15 2017-09-09 by JohnnyLargeCock
1 SnapshillBot 2017-09-09
Jews did this
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 JohnnyLargeCock 2017-09-09
/u/__celli is likely either on drugs or just took his first college class and is really excited about it. Possibly both.
1 CucksLoveTrump 2017-09-09
I've been telling people math is basically religion since 1983. This kid it's late to the party
1 internetperson104 2017-09-09
1 ExtreemWeenie 2017-09-09
smugposting among hordes of normalfags is the best part of being a postmodernist
1 ValiantPie 2017-09-09
You can use "1" and "2" as abstract algebraic elements that don't coorespond to the specific integers "1" or "2" in the same sense that you can use Bengay as anal lube instead of topical pain relief cream.
1 dermanus 2017-09-09
Post-modernism: not even once.
1 bareballzthebitch 2017-09-09
pi = 4.
1 makes_people_cringe 2017-09-09
1 + 1 = 0.9̅ + 0.9̅
prove me wrong cucks
1 Zentoff 2017-09-09
Fuck the comments who the fuck is this Maubrey Destined guy and what is this? https://youtu.be/0hApQUVQvvQ
1 SnapshillBot 2017-09-09
Jews did this
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 JohnnyLargeCock 2017-09-09
/u/__celli is likely either on drugs or just took his first college class and is really excited about it. Possibly both.
1 CucksLoveTrump 2017-09-09
I've been telling people math is basically religion since 1983. This kid it's late to the party
1 internetperson104 2017-09-09
1 ExtreemWeenie 2017-09-09
smugposting among hordes of normalfags is the best part of being a postmodernist
1 ValiantPie 2017-09-09
You can use "1" and "2" as abstract algebraic elements that don't coorespond to the specific integers "1" or "2" in the same sense that you can use Bengay as anal lube instead of topical pain relief cream.
1 dermanus 2017-09-09
Post-modernism: not even once.
1 bareballzthebitch 2017-09-09
pi = 4.
1 makes_people_cringe 2017-09-09
1 + 1 = 0.9̅ + 0.9̅
prove me wrong cucks
1 Zentoff 2017-09-09
Fuck the comments who the fuck is this Maubrey Destined guy and what is this? https://youtu.be/0hApQUVQvvQ