There were some better threads in SRD within the last 2 weeks when /r/incels was talking about dog fucking. The main arguments were "just because you think it's gross doesn't make it wrong" "It's only illegal because people think it's gross" "Dogs eat crap, garbage and vomit all the time so them licking a snatch is better" and when people brought up consent their arguments were "Do animals consent to being slaves and being eaten?" and how it was wrong to do it to kids because they can't consent but doing it to a dog was A-okay.
1 SnapshillBot 2017-09-10
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1 ExtreemWeenie 2017-09-10
reminder that the common 2017 redditor is unironically more retarded than an /r/incels shitposter
1 SocialJusticeYamcha 2017-09-10
Imagine being this guy∆
1 uniqueguy263 2017-09-10
1 Cake_eater666 2017-09-10
Look at the size of that elephants cock, you literally cannot compete.
It is all over boyo.
1 OniTan 2017-09-10
Unless... full body vagina dive!
1 Hippieremover 2017-09-10
A retarded group making fun of another retarded group.
1 accounttttttttttt 2017-09-10
is /r/inceltears for permavirgins too contrarian to browse /r/incels?
1 IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu 2017-09-10
I like how she sees black cock and just gets her mouth open and close to it.
1 PastorPanda 2017-09-10
When were they defending bestiality?
1 DeathBahamutXXX 2017-09-10
There were some better threads in SRD within the last 2 weeks when /r/incels was talking about dog fucking. The main arguments were "just because you think it's gross doesn't make it wrong" "It's only illegal because people think it's gross" "Dogs eat crap, garbage and vomit all the time so them licking a snatch is better" and when people brought up consent their arguments were "Do animals consent to being slaves and being eaten?" and how it was wrong to do it to kids because they can't consent but doing it to a dog was A-okay.
1 PastorPanda 2017-09-10
Okey don't really know what that is about, my main point is that I didn't see anyone defend bestiality in the linked thread.
1 DeathBahamutXXX 2017-09-10
No I agree with you about this post. I am saying that there have been a few recently in SRD that have.
1 PastorPanda 2017-09-10
Ah I see. That does sound stupid.