Incel does his part to MAGA but /r/AgainstHateSubreddits objects to making the world a better place

34  2017-09-09 by Etra


This is why we need mayocide.


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Fake as fuck.

yo /u/PulseCel did you actually do it?? fucking based, rock on in the infinite empty void motherfucker

btw @ all u drama fucks: life is meaningless kill yourselves now to avoid misery later

Life is meaningless but contains a lot of nice stuff besides misery, like for example friendship, romance, sex.

This doesn't apply to /r/drama posters tho

Speak for yourself! I enjoy getting fucked in the ass 😩

Really? Me too!...nice

And other works of m u/mircy

I don't think I make the world a better place

And beer and cuddles and cute pictures of snuggly baby animals

Your wife is looking well

lol i got really edgy last night apparently

Huh, there actually is blatant lying by AHS members in that thread.

You think people would do that? Just go on AHS and tell lies?

I was talking to my therapist a few months ago about the toxicity of the Internet, and she knows that I am on Reddit and other social networks a lot, and she asked, just out of curiosity, what the worst subreddit was.

I know this story is fake because there's no way a therapist wouldn't tell someone to get off Reddit and stop obsessing over things that don't impact your life at all and cause undue stress.


Or the therapist is a TrollX user wouldn't surprise me either.

I was talking to my therapist

It's funny how these people always have therapists.

Funny but not surprising at all.

Therapists are either an extreme luxury for the top 1% of overpriviledged housewives and their children who hate them or a state mandated caretake acting as a parole officer for someone who criminally retarded but they cant lock up.

I know this story is fake because there's no way a therapist wouldn't tell someone to get off Reddit and stop obsessing over things that don't impact your life at all and cause undue stress.

Agreed. This is literally the first piece of advice any therapist would give to someone with anxiety disorder. They would not push to cause further stress unless they were very, very unprofessional.

Why would AHS be against incels offing themselves? Wouldn't they be celebrating?

I am.

Incels are cunts. But it's pretty fucked to constantly troll them, and then act like 'what, we were just trying to help!' when called out on it. That's not a good look for anyone over the age of 12.

I mean, literally who would be sad that dude is gone? Just look at his autistic ass posting. REEEE screaching piece of shit.

Every incel could suck on a shotgun and the internet and world would be a better place.
Less drama though.



Who on earth would be sad an incel is dead? That dude killing himself is the best possible outcome for everyone. You know how you occasionally get these people who go on a murder spree before shooting themselves and people go "if you're really that far gone just shoot yourself first." That's what this is.

Every time an incel an heroes god breathes a sigh of relief.

my therapist

Anyone with half a brain knows to skip the therapist bullshit and go straight for the MDs. They have the pills. Yup, can confirm. Guy is an idiot or pretending to be one.

Good luck getting any of the good stuff without a referral from a therapist.

Nah, I got one from my regular doctor. ^ . ^