Step up your cryptohate, r/Drama

126  2017-09-12 by LoveThisWebSite


This is why we need mayocide.


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Absolutely sentient

How does this bot do it?!?

Of course they put /r/The_Donald as number 1. Leftist media always gotta lead with something anti-Trump.

There are a shit ton of subreddits way worse than TD that deserved to be on that list. Hell, where's Ghazi or /r/AgainstHateSubreddits ?

Eh, /r/The_Donald is a hot mess.

Why would /r/AgainstHateSubreddits be among the toxic subs ?

Have you ever read any of the shit that comes out of that sub?

Yes, that's why I am asking.

you're arguing with mentally disabled man children. You might as well quit while you're ahead.

i don't think being whiny faggots qualifies them as being a hate group, despite what justin caffier says

/r/relationships is by far the worst sub.

That's a weird way to spell TrollX.

Same legbeards

Literally. Check the post histories for some of these people, the overlap is startling.

I thought /r/relationships had the legbeards and TrollX had the men LARPing as legbeards.

Don't trigger John_Kvetch

lmao i agree with the statement tho

I never understood the point of /r/relationships. Even a complete and total fucking moron knows that when a person has a complaint about someone else, they do everything they can to make that person look as bad as possible while making themselves look great.

Just cause it's about something you've never had doesn't mean it's the worst sub.

/r/anormallookingpenis is by far the worst sub anyway

How was anarchism not on this list, I'm pretty sure they posted how to build a bomb.

You know why. Antifa are our good friends according to the likes of vice and salon.

Seems odd, honestly. Once Trump is gone and communists and anarchists are protesting against a blue pick, I'm sure the media firestorm will be a legendary 180.

communists and anarchists are protesting against a blue pick

Most won't though because the point of this whole operation is just to paint Trump and his supporters as nazis and fascists while causing as much destabilization as possible.

Most of these people aren't actually communists and anarchists, they are just young leftwing idiots throwing a temper tantrum because their candidate lost.

aren't actually communists and anarchists

they are young leftwing idiots

i feel like youre contradicting your narrative here

I believe you mean that he's being redundant

Antifa are just like the beach-stormers at Normandy

Except with leaky surgical wounds where their dick and balls used to be.


Can we just circlejerk in peace, please?

No you damn gussy.

digging up 4 month old /r/drama threads

kill yourself

thank you for contributing

Little known fact but I was interviewed for that article and gave her most of the good stuff.

well-known fact: no one cares :D

Actually I'm pretty sure a lot of people will get extremely upset if that comment became more widely known.

Fun fact: they also interviewed me and I told her about how cuckoldry is really being shit on by the left and right even though it's a legitimate kink. I don't think any of that made it into the article and she blocked me on Skype soon after

lol he deleted his comment

Lol P_K come back and tell us how the sexy Vice woman interviewed you. She gave me a little titty show. Did she give you one too?

Who do you think scored the higher quality poon from their redditting skillz? /u/prince_kropotkin or /u/takeittorcirclejerk ?

Based on how often TiTs brags about getting some it's really gotta be P_K

wrong, it's a trick-question.

/u/wsgy111, power-mod of such subreddits of r4chan and creator of blackpeopletwitter, obviously gets the most 2nd-rate poon. /u/prince_kropotkin and /u/takeittorcirclejerk can only hope to get as much reddit snatch as wiggy

we can have a competition. if i win, tits has to unban me from SRD so I can get mad at more ESS dorks. if he wins, I have to renounce anarchism forever

you're not having a competition with me, you're battling /u/wsgy111

if he wins, I have to renounce anarchism forever

Won't that just naturally happen once you become an adult? Seems like a shitty deal tbh

oh shit the bait here is still 0.5/10, i'm leaving again

Be sure to delete all evidence of your comments!

If TiTrCJ had high standards he wouldn't be trawling SRD for action tbh. /r/Snallygaster excepted, of course.

Thank you for including that last sentence. I was almost afraid we would have to be sworn enemies.

You could never hate me. I am inherently loveable.

True. I just can't admit that. I have a reputation to maintain.

Who do you think ~~scored ~~ has the higher quality poon

THIS is the right question to be asking

Well played. If you have a salon article doing something similar, my bussy palace is open to you.

r/anarchism, r/latestagecapitalism, r/militant, r/islam, and ive seen a few bits on r/socialistra

That's not nearly as dangerous as implying that men should have rights.

le what about r/@

It was written by an SJW. So it's basically just going to be critical of any popular sub that has a slant against SJWs. Did you see SRS on there?

LOL that list is fucking retarded, like they just listed places that aren't complete left wing circlejerks and said they hate people

FML when /r/islam isn't even listed, when people in there have defended raping 6 year olds and not giving women the right to drive her own car. Oh they're also totes fine with stoning gays, and I don't mean 420BLAZEIT style

Yeah, this is 100% a leftist hit piece

I mean, it's Vice. I'm a southpaw myself and even I know they're not a dependable source of media

They used to actually be pretty decent... now they're just cess

They used to actually be pretty decent.

It's been years since they were even close to good. They're the Breitbart of the left now.

Yeah I was thinking around 2006

When Gavin left it all went to shit. Same thing with literally every company Gavin is a part of. He's like an evil virus the host dies one its gone

Even back in 2012-2013 they had good documentaries.

Whoah whoah whoah, let's not be hasty

Apologize to Breitbart

lol, theyre just a lefty clickbait site. if anything is the breitbart of the left itd be alternet or something


No trashy love for HuffPo?



I liked how they slipped /r/dankmemes in there. Seriously?!

Vice are huge supporters of pancreatic cancer.

/u/awkwardtheturtle and /u/kesha_paul, gotta be on that watch vice coming to get you

Pretty sure the author got his memes removed for not being dank and threw a fit

fuck you you racist white neo nazi racist! BASHTHEFASH


They literally list being anti-left before actual groups they hate, like its as vad or worse to be against the left as advocating genocide.

Anyone have a link to them defending not giving women the right to drive their own cars?

That would be hilarious to read.

Tl;Dr crashes

places that aren't complete left wing circlejerks and said they hate people

Only mayos don't enjoy left wing circlejerk. You and the other hook nosed mayos should be exterminated

like they just listed places that aren't complete left wing circlejerks and said they hate people

i mean what else is a "hate sub", its not like its a real thing

Funny enough, they clean forgot about /r/TheRedPill. Has it's notoriety faded?

/r/islam isn't even listed, when people in there have defended raping 6 year olds and not giving women the right to drive her own car. Oh they're also totes fine with stoning gays, and I don't mean 420BLAZEIT style

WTF I love Islam now

"for the lulz", whatever that means

not mentioned anywhere on r4chan's sidebar. Fake news #Sad!

Whereas 4chan and its corresponding subreddits remain chaotic neutral and on high alert for legitimate racist ideologies attempting to infiltrate their party

explain this

explain what? read the sub's sidebar

r4chan hates plebbit more than VICE does tbqhwuf

Remember when Vice journalists used to investigate drug cartels, warzones, and human smuggling operations, with little regard for their own safety?

Now they're braving the dangers of "toxic" internet forums.

is that your response? you madman

Respect to this brave man.

Everyone I don't like is:

A nazi

A Russian

A misogynist

A Russian

A White supremacist

A Russian

A deplorable

A KKK member

A Russian


At what point do I get to call BINGO after being called every name on the alt-left hate list?

you still need to be called a filthy zionist jew before you get the bingo shekels.

You need Problematic, Concerning and Questionable for the full house.

Ahh, I see you bought the Pious Affluent Liberal expansion pack.

Don't forget Gross.


Oh shit lol

Here's hoping this author winds up in a barrel-table

There are only two genders

There are 72 genders, infidel! Allah is just, merciful.

vice was never a serious journalistic outfit, they just figured out that they would reach even more of the 20-something ironic drug addicts that have always been their base by doing a bunch of ""gonzo"" video pieces. being the organization behind "this crazy video" that the androgynous drunk guy at the loft party saw is pretty much ideal for them.

a lot of their video work is actually still pretty good, but they obviously dont have to try as hard now that their brand's been established.

Do's and Don'ts:

>1 retweet


Tbf they still do all that

Their threshold for written content has always been way lower than their video content.

Pandering to losers on reddit is better journalism. /s

Thing is, there's actually some good copy to be written about how politics works on reddit, like as a view into how our lizard brains work when we are given anonymity and a platform, but this article is low-effort trash.

this is the guy they hired in 2014 specifically to write low-effort horseshit

i mean, most vice articles are only one of those two things

I remember Vice starting out with a lot of great stories and that whole series about the Ukraine invasion. Good times. /Seriouspost

Edit:Tweet from the author.

filthy mobile casul

r/incels btfo again

Even after nailing their dicks to boards, they just can't catch a break.

Their list of subreddits is totally without bias. Very exciting!


Us KiA cucks are beating /r/Drama in crypto-hate..

Clearly we need to step up our game here.

Cucked by KIA cucks and incel virgins. Feels bad man.

You have to be blind to not see thaf there is quite a few instances of "ironic" racism in r/drama. There are genuine racist in this board who browse it because they can deflect their ideology as just a joke. In that way yes, r/drama does have cryptohate.

Cant wait til money, having a job, and being able to support yourself, are also symbols of white supremacy. Fuck, you got an A on your test, lil johnny? You fucking racist.

Merit is part of the patriarchal white supremacist system goy and must be abolished for true equality

I see you haven't been paying attention to the communist types lately

There was an article a year back or so that tried to claim that enforcing proper spelling and grammar in schools was racist. I'm far too lazy to dig it up but it should be an easy google.

Holy shit, those degenerate niggers at tumblrinaction proclaim that there are only 2 genders? How can anyone be so hateful?

Keep with the times grandpa.

no SRD or ChapoRetardHouse


Believing anyone outside of /r/drama even knows what that cesspool is

$80k a month

chapo is retarded but, even as someone who would be happy if they all had to listen to rick and morty fans talk about how much they like the show for the rest of their lives, They don't really fit the bill of hate sub.

more right-wingers freaking out about CTH

i love it.jpg

You following me around again? Your obsession is worrying, I may file for an internet order of protection

I have no idea who you are, but you'll have to backtrace me first

P_K, you're home! Back where you belong, with us.

Writing a fucking article about a message board...

Deport Vice tbh. Send them to North Korea where they belong.

yeah, this is a legitimately good sub and has been for several years.

I too like being ironic

yeah i said that unironically, apparently it wasnt obvious lol

Oh I know, I was just commenting without adding any valuable discussion. Just like I am now.

how is your day going

Eh, borning tbh. How about you?

i have no classes today and have continued my nonsmoking streak. been good.

how is your day going

I love Western Civilization, America and all the different people that make up the American electorate.

The diverse peoples of the USA are bound together in a mighty fasces! E PLURIBUS UNUM!

Thanks vice for the solid list of new places to sub to!

When /r/incels gets more shit stirring done than/r/drama, it's time to rethink shutting this whole sub down.

Wasn't /r/European banned?

fucking lol vice is the most out of touch goofy shit

Thanks Vice couple new deplorable dives to hang out in that I didn't know about

Let us remember, then, that in the violent psychodrama going on in their own minds, modern reactionaries, almost to a man, think that they are the hero. They think they’re the plucky underdog. They continue to think this even with their tiny-fingered mascot bellowing over the White House lawns and their agenda ascendant around the world, and I know, I know it makes no sense. But dogma doesn’t have to. And one of the articles of faith uniting all our modern proto-fascists, crypto-fascists, baby-fascists, whining 4chan fascists, and the growing number of fascists for whom any sort of prefix is redundant is that they all think they are rebels.

4chan gets fox news special. leddit gets vice clickbait article.

Fairly accurate tho

They've lost the plot, /r/TheRedPill didn't make it.

I wonder why /r/TrollXChromosomes doesn't make the list? I mean, they literally hate men (but it is totes okay because punching up lmao)

like 3 of those subs could MAYBE be called low-key

I'm conducting a survey on the most whiny, toxic and preachy internet blogs and psuedo-news sites.

Any suggestions?

They probably should have tossed in /r/Anarchism there too. Encouraging people to try and burn cops seems like it crosses the line a bit more than the retards of /r/MetaCanada ever have.

Someone from left metareddit can just agenda post on Vice now about what subreddits she doesn't like?

Any sub that doesen't immediately permaban you for saying nigger regardless of context a hate sub according to them.