Incels reasonably state that all women would rather fuck animals than them. Inceltears defends innocuous pics of girls hugging animal dicks. Who's wrong? God, for creating us, probably.

65  2017-09-10 by quinotauri


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Lol this made my day and it's only 5 am

hop off faggot i was here first

fite me irl

There is no god.

Not any more since that roastie singlehandedly made Him commit suicide.

Not any more since that roastie singlehandedly made Him commit suicide.

Given the premises, I know I prolly would.

has our culture become so pussified that we have to pretend we dont all want to embrace that massive grey donger

I'm an independent woman, so my vagina is pretty loose (not from tiny white cocks, LOL), but who could ever fuck an elephant? These incels are just delusional. And animals have their own will. Sometimes I have /r/sexwithdogs but that's their choice not mine. It's more like a gift of me to animals than the other way around.

/r/sexwithdogs? Weak af, everyone knows it's about /r/SexWithDeadDogs nowadays

Finally a pic that sums up how much of a size queen I am

Your a bigger size queen than Mr. Hands

Woah look at that dick 😍

Not that I support incels, god the degeneracy is spreading

That looks a lot like my ex-girlfriend. I'm very confused right now.

If your ex looks like an elephant penis, you should have felt confused sooner.

Elephants have large, thin ears. Their ears are made up of a complex network of blood vessels which help regulate their temperature. Blood is circulated through their ears to cool them down in hot climates.

good bot

Thanks! You can ask me for more facts any time. Beep boop.


No it looks like her next to her new boyfriend Jamal's penis.

Well, now you know why she left you.

Nah different name. Personal crisis averted.

Holy fuck look at the shaft on that thing!!!!!

Ok I'm convinced, thinking of themselves as "not fit for any girl ever" is what makes them feel special. Which is kinda sad.

I think if its a horse, then that's acceptable. They're magnificent. However, although horses are mega-chad animals, there are actually cuckable. Trained humans can beat horses in long distance marathons. Maybe they should try that?