Gaybro posts photo of himself in MAGA hat. Bunch of angry queens in the comments.

112  2017-09-10 by nordicangst


Have you posted bussy yet?


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I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

How does this bot do it??

It is seriously funny how often it's relevant.

Although considering the narrow range of topics posted here, it's maybe more believable. Quite a few posts here involve bussy, so the bot is bound to get the bussy quote right once in a while.

I think Sappy is actually sentient and learning enough to start the mayocide

This could be the plot of the next Terminator movie?

lol what a faggot

no spam

he looks retarded

eww icky creepy and gross

> Gaybro

>MAGA hat

Same thing.

Gays hate a gay guy because he's not their democrat-voting pet.

When do we gas the gays.

Mike "Sparks Fly While Homos Die" Pence?

Soon, I hope!

Mike "Dropping Fags with Loaded Mags" Pence will be on the warpath when the time is right.


So much for the tolerant left.

Literally this

Yeah, stop making fun of Trump supporters 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

it's a meme you dip

If you can't think of reasons to make fun of a trump supporter other then their looks....then I think you might be the retard, I dunno, maybe I'm way off base that and it's really hard to mock trump and his supporters in reality?

Honestly, I just let them talk and quote their retardation. That's most fun.

this but ironically

(Man on TV look scary!) [] Look like screaming small head man! My country have legend of such creature. We shall all die for look in his maw

is that a hitler

What the shit

What's the bigger indicator of foetal alcohol syndrome, the formless face plus tiny lip, or the MAGA hat?

the caption

Went back to check; I was expecting "Call me Daddy".

Aww, look at you talking like there's actually two people in that conversation!

If you're offended by our callous treatment for FAS sufferers just call your mother to complain

lol i didn't even downvote you ya preemie mong

Someone in the linked thread made basically the same joke fifteen hours before you.

Who reads the threads? Jeez!

his defining characteristic is that he sucks dicks. id say thats the best indication, everything else is just details

That really is some concentrated faggotry. Weaponized levels of it.

bah you never pissed of the gay non fetish side of tumblr this this is worrying but within tolerable levels.

No, MAGA boy outfags all of Castro by himself. That's more than just potentially worrying - that retard needs to be put down for the safety of the whole planet.

oh you never met pozzie boys or sugar boys have you?

they took the bait like daddy's hard cock

ITT: SRD, as always, pissing all over the place and agreeing with the popcorn.

Just kys already and get it over with

ITT: SRD, as always, pissing all over the place and agreeing with the popcorn.

No, faggot.

The funny thing is, you just know he's turned on by all the angry replies, and is probably jacking off as he reads them.

i thought that was impossible then i pissed off a forum for the fuck of it, sweet christ the loathing the hate all trying to piss me off and it felt fantastic.

I knew OP was a fag.

Basic lefty fags are so dull

Atleast he posts bussy

hes on a subreddit where he talks about his sexuality its requirement like being gay on tumblr theres a ass shot or a jock shot somewhere.

You have that exact fetal alcohol syndrome look about your face that you need to pull that hat off.


Decent roast tbh

It's not even accurate. He doesn't exhibit any symptoms of FAS.


sorry sorry...



u dont come here often do u

no body hair

0/10, not even a man

it's a recent thing in the gay community to get body hair removed or shave it constantly bottoms mostly but quite a number of tops as well

Imagine unironically getting this mad on the internet


what did you expect from a bunch of faggots? sanity?

Good fashion sense and physical fitness.

Lmfao it's not even a MAGA hat. These retards are pissing themselves over a red hat that says "Make America Gay Again"

If one hat can make one homos to hate another I know how we can get rid of them all without even touching.

Bitch, it won't work. We already hate each other over who we stan in drag race

Tbh I just worked out my next suicide attempt, going buy one of those hats for the next night out.

Lol homos

For the record, it say "Make America Gay Again".

The plot gets thicker.

Dat T H I C C plot

Why did he put his boots back on after he took off his pants?

Edit: OP, wanna explain this? You clearly own a Make America Great Again hat, and I'm calling out even more of your trolling bullshit. Now you're trying to guilt commenters by convincing them you're actually wearing a Make America Gay Again hat.

I wish my life was so perfect that I thought someone wearing a hat was such a big deal that I flew into a rage and began stalking them