A OP in r/legaladvice REEEE's at the idea of the gas company forcing there way legally into there house because they have a "minor" gas leak

26  2017-09-08 by wazzupnerds


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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This makes my blood boil. I worked on this shit, and OP is mad that the gas company is trying to help and not kill a ton of people.

tbh if you try to break into my house i'm suing.

Smart move with a gas leak, Die Hard.

I live on the edge, I'm sorry that you're a giant vag.

I’m more of a giant rectum, tbh.

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Shoulda let this guy blow up tbqhwyf

Like seriously what the fuck did u/KD2JAG think would happen.

"Ah yes sir the smell of gas in your home is perfectly A-OK! Spark up a doobie because you're good to go!"

Like, of all the people to call and ask why the fuck would you pick the one required my law to send someone out.

Shit like this is why you ALWAYS give a fake name/address when calling to ask something.

  • they’re

He also said that we are liable for any damages to the door if forced entry is required. I told him that I do not authorize nor do I consent to any entry to my home, though he just repeated his script.I don't even think it's an emergency, I just wanted information. I've had open candles, I've plugged and unplugged devices, I've used the stovetop and other appliances for over 2 weeks now without issue.

Some people are too stupid to live.

Darwinism should have just happened with this guy.