I found this post in /r/AskNYC made shortly after 9/11... oh wait

42  2017-09-11 by sarcasmejaculator


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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nyc is a city full of queers and businessmen

Well who else are business men going to get blow jobs from in toilet stalls?



Every single one?

Don't you mean "Gotta catch them all"...since I'm being a cum collector?

As a son of two immigrant parents (yes even a Mexican, ) they are massively overreacting. Do I think Trump is retarded yes, probably. Do I think modern day urban Liberals are butthurt and completely out if touch? Obviously. This is what happens when you run two terrible, hatable candidates for the sake of media ratings and Walmart shoppers. America loses either way. The greatest country that ever existed is being shamed by Finland a country known for being Russia's bitch(fun fact: Mexico has a higher GDP than Russia).

Well US politics is highly tribalistic. When people go out saying Trump will introduce facism , giving free helicopter rides, and deport all brown people. They kinda believe it to an extent.

Both parties kinda drum themselves to be the "good" guy while vilifying the other side for mostly strawman reasons. They live in their own bubbles and watch news that support their narrative.

Imagine how fucking crazy these people are going to be when the GOP maintains control of the house/senate in 2018 and Trump wins again in 2020

Christ, he's not Baron Harkonnen.

That needs to be taken to /r/photoshopbattles

he could be

We can only hope.

One can only hope!

About fucking time.

I agree about the control of the house and Senate but theres no fucking Trump wins or runs in 2020. He is already rich, stroked his ego to be prez, ensured his legacy. If he runs in 2020 all projections say he will lose, an egomaniac like him wouldn't accept that. I will bet my left nut he never runs again and its Ryan vs. Gabbard.

Tbh I thought this about May in the UK, no likes her, she lies constantly and backs down on her word like a spineless weasel (while speaking strong and stable leadership)...and in spite of the embarrassment at the polls she's still so deluded and egotistical it's not budging her. There's smart egotism and dumb egotism and both UK and US seems to be run by dumb egotism tbh.

If he runs in 2020 all projections say he will lose

A lot can change in 3.5 years.

I will bet my left nut he never runs again and its Ryan vs. Gabbard.

That's an automatic loss for the GOP. I don't know of a single Republican (myself included) that likes Ryan. I doubt he'd actually make it past the primaries.

Like I said above, a lot can happen in 3.5 years but I can certainly see Trump running again and winning, especially if the left keeps up with the shenanigans we've seen since November 2016. If the economy remains strong and we successfully deal with North Korea I think he'd be hard to beat.

On the other hand, I can also see him not running for reelection, not because he'd lose but just because he's tired of the job.

A lot can change in 3.5 years.

You say after proclaiming he's going to win.

Has a senate majority leader ever won the presidential election?

Senate or house?

If we're talking Senate I don't think so unless you want to count LBJ but he was VP at the time.

Well, he's speaker of the house, dum-dum.

I knew that. I was just testing you.

But has a house speaker ever won a national election?

James "Hard Knox" Polk, dum-dum.

I knew that too.

senate definitely

house MAYBE

If he runs in 2020 all projections say he will lose,

Against who? Warren? Kamala Harris? That hoe from Hawaii?

Look at the projections for Kid Rock's run. He's projected to win by 3 points against a "safe" dem seat. Now, you probably think that's BS and I'm inclined to agree with you because projections don't mean shit. The left is shattered right now. The DNC has alienated a lot of Bernie progressives. I think something like 15% of Bernie voters in the primary voted for daddy don. Consider that

theres no fucking way Trump wins or runs

Dont say that. He must run. Win or lose the drama will be fucking glorius.

lol there's no way trump will win again

Says increasingly nervous man for 30th time.

And republicans still wouldn't be able to pass legislation. So. Much. Winning.

lol you're seriously in a fantasy world if you believe this.

How did I know that you'd reply to this? Likely because you can't help replying to any pro-Trump comment made in /r/drama

We both know Trump isn't going to win in 2020 even if he can or wants to run again. Don't take it personal even though you are a shitty person.

Can't wait to see what you're saying in 2020 when he not only runs but wins again.

In the meantime, keep on posting every time you see a pro-Trump comment but know that a large part of his victory in 2020 will be made possible by the behavior of loony leftists like you.

Can't wait to see what you're saying in 2020 when he not only runs but wins again.

We can make a bet on it if you'd like. Say $100?

$100 anonymous bitcoin? You're on.

I'd take that bet if you can figure out a way to do it anonymously.

Lol. How are you gonna venmo me the money?

Figure it out and we've got a bet. Otherwise shut your mouth and keep it shut.

Let's just make a deal now that whomever the winner is must give a PO Box since you're too afraid to reveal your identity in three years from now.

I don't think you're perfectly stable now and I know you won't be stable when Trump wins again so there's no way I'd give you any address connected to me now or in three years.

It's only $100. Make the bet, keep the username and pay up when he inevitably loses in 2020.

Money isn't the issue. We could make it a $500 bet if you want.

No, let's keep it at an easy $100. I'm sure money is no issue for a race realist like you but I'd prefer American dollars instead of David Duke bucks.

Nope, $500 or no bet.

Deal. It's $500 to the winner if Trump is not the 2020 winner of the US National Election.

$500 to me if Trump runs and wins the 2020 general election

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Some (a lot) of us

Less than half the electorate = "a lot."

Hicks pls go.

Yesterday on the subway, it reminded me of being on the train when Katrina was about to hit - which is absolutely apropos.

Yesterday on the subway, it reminded me of being on the train when Katrina was about to hit - which is absolutely apropos.

I miss the days after the election. The liberal meltdown was amazing. Conservative meltdowns are boring, they just get mad. Liberals cry and talk about the end of the world. I can't wait for 2020!

Seriously. r/drama was the real winner of the election

Conservative meltdowns are boring, they just get mad.

And talk about the new person in charge being the antichrist.

And talk about the new person in charge being the antichrist.

Dont forget terrorist muslim manchurian candidate who is gonna replace the constitution with sharia law in order to take all our guns and jade helm our asses into walmart based fema camps.

Yeah but the difference is that the liberal meltdown includes basically the entire mass media. Conservative meltdowns are much smaller scale and thus less interesting

I understand wanting anything over Trump but to actively want Hilary? be so "devastated" by her (predictable) defeat? In spite of her history in politics which is anything but progressive, her actions do not match the (bad) showomanship of her campaign...that's something I'll never understand. Be devastated over the shitty state of politics where you only have the douche and a turd sandwich to pick from, rather then weeping over your turd sandwich losing.

i mean the actual progressives spent the entire primaries actively hoping she'd lose and pushing all of the DNC collusion emails, i don't know who her unironic base would be besides upper/middle-class liberals.

i don't know who her unironic base would be besides upper/middle-class liberals.

Middle and upper class liberals and feminists who wanted to follow up having the first black president with having the first woman president to show the world how progressive the US is.

Also, anyone with enough common sense to know that Sander's economic plans are complete and total horse shit.

the math behind how he can still win was pretty solid tho

Middle and upper class liberals and feminists

Whats the difference?

Also in your mind Women are lower then black people? (Born) rich white women would show the rest of the world more then you having a black president....more then a black president who made universal health care and repealed DADT (as opposed to her voting against equality) and pardoned a trans woman?

To me that kind of "progressivism" is complete and utter horseshit. If america was truly progressive they never would have settled for a wolf in sheeps clothing, must less defend that wolf still. Try looking past the vagina for a change, I know Hilarys is like a massive black hole but you must resist, basic female essentialist progressivism is over.

Also in your mind Women are lower then black people?

You're an idiot. I didn't read past this line

/r/NYC is filled with non new Yorkers and scumbag transplants from the midwest. Literal filth.

What a bunch of cucks!

I saw people openly weeping on my commute this morning

My fucking sides.

From /u/Spiritofchokedout 's recent posts:

Funny that, I'm in the same boat and lived downwind of the towers when they fell. I smelled the burning bodies on the wind, knew many people who lost their lives and/or relatives, and turned out to work in medicine as a first responder. And I think you're a fucking wanker.

Please can this be a new snapshill quote mods please

lol it's funny bc these are the people who've actually seen what the guy who got elected does to things he's in charge of

DAE literally cryed when fascist Bloompfh won?

Holy shit it's really been 305 days I gotta sit down. Also kinda crazy to think libreddit has been triggered and hasn't stopped for nearly a year straight.

That post was 305 days ago, which means it was posted last year in July.

are you a bot? because thats not accurate


If you mouse over the "submitted" line it gives the date of the post...

Thu Nov 10 00:56:54 2016 UTC

Oh I was on mobile

I hear you. I'm (Chinese-Canadian) here legally, and even though I know Trump doesn't mean me when he shits on immigrants (hurray for racist dog-whistles!), I'm terrified.

Fucking idiot. Too bad Trump can't focus on the north. Would rather have millions of Mexican compared to single Canadian.

No drama. Deleted

Yeah, weird. The only one who said that was you.

A weird circlejerk of tourists doesn't make this a good /r/Drama post.

You obviously hate Trump but still likes to keep immigrants out of your land. Congratulations, you are retarded.

Dozens of people agreeing isn't drama. Simple as that.

Drama is what goes with my agenda, I knew that.