Underrated lolcow /u/RagingFuckALot is "SO FUCKING ANGRY" that "SHE CAN'T EVEN RIGHT NOW" because someone literally said something nice to a (gasp) white person.

118  2017-09-13 by DeepDickedHillybilly


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Nice quote Snappy, I actually did steal this from SRD from this link. Not surprisingly, because it's an SJW misbehaving, there is drama in the SRD link itself. Trigger Warning: SRD

There are unfortunately a lot of people in the world with that mindset, but in this case I'm certain that it's your tone/attitude rubbing people the wrong way. I actually remember your username based on all of the times I've seen you make rude and/or abrasive comments in this sub. Your comments are heavily downvoted regularly, and the topic usually has nothing to do with race.

Holy fucking shit, /r/drama crowd-favorite /u/GingerBizcuit applying some common-fucking-sense.

Right? When /u/gingerbizcuit is the voice of reason in TrollX you know you've gone far off the reservation.

This was meant to be a shitty agenda post, but lol this is actually legitimately good drama. /u/RagingFuckALot is on point here


i actually think they're an asian man pretending to be a woman after reading that

Asian men will probably end up taking over this website in the end. All the same first-world grievances as the white boys, but since they're POC and thus afforded a voice in the progressive stack, they get to tell white women that their shit stinks. Bravo 🙏

I know you'd like to think your shit don't stink

But lean a little bit closer

See that roses really smell like poo-poo-oo

Yeah, roses really smell like poo-poo-oo

Is it one of those Asian incels?


Could you please stop sending me abusive PMs?

Post 'em or shut the fuck up.


Could you please stop sending me abusive PMs?

Post 'em or shut the fuck up.

Seriously, u/GingerBizcuit, trollx might be sheer awful, but u/RagingFuckalot does nothing but post in other subs about how awful whites are on a daily basis. She is an asian with a vendetta.

She is an asian with a vendetta.

Err...I have to admit I guessed wrong based on a cursory reading of this comment:

Is my tone abrasive? Or do some people in here have the mindset of 'WoC stating her/their opinions= aggressive and abrasive'

Let me excuse myself to reflect on my own biases :(

I thought the same thing too

This is a fake account designed to make TrollX look bad, like that sorryneversorry person.

Now I'm confused.

It's possible she isn't real, for sure, but she posts all her shit in Asian subs

150k comment karma, this lolcow is 100% certified real

USDA certified 100% A+++ lolcow

Way to erase the voices of women of color on TrollX, u/Idontwannaloseheart

It's happened on the sub multiple times, with many accounts crying racism wherever they can then running to their female hating subs and telling them how stupid women in TrollX are. Look up sorryneversorry and you'll see.

Turns out this woman actually did just not white women to be celebrated though, so my mistake

causing drama then running elsewhere and telling them how stupid her friends are

Obviously a troll, REAL women never do this IRL.

I can assure you that TrollX doesn't need any help to look bad.

I don't think that's fair. It's usually a welcoming place with funny posts and helpful emotional ones. There are bad moments sure, but you can't judge TrollX by the r/drama posts...

Why not?

I don't think that's fair. It's usually a welcoming place with funny posts and helpful emotional ones.

Three years ago, yes. Before the bitters from TwoX landed hard.

Damn, didn't realize that...

Lol that chick is saying you're sending her abusive PMs and then accusing you of gaslighting.

Yeah that one confused me... What's gaslighting?

On reddit it means disagreeing with a feminist, but the actual term comes from an old movie:


Lol thanks

Not to break kayfabe, but I used to be a regular on TrollX 2-3 years ago, and it used to be far more laid-back and welcoming than it is now. None of this nonsense that gets crossposted to the meta subs used to happen there. A lot of the old posters have left or been driven out, I've noticed, and the newer people all seem to be younger and way more interested in arguing in general. I made friends IRL with people from the old days of TrollX, but I just can't hang out there anymore. They've become a parody of themselves.

It was the TwoX diaspora.

Oh wow, I didn't know that. That's a shame.

It's one of those Asian women who want to roll themselves in with all the other "Women-of-color" so they can feel oppressed. I mean look at this shit:

I'm Asian Australian and white people here love touching my hair without asking and telling me it's "exotic."

Who the hell thinks Asian hair is "exotic"?

Lol this sounds like literal projection about how people in China behave around blonde haired westerners

To be fair abbos are easily entertained after a nice mouthful of petrol

^ this guy memes

In Australia of all places. Tons of asian people live there.

Man, I don't know, I've had my hair touched and described as exotic lol I went to school with black and hispanic folks

Who the hell thinks Asian hair is "exotic"?

I know, right, you can get that shit at the weave store.

WoC / PoC is a term non-blacks use to make it seem like they are black / have faced discrimination equal to that faced by some blacks.

It creates an artificial solidarity, and ignorance of the qualitative differences in adversity that different minority groups face.

It also makes Asians think they can talk like sassy black girls... because 'OMG WoC Sista!'

So 'WoC' doesn't mean "Without Cock"?


Next you'll tell me 'PoC' doesn't mean "Penis or Cunt"

to make it seem like they are black / have faced discrimination equal to that faced by some blacks.

Which is correct, because both groups in the western world in 2017 face approximately zero discrimination.

Also, it makes them sound like a Muppet.

/u/ragingfuckalot should be praised for fighting racism, she is single-handedly proving the 'all Asians are smart' stereotype is dead wrong.

IRL /r/ragingfuckalot is probably a bottom bitch hooker cunt with a crack/meth addiction, using her free time from sucking white cock to bash them on the internet for oppressing her

Sincere retard, or trolling retard? 🤔🤔

Im gonna go out on a limb here and say /u/ragingfuckalot is actually racist. So can we mod this yellow warrior? Mayocide now!

Only mayos can be racist, dumbshit.

Oh my god she's not even black? Christ, I thought she was at least an actual minority with a retarded victim complex.

This is why I always check post history, that and for shits and giggles

underrated lolcow /u/RagingFuckALot

one of yours i assume?

jesus christ /u/ragingfuckalot have you ever taken the time to reflect on why you have no friends and everyones always too busy to hang out with you? This is a pretty good example of why that is

This dumb cunt is from Australia, too.

Real fucking arrogant to move to a country, only to demonise 92% (96% if we go white and/or male) of its population.

Making your own Drama now?

/u/ragingfuckalot do you every get tired of being so miserable all the time? Not that you don't deserve it, but you must want to do other things that aren't bitching on the internet?

The idea of whites moving to Japan or some other Asian country and then immediately agitating against the people who generously allowed them in is absurd and would never happen today.

fuck you /u/ragingfuckalot you disgusting third world insect person. Go back to your shit country if you hate whites. You aren't Western and don't belong in the West.

Not only that u/RagingFuckalot but there's a ton of mayos who get sucked in by poc whining and actually feel bad about shit they had nothing to do with. You move to the most tolerant and accepting society in human history for a better life then once you get here you complain the local population doesn't kiss your ass enough.

Bruh, I lived in Japan for six years and that's exactly what happens. Perhaps you've heard of Obama's little rape problem?

Say what?

Wait can you expand on the Obama rape thing pls?

WTF was that? I meant Okinawa. Probably my fault, but I'll still blame autocorrect.

God damnit I wanted you to be some retarded pizzagate conspiratard and entertain me with your theories.

Stop being so damn sane!

an asian woman on australia, never has there been a more oppressed group of people


I've never seen tone policing this literal and direct coming from a supposed ally before, and I'm really grossed the fuck out that it's so heavily upvoted.

Really? Does it make you feel icky as well? Use your big girl words.

Also, just because someone says they're PoC doesn't mean they get to treat everyone around them like shit. Oppression points don't excuse you from common courtesy.

/u/spacepirateasmodaari is a dude who spends hours a day on feminist subreddits shouting "You go, girl!" He's peak /r/MensLib.

lives in LA and posts about elder scrolls online in between hard hitting gendertalk. what a life

I always wonder about fat dorks that live in L.A. Do they know that it isn't for them?

I don't know what you picture L.A. as being, but it's actually a pretty huge place. Bigger than NYC, twice as big as chicago.

Plenty of room for some fat dorks to nerd about.

Nah, there's hardly any fat people in L.A. Then you see that one fat girl and you wonder what the hell she is thinking.

Gods, but this is good drama. Be sure to check all the replies to the lolcow's top comment to get the full experience here, folks.

Condemning racism only helps to fight for equality up to certain point, then it becomes vitrue signaling and as long as you say words you're good, no one cares about what you do.

See male feminists attacking their female friends.


you do know that condescension refers to "an attitude of patronizing authority", riiiiight?

There's something called "mansplaining" have you heard of this?

Let me mainsplain this to you, sweetheart. Mainsplaining, the patronizing explanation of stupid things, is inherently sexist towards men. You don't hear about womansplaining. What's next? Dogsplaining? You're mysoginist scum and I hope you choke on the dick that controls you.

Mansplaining is when a man will condescendingly explain something to a woman that she already knows.

Erlich Bachman, is your refrigerator running? This is Mike Hunt.

Fuuuck you jin yang!



Look you don't have to use such a harsh tone, I was just making sure we were all on the same page!

Tbh I can't ever tell on this sub whether something is serious or not. So I treat everything as a joke. I hope you didn't take me too seriously.

/unjerk (I was joking, trying to tone police/concern troll)

Wellp. That's what I love about this sub. You can never tell when someone is for serious

No, I am the reason Trump won.

"Praising white people", lol, this is more like congratulating a black guy because he didn't steal something for a day.

"Wow, a white woman appears NOT to be a Nazi"

Do we need to congratulate white people every time they do the bare minimum or state the obvious?

She's right, though.

No she's not. Positive Reinforcement. Operant Conditioning works. Little Albert was a white male after all.

No, we don't but shitting on them for even attempting to do anything good really doesn't help win friends and allies.

why don't we just sit up and listen when PoC speak and say the same thing?

u/RagingFuckalot - Hey, Jen here. Asian-American. Shut the fuck up retard and get into a car crash.

Thanks, in need.

/u/RagingFuckalot are you sitting up and listening?


u/RagingFuckalot the term you're looking for is "black woman."

She's a Chinaman, though.

Chinki being a chinki.

Lol these fat women will die before they hit their twenties.


  • 1) wypipo don't find you attractive or care about you

  • 2) nobody knows your a woc or whatever the fuck on the internet

  • 3) nobody cares your a woc or whatever the fuck on the internet

  • 4) being a wop or whatever doesn't actually add credence to anything you say in reality despite what everyone tells you.

  • 5) full body pics pls mama i need me a nubian goddess


wait a moment all your comments involve asians and shit. are you one of those dummies who think asians count as poc. lmao... post sideways pussy for verification purposes.

but for real though if ur darker skin hmu i will bleach you from the inside out.

I forgot all about the sideways pussy meme. That takes me back to 2001

