when do you think we will get girls genetically designed to be like anime girls

39  2017-09-08 by dramalover69

I really want to play with anime girl anus so i am wonder when science will engineer giant eyed cute girls with tsundere and moe personalities. this is really important to me as i want to nibble on their ears and embaress them as as i blowdry their anus with hot air



not close enough skin not cute enough, need big eyes and cute chin with not round face. need anus too, very cute

She's got a nice mustache

That's a dude

not joking

Yes, I know.

I didn't realize "it" was preop however

Look op, you have to be careful about asking these questions online. It's very dangerous. I probably shouldn't say this, but I know for a fact governments in North America, Europe and Asia are currently pushing for this tech to exist. I've seen the first two iterations with my own eyes, and it's terrifying to behold. They seek to use anime ladies to control us. To pacify us. Sony themselves are almost at the point where they could discuss mass production.

A future with walking talking anime ladies is a bleak future indeed. It's the future Aldous Huxley warned us about. I've seen their effect on live test subjects. Their ability to manipulate is stronger than any propaganda or fear mongering news article I've ever seen.

I've since gone into hiding op. It's simply too dangerous. I know a North American firm has contracted funimation as consultants. As a result cons are no longer safe. My colleague recently disappeared following certain events at Dragoncon I've come to term as the Cosplay Curiosities.

is there cute anus for blowdry

In afraid so op.

I'm afraid so.

That AIBO dog was just an early beta.

we'd have them already if it weren't for the government blocking - and sometimes downright retarding - our natural evolution. seriously, bing it, it's all out there



fuck oxus


Catboy breeding when

Nekopara WILL be real.

soon if Japan gets nuked again

I thought this is what Trump was supposed to deliver

ayy lmao

But they have no eyes, skin, or flesh.

that's the new hotness

what, you some kind of skinfag?

sugoi desu ne~*~

that skull doesnt look like she has a cute anus for blowdry tho :(

you dont know that...! dont judge anuses by their appearance

Feminism has insisted, over decades, that women are human, that we don’t exist for men, and even that we don’t need men. But as we’ve worked to disentangle ourselves from marriages within which rape is legal, to fight compulsory heterosexuality and male-centered sex, to push back against sexual objectification, and to challenge men’s right to buy sex, it appears men have been working on your own solution to our attempts at independence.

Misogynerds like you may say you are “inventing the future of sex,” but what you’ve actually succeeded in creating is the epitome of male domination.


If you're not bringing cute anus for blowdry then you can STFU, nonanime girl

Are you really seriousposting?


Ah, I thought you suffered a stroke there for a moment.

Carry on.

Girls are already designed like anime girls, just leave america and you will meet women who aren't supersized.

by 2029, according to the documentary ghost in a shell (2017)

Do we gas weebs before or after Furries?