SRD gets jealous

75  2017-09-13 by Wild_Hunt


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The OP in that thread is actually calling kek a hate symbol unironically

"Yeah, I played WOW too. Kek was great. Fun joke, good joke... Then it was co-opted by white supremacists."

Sure is hard to read

The kekistan symbol is based on a nazi flag. You can't base a design on nazi shit and then whine when a company bans that symbol, unless you're retarded, which you probably are

Somehow, celebrating that it was taken out is more pathetic than not giving a fuck.

Yeah I'm taking the piss out of those who did give a fuck it was taken out.

He just said that was more pathetic and you're response is "yep! that's me!"


I'm celebrating the fact it's caused drama in /r/drama. You guys are so blissfully unaware that the lolcows mooing is coming FROM INSIDE THE SUB

It's coming rather loudly from your posts, newfriend

You guys are so blissfully unaware that the lolcows mooing is coming FROM INSIDE THE SUB

We are aware and we celebrate that fact everyday.

Did you misread my comment or are you you retarded?

Pork wa no less dose?

No, you're crying about it like a little bitch.

And you're bitching about it like a little cry

It was satire until their opponents decided it was politically convenient to take it really seriously.

Now it's considered an actual Nazi flag because everyone is stupid. Like how this was a white power sign for a while.

It's based on the nazi flag

A corporation noticed this and distanced themselves from it, obviously

You think they are stupid because they didn't know it was really a joke. Maybe because it's been flown alongside nazi flags in some of those recent protests, maybe because corporations don't give about what you think is ironic or not.

So what happened, did your dad's dick destroy your brain as well as your tonsils?

A corporation noticed this and distanced themselves from it, obviously

You say this like it's a defense. When Proctor & Gamble changed its logo back in the 80s because some religious nuts thought it contained secret Satanist messaging, it was done to appease activist idiots not actually distance themselves from our dark lord and master.

It's the same garbage again, only from the left this time.

Companies haven't willingly associated themselves with Hitler since 1945, it's got nothing to do with 'the left' you berk. Not seeing nazi symbols as being an appropriate way to sell washing powder is a pretty partisan issue unless you have semen for brains.

You're pretty obsessed with dicks and cut. Are you a homosexual?

I won't deny I love the taste of dick, but I only deepthroat strangers ironically. Doesn't mean I'm gay.

Companies haven't willingly associated themselves with Hitler since 1945,

Well, yeah, because he lost and died. If he had won, they would all be playing up nazi shit. You know history is written by the victors right? What are you even getting at? Stop being niggardly and do some reading up on the Hungarian revolution

Stop being a nigger and suck my dick

I will politely decline. However, if you would like my wife to give you head, we can arrange that

Must be difficult to smugpost and hurl bigoted insults...

It's almost like smugposting is just another thought terminating cliche you guys've dreamt up to protect yourself from the realisation you're dense cunts in an enlightened gentlesirs body

That was over 30 years ago and last I checked the company is doing fine, you're doing fine, and the world hasn't ended. Does it seriously bother you the P&G changed their logo? If activists want to waste their time on some corporation's logo then you should be in favor of that tbh.

Lmao wtf kind of point are you making? Don't think you're following this discussion.

Do you think people who boycotted P&G for changing their logo were dipshits? Because I think they were dipshits.

There big difference here is that Proctor & Gamble didn't design their logo with the specific purpose of tricking religious nuts into thinking it contained secret Satanist messaging. And if they did design their logo with that purpose in mind, they'd have to be retarded to complain when they accomplished exactly what they set out to accomplish.

It's based on the nazi flag

That's how parodies work.

Some people saw it as a parody, some people saw it as a celebration. People don't always share your mindset cupcake

Stop trying so hard sweaty.


People getting all hot and bothered in this thread

Now it's considered an actual Nazi flag because everyone is stupid.

I don't really think you can call somebody stupid for being unaware of how a flag or meme is used by a tiny internet subculture. Especially when that subculture thrives on being totally incomprehensible towards outsiders, and when, by the admission of the people who use the flag, it's main purpose is to trick libcucks into thinking it's racist. You're basically left arguing that you were only pretending to be racist and that the libcucks are dumb for not spending enough time on /pol/ to learn all their memes.

It's true that liberals find it politically convenient to treat it like a nazi symbol, but the /pol/tards were literally, by their own admission, asking for it. So basically both sides here got exactly what they wanted. Everyone should be happy.

It's true that liberals find it politically convenient to treat it like a nazi symbol, but the /pol/tards were literally, by their own admission, asking for it. So basically both sides here got exactly what they wanted. Everyone should be happy.

Yeah that's true. But you'd expect the people reporting on it to investigate at least a little. Not that journalism works like that now.

Which is how they got caught out by the OK hand symbol.

can call them stupid for jumping to the most extreme conclusion possible though

I mean, are we going to try and evaluate an objects worth by the intention of which it was created? Because if so, every time a nuke is misused, the person using it gets a free pass, since the creators of the nuke weren't filled in they were creating a bomb. And every dude waving a swastika is cool, because everyone knows that the swastika originated as a symbol of good luck!

problem solved. We value things by their creators' invisible and unknowable intentions and completely avoid the context of the situation.

but no, seriously, I can't believe the stupid of this idea. if an image has been rebranded as a hate symbol, successfully, as it has with the stupid 'kek' bullshit, it has been successfully rebranded as a hate symbol. I'm sorry if you can no longer wear you're "The man of kekistan" boxers you bought or the 'free kekistand' t-shirt you sent away for without being called a nazi the same way i feel bad for the indian dude in 1932 with the swastika tattoo or anyone who used to wear doc martens, red suspenders and a bald scalp in the 90s.

But if people look at the symbol you have on, and it looks like the symbol the incels who want to kill the jews use to represent yourself, that's sort of just hard luck. You look like a bigot cause they stole your look. Wah.

Apparently people who don't like this flag tend to waffle.

i can never tell if /r/drama is filled with actual idiots or if they're just pretending all the time

it's like method acting. some times you play the character so well that you lose yourself in it

I'm just PRETENDING to be retarded!

Have you ever stopped pretending?

There is no pretending.

At least we're in good company then.

tbh i think every1 is actually retarded but pretending to be smart

And even then only some are pretending to be smart while most are to dumb for that… sometimes I wonder how people here are able to put together aemi coherent sentences, I mean post bussy kys delet this hajJajgsk skdCdklMtut lvpvkcYm eKkavs vvcacxaF CgFDGLfn

I mean Ed bless his heart could seriously be a bot that posts copy pasta and drama memes and I wouldn't know the difference





you know some faggot on this very subreddit called that a stale meme?

It still makes me mad just thinking about it.

But I really do love the bussy.

then post it


I'm not gay, you faggot. I just like eating man ass. And only from Iowa. I like em' corn fed.

I'm just here to keep tabs on how degenerate the earth is becoming.

Me too thanks

Me too thanks

I can never tell if SRD is filled with people who think they are good because they comment self-righteously on fucking internet drama or if they're just pretending all the time.

They believe it duh

SRD are un-self-aware lolcows, just like the rest of this site. Them thinking they have some sort of moral high ground is pretty chuckalicious.

i can never tell if /r/drama is filled with actual idiots or if they're just pretending all the time

meanwhile their mods like /u/TAKEitTOrCIRCLEJERK ban people for DISGUSTING comments like this

The fuck?

I like how they try to hide the fact that they get unironically upset at video game shit behind a thin veneer of "irony".

Every single day you can boil down some of their "drama" to them going "GAMERGATE REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"


My rule of thumb for shitposting is simple: If my Reddit account were to be subpoenaed, would I be embarrassed to have my comment read out aloud in court?

Where the fuck is the fun in that? Why are you all such joyless fun-hating party poopers?

Making some nerdy joke about Prequel Memes or Rick & Morty? Cool.

Defending pedophilia by defining ephebophilia or normalizing white nationalism? Not cool.

normalizing prequel memes and defending Rick and Morty are much worse

What kind of dipshit sorry excuse for an adult wouldn't be ashamed to have his Rick and Morty comments read aloud in open court?

The kind of dipshit that u/the_rabble_alliance happens to be.

Imagine someone reading the rick and morty high iq copypasta before a judge and a jury of their peers

Who the hell cares about Pokemon GO anymore anyway

Even my tismo friends who were grinding out 6 EVs or whatever in X/Y a couple years after release dropped PGO ages ago



Dear whom this make concern,

We need to act in a civil matter on Internet. The Internet is serious business.



Me, an Intellectual: Shut up dumb glubglub snailman

Simple fix, burn your account annually.

" But SRD is all I have!"

"I'm a dumb dumb, give me gum gum" -/r/the_rabble_alliance

Does this guy think his case would be televized or something

SRD is the What Happened of subreddits


Does that make us "Shattered"?

No shit. I remember when it had around 80,000 subs. No overtly political bias, just good humour and good banter. Then, as I should have guessed, the sub was inundated with childless cat ladies with nothing better to do than refresh SRD at their desk jobs.

Now it's just a backslapping brigade sub.

We all know what happened. Certain tryhard elements from certain other tryhard subs slowly invaded and changed the culture and leadership- through bans, rule changes, and modding their like-minded internet friends.

That's why it's full of lolcows now.

I think he's talking about Hillary Clinton's book, he's not actually asking the question

That's what I get for serious posting.

I hope youve learned your lesson, young man

They're outraged that we're not outraged.

The day of the can, cannot come soon enough.


You still never answered when you last got BTFO by a man

you go first


when was the last time you got laid

haha wow u sure owned him xD

haha wow u sure owned me


last night after i did my daily wife beating

It's cute you call your dick "wife"

I call my son asshole, is that cute too?

post it lets see

Sure I get off at 3:30.

what are the odds this is a cute kid or a hairy asshole

Well he's got a lot of hair and he's an asshole

Omg your kid is super cute

thanks, he gets it from his mom.

Oh honey...



Personally I always prefered Social Vengence Warriors, since it removes the positive connotation of justice, since the people it's directed at want anything but justice, they only seek petty narcisstic vengence. See: Their dancing on someone home being destroyed because he once called their kind cancer...of course they lack the evidence to realise they prove they are cancer.

But now just down to their nature, I prefer "soundbite progressives", just people who want to use 140 character or less to feel smugly morally superior not willing to discuss anything in depth (well unless its a hit/ego piece from somewhere like vice to massage their intellectualism) and have no care how toxic the boiling down of complex subjects is, how they promote more harmful stereotypes then destroy, you know like SRDines do all the time...but what do I know, I'm both a SJW according to half of reddit, a complete faggot and to the other half a neo nazi and completely straight to the other half, I prefer the term Schrodinger SJW though.

This better be pasta

Is now.

Nothing there as bad or funny as the neogaf thread thread on this. Some more gems since the last time I posted.

Poster always thought 'kek' was racist since he's only ever seen it used when Koreans on twitch.

Another poster writes an essay to respond to someone who thinks it's a bit extreme for people to be asking for someone to be fired over this.

the medium also goes hand in hand with internet communities who lack real social interactions and stay within certain circles to make each other feel better about things in life they don't like or understand.

on neogaf lol

/u/tommy2014015 see here at /r/Drama we revel in the fact we're retarded for looking at internet drama. The only thing more pointless than looking at the things random people freak out over online is trying to moralize over it.

That's the difference between /r/Drama and /r/SubredditDrama, here we realize that ultimately internet spergs will be Internet spergs and we may as well do our part. At /r/SubredditDrama, you believe that you're all the judges of internet morality and that it's possible to have a serious discussion about what literal basket cases write.

Ultimately, the internet is a dumpsterfire and no one will change their minds about anything just because one group decided it needs to critique them. So we may as well join in for a larf or two while we drink or have a bit of down time. No need to be serious, and no mistaken belief that anyone cares what we write. We are Sisyphus happy, and /r/SubredditDrama is still trying to get the boulder to the top of the hill.

By observing its usage trends over time. "Kek" started and remains Orcish, but it also has been co-opted by racist idiots. Therefore, when used outside the context of World of Warcraft by alt-right dumbasses, it takes the racist identity symbol that we all know and hate. That sounds like common sense to me, not sure why I have to type it all up.

"That sounds like common sense to me, not sure why I have to type it all up."

I remember in my history class when we covered kek. Every third grader knows it.

I follow two rules.

  1. Only post stuff that if my family saw it, they'd go "yeah that's deth, alright." and not disown me or something.

  2. Only post something if i think it's true, or something i'm willing to defend.

So far this has steered me true, and i hope it continues to do so.

/u/dethb0y why the fuck are you on drama related subreddit if you legitimately don't understand humor.

I understand humor just fine. However, just like throwing shit on someone as a prank is a poor prank, using racial slurs is poor humor.

Only post stuff that if my family saw it, they'd go "yeah that's deth, alright." and not disown me or something.

I gave the same advice to a 14 year old Pakistani girl when she was trying to elope. She now gets raped daily by her 45 year old husband, which makes her parents happy. Point is parents are fucking dumbasses too sometimes.

They don't need to be happy, they just need to know that it's death

I understand humor just fine.

given you unironically post on srd i think its pretty clear you dont

I follow two rules.

  1. Only jerk off to porn that if my family saw it, they'd go "yeah that's deth, alright." and not disown me or something.

  2. Only jerk off to something if i think it's straight, or something i'm willing to defend (traps)

So far this has steered me true, and i hope it continues to do so.

Racial slurs arent comparable to assault really. More like throwing water balloons at friends with is both wholesome and fun for the family.

You sound bumfuck retarded.

Fucking retards kek is from Starcraft not WOW. It's what Korean players would use in match instead of lol.

It was added to wow as a sc reference

Let me be a pedantic asshole

First they came for Pepe. But I didn't speak up because I thought "Really people can't be this retarded to associate a comic character with Nazi's because a low % of those memes were W.S.

Then they came for the "Kek". A term used for LOL in a video game.

So now lets all make memes on something children like or something to get it branded as a hate symbol as well. I vote Pokemon


Misplaced smugness.

Weaponized smugness, fam.


Same happened to me over a feminist post and they went through my post history and made fun of my miscarriage.

sometimes i really do love this place