Autistic Discord users defend their rights to express themselves with emotes since they can't do verbally.

13  2017-09-10 by Etra


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. (src)


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Fuck, do it verbally*.

or maybe they don't want a previously free feature being taken down for EXTREMELY shady reasons as well as collusion between the owner of BTTV and Discord, to make people pay for nitro.

On top of that, tossing it off as "some people complained," then locking and muting all of the channels, occassionally posting with no warning, then shutting it down.

It's a cash grab and honestly I wouldn't have minded so much if they just came flat out and said "hey, we feel this defeats the point of Nitro. We are hereby changing it to incentivize purchase of nitro."

to make people pay for nitro

I mean, they need money somehow. They don't even have ads.

Extremely shady reasons such as... abuse of a special system which lead to people getting global customs in a way that was never intended?

I don't see what the big deal is. Global emojis are a nitro feature. They always were. BTTV was a special case that was being misused. As the post title says, if you can't deal with not having SourPls, maybe you're taking it too seriously

Discord's free, gives you free text chat, free voice chat, and it's the only application that lets you use custom emojis at all that I've come across. Maybe I'm misunderstanding the situation but everyone whining in the megathread seem like a bunch of entitled brats.

or maybe they don't want a previously free feature being taken down

From what I've read, global emotes were NEVER intended to be free, BTTV simply allowed steamers to have free global emotes. It has always been intended for Nitro to be required for global emotes

How is wanting to make money "shady"?

whether its dumb or not, this was a pretty bad move in general for discord to do.. maybe if they just only let discord verified servers have global emotes fine but w/e

Autistic discord users

Why do you repeat yourself?

Bunch of autistic kids think money is taboo on the internet and BabyRage because they can't have a cosmetic feature for free.

Now they will have to go back to skype and ventrillo for the global emojis.