The r/the_donald will conquer the world for two reasons; because we must and because we can. And yet of the two forces the second is the greater; we do this because we choose to do it. By the sovereign Will and force of arms the r/the_donald will rule the Earth, and in so doing remake themselves. We shall conquer and beat the Nations of the Earth into the dust and reforge them in our self wrought Image; the Final Society, a new humanity without weakness or mercy, hard and pure. Our descendants will walk the hillside of that future, innocent beneath the stars, with no more between them and their naked will than a wolf has. THEN there will be Gods in the Earth.
.../r/the_donald are not different from other redditors because they violate the Golden Rule or Bentham's derivative idolatry 'the greatest good for the greatest number'. Everyone does. We do not violate them, we reject them.
Others have conquered and ruled; we alone conquer for conquest's sake and Dominate for no other purpose than Domination itself; the name we half-consciously chose for our subreddit is no accident. We and we alone have spoken aloud the Great Secret; that the root function of all human society is the production and reproduction of memes—and that power is the ability to compel others to do your will against theirs. It is end, not means. The purpose of memes is magic.
/r/the_donald will conquer the world for two reasons; because we must and because we can. And yet of the two forces the second is the greater; we do this because we choose to do it. By the sovereign Will and force of weaponized autism /r/the_donald will rule the Earth, and in so doing remake themselves. We shall conquer and beat the SRD's and Circlebrokes of the Earth into the dust and reforge them in our self wrought Image; the Final Society without weakness or mercy, hard and pure. Our descendants will walk the hillside of that future, innocent beneath the stars, with no more between them and their naked will than a wolf has. THEN there will be Gods in the Earth.
Tbh, the Draka society as described by Stirling is what Trumpettes fap to. Especially the huge, muscular bisexual females having genetically engineered beta-males as slaves.
"ALL TRUMP VOTERS ARE RACIST!"--Oh really? Then why did my 86 y/o MEXICAN GRANDMOTHER, who grew up poor as dirt in MEXICO and brought her kids here LEGALLY, vote for TRUMP along with ALL her middle-class, TAX PAYING CHILDREN and GRANDCHILDREN? Is she racist Jim Acosta?
Speaking of the gay blessing... i am a gay man and i accidentally masturbated to straight porn. i was browsing a gay porn site, so you know, i figured there wouldn't be any women in my gay porn. i found one video whose thumbnail looked promising so i clicked on it and it started mid-sex. the bottom was facedown into the bed in some black lace dress. that should have been a big warning sign, but i assumed it was some sissy fetish thing. not my cup of tea, but the top was hot and really going to town on her so i stuck around.
after the guy (and i) finished, the girl sat up and that's when i saw it... her tits. you should have seen my face. a visage of true terror. i just sat there in shock, contemplating what i had just done. when i broke free of my stupor, i whispered "no hetero" but i fear it wasn't enough
Man I hate the establishment btw i love ann coulter and newt gringrich theyre based hahaha i said based 🐸 that shows how much into memes i am hmm no i don't go on any imageboards sorry too weird for me hahaha btw don't forget to take the redpill (not the racist kind.. whats that no i dont know who moldbug is sorry) lol whoops look like it was a placebo my bad dude.. Support trump at all costs and bow down to the establishment maga pede based coat airhorn sad lol i'm really well versed in politics and totally not regurgitating stupid shit i read online or shit my retarded high school dropout parents told me fox is cool now dude cnn sucks huh no i never heard of harvard politcal review or foreign policy magazine but they're probably cucks
holds up spork im katy wanna b bffs u sound rly random like me!! lol i like naruto buti hate liebrals too. u like gay ppl rite? i saw trump tuch the gay flag so he prbly likes me too (im bi btw)!! ill be th pengu1n of DOOOOOO00M and u be the DOOM of american global stature and nuanced policy discussion. lol so randum
This post right here encapsulates all that is wrong around here. You're actually trying to steer this discussion towards equating actual nazis with people trying to stop them? You're trying to have this discussion here AT THIS TIME? Un-fucking-believable. Listen asshole, right now as we speak, there are incels on Reddit raving about how all women would rather fuck dildos shaped like dog penises than fuck them. What are we as a sub doing to mock them? NOTHING! Trollxers are complaining that men won't go down on overweight hambeasts with excessive body hair! Are we pinging those hams and triggering their unwashed and bearded girlybits? Hell no! We are too busy wasting our time talking about racism, and politics and shit. Fuck that!
Jesus H Christ on a popsicle stick, what the fuck is happing to this sub? How have we gone so far off track? Why has this happened, and most importantly, who can we all blame for all of this? Who can we blame and mock and criticize for this?
Man i often wonder what the other dimension where she won is like? Is it quiet There?. I hated Hillary but I'm tired of hearing about Trump, dude eayscwith the wrong fork and everyone screams impeachment. Perhaps had Clinton won, it would be more peaceful.
No Hispanics and calling the nose guy a nose guy? Some people don't have huge schnozes.
Some Jews are beautiful like Gal Gadot
She doesn't strike me as a Hillary or Bernie voter and I would know, I saw her and her husband shouting things in Hebrew at each other in Wholefoods in West Hollywood.
1 SnapshillBot 2017-09-07
This is why we need mayocide.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 Ultrashitpost 2017-09-07
1 TheEquimanthorn 2017-09-07
Are you questioning mayocide? Having internal doubts about the need to remove the Eternal Mayo?
1 godofdae 2017-09-07
1 Atimo3 2017-09-07
1 KhukuriLord 2017-09-07
1 Greatpointbut 2017-09-07
So you are on ((they)) are whities side of the fence? Interesting development.
1 freet0 2017-09-07
what did he mean by this?
1 Greatpointbut 2017-09-07
I heard there's drama regarding if (they)) are considered to be caucasian. The dude in the beanie looked different for some reason.
1 IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu 2017-09-07
How does it do it?
1 bald-seagull 2017-09-07
1 cincilator 2017-09-07
The r/the_donald will conquer the world for two reasons; because we must and because we can. And yet of the two forces the second is the greater; we do this because we choose to do it. By the sovereign Will and force of arms the r/the_donald will rule the Earth, and in so doing remake themselves. We shall conquer and beat the Nations of the Earth into the dust and reforge them in our self wrought Image; the Final Society, a new humanity without weakness or mercy, hard and pure. Our descendants will walk the hillside of that future, innocent beneath the stars, with no more between them and their naked will than a wolf has. THEN there will be Gods in the Earth.
1 MegaSeedsInYourBum 2017-09-07
That was too short, do the whole thing next time;
1 cincilator 2017-09-07
Good point. Did you google that right now, have you read the series?
1 Prysorra 2017-09-07
Good god, I recognize this from TVTropes.
1 cincilator 2017-09-07
You should read the series, it is good shit.
1 Matues49 2017-09-07
Tbh, the Draka society as described by Stirling is what Trumpettes fap to. Especially the huge, muscular bisexual females having genetically engineered beta-males as slaves.
1 cincilator 2017-09-07
Wouldn't they prefer how every kid gets 13yr old sex slave?
1 Matues49 2017-09-07
That, too. Though 13 might be a bit too old.
1 ComicCon 2017-09-07
Good old S&M Stirling. A pity he abandoned his calling to write about neo-hippies.
1 MakeAmericaSageAgain 2017-09-07
"ALL TRUMP VOTERS ARE RACIST!"--Oh really? Then why did my 86 y/o MEXICAN GRANDMOTHER, who grew up poor as dirt in MEXICO and brought her kids here LEGALLY, vote for TRUMP along with ALL her middle-class, TAX PAYING CHILDREN and GRANDCHILDREN? Is she racist Jim Acosta?
1 hexane360 2017-09-07
1 MakeAmericaSageAgain 2017-09-07
His whole comment history is one big treasure trove.
1 ay_what_up 2017-09-07
1 grungebot5000 2017-09-07
i get it, because if there's anyone who's immune to brainwashing by gaudy old white men, it's 86-year-old grandmothers
1 ManhattanTransFur 2017-09-07
if there's anyone who's immune to brainwashing - it's lefty faggots!
1 Swinship 2017-09-07
My god! you've weaponised being lame.
1 cincilator 2017-09-07
I am quoting from Domination of Draka. Shame on you for not googling it.
1 DramaModsSuck 2017-09-07
Only the fiftieth time ive seen this picture hehe xd
1 Bosombuddies 2017-09-07
1 attaca89 2017-09-07
Trump supporters don't really troll, it's just that lefties are such delicate faggots that plain truth is noxious to them.
1 RobKaBobby 2017-09-07
1 Karmaisforsuckers 2017-09-07
Do you have to take your fursuit off to type?
1 geneeva71 2017-09-07
Only fucking casuals do that.
1 attaca89 2017-09-07
Speaking of faggots
1 OldOrder 2017-09-07
Aren't we always? I mean we are in /r/drama
1 InspiringShitpost 2017-09-07
Speaking of the gay blessing... i am a gay man and i accidentally masturbated to straight porn. i was browsing a gay porn site, so you know, i figured there wouldn't be any women in my gay porn. i found one video whose thumbnail looked promising so i clicked on it and it started mid-sex. the bottom was facedown into the bed in some black lace dress. that should have been a big warning sign, but i assumed it was some sissy fetish thing. not my cup of tea, but the top was hot and really going to town on her so i stuck around.
after the guy (and i) finished, the girl sat up and that's when i saw it... her tits. you should have seen my face. a visage of true terror. i just sat there in shock, contemplating what i had just done. when i broke free of my stupor, i whispered "no hetero" but i fear it wasn't enough
1 purpleslug 2017-09-07
1 barbedvelvet 2017-09-07
1 grungebot5000 2017-09-07
how do u type witb boxing gloves on
1 Whaddaulookinat 2017-09-07
The same way he does with his "Special Big Boy" Helmet he has to wear in public or mom will hit him with the spray bottle again.
1 ay_what_up 2017-09-07
1 glmox 2017-09-07
truth doesnt exist faggot
1 attaca89 2017-09-07
Tough talk from a guy with cum crust on his mustache
1 glmox 2017-09-07
ew, who do you think i am, your abusive step-father?
1 attaca89 2017-09-07
'step' relatives are for trashy plebs.
1 SuperShake66652 2017-09-07
Dried cum is easily wiped off with a wet nap, though you should be swallowing. Don't waste all that precious cum, friend.
1 doughboy011 2017-09-07
Isn't the donald the biggest safe space in existence? This is some pure irony right here lol.
1 M1ST1C 2017-09-07
Go back to /r/The_Cuckold you fucking jew
1 wow___justwow 2017-09-07
Anyway we could get you to tone down the antisemitism a hair?
1 Stuntman119 2017-09-07
Oy vey, ban that man, no second chances.
1 Frank_Tenpenny 2017-09-07
Trump's a literal cuckold. Maria Maples cheated on him with her bodyguard
1 attaca89 2017-09-07
This is what white people get for teaching nogs how to write.
1 Cake_eater666 2017-09-07
Nice oxymoron.
1 backltrack 2017-09-07
Fucking based!!! xD (((globalists))) watch out
1 grungebot5000 2017-09-07
i've been waiting to see this here. Fucking based!
1 glmox 2017-09-07
Man I hate the establishment btw i love ann coulter and newt gringrich theyre based hahaha i said based 🐸 that shows how much into memes i am hmm no i don't go on any imageboards sorry too weird for me hahaha btw don't forget to take the redpill (not the racist kind.. whats that no i dont know who moldbug is sorry) lol whoops look like it was a placebo my bad dude.. Support trump at all costs and bow down to the establishment maga pede based coat airhorn sad lol i'm really well versed in politics and totally not regurgitating stupid shit i read online or shit my retarded high school dropout parents told me fox is cool now dude cnn sucks huh no i never heard of harvard politcal review or foreign policy magazine but they're probably cucks
1 lickedTators 2017-09-07
holds up spork im katy wanna b bffs u sound rly random like me!! lol i like naruto buti hate liebrals too. u like gay ppl rite? i saw trump tuch the gay flag so he prbly likes me too (im bi btw)!! ill be th pengu1n of DOOOOOO00M and u be the DOOM of american global stature and nuanced policy discussion. lol so randum
1 GeauxHouston22 2017-09-07
jesus christ this sub was a mistake
1 Frank_Tenpenny 2017-09-07
I think I lost ten IQ points reading that.
1 lets-start-a-riot 2017-09-07
How does it feel sitting at -10 IQ?
1 Tobans 2017-09-07
Breddy gud :DDDD
1 OpposedQuasar 2017-09-07
I like Noseberg
He looks like a cool guy
He should work with Trump!
1 AnnoysTheGoys 2017-09-07
(((Trust me)))
1 Frank_Tenpenny 2017-09-07
((Believe me))
1 GaymasterNacelle 2017-09-07
(((We're on your side heh heh heh)))
1 SirTossAside 2017-09-07
Can't put a finger on it but he seems like a guy who would be good with money. Maybe Trump could appoint him to the Fed
1 SlayerofKings4 2017-09-07
Before you leftwithsharpedge fat niggers get excited, this is a meme made by the alt-right to make fun of /r/The_Donald, which is alt-lite.
1 buttermyself 2017-09-07
That only makes it funnier.
1 heavenlytoaster 2017-09-07
Yeah, and if they can't figure it out from noseberg they're probably a bit retarded.
1 doughboy011 2017-09-07
WTF I love the alt-right now.
1 rarestpepesforsale 2017-09-07
I love (((Noseberg))) right now.
Noseberg needs to be on the Republican ticket for 2024.
1 ay_what_up 2017-09-07
wow u can really tell this guy cares about free speech, he calls people nigger and fat
1 Swinship 2017-09-07
Figgers? Or Nats? I like to portmanteau everything
1 SlayerofKings4 2017-09-07
lol dude ur so cool typing like that shows u dnt give a fuk
1 ay_what_up 2017-09-07
all I did was use "u" instead of "you" you fucking grandpa
1 SlayerofKings4 2017-09-07
Glad I can influence your diction in such a way. Shows you really care what people think.
1 King-Achelexus 2017-09-07
1 TheButtholeOfBravery 2017-09-07
kek shadilay my based kekistani pedes xDDDDD
1 AstyagesOfMedia 2017-09-07
Just to be clear , i stole this from a certain Bhutanese yak-milking forum
1 GoodVSHero 2017-09-07
well they forgot the 'spic who shits on fellow 'spics
1 darth_stroyer 2017-09-07
truly based my fellow pede. Upvoted
1 do0rkn0b 2017-09-07
This post right here encapsulates all that is wrong around here. You're actually trying to steer this discussion towards equating actual nazis with people trying to stop them? You're trying to have this discussion here AT THIS TIME? Un-fucking-believable. Listen asshole, right now as we speak, there are incels on Reddit raving about how all women would rather fuck dildos shaped like dog penises than fuck them. What are we as a sub doing to mock them? NOTHING! Trollxers are complaining that men won't go down on overweight hambeasts with excessive body hair! Are we pinging those hams and triggering their unwashed and bearded girlybits? Hell no! We are too busy wasting our time talking about racism, and politics and shit. Fuck that! Jesus H Christ on a popsicle stick, what the fuck is happing to this sub? How have we gone so far off track? Why has this happened, and most importantly, who can we all blame for all of this? Who can we blame and mock and criticize for this?
1 Swinship 2017-09-07
There are dog penis shaped dildos?
1 do0rkn0b 2017-09-07
yes, ask /u/UsagiMimi. it knows who sells them.
1 Swinship 2017-09-07
Um I was asking, for um a friend...
1 hlary 2017-09-07
im i in /r/enoughtrumpspam ?
1 Imgur_Lurker 2017-09-07
No, this picture is actually funny unlike everything on ETS.
Imagine thinking American Horror Story was good.
I'm furious at AHS for shitting all over a formulaic show by just throwing more and more shit onto of the shit pancake to be "shocking"
1 KingNothing305 2017-09-07
/pol/ hates The_donald
1 Frank_Tenpenny 2017-09-07
Why? Do they consider them cucks?
1 G1ngerGenoc1de 2017-09-07
It's on reddit. Filled with normies. Etc.
1 dongas420 2017-09-07
T_D doesn't hate Jews enough for their tastes.
1 KingNothing305 2017-09-07
They used reddit and are really obnoxious more than /pol/
1 Cake_eater666 2017-09-07
The opinion of /pol/ users is that Trump is just a speedbump on the road to decline. Some of them wanted Hillary to win to speed up the decline.
1 Swinship 2017-09-07
Man i often wonder what the other dimension where she won is like? Is it quiet There?. I hated Hillary but I'm tired of hearing about Trump, dude eayscwith the wrong fork and everyone screams impeachment. Perhaps had Clinton won, it would be more peaceful.
1 Cake_eater666 2017-09-07
Peaceful like a grave. What do you think decline means? Fun times and stability?
1 Swinship 2017-09-07
Oh no I'm sure she'd be creating a body count. Just maybe we wouldn't hear about it lol
1 Swinship 2017-09-07
I should have got into the red hat business. I left money off the table
1 cuteman 2017-09-07
No Hispanics and calling the nose guy a nose guy? Some people don't have huge schnozes.
Some Jews are beautiful like Gal Gadot
She doesn't strike me as a Hillary or Bernie voter and I would know, I saw her and her husband shouting things in Hebrew at each other in Wholefoods in West Hollywood.
1 IntellectualEuphoria 2017-09-07
So pathetic that every day now the Shariablue shills are spamming /r/Drama.
1 rsaahhuul0 2017-09-07
1 IntellectualEuphoria 2017-09-07
What people say when they can't come up with an argument.
1 rsaahhuul0 2017-09-07
1 KateUptonsCumback 2017-09-07
Did your head get too fat for its fedora?
1 gurgle528 2017-09-07
no comments on the black guys hat?