"Cuck" boyfriend supposedly breaks up with girlfriend over conspiracy theorist beliefs. But the real conspiracy... is a karma conspiracy.

55  2017-09-11 by Ps_ILoveU


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. (src)


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Snappy telling it like it is <3

9/11 was perpetrated by Israel

I always thought Bush was supposed to be the culprit, in order to provide an excuse to invade Afghanistan, and especially Iraq.

As you can see, the evidence for Bush involved in 9/11 is rock solid.

The job was from the inside.

These are clearly the actions of a terrorist.

[We will shed no more blood for this man's oil.]http://www.jeffjacoby.com/jacoby/pics/large/418.jpg

And there's only one solution for an out of control Bush. You have to trim them back with extreme predudice.

I feel that this is nothing more than an attempt by Bush to shift the blame away from his involvement in murdering thousands of Americans. This flimsy backpedal just showcases more of his sub par intellect and inability to lead the nation.

actually the theory that Bush did it is a double false flag by Israel

wake up america

Ah, a double Jewish reach around.

Developing the movement where people believed Bush did 9/11, in order to cover for their own actions. A bold theory indeed.

If Bush had done it, his initial reaction would simply have been better. That 'Bush sat reading a children's story!' shit dragged on him most of his Presidency. Nobody sets up an optic like that.

double false flag by Israel

I am surprised that Alex Jones hasn't said this.

If you do some research you will find out that there was actually an Illuminati meeting at tower 7 on 9/11. Turns out Bush was actually trying to save us all when he flew those holograms into the towers.


/u/that56huy what would this ex-girlfriends telephone number be? I’m looking for some new gussy.

liking gussy


I thought the anti vax thing was a left wing conspiracy and not right wing since it gained a lot of steam with the Hollywood elite

Like "All Lives Matter", it started on the left and was pulled further and further right.

it makes sense that it comes from super rich liberals who like, totally respect other cultures and alternative medicine is just as good as any, then the conspiracy people latched onto it.

it also makes total sense that people who think this way would have turbo-autistic children naturally.

I'd say that upper middle class people have autistic children at a higher rate than super rich people, mainly due to the fact that they have more time to be overbearing helicopter parents

It is, but to these folks, everything they hate HAS to be conservative, so they just pretend otherwise.

this is probably the right answer

Trump has a fuckton of anti vax tweets so some of his supporters hopped onto the bandwagon

Donald Trump is an American, not an ideologue.

what are you trying to say

President Trump implements Full Communism

reddit: "wtf I hate communism now"

most of reddit already hates communism you wackjob


You're a furry and you support Trump?

I'm actually a rapist and I support Hillary.

Seems about right, Hillary sucks ass too.

Don't talk about my wife that way.

It wasn't the Hollywood elite but more like the upper-class women of Malibu and Venice. Those areas aren't really liberal. They're more like Reagan Republicans mixed in with environmental conservationists.

Look kids, someone who thinks malibu is right wing

If you wave he'll call you a nazi and actually believe it

I didn't say it was right wing. Voting Republican doesn't automatically make you right wing. Quit being a faggot.

Voting for the Nazis doesn't automatically make you a nazi!

  • German, 1933 probably

it's pretty neutral, it's just big in calimaforma

It's one of the rare things both types of crazy agree on

Dating a Nazi chick is a fetish of mine. I'm not a holocaust denier by any means, and I really dislike that Hitler fella, but there's something about a chick who's insanely racist and doesn't give a fuck about it that gets my dingdong rock hard.

me too actually. maybe it's the novel factor

Dear coworker: I want to fuck the conservative out of you. I can't help myself. Every time you come into my office with your low cut shirt and cross necklace subtly splayed across your immaculate breasts I think about taking you, right there, as a man (with your consent, of course, rape culture is not okay). I want to pull off your panties and eat your pussy until your juices trickle down to the lower classes. I want you to moan so hard and so loud that you can't form coherent words, let alone talk about what Rush Limbaugh said about immigrants the other day.

Each time 'those people' crosses your lips I think about your mouth wrapped around my prodigious cock as my little people spill out of it. I want to make an anchor baby with you. I want to throw all the papers off my desk and ride you until gay marriage is legal in a majority of States or until you've come enough times to admit that maybe universal health care makes sense. And I mean all this respectfully, of course. I'm a feminist.

Why do you do this to me. Why. Do you know what you're doing? Every time you come into my office and sit across from me and cross and recross your legs and talk about the weather and then (somehow) about how unemployment insurance is actually bad for poor people do you know that I'm wondering if your panties are equally as conservative? That I'm curious what you'd look like on top of me, my hands tweaking your nipples like doing so would be tweaking taxes on the top one percent? That I'm thinking about you looking back at me as I fuck you from behind, your Jesus necklace swaying back and forth as you scream "Drill, baby, drill!"

You're not crazy, just politically hypocritical. Social conservatism is selfish and untenable. Your adherence to laws written when people owned slaves and the largest city was 1/10th of what it is now is ruining this god damn country. And I want you so bad. I want you so so bad.

Ugh. Be my Monica Lewinsky. I'll be your Bill Clinton. Let's reach across the aisle... and into each other's pants.

Where is the sauce for this pasta?


(first google result for "reddit fuck my conservative coworker", for future reference)


We Tu Lo

Bang ding Ow

Sum Ting Wong

wtf I have another fetish now

Sure beats braided pubes and yeast farts!

I'll be honest, I have a fetish for Nazi chicks

This is for you:



And here I am in vermont stuck dating hippies

Same but in Colorado

The rednecks ain't doing it for me, but that last one - yow.

Also that Russian - how stupid do you have to be to be a Slav and a Nazi?

how stupid do you have to be to be a Slav and a Nazi?

The fact that they're so retarded makes it even hotter imo.

The last photo, I lived across the street from her tattoo parlor, High Voltage Tattoo (the reality series LA Ink was shot there), and her fashion boutique shop next to it. I watched her boutique shop burn to the ground from my balcony one night.

That's Michelle McGee.

Not Kat Von D.

Looks the same to me.


I want to get on top of one and start screaming mid coitus that I'm Jewish.

I really dislike that Hitler fella

he was a bad egg that guy

I totally get where he's coming from. I have a hard "no trumpettes" rule for dating.

For pump and dumps though, I'm fine with it. I had a fling with a girl who wore MAGA hat on her tinder profile.

There's a move called the "Stump", which is basically when you're fucking a trumpette from behind, go balls deep, whisper in her ear "I think Bernie Sanders should be president",slap her in the face, and see how much longer you last.

Fun times.

Do you tell her to keep the MAGA hat on during it?

No,because that would be a dead giveaway.

boring ass commiefag smh get back to me when you do real politics-play

Lying on the internet? What kind of ungodly scum would do such a thing?

I have a hard "no trumpettes" rule for dating.

Nothing below 300 pounds for you.

well which is it

Normie babes in American flag bikinis? Pffft, no thank you! I only do HAES demi-girls with problem hair.

It seems you're into walmart scootypuff gals. White trash love Trump for a reason.

Trump himself is over 250 lbs.

250 lb ≈ 110 kg

metric units bot | feedback | source | block | v0.8.2

Most black people, Mexicans and lesbians are also over 250 pounds. Leftists not sure whether they love or hate fat people now.

black people

Black Americans maybe. Not in Africa, Europe, or the Caribbean.


Neck and neck with Americans according to obesity statistics.


idk all the lesbians I know around here are skinny femmes. Might be different elsewhere.

Statistically, lesbians are Fat As Fuck



i mean how fucking obvious could this shit be

Normal Americans instead of SJW problem-hams.

This is a simple contrast between normal people and garbage leftists.

Normal American attitudes on Trump range from cautiously optimistic to exhaustedly pessimistic

saying "normie trumpette" is like saying "gay normie from California"

Normal Americans voted to MAGA.

Abnormal Americans are still pissing their pants about it.

Landwhales are overwhelmingly Trump supporters.

Go to any walmart in middle America and half of the dependopotomuses will have MAGA hats.

I live in the thinnest, healthiest state in the US, Colorado, which is hippie paradise.

I live in thewhitest state in the US,

Nah, there are a couple of Midwestern, Mountain West, and New England states which are way whiter.

Demgraphics of my city

31.2% of the population is Hispanic or Latino of any race, giving Denver one of the highest populations of Hispanics or Latinos in the U.S

New England states which are way whiter.

"I am from West Haven, CT and I am going to lecture all you Southern racists about The Black Man!"

Well... maybe he should. Southerners are fucking retarded.

Southerners are fucking black, you racist shit eater.

Black, white - all fucking retarded.

Get educated, dipshit.

Oh I am. That often happens when you don't grow up in the South.

I don't think anyone is buying your politics of division, Hillary.

Thankfully, I do not require the retard vote. Though she was pretty retarded herself, come to think of it.

"I am obligated both to the Greeks and to the barbarians; to the learned, and to the unlearned." Epistle to the Romans 1:14

I suppose the Southerners do make the rest of us feel better about ourselves, that's definitely a plus. Retards can still bring value, I suppose.

Weak tbqh

Like Southern seed, courtesy of inbreeding.

That's more of a Muslim thing.

Horseshoe theory in action. South is in many ways our own little homegrown Pakistan, with sweet tea.

You can always go to Pakistan if you don't like America. :-D

I like America just fine. The trick is living in the civilized parts.

Look, you are free to avoid the areas where most black Americans live or whatever your particular problem is. But you should leave the policy-making to those of us who love the nation as a whole.


But I love the retards - your little bible-fag display changed my mind.

I visit the South regularly, great food, great nature, and can be a great place to party. But goddamn they're fucking retarded down there, it's like an entire region has downs. It's no wonder the rest of us have to keep pouring tax dollars down their gullets just so they can keep ticking over - special ed kids are always rough on the budget.

That's pretty racist, but you can't really expect a Yankee to have any understanding of black America.

Anyway, it is good that you are starting to see that you can't run an entire country full of nothing except euphoric soy-boys. You also need some men and some heterosexuals and so forth - "retards", in your parlance. We all need each other. Stronger Together.


It's Our Turn.

Most Southerners are white - and it's not an improvement. And Trump is a yank, mostly elected by other yanks in swing states. And you MAGA fellows spend so much time gargling his semen that I wouldn't be bragging about heterosexuality anytime soon.

In any case, it's not the fags that are the Southern problem, it's the retards. Even Texas, the jewel of Southern economy, takes in more tax dollars than it puts out. That's a hint of some weird pathology - or just that inbreeding we talked about.

Even Texas, the jewel of Southern economy, takes in more tax dollars than it puts out.

Well, that's the thing about Texas. It has a lot of young people - Southerners have lots of children, whereas Yankees have lots of buttsex. And children are poor, generally, not having jobs; you are welcome to get euphoric about that.

Federal tax dollars also go to federal facilities, like military bases and space launch administration. Texas has a lot of soldiers. Soldiers are young, and poor. So are black Americans, and Mexicans. Texas has a lot of those, too. Texas is very diverse that way, unlike Yankee states, which are mostly a bunch of old white people who want to move South when they retire.

But, its ok. We'll keep shouldering the burden, and being America. You keep, uh, Wall Street running, I guess? And vote for Hillary or whatever. We'll have the crawfish and the water skis ready for you when you decide to leave the Bronx. Kisses!

I don't think this retard likes "education"

Were you as surprised as I was? So surprised! Wow I had no idea

After I read this I was positive that the reason that so many fat states went for Trump was because those states have a high proportion of African Americans, who tend to be fat. So I got the data you linked, data on percent voting for Hillary, and data on percent of the population that is African American and ran a regression. Turns out even after controlling for percent African American, skinnier states voted for Hillary.

        Covariate | Estimate |Std. Error  |t value | Pr(>|t|)  

:-: | :-: | :-: | :-:| :-:
(Intercept) | 60.95813 | 2.24805 | 27.116 | < 2e-16 *** Pct Hillary| -0.28769 | 0.05217 | -5.515 | 1.37e-06 *** Pct AA | 0.33097 | 0.05762 | 5.744 | 6.15e-07 ***

R2 is 0.49 which is pretty high for this kind of regression, lol.

now this takes some major autism

but good for you man. use those brains for good, not evil.

What if she was a Bernie supporter?

She's a keeper then.

I would bang Sara Silverman

I agree /u/KMFDM781 even tho shes twice my age I would still bang that shit

far-right conspiracies. She thinks vaccines cause autism

Nope. nope nope nope nope nope.

This is left wing granola hippie shit straight from the heart of dark blue CA.

You don't get to put that on the right just because it's batshit insane. Both sides, horseshoe, etc.

you say this like Ronald Grumpf isn't our Republican President

President Cheeto tweeted several times about vaccines causing autism and his retarded followers jumped on the bandwagon.

That confirms cheeto's mental status, does not change this from a left wing to right wing conspiracy. I'm sure there's retards on both sides of the isle who believe that shit. Hence my comment

Both sides, horseshoe, etc.

not linking to the karma conspiracy

kill yourself and fuck the body OP

Southerners are fucking black, you racist shit eater.

The great white ghettos are Detroit, Bakersfield and Berkeley.