvankaTrumpisMyWaifu and u/Imgur_Lurker to tell us why Global Warning is a Chinese hoax just likey daddy said it is. We're waiting fellas ;)

u/boyoyoyoyong is already here i see lol. Bless his heart.

/u/imgur_lurker is never seriousposting tbh, idk why u retards keep falling for it

It's pretty easy to get the SRDines who browse /r/drama all in a tizzy. Keeps the rest of us on our toes for invaders I guess.

Or maybe you guys took my comment too seriously. Geez. I'm here to have fun and collect copy pastas. For agenda and politics I have r/circlejerk.

"I'm just pretending to be retarded!"

HAHAHA jokes on them I was only acting retarded

How do you feel about the part of TD shitting on (((IVANKA))) for being a globalism apologist? They sure turned against her lol. Genuinely curious.

[citation needed]

Dude do i really need to link all those comments? :(

Maybe like 20-30%? Maybe less?

Please do, I need something to do this afternoon

Says the_donald hates on ivanka.

Links to /r/philosophy

Wow, /u/Ed_ButteredToast I thought the jokes about you being retarded were jokes... now I understand that might not be the case.

Oh no am i actually retarded? 😱😱😱

Btw it's a really interesting game. Try it! There are also a few others on his site. Check them out if you can :)

Believing (((they))) aren't making the planet warmer to save on heating bills in the [current year]

Btw why aren't people happy that the earth is warming? Penguins over at Antarctic need some warmth too :(

Global Warning

It's actually "Climate Change" now.

Climate (((Change))) πŸ˜±πŸ‘»

5000 years from now, Manhattan will be under a mile of ice but women and neuter-men will be shrieking about global warming.

But we'll all dead by then! The sweet sweet release of death 😍😍😍

Climate (((Change))) πŸ˜±πŸ‘»

"remember that time I agreed with people in /r/drama, that was when they were real, but all the other times where I disagree with them, they were all paid astroturfers"

Imagine thinking /r/drama, an obviously South Park neutral leaning site visited by a South Park neutral leaning demographic, is South Park neutral leaning in /r/drama ENTIRELY because of paid astroturfing, this is bordering on lunatic fringe mentality, you realize this right? It's an equally likely that that day was just a major brigade from SRDines, or maybe it's more complex than who has the bigger amount of shills.

I already know what the \([world order])/ is.

(((They))) are behind the reason why SRDines are serious posting

Come to think of it, the weather machine in Red Alert 2 wasn't a Soviet weapon. Leftists finally unequivocally btfo.

Still not as cool as the tesla soldiers....

rubber boots in motion

She would have told Hurricane Harvey to Pokemon Go Hit Brazil Instead!

Your comment and your username gave me a good chuckle. Bless your heart.

social media on climate change:

cranks A/C as my mcdonalds induces the pre-diarrhea sweats. Takes a sip from my plastic bottled natural spring (tap) water that I bought from a CVS I drove to in my SUV even though it's easily in walking distance, proudly types


There's also the people who eat organic everything (of course imported from other continents), travel all over the world to admire nature and fawn about how we're destroying it (with first class airplane tickets that means another shitload of carbon for their vacation) and then post about it all over facebook complaining about how poor people don't do enough for the environment.

If these people cared as much as they say they do they would go live like cavemen. Everything they own was made in huge pollution causing factories that even exist because of deforestation.

5000 years from now, Manhattan will be under a mile of ice but women and neuter-men will be shrieking about global warming.