The End of /r/Drama? Study Shows Banning Hate Speech Subreddits Reduced Overall Hate Speech on Reddit

118  2017-09-11 by IntellectualEuphoria


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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I hate to seriouspost but whatever.

It only reduces certain sub-specific types of hate speech. But other subs will pop up in their place, with their own specific "hate"-words that have different forms, yet mean exactly the same. You can't seriously think that "hate-speech" has been reduced since 2015, because the collective jargon of all of Reddit seems to be defined by T_D and /pol/ by proxy, and banning other subs hasn't done anything to reduce that. FPH became Holdmyfries, and Coontown can still be found to a lesser extent in right-wing communities.

Shut up faggot

Are you calling me a faggot

I hate to seriouspost but I think he called you a faggot.

I've carefully checked your and his statements and can also verify that he called him a faggot indeed.

Shut the fuck up you're going to get us b&.

Oh thank god finally

wtf is that from?

Utopia (UK TV series)

Utopia is a British thriller drama action television series that was broadcast on Channel 4 from 15 January 2013 to 12 August 2014. The show was written by Dennis Kelly and starred Fiona O'Shaughnessy, Adeel Akhtar, Paul Higgins, Nathan Stewart-Jarrett, Alexandra Roach, Oliver Woollford, Alistair Petrie and Neil Maskell. A second six-episode series was commissioned by Channel 4 and went into production in late 2013. Series 2 started airing with a double-bill spread over two nights on Monday 14 July and Tuesday 15 July 2014.

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And besides, how is this surprising? Turns out if you ban people if they say some things they tend not to say those things. Shocking, I know.

Didn't you read the AgainstHateSubreddits post? We all came here.

Coontown can still be found to a lesser extent in right-wing communities.

Nobody hates black people more than Yankee liberals, friendo.

y-you saying bad things about liberals downvoted!!! >:(

drama is entering the pont of no return

faggot you know he was saying it atleast semi ironically which is more then can be said about the people who downvoted im

no he's not /u/ManhattanTransFur is a legit retard

Ooh, a new fan.

Ok Uncle Tom

because the collective jargon of all of Reddit seems to be defined by T_D and /pol/ by proxy

where do you ever see see t_d shit outside of t_d, reddit is non stop lefitst circlejerk, even in big "non-political" (pics, gifs, nfl, etc...) subs.






Keep Yourself Warm

Sorry but someone told me that Reddit was a right wing website akin to Sturm Frant?

Something a cuck would say.

where do you ever see see t_d shit outside of t_d


I don't think anyone used "cuckold" outside of Shakespeare and steampunk prior to this election.

Wtf does "cuckold" have to do with steampunk?

Sometimes it can be fun to use old timely slang in a steampunk setting.

Democrats had not embraced the "affront to God" style of thought back in 2012


How convenient that the hate subs can say "you can't ban us it just makes us more powerful!" like some cliche movie villain and then people just eat that shit up without skepticism.

Boy I sure do hate black people!

Oh no I've been banned! How am I supposed to hate black people now?

You can go hate them on Voat. By your logic propaganda is completely useless and rhetoric influences no one.

Do you have any evidence of that? Just having something that sounds reasonable is not enough for this stuff.

Just my asshole


Tbh they just calling the worst speech they can find as "hate speech". It has nothing to do with hate but everything to do with how clean they want society to be.

FPH became Holdmyfries

I wish.

I don't know, I think there's some effect when you remove echospheres. People like to act like things like /pol/ are containment boards and if you remove them those same people will post the same things in other spaces but that's not entirely true. Kids in /pol/ are constantly reinforcing each other. If those spaces didn't exist there would be a lot less of that behavior.

Same for r/politics. Remove it and we will see less REEEEEEEEEEEEinforcement of globalist cancer

this circlebroke teir serious post sitting at 65 upboats jesus /r/drama what happened to ya?

I said my brain hurts famalam. Don't worry, i'll be back to shitposting tomorrow.

who cares boy the upvotes themselves speak volumes


Mods, this Indian drama spam is really getting out of hand.

This is why god created Pakistan.

Ew. No.

Indian drama spam

Shows up in mere hours when summoned.


Gentlemen, it has been a privilege playing with you tonight.

It hasn't, really


Too fucking true, shitposting is our God given right, not some privilege.

M8, you've been playing with yourself.

me too thanks

┴┬┴┤Me too thanks├┬┴┬

hit me with them spit facts boi

The moon once had spit on it. Pretty whacky huh?

No not really

software cant even carry on a halfway decent conversation, how the fuck are they going to use it to reliably detect 'hate speech' across millions of comments?

pro-tip: theyre not

Pretty ignorant comment. Natural language is much easier to process than it is to reproduce.

calling someone a kike sucking nigger faggot is a mean thing to say. this sentence would also be considered hate speech by their software

1) You have no clue how their software works. 2) Constructing a toy counterexample to how (you believe) their software identifies hate speech does not mean that their findings are inaccurate overall. Every good ML algorithm has error; the point is to beat humans, not to be perfect. 3) If an ML algorithm was for some reason looking at sentences and classifying users, and identified you as a racist based on the previous comment, I would not consider that an error. 4) It is obtuse to pretend that the incidence of slurs is not correlated with hate speech.

the above comment is also hate speech

beat humans

Whoa, let's calm down with the hate speech there buddy

so do you think you made some sort of point here or do you just like saying le bad words

keep it up and your RES score gonna be negative

Both are a challenge for u/wolfsktaag

They just use the same proven tech as the Google controversial speech detector lol.

as of right now, hate speech on reddit isn't very original. it's already being pretty reliably detected by mods using automoderater. among highly active subreddits, there are two kinds: those with visible hate speech, and those going hardcore on automodding it out. you're already seeing the results, even if you didn't notice it. (although imo the best subreddits use humans to judge flagged posts instead of removing everything that trips the filter)

Does this include crypto-hate speech?

Na, crypto-hate doesn't count, we're still in the clear boyos

Nothing "crypto" about the hate here

If crypto is code for Irish, I'm all about the crypto hate.

Them cryptos really need to give up the means of potatoes.

Day of the Spud can't come soon enough.


I'm whistling very hard into my dog, his anal tract can't take much more.

This is good for bitcoin

They're going after the lolcows, attempting to starve us out.

What about post-modern, neo-non-fascist hate speech?

they say that like its a good thing

Mockery and shaming autists and spergers from the position of a rational centrism is not a hate speech.

Because if it is, Trump 2024, too.

The God-Emperor will never leave us.

You are another of those "socially conservative, economically far left" types? smh

Thats like saying shooting black people reduces crime.

I come to this sub for the hot race comparisons.

It wouldn't be wrong

What about crypto-hate speech?

Besides, we all know that it's intolerant to ban the intolerant.

"You can't call everyone faggots! Banned!"

OOOO, r/lgbt, such a tolerant bunch you are!

I clicked on /r/lgbt and I didn't see any actual homos. It was just a bunch of mentally-ill gender blobs talking about which anime gives xir hope.

Someone should cross post this to /r/holdmyfries so whoever wasted their time writing that can go comfort eat over their lost time.

But no trials with crypto-speech? What's it got to do with us then

"hate speech"

Study shows banning Islams in Poland and Japan reduced jihadzi attacks to zero.

Nah, we're good. We're deemed to be "crypto-hate" which is one step removed from "real hate".

We're the diet coke of hate speech. Just "keep yourself safe", not hating enough.

But what if we ironically call them niggers and faggots?

Then they ironically ban us.

Study Shows Banning Wrong-Think On /r/politics Subreddit Reduced Overall Thought On Reddit

science funding getting cut left and right. tight competition for grants. overall lack of stability in academic funding.

mfw portions of the that significantly limited funding goes to studying reddit.

fuck it, why bother with science at this point.

Where does it go, though? Studies show that hate is increasing at an accelerating rate. If the hate isn't contained here, have we "inadvertently" 'accidentally' spilled all over the IRLs?

Killing random people in the street also prevents their suicide!!!!

Dis anudda shoah.

Obviously the most hateable people want special treatment so they can escape the social correction they have earned

The empirical part of our work examines the usage of hate words generated from posts made in two communities, namely r/fatpeoplehate and r/CoonTown. We have not considered pieces of data including other subreddits that engaged in hate speech, existing blacklists, and so on. Future work exploring and leveraging other pieces of data could paint a richer picture of Reddit’s hate communities, and possibly aid in wider coverage of hate speech.

They can't empirically prove at the moment that accounts associated with hate speech on FPH and CT didn't re-register and go right back at it.

It actually says next to nothing about overall hate speech. They found that banning fatpeoplehate and coontown had a significant impact... On the behavior of users from fatpeoplehate and coontown. The control group was composed of random users with similar join dates and karma as corresponding people in their "treatment" group. Those people displayed no change in the hate speech metrics.

Their other study tried to show that people from the banned subs didn't trigger an increase of hate speech in other subs. The numbers they used are erratic and don't even match the findings of the first study. At best it indicates that the ban didn't catastrophically backfire which I guess is a sort of victory?

In any case the actual hate speech numbers are irrelevant. The effects of words are in how they're perceived. They could get more useful data in a fraction of the effort by drafting up a Google poll.