"Rape, just like Jesus intended." The lunatics of r/politics react to the return of due process on campus.

179  2017-09-08 by MrAnalog


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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relevant meme!

You sound upset and rapey

Can you blame me?



I can't wait to karmafarm the TrollX thread about this

Do these people know they're evil and just don't care or do they think they're in the right? I just... they're evil. All regressives are evil. That's just a fact.

It begins


You know how people make fun of the phrase "I can't even"? Those people are wrong. This is the time for it.

You are one stupid bitch


She wants to protect rapists. That's pretty fucking evil, dude.

i dunno, this one is a pretty good contender too. like i literally can't imagine what it's like being that stupid. i can only assume they have a helper or something typing their posts for them

Do you think they're even conscious of the fact they equated "the accused" and "rapists" without a second thought? Some activist quoted in the article did the same.

Their mantra is "listen and believe," so, no.

I can't even understand how retarded someone would have to be to think this is a problem. How dare the accused get a fair trial! u/hopeless1der defend

I never knew the right of due process could be so evil...

I can't wait for Dick Wolff to make a Law & Order American College Campus series.

It'd be over by the first commerical break.

"You stand accused by this broad of rape, she says after ya'll had sex she changed her mind. In accordance with Obongo, the Democratic Party, and the letter F, we find you guilty"

Dial "F" for "fuilty"

What we need is an enlightened, liberal policy where authority can punish people based solely on it's own opinion with zero oversight.

I bet cancer cells think of oncologists as "regressive".

Cancer cells don't have brain power, dummy

How do they keep calling themselves "progressives" then

Comment so savage it killed off the native horse population instead of domesticating them

Brain cancer cells do


Recursive. Chemo necessarily kills you. Sometimes it kills the cancer first.

hey /u/anachronistically, it looks like you're in favour of witch-trials and violation of people' rights to due process. How very fascist of you.

It is a remarkably easy way to dehumanize anyone, which makes committing violence on them easier.

Yeah, I expected the TrollX and TwoX threads to be full of histrionic bullshit, and I wasn't disappointed in the slightest. But the "fuck all men and their due process rights, too!" comments are bad even by the pathetically low standards of politics.

But the "fuck all men and their due process rights, too!" comments are bad even by the pathetically low standards of politics.

The disturbing part is that this is how these people think. Due process is fine unless you are raped, then the accused is guilty until proven innocent.

What if the rapist is a woman.

Oh they believe that women can't be rapists, I forgot

convenient, right?

That's amateur talk. What you gotta do is point out the racist trope of black men raping white women was used as a tool of racial oppression, so these laws would just be another way to keep the black man down (e.g. "Kojo" from this story

Or maybe Atticus Finch is some shitlord MRA.

Is there a way to make custom flairs here? That'd be a great one

Ah so what you're saying is that if a white woman doesn't allow a black male sex then she literally raped him.

I like it

I think the writer actually wrote a sequel where he's a shitlord because she was butthurt people liked Atticus Finch.

I honestly expect twox to take a rational opinion pushing the nutters to be even more extreme over at trollx.

Perhaps. But if you sort the TwoX thread by controversial... just holy shit. The stupid is enough to make your eyes bleed.

In a just world, any MRA or red piller accused of a rape should be assumed to be guilty just based their advocacy for protecting rapists. That should be included as part of the evidence against them.


Amazing how many redpillers there are on here. This is a sub dedicated to women. All you rape apologists, please get lost. The moderators seem to be slacking, they really should do their job and ban anti-feminist users.

My favorite (so far)...

You misspelled "change the rules to protect attackers"

Because apparently, due process is like some sort of high capacity assault weapon for raping. You know, the kind of thing Rick Sanchez would sell to an insect in an alien parking lot for video game tokens.

Innocent until proven guilty is "protecting the attackers?"


In a just world, any MRA or red piller accused of a rape should be assumed to be guilty just based their advocacy for protecting rapists. That should be included as part of the evidence against them.

sounds great to me.

and i guess by the same token feminists should be considered false accuseres based on their advocacy for protecting false accusers right?

Most rational people have been banned from there so it slowly moves the window of discourse further and further afield.

From r/politics ?

u/Kotomikun doesn't have time to consider boring stupid evidence when there are all these witches to burn.

Top reply to top comment:

She is the Umbridge to his Voldemort.

I too base all of my decisions and opinions on analogies to a children's book series about teenage wizards

I know, right? As a mature adult, I instead form my political opinions by trying to analogize everything to R.A. Salvatore's Drizz't do'Urden fantasy series like a goddamned grownup.

Psychohistorical analysis is where it's really at.

Bernie Sanders is Zaknafein right?

Does that mean Ivanka is Quenthel? Because I'm absolutely okay with that.





As an adult I base all my decisions on Dostoyevsky's great works, that's why I believe in bussy and the church.

Yet another example of being correct for all the wrong reasons. Base your system off "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" and you will gind true enlightenment supporting bussy and the church.

I'm an intellectual so I compare Trump and the GOP to the Empire from Star Wars.

And they'll have to relive a traumatic moment over and over from people trying to question everything they say.

I do not get it. You cannot conduct an investigation without asking questions. Do they really want claims of sexual assault to deem someone guilty without an investigation?

Do they really want to deem someone guilty of sexual assault without an investigation?


Not just deem them guilty, punish and banish them from society forever.

And if you disagree because you believe in things like the Constitution, well then you deserve the same fate.

Scary shit over there.

/u/poliscijunki - how dare they reinstitute due process for those accused of a crime! The horror!

This destroyed me. I had to get three different male peers of mine expelled through Title IX.


I thought this was... curious as well.

The comments on /r/politics make more sense than the stuff in /r/TrollX lmao.

Do you have any idea how much of a deluded community you have to be to be worse than /r/politics? Holy shit.

Oh boy, here I go raping again

Don't forget to wear your rape shoes this time.

I prefer sandals, because that way you can just slip them on and not waste any time tying your shoes.

As long as you're not sacrificing style for functionality.

Assaults on college campuses should be investigated by local law enforcement and all cases should be tried in a court of law. I don't want to seriouspost on this so this is all I'm gonna say about it.

all cases should be tried in a court of law


A lot of these date rape "cases" are tried within the school itself. Students and faculty are the judges. The punishment is expulsion whereas in the real world the punishment would be jail time.

I don't want to seriouspost on this so this is all I'm gonna say about it




Students and faculty are the judges.

Not any longer. Per the "suggestion" of the Obama DOE, most schools now use the "single investigator model" where one person is the detective, the DA, the public defender, the judge, and the jury.

It works about as well as it sounds.

The fact that the Obama Dept of Ed's OCR looked at all the available options and chose that as the final system they would require should really tell you about the kinds of people he had appointed.

Around here, folks mock SJWs for being unemployed, but maybe we should have been counting our blessings b/c look what happens when they do get jobs.

I've been tried in a kangaroo court on a college campus over some weed. They found me guilty despite a lack of evidence (my actual case was dropped by the real courts due to lack of evidence, it's a long story). Luckily for me, the fact that I was "guilty" just meant I had to go to a seminar for an hour but if my "crime" was more serious, my life could've been ruined.

These people on the disciplinary boards hate students accused of anything and they already know their verdict before you even step foot into the room. I'm probably a little biased but I've seen a lot of people get fucked over by these people despite no evidence.

You can be expelled from a public university even if the US legal system finds you not guilty. I can't believe that even the retards on /r/politics want to keep that system in place.

I don't want to seriouspost, but the guilt of the male should be determined by the difference in oppression status between the male's race and the female's race, with vagina-ownership as tiebreaker. It is impossible for PoC to rape white women, given societal imbalance of power.

rape = surprise sex + institutional power

I can't believe it's 2017 and we haven't drawn up standardized metrics to quantify oppression.

Measure their craniums

Marx was right again.

I thought that was hitler who measured skill size

Marx was super into phrenology, used to accuse people of being Jews because of their skull shape, dude was a piece of work.

There is one but it's metric so it isn't usable in America.

You're pretty retarded aren't you


Yeah, if someone is a rapist, I don't want them kicked out of school, I want them to go to prison. That means police, and judges, and evidence. Schools investigating crime is great, if you want a policy that simultaneously punishes the non-guilty while letting the guilty largely off the hook.

You are right, but keep in mind a lot of this 'Uni does the trial,' stuff comes as a reaction to law suits for the Unis not doing enough in the past.

It is a counter-reformation of sorts, that directly resulted from Unis failing to make sure assaults got to local law enforcement. Coaches protecting players and bad behavior at fraternal organizations being swept under the rug contributed to the current state of things, not solely, but significantly.

If only the victim, you know, reported it to the cops.

Or are you saying that the cops would just show up, high five the coach, and say "yeah fuck that bitch who got raped, GG last night on the hand-egg course"

In some cases, yes, local law enforcement would cooperate. Other employees too, Here is one that happened at the high school level. Coaches, the Principal and School Superintendent all faced charges for hiding the sexual assault of an a girl.

Jerry raped boys for years and everyone around him knew it and let him get away with it.

Neither one of those cases did any victims go to the cops.

You realize cops have a hard on for busting rapists right? It's not like a cop is just gonna walk away.

Why the fuck would some dumb bitch report a rape to her college. Oh, I guess if she got raped she probably is fucking borderline retarded doesn't know how to keep her legs shut, probably too dumb to know cops even exist.


god I hate this sub.

u/battles so retarded he takes /r/drama seriously.

u/Ed_ButteredToast your 'tism has been bested.

My 'tism oozes from my copy pastas BITCH! Nobody can challenge my copy pasta collecting abilities! REEEEEEE

Can someone tldr; on what Obama put in place instead, and the reasoning behind it?

Obama's changes to Title IX made it so schools that took public money had to have their own trials, and to use the lowest bar for proof possible, and basically rig it for the accuser.

Long version:

This "Dear Colleague" letter, issued by the Office for Civil Rights (OCR), told all of the more than 7,000 colleges that receive federal money to use the lowest possible standard of proof, a preponderance of evidence, in sexual assault cases (though not in less serious matters such as cheating and noise violations). The letter required universities to allow accusers to appeal not-guilty findings, a form of double jeopardy. It further told schools to accelerate their adjudications, with a recommended 60-day limit. And, perhaps most important, OCR strongly discouraged cross-examination of accusers, given the procedures that most universities employed.

Could be wrong, but afaik there wasn't a reasoning or cause for it, Obama just did it, and feminists were asking for it.

It was also kind of illegal, so people who got fucked over could then sue the school and win, so schools were forced to do something they couldn't do legally

.. Well, that seems kind of a retarded change.

A friend of mine's baby sister was raped before these laws were in place. Nothing happened to her rapist and local police told her it was a school issue. I believe this coming weekend is the anniversary of her suicide.

A girl my sister knows was raped at her university. The girl ended up getting banned from going to alumni events when the perpetrator was there because he somehow convinced the school that she was harassing him

Thirdhand anecdotes, the perfect basis for a rational system of justice.


Worked for the Catholic Church for millennia.

Saying such hateful things!... Upvoted.

I bet those rapists were white.

Well ya, do you think a /r/politic user would make up a fictional black rapist?

all rapists are white. only whites can be rapists.

Eh, them being male will more or less circumvent the skin color issue.

No, it does not! If those rapists were black they would be arrested even if they were innocent!

It's been a thing on the left to cover up brown male rapists since at least that first kid-raping gang in the UK, 7 or so years ago.

this but unironically

But she killed herself! How can you be that insensitive?

That's literally someone's response in the thread and when questioned.

Too bad the person posting in the thread didn't keep themselves safe

But mental illness is, in almost all cases, congenital.

/u/helpfulkorn a friend of my cousin's baby niece was personally saved by Trump from a white gang rape last year. Your callous ass should be gulaged for daring to insult her experience by making up stories shaming life saving legislation.

From Trump by a white gang rape

Now that would be something most r/politics users would be grateful for.

From Trump by a white gang rape

Now that would be something most r/politics users would be grateful for.

/u/helpfulkorn My boyfriends great aunt was hyper raped by blacks... the police said they could do nothing... her AIDS anniversary is in two weeks.

Still, despite the pain, she said she was still happy to live in a world where her crippling AIDS wasn't as bad as your posts. God bless.

How do all these people always seem to personally know every rape victim in their state

A buddy of mine just recently got divorced and said dating has been rough. He is like "Jen, every date I have the woman just tells me about her horrific rape story. Is rape that common?"

With those words, I looked him in the eye and said "yes. I read /u/helpfulkorn s posts all the time."

I'm here if you need to talk

All campus criminal accusations should be resolved by a struggle session, just as Mao intended.

this but unironically

  • footnote: being repulsive and/or not putting out will be considered campus crimes *

A 'snuggle with a struggle' results in more struggles. It's a cycle.

This account will never get old

and reactionaries will still play the feminist card by throwing around false rape accusations at muslims

further evidence that they are all sexually frustrated white boys

throwing around false rape accusations at muslims

Never going to happen.

In the west a woman needs 2 males to swear against a Muslim for rape charges to stick. Better than in Muslim countries though where you need 4 males.

you statecucked faggots have been letting it happen for a year now with muslims and decades now with every other crime and ethnicity until you freedom loving buffoons get fingered in the ass at the airport. even when you get shot by a police officer because he mistook your iphone for a RPG you brainwashed dickriders will still loop back around and defend it.

I defend glassing the middle east. And san francisco.

Unironicly keep yourself safe

Look at this spastic speaking in the usual sjw code.

universities are sending around warning e-mails explaining they will still prosecute rapist. I'm not making this up. They have to assure their student body that rape is still illegal. Fucking. kids. is this what it feels like to be old and no longer able to relate to young people? When you just look at them and shake your head because they've gone fucking completely insane? Is this what it's like for every generation that grows older?

This is what happens when Millenials are adults. We are so incompetent at everything, we assume everyone else is too.

I think so, my dude. I think so. But like, some of them are my generation in their late 20s who are these histrionic babies who freak out about everything and still act like college students because they were never forced to be adults properly. I just want to disown them tbh.

This generation is easily the most fragile of any generation in semi-recent history. It's not even remotely a contest. I'm 100% serious when I say I'm pretty sure there's a new brain infection going around, probably viral. It simply isn't possible to explain their behavior without something eating their frontal lobes.

I honestly believe it may have to do with how much we have polluted the environment with chemicals like plastics and hormones.

Turning the freaking frogs gay!

We didn't heed Alex Jones' warnings

(((they))) have won

The gay frogs?

Jordan Peterson made a point in this podcast (at 3:40) that made my brain explode. He said that all concepts and ways of explaining the world have been delegitimized except "power."

It's the core idea of postmodernism. There is no truth except one: hierarchies of power. There's no beauty, there's no virtue, there's no good, there's not even any evil - it's all just hierarchies of power, with the powerful oppressing those below them.

From that perspective, they aren't exactly crazy. They're just doing what they've been trained to do. In this case for example, it's not that they think due process protections for the accused are "bad" in and of themselves. They are reacting to (what they perceive to be) a shift of power.

And I'm not exaggerating when I say there's no such thing as evil. They will say that what I call "evil" is just my privilege (and note that privilege itself is a concept of difference between two groups - a power hierarchy). There's no real evil. "By any means necessary" remember? Any means. Nothing is off the table. Nothing is itself wrong. "No bad tactics, only bad targets"

Pretty much, but kids these days are actually hysterical.

The majority of the students aren't fragile and don't need this, most students go to classes or their clubs, then go home or party and don't care about any of this shit, we're talking about like 5% of the student body that is largely ignored by other students but they're the only group that engages in campus politics at all so they get all the power.

I refuse to believe this, because I would have to cut back on my millennial bashing if I did.

Oh no, bash away, you'll probably mainly hit the morons. I just dont want to turn you off college parties, especially now that women are now legally required to get raped by you and then not report it.

Yeah, I can confirm. I've been back at school for almost two years as an adult in my 30s, at a large, liberal east coast school, and I've never run into any of this kind of outrage fodder. I don't doubt it exists - my school even showed up in the news last year when someone saw some rope that had been used to hang lanterns from a tree and called the cops to report a hate crime when they thought they were nooses (despite being there for almost a year and also looking nothing like nooses) - but there aren't groups of feminists patrolling campus to accuse men of rape or something. Most people still just care about grades, beer money, and banging each other, same as 15 years ago.

Weird I also am in my 30s and finishing school in the midwest. My first day I was asked my "gender pronoun" and when I said male I got a "tisk" and rather than hand me my name tag she just dropped it on the floor and walked away

Fuck yeah.

LadyProfessorScience 81 points 10 hours ago

She is the Umbridge to his Voldemort.

/u/Ladyprofessorscience I cant process this form of autism, do you have another I can run through my translator?

tfw fat girls are so irrational that their only way of making sense of the world is to compare it to Harry Potter.


Fat girls and Taqiyaa Muslims.

oink oink


Because fat girls are pigs

The only fatties in harry potter were bad, think about it.

There is literally no reason to remove these rules whatsoever, unless of course you are for women getting assaulted.....

Due process means assaulting women?

And then this "rape survivor" who made a few good points then lost it with

They actually often are. Your ignorance is showing, sweetie. Use cover up next time ;)

And continued to whine about whether "survivor" is an appropriate word.

I'm reasonably sure Russia doesn't have a population to sustain all the trolling that is blamed on them, even if that's what all their population did 24/7.

Russia doesn't even have enough payroll trolls to troll adequately on russian forums, let alone worldwide

/r/politics raped me. Every single one of them should be expelled, fired, and jailed for life.

Just carry a mattress around Reddit and you'll get free karma.




TFW you rape someone but you're brown so you get away with it

Feels good man

I want to have anal sex with anime girls, not stacies

I can't figure out if all the /r/politics posters are paid shills or if there are actually people this retarded in real life.

They're real. I've met their type.

this is actually the sanest thread from /r/politics i've seen since clinton lost. there's still screaming retards there but i think they're the minority in that thread.

I was reading a pretty good article about this in the Atlantic (not a right wing rag) yesterday. This is probably one of the best actions the Trump administration has taken.

Ah, the cowardly anon down-vote fairies have arrived. Just to clarify for the less astute, my point is DeVos, if I have to remind you, is a self-serving goose-stepping Christo-fascist sack of shit, and like so many self-serving goose-stepping Christo-fascist sacks of shit, no doubt holds bizarre ideas about sexual assault... things like 'a woman can't be raped unless she really wants it' and 'she must have been asking for it' and 'it was gods will so have your rapists baby you whore'. This is the Jesus that DeVos and her ilk worship, so fuck aaaall you snivelling little fairies, and don't forget, hurricanes is gods punishment for voting Trump.

This has all been so absurd to me ever since Betsy was appointed. She's literally my neighbor. She gave my friend a new car when she found out he wouldn't park on her driveway because he was afraid it would leave oil stains. I rode a camel with her husband. She's a sweetheart and I've seen zero evidence of her being a lizardperson.

I hope she didn't Keep Herself Safe with that edge