Current /r/conspiracy "CST" Mod Ambiguously_Ironic is WarSanchez. Uses R10 to ban the truth. Whines like a baby was exposed.

10  2017-09-07 by SmokeOnTheDirt

/u/warsanchez is /u/Ambiguously_Ironic

Mods never act this fast unless they are talking directly to the user.

Here is Ambiguously_Ironic trying to act all nonchalant.

Then bans my account /r/politics style!

Then he responds with his alt.

Expose Mod via PM. This happens.


Snowflakes make my day and it keeps getting better and better!

/u/warsanchez playing the victim now in /r/conspiracy/

Holy shit r/drama fam! Look as the Vaping Birdman spergs.

Stop hiding /u/Ambiguously_Ironic

The gig is up!

😂 last time you accused me of being AaTA.

Drama don't believe you birdman!

Get fucked.

You are still a Mods Alt regardless of all your whining.

Oh I gotta make a post to defend myself.

Must really piss you off that a dirty ol' beaner cucked you.

What account are you going to use next?

You're that one that got exposed and flogged.

Its said that the other Mods don't see you for your lies.

I'm not a mod tho. I don't even frequent CST.

Its simple to figure out and either of two things happened.

Your feelings got hurt and you reported my comments.


You are /u/Ambiguously_Ironic

Man Up or you'll be lost forever.

Cry more bird man.

You are a lost cause and it shows.

The game is simple....when someone looses, they report to name calling or shaming others to make themselves feel better.

Its a fight or flight move. You choose to fly like a little baby!

Waaaaaaaahhh waaaaaahhhhh...

Mommy I want my sub back!

Mod to Mod

u/Sabremesh did you delete the comment you made here?

The circle jerk widens!

Apparently not wider than your bussy hurt butthole.

My ass it fine.

Tell Fly to use lube next time.

Tell him yourself.

I just did!

Sorry. I'm not you who dream I am.

Speak American ya dirty Jew fuck.

Ahhh. Getting nasty. You must be drinking.

Nah, helping my child with her homework.

This is drama faggot, that's hardly nasty.

If they only knew.

regardless of all your whining.

You seem to be the one doing the whining friend.

Oh looks like we got another "Mod Alt" following the exposure.

My friend! Puke!

Are you paid or a volunteer?

OP why don't you post this to /r/the_cuckold instead

/u/WarSanchez is bringing the penis gel!

No need. I like going in dry.

Ask your boyfriend.

AATA said it hurts.

LMAO you're barking up the wrong tree boy. How many times I gotta tell you?

Sorry. You are the lost one.

I got all day. No subs to mod or alts to switch to.

hey someone tell me why the beaner keeps calling the birdman a birdman?

OP is an alt of Dronepuppet is trying to retaliate against the current mods of the sub.

retaliate against the current mods of the sub.

/u/TrumpRusConspiracy is a current Mod alt. /u/creq

If that was the case, wouldn't creq have unbanned me by now?

Are you a volunteer or are you paid to do what you do?

Don't worry. Looks like Mods are quietly unbanning users.

Oh so you're an alt of sabremesh's then?

Their goal is to push out all the good users. Make the sub a shit hole that no one wants to visit. Here is the proof.

You mean your goal? You're an alt of either sabremesh or dronepuppet.

Its the goal of the current Mods. Get over yourself.

Wait, I thought I was one of the mods?


Did you know that sabremesh is a flat earther loony case?

I believe so since he approves those flat earth shit posts.

My focus is on this user now. u/TheMadQuixotician

They know too much around the sub rules and AATA just unbanned /u/pijinglish who also Mods r/ConspiracyII

What do you mean your focus is on that user now?

They know too much around the sub rules

You're obviously not an American. Russian?

What do you mean your focus is on that user now?

They know too much around the sub rules

You're obviously not an American. Russian?


What do you mean you're focus is on that user?

Do you just target and harrass users?

Do you just target and harrass users?

Expose the Mod Alts

Why do you want to expose the mod alts?

Expose them of what?

You'll figure it out someday.

After Mueller's investigation is done and we find out Russia is funding shilling operations like you're apparently a part of?

After Mueller's investigation is done

LOL...He'll be interview toilets next to find some dirt.

What I find interesting is how you don't really deny any of these allegations.

Only thing you've denied is being sabremesh's alt.

Allegations? Are you really Hillary Clinton?

Of course. Are you Eastern European?

It makes sense now. Just switch to one of your Alts.

Are you Eastern European?

Are you paid to be here?

I'm Chuck Schumer.

And again you refuse to deny it.

You have no morals or ethics, and I'm sure you are proud of that.


Dems and Russian collusion are truth nuggets!

Don't deflect.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Ahh...the go to "WTF" move.

It never gets old.

Russia is funding shilling operations

Indeed, see the below two subs.

/r/ActiveMeasures /r/Digital_Manipulation

Cool, thanks, I'll check it out

I just woke up. Who are you and what am I unbanned from?

Mod /u/AssuredlyAThrowAway secretly unbanned you from /r/conspiracy yesterday.

Pay attention:



Oh ok. Why do you care and why do you know before I do?

I was banned because the conspiracy mod, Dronepuppet, was a barely coherent baby fascist who abused his power when conflicting opinions made him feel tiny and scared. The sub is better off without him.

Thanks to u/AssuredlyAThrowAway for undoing some of the old mods' blatantly partisan fuckups - they really did turn that sub into a laughingstock and the current mods have a long, uphill battle to regain anything resembling credibility. (I had nothing to do with the decision to unban me, if that's what OP is implying.)

That said, I prefer r/conspiracyII these days, even though it's still growing. I was asked to be a mod after a few months over there, and I've generally not had to enforce much because people are civil. I don't agree with all the posts or comments, but I'm not an insecure baby fascist - people can express alternate world views without me squealing and swatting at them in terror.

was a barely coherent baby fascist who abused his power when conflicting opinions made him feel tiny and scared.

Thanks for that nugget! What we got here is a leftist still hurting from the MAGA WIN!

Its so easy to spot the brainwashed losers like you. No wonder you got banned!

Always a pleasure dealing with you, alt-account of Dronepuppet.

I believe the ban was indeed reviewed as it seemed to have been issued by a former mod abusing alt accounts.

From my notes, you've been caught doing the same thing while sucking on admins balls to push your agenda with the sub take over.

Pushing your one sided lies does not end well.

I'm not sure why you're intent on excusing the actions of three mods who literally attempted a coup by removing all of their co-mods without a vote.

I don't know what's happened to you recently drone, but I think you are starting to loose sight of the forest through the trees as the only people that attempted to act unilaterally and in the form of a coup were you, flytape and sarah sadly..

SC explained his reasoning and you just won't or will never except because you want to be right and come out on top as the savior!

The Mods that fought for that sub have a right to be pissed and expose you mindless fools for what you are becoming. You've been brainwashed to the point that you don't even recognize yourself any longer. Maybe its the drugs, maybe its where you are living (east coast insanity) or maybe you just lost sight of realty because you think "your reality" is the truth. I'll tell you one truth, you will be left behind because everything else is moving forward beyond you're limited thinking.

My suggestion to you would be get some help. Get off Reddit! Meditate to clear your mind that has been poisoned because you've been played!

And you think I have a problem! That makes be laugh.

I'm off to Bali, Hong Kong and Tokyo for fun and business. Enjoy your tiny space!

I don't understand; Sarah connor actually lied about his reasoning and now claims he never removed AP's permissions?

Did you not know that it is against the reddit TOS to remove mods during an active vote to remove a top moderator?

Thats fine man. The actions were childish by everyone.

Remember, one thing, I exposed my actions to defend the sub.

I'm confident half of the remaining Mods have left leaning Alts. Its your battle now. We will just watch the sub implode.

Thanks for being jealous!

Do you think a bull-moose can help keep things calm in otherwise stormy weather?

Focus all you like, but I don't see how being able to read the sidebar makes me a mod alt. By that logic, having knowledge of an executive order would make me the president.

This is hilarious.

I know. You feel left out.

Not really, I'm plenty busy. I just find your fishing expedition comical.

Your trying to catch the big one with a single cheerio and a bent coat hanger.

Just connecting the dots. The fools always make a mistake.

But you've not connected any. At least, not with any reasonable evidence. Provide something of substance, otherwise you're just spinning your wheels for no reason.

I'm not doing it here. Sorry to disappoint.

So, why not conduct operations offsite, or via PM? That's what I mainly do.

Get at me, we'll compare notes. You're off the mark in many ways (especially regarding my homies), but I've been at this a very long time myself. I can assure you that if anything is to be found, with the ones that actually matter, my little group of investigators are the most studious.

So, why not conduct operations offsite, or via PM?

I do a lot of that as well. My public actions help tie things together.

Get at me, we'll compare notes. You're wildly off the mark in many ways (especially regarding my homies), but I've been at this a very long time myself. I can assure you that if anything is to be found, with the ones that actually matter, my little group of investigators are the most studious.

Nice. So get at you via PM?

There are things of serious interest, but a great deal can be chalked up to collective incompetence. "Occam's Razor"; nothing more. In many ways, not all, I'd find it more acceptable if there were a master plan.

Well there is so much information to consume and I know there are others out there doing the leg work.

So get at you via PM?


Well there is so much information to consume and I know there are others out there doing the leg work.

See this sub: /r/Digital_manipulation, where I've been dumping publicly relevant material in no particular order. All other discussion is handled privately, or offsite. I do not like to tip entities off to certain things, as they may switch up tactics, or put themselves in a position to not be exposed.

Perfect. The change to Reddit has been forthcoming and Ive seen it starting a few months before this election cycle. Reddit had become too powerful.

The change to Reddit has been forthcoming and Ive seen it starting a few months before this election cycle.

Your timeframe is accurate. I seen it coming, too.

Reddit had become too powerful.

And to both of the above points, you'll see that reddit's business model is incrementally changing to accommodate this with open arms.

As a whole, the site is proper fucked and never going back, but good mods can keep individual subs going in a somewhat decent manner. It's the only reason I remain here, for now.

Well, plus see some real-deal karma being dished out.

Ya. I see the backend shit going on /r/conspiracy and /r/TheInside

Time waits for no man ;)

Cool. Im off on a 2 week vacay. I'll check with ya when I get back.

Why are you banned?

Sabremesh banned me because Flytape accused me of being an alt of that troll sky girl or whatever his name was. He did it in his conspiracysub and was trying to start a witch against me.

I sent a link of the witchhunt thread through the conspiracy mod mail just to let you guys know it was happening, and then sabremesh banned me for being an alt of skygirl and "posting in bad faith".

One or two other mods of the sub have tried to reach out to me, but I haven't really appealed the ban and I haven't really pushed the issue much.

Just got tired of dealing with people like sabremesh, flytape, and dronepuppet and all his alts.

Was wonder where you went, then saw you were being harassed by dronepuppet's alts even here. Try to not let the dicks get to you.

Meh, it's fine. I'm just trying to focus on breaking my reddit habit. I'm thinking about starting a website about fake news and how it's created, or something along those lines.

Ooh that's the guy who posted a t_d style rant, got ridiculed by people in conspiracy of all places, started banning those people, and even after other mods had to undo those bans he's still a moderator.

Yep. That's him. He's also a flat earther.

You two seem like buddies!

So you were banned from /r/conspiracy. This means DronePuppet, if you now use your main account to post there I'll have the admin suspend it. Have a good one.

We're not, but why would it be a problem in the first place?

You need to stop doing that. We aren't the same person and I don't know why you're convinced.

lol I thought you were my alt haha

I'll admit it, OP is my alt.

  • u/DronePuppet - u/SmokeOnTheDirt
  • u/BuildTheWalle
  • u/WarmBacon
  • u/MAGABolt
  • u/RussianToe
  • u/TruthButter
  • u/AlienLips
  • u/HAL989O
  • u/HAL9890
  • u/-ThePedoHunter-
  • u/QuantumPlasma
  • u/TruthNuggets
  • u/NameSanitized
  • u/BitchyTerrorist
  • u/MentalKick
  • u/CloakedMod
  • u/KeepItAmerican
  • u/DeplorableBot
  • u/TrollShillWars
  • u/SpacePuppetz
  • u/TrollBond007

Here we got another Mod Alt collection notes.

Remember.....Reddit TOS does not state a user can only have one username.

Doesn't it say something about using alt. accounts to avoid a ban?

Avoid a ban?

remind me what rule 10 is

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Only one I see whining is you.