Actual highly-upvoted /r/politics headline: "Mike Pence convenes all-white, all-male meeting to plot voter suppression."

40  2017-09-12 by DeepDickedHillybilly


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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There's stupidity and drama all over the place. Like this fucking idiot.

Lol. 95% of "the right" doesn't even know what ShareBlue is.

Hell, even my most liberal friends think that site is trash.

No one but the most partisan (not most left) lefties like that site.

It is a fact, why not upvote it?

ShariaBlue doing FSM's work.

Great the people who pay the majority of taxes in America should get more say u/agilemindnadota

ShareBlue is considered a "valid" source in /r/politics? Jesus Christ...

I don't think they remove anything over there.

youtube, if you report it enough

They don't remove Breitbart articles either.

They just downvote them to the point that no one sees them.

This is how Reddit works.

This is how Reddit works.

Right, the average reddit user, yourself included is stupid enough to fall for ShareBlue's idiocy.

Didn't you two spastic fucking retards get into a betting match about the next election less than a day ago. Jfc just fuck already and stop polluting this sub with your bland hot takes on minor political bullshit

Hear hear!

This, but whatever's even less ironic than unironically.

LOL, he signed on his alts to downvote you.

Of course he did.

He said, as he responded to his own alt.

Nah, I don't have alts. Too much work.

How is being a door greeter at wal mart treating you?

This is why people flee /r/politics

The balance is gone

People flee /r/politics because it's filled with a bunch of centrist that buy into all of that empty rhetoric on the left. Like When they go low, we go high and Tina Fey's Sheetcaking response to Nazis running down a wobbly at a protest.

A bunch of useless mods that won't ban Shareblue or Breitbart amongst a few others. They are such fucks over there. They banned me because I wrote a comment saying that "Anthony Scalia should burn in hell". Was banned for rhetoric or some shit.

Fuck me, I just somewhat made a serious post. I'm gonna go dance with a .357 magnum.

Note posted on door:


Felix has had to many chances to be let off for this one. It was stupid, and he shouldn't have done it. Honestly, I doubt we would be talking about it if he didn't have the background that he has.

/u/tarcolt, as obnoxious as PDP may be, he's the most famous youtuber and swimming in cash. You are an effeminate fuccboi who wastes his time posting testicle-kryptonite on /r/menslib and wondering why you can't find a woman with your feminist ally-card. You're not going to do anything against PDP, and his preteen fanbase won't care. Nothing will change.

Oh thanks see i was running out of outrage fuel and reading the warcraft forums wasn't cutting it anymore.

that is what they do, yes