Sick of communist drama? Of course not! In what may be the most pointless argument on the internet, these gentlemen once again fail to come to an answer to the age old question: was it real communism?(Ongoing)

85  2017-09-13 by Imanidiot77777


Now with added cancer!


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this is a pretty shitty bot, as the dude who replied to me edited his comment.

Don't you dare talk to snappy like that.

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you shut your whore mouth

For a bot. Snappy is 1000x the person and more lovable than you ever will be you dirty fucking commie!

Good bot

You're seriously responding to a kid, as if that's at all worthwhile. No chance /u/Sir_Fappleton is older than 22.

I'm a Marxist-Leninst communist.

how ever could you have come to that conclusion

I'm 18.

As someone who is 20 let me explain how naive you are and how much more you need to learn about the real world.

I'll be gentle, but maybe don't so vehemently argue extremist political positions until you have like...a modicum of life experience? Let's say 8th grade or first year of high school, you start to be your own person in that you have experiences and adventures and shit that aren't set up by your parents or teachers.

It's not a lot of freedom, but at least you're starting to do shit on your own. Use that as a starting point for your "life", as you experience it. Maybe wait until you have like, say, 10 years of that before you start really arguing with people about extremely controversial things?

If you're 18, going by my rough guide of life experiences as a person with some measure of agency, you have like four years of being a "person". Maybe don't argue with people about how awesome communism is and how everyone else is wrong until you've had more life experiences for longer than fucking Game of Thrones has been on TV. Crazy idea, no?

Sorry for the serious post everyone, but he was so plaintive in answering, I just couldn't help it.

It's funny because when I was in my early 20s (like ten years ago now), I thought I was pretty smart online because it was pretty rare to see anyone older than 30 on internet forums. But now as the first people who grew up on the internet just keep using it (because why not?), you'd think kids would earlier on come to realize your college years and summers working at your uncle's company don't really qualify as knowing what's up.

Also stop serious posting, faggot.

u both stop serious posting, fuckin faggots

Serious posting about serious posting? Gaaaaaaay

Kids gonna kid

> serious posts

> "stop serious posting"

Is it that serious to laugh at kids?

Why? I've read several books, articles, pored over old archives, and just about every crumb of information I can find (that's relevant). I'm not sure why it takes life experience to tell someone else what you've read and argue your case.

Out of everything you've read, you still somehow thin communism isn't shit.


Sharia law crushes thots


Are you for real equating communism to Sharia law

Guess you have never heard of Marxism-Engelism-Strasserism-Qutbism-Erdoganism then

Why do you think they ban interest?

Yep you sound 18


every crumb of information I can find

FWIW, I believe him when he says that. He's just not making the point he thinks he is.

Well how else am I supposed to research the theory firsthand? I'm accused of not knowing what I'm talking about, then when I say that I've done my research, it's called into question. Fuck yourself.

Have you read economics books? And I mean real one, not Naomi Klein shit?

Do you know that Marx, in the field, is at the very best considered as a very very minor post-Ricardian and a person that was completely wrong as soon as The Capital came out at worst? If yes, why do you still call yourself a Marxist? What is the difference between you and an anti-vaxxer who has "done his research"?

Because Marxism is a science, and the anti-vaccination crowd is thoroughly based on a rejection of science. Mainstream sociology today empirically agrees on a lot of things that Marx would agree with, but people don't like the label of Marxism because any mention of Marx, communism, or socilaism immediately triggers a knee-jerk reaction based off debunked Red Scare bullshit.

debunked Red Scare bullshit.

Could you provide some examples of this "bullshit" and how it has been debunked?

Mainstream sociology

how does this follow a post about the economics of it. your vaunted reading comprehension skills of entire marxism dot com are failing you

I'm just going to tell you right now though I'm sure someone else has already said it, you're wasting your time here. Even ignoring that communism is a shit idea that doesn't work, just the fact that this sub is literally here to point and laugh at you makes you posting here a huge waste of time. You're just going to keep getting insulted and become an even bigger lolcow for people. Just save your energy for something better.

Hush, don't ruin the fun

He's only 18, he can't help being at least a little retarded. Feel bad for him.

Scaring away lolcows wtf

/u/SirFappleton don't listen to this guy. If you stay around long enough you might actually achieve some perspective and realise how dumb you currently look which will ultimately turn you into a better person. Ideas need to be challenged and that's partly what this subreddit is for. Also, since you are obviously challenged mentally as a person it will be fun to point and laugh at you until you grow out of ideologies, which is the other and arguably primary function of this subreddit.

Have you tried to read some mainstream economics books? Or is it just excerpts from Das Kapital and European socialist commune blogs?

I personally dislike blogs, so I tend to say away from those actually. I've read some Rand. What mainstream titles did you have in mind? Although I would argue Das Kapital and Marx in general is pretty well known.

mainstream economics book

Rand and Marx

Jesus Christ kid.

Das Capital is very well known. It is not mainstream economics.

And I guess you don't realize how stupid is is to tell someone who has read and annotated Das Kapital to that it's not about economics.

And I also said that I read Friedman. But what's not mainstream about Ayn Rand? I've heard a lot of pretty Randian shit in this thread.

Das Kapital is well known, but pretty antiquated. I meant books which look at mainstream economic theory, principles of macro- and microeconomics, international trade etc. I would suggest you give it a read since, if nothing else, it would make your arguments a bit stronger. Sticking to anarchist and communist literature makes you look very uninformed.

Give what a read?

Jesus dude

How well do you understand modern capitalism?

I'd say pretty damn well, considering the copious amount of research I've done.

You are 18, you literally have not been able to read long enough to have done a "copious amount of research".

But dude, he read whole Wikipedia trees, and top blog posts!

Nope. Several books, peer-reviewed journals/articles, and lots of presentations from experts.

Lol this is amazingly stupid even by teenager standards.

Do you have a crush on me or something? You've replied to like 5 of my comments.

lmao "copious amounts of research" and you elsewhere said you learned about communism when you were 16. Two years? Literally two fucking years?

My god.

Yeah. Where would you draw the line?

I never said I was the most educated person on the planet about this stuff, just that I know enough to hold up my side in a debate, and it's not like I plan on stopping once I decide I know enough or something.

You just said you understand capitalism "damn well" because of two years of research. If two years of research makes you know about something "damn well", what does my master's degree in political science mean for me.

I've literally studied communism for like multiples of the time you have.

Cool. I'm glad you've found success. I never said I was more educated than anybody else, I never claimed to have more knowledge than anybody else or have the most knowledge of anybody else. I understand capitalism pretty damn well.

I'm saying I don't think you understand these things well at all.

Cool. You'll have to wait in line though.


I mean, if you're trying to point out a spelling error, I'm pretty sure that's how it's spelled.

You seem pretty passionate about this, so I gotta ask. How does your ideal system come into being? Short of revolution, because killing millions of fellow citizens to implement the perfect system doesnt seem all that harmonious.

Wrong guy fam

Yeah, sorry. I guess didn't care enough about his answer to fix it.

When you look back on these years when you are over 30, you are going to not even recognize this kid posting now

I'm not sure why it takes life experience to tell someone else what you've read and argue your case.

You do realize that this is basically what every young person thinks, right? Like, this is literally the oldest conundrum in human history: nothing I say, write, or do can ever express the importance of living your own life and learning your own lessons. Knowledge is great, and you should consume everything you want to consume. You will just never aptly understand wisdom without experiencing the hardships and wonder that lead to it.

Lol this is just good satire at this point.

Not satire.

You are, even if you aren't aware of it :)

That's not what satire is.

Holy shit this guy can read!?

Yeah. Good one I guess?

I'm 18 and I'm smart as shit, I know that for a fact. Now fuck off and let me tell you more about how fucking radical I am, bitch.

All these adults with lived experience, especially the ones who suffered the horrors of communism, clearly don't know anything compared to my genius 18 year old intellect.

Don't listen to the cranky old people. Age is irrelevant, your opinion matters and if you can support it, you can argue it.

seen but not heard. there's a reason you cant vote, cant buy alcohol, and tour car insurance is more expensive. its because young people make stupid fucking decisions. supporting commies is only one example.

TIL old just means "not a child"

23 is practically one foot in the grave.

Man, I fucking wosh

im sure when the idea of the vanguard party was conceived it was envisioned as being lead by Woke Teens

The "cranky old people," are you referring to the other 20 somethings here who say that life experience has relevance to political opinions and beliefs?

I'm 18, jobless, but please trust me I am a prole!

Lmao No.

That being said, you should take the other users advice, get a skill, build a laugh, and laugh at this version of yourself when women start deciding to touch your peen for cash.

Press F U Filthy Degenerate Red

I never said I've never had a job. I got laid off, it's not like it was my choice. Prole just means you don't own any of the means of production, which I don't, do you can never work a day in your life and be a prole.

I never said I've never had a job. I got laid off, it's not like it was my choice.

Dude, you are 18. You didnt get laid off, you have no meaningful skills, you just probably got "let go" for staffing reasons. Oil workers get laid off, coal miners, mechanics, electicians, etc. You didnt have any long term gainful enployment to loose fam. Get a grip.ypu arent working class, you are a spoiled kid with a internet connection.

Prole just means you don't own any of the means of production, which I don't, do you can never work a day in your life and be a prole.




workers or working-class people, regarded collectively

And I would never hire a prostitute, but I don't have any problem with sex work in general. I'm not sure why you seem to have something against it.

Jeaus fucking christ lmao


you are a spoiled kid

We don't necessarily know that...

You're pants on head retarded is what you are. No matter what your age. You really need to think about how little you bring to the table. Any table you're sitting at.

Do you really thing someone as useless as yourself has a place in a communist utopia? No. You'd be killed and fed to the hogs and finally of some use to something.

You're 18. You don't know shit about shit. It's no wonder you're unemployable, you're insufferable.

I got laid off homie, and I'm trying to find a job with no luck. It want exactly my choice dude.

Reality is the only counter argument to communism needed. Shit don't work like that in the real world. If you try millions of people die.

The Paris Commune, Revolutionary Catalonia, Rojava, and Kerala would like a word with you.

"The Paris Commune, Revolutionary Catalonia, Rojava, and Kerala would like a word with you."

So you're saying that heavy-handed socialist policies work...for minute, practically one-dimensional communities/countries with almost abysmally low GDP per capital?

It's not like the country flourishes overnight. These things take time. And it you a source for the GDP for any of the places I listed, if love to see them.

I got laid off homie, and I'm trying to find a job with no luck. It want exactly my choice dude.

That's the shittiest reason to become a communist.

I got laid off homie, and I'm trying to find a job with no luck. It want exactly my choice dude.

That's the shittiest reason to become a communist.

I was already a communist when I got laid off

That's probably why you got fired

I wouldn't be stupid enough to talk about that at work. And for the record, the company was downsizing and I was a part-time student, so I was basically top of the list to be let go.

I wouldn't be stupid enough to talk about that at work.

So you recognize your political beliefs are retarded but still adhere to them? Why are you a dirty commie again?

Explains why you're retarded

Communists who deny or twist the millions of murders under Stalin and Mao are no better than Holocaust deniers tbh. Like how delusional do you have to be to hate Hitler and yet like Stalin?

When you view ukrAsians as less than human it's pretty simple to love Stalin on that level.

Stalin and Mao were fascists. You won't get any disagreement from me.

Joey Stalin - Former General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

Mr. Mao - Former Chairman of the Communist Party of China

They weren't commies though, they were fascists.

And the Nazis weren't socialists, and the DPRK is not democratic, so what's in a name? Nothing.

Le no true communism

Have you ever read the planks of the nazi party's platform? Like half of it could be tweaked with modern language and fit in Bernie's platform

German is still a perfectly modern language racist

The Nazis were socialists in every way that matters...

I know, I'll just describe a utopian society then when insane despots inevitably exploit the glaring technical weak points about how that society would actually function and murder millions of people it doesn't matter because since they never reach utopia it's not real communism and we can just do the whole thing again.

Let me guess you're an inbred ameridumb. I guess NK isn't a dictator ship and american right wingers arent human garbage.


Fuckin roasted

We prefer the term Amerifats thanks.

We prefer the term Amerifats thanks.

communism is inherently fascistic

Class warfare

Suppression of traditional culture

Destruction of History

State Atheism and suppression of religion

Collectivizing industry


This reminds me of that meme of the guy riding a bicycle shoving a stick in the front wheel, except it's an even more retarded situation where a communist shoves a stick through the sprockets, wrecks himself, then yells "I wasn't riding that bike! The Fascists were!" to everyone that just watched him do it.

30 million dead isnt as bad as 50 million dead, I mean come ooooon dude

No fleshlight or Bernie Bumper sticker covering up a Ron Paul bumper sticker?

Pretty bad starter kit.

And no weeb trash? Not even trying

/u/Sir_Fappleton What's the timeline on The Revoulution™ finally kicking off? I feel like 169 years is a long time to wait for utopia.

It depends.

We'll all be wearing depends before it happens.


Any day now...

There is a nice contradiction when /u/Sir_Fappleton comes to /u/yungouda's aid. Fappy describes himself as a "Marxist-Leninst communist," while lil cheese says elsewhere that "The USSR did not attempt communism." Lol whut?

No I said that didn't achieve what Marx calls "higher communism" or "full communism" they were very careful not to label themselves communist. Notice that the USSR stands for United Soviet Socialist Republic.

Gouda boy was claiming that the USSR did not even attempt communism, never mind what they achieved. Also, the sole political party in the USSR was the Communist party. Have you even fucking read about Marxist-Leninism? Socialism was the economic system that was going to be used to achieve the classless Communist society.

Also, you can't rely solely on names. After all, the Nazis were National Socialists. Their ideology was all over the place and rarely actually advocated for worker-owned means of production.

Democratic People's Republic of Korea

But what's in a name anyway...

rarely actually advocated for worker-owned means of production

Honestly, I dunno 'bout that... I mean, a hallmark of fascism is the very close control the state holds on the economy, which isn't proper nationalization of course, but it's nearly there. It's not like the fascists were big laissez-faire capitalists, quite the opposite.

Fascism is socialism that developed in an already industrialized country with a heavy nationalist bent. It's basically the opposite of the Russian agrarian worldwide revolution sort of thing, but just as socialist and collectivist. "Ein Volk, ein Führer..." and all that.

There aren't enough 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 in the world i could use to describe how retarded this comment is.

You could always use words?

Emojis ascend words.

"I don't have an actual argument"

Says the communist 😂

Did you even read the OP? Literally all I'm doing is arguing.

Reading is for serious posters



DAE state capitalism


General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Russian: Генеральный секретарь ЦК КПСС) was an office of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) that by the late 1920s had evolved into the most powerful of the Central Committee's various secretaries. With a few exceptions, from 1929 until the union's dissolution the holder of the office was the de facto leader of the Soviet Union, because the post controlled both the CPSU and the Soviet government. Joseph Stalin elevated the office to overall command of the Communist Party and by extension the whole Soviet Union. Nikita Khrushchev renamed the post First Secretary in 1953; the change was reverted in 1966.

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Cool. There was a party of communists. The people in the party and the party's values were communist, the country was not.

Also, what's up with the Nazi flair? Is that ironic, or is this a legit Nazi sub? It didn't initially come off that way to me.

Muh communism is not state-capitalism.

Don't hate on swastikas man, they're cool.

That's kinda like how some health studies studiously refer to "HIV" rather than full-blown AIDS

I'd like a link to any of those so-called studies.

Even if they do exist, it's almost like they want to differentiate between to similar things and anyone who has done an inkling of Googling or any type of reading on the subject will know what they're talking about. Weird.

I'd like a link

Post bussy.

Um, what?


The USSR did in fact not attempt communism. Lenin was a communist, but he was quickly out of the picture before his plans could be put into place. Stalin was not a communist, nor was Malenkov, or any other leaders for the rest of the Soviet reign.

Keep telling yourself that, bud. Just because your favorite political ideology always devolves to fascism, doesn't mean that it has never been attempted in the past.

The only times communism has been attempted, it did not turn to fascism.

That argument only works if you creatively redefine communism.

>every time we try communism, it "magically" turns into fascism

>let's try it again

>it'll be different this time

well the few times ACTUAL communism has been attempted, it did not turn to fascism. but ok

I imagine you and /u/Sir_Fappleton knocking at my door like a pair of Mormons, asking me if I've heard the Good Word of Marx.

It's impressive how well Marxism works as a religion.

Oh yea and which times were those according to you.

What were those attempts, pls?

How did socialism turn into fascism? Do tell.

First, you put all power at the service of an ideology....

And then what? I'm curious as to how you think socialism morphs into fascism.

It just already is. The more communism it is, the more "fascist".

That's not how that works. Fascism is the literal antithesis of communism. You're probably assuming that fascism is anything that doesn't allow free speech.

Actually, I really like fascism, so maybe we both want to stop using that word to describe communism. Let's just call agree to call it the "totalitarian class-warfare garbage ideology".

There's no class warfare in fascism. Fascism encourages class collaboration.

Note: I am not a marxist. Just wanna make that known

Which brand of communist are you then?


The only real one. Don't listen to those tankies that thing State + Communism works at all

Why do you think you can criticize capitalism based on not real capitalist places but I can't criticize communism based on not real communist places?

Anything+communism doesnt work gomr8

What is it about reddit that brought all these unapologetic tankies together

None of them have jobs so they need a place to hang out.

It's not an age old question if you've bothered to research the subject. True communism has 3 requirements: stateless (this does not mean no government, but no state), classless (abolition of the 2 socioeconomic classes), and moneyless (there is no legal tender because the need for it will no longer exist). This is of course achieved through socialism, what Marx called "lower communism". If you don't have the 3 things I listed. It's not "true" communism. It's really that simple.

You are adorable! You should come by more often. 💖

"I don't have an actual argument"

Who said I was arguing? I'm not going to waste my time with Tankies/Commies.

Because I don't think you're equipped to have that argument.

You're 18. When I was 18 I thought I was a Satanist. Hopefully you'll grow out of it.

Are you seriously comparing my political ideology to Satanism?

You don't just "grow out of" knowledge.

Yes, I'm just glad I never had a Lefty phase. If you want to learn some more economics, may I recommend Thomas Sowell or Milton Friedman? The Capitalist Manifesto is pretty good too, a little preachy at the end, though. Best of luck in your learning!

I've read some Rand and Friedman, but I really just can't stand Sowell.

No problem! Knowledge is power.

Don't like Sowell? Holy crap, why not? Even if you don't agree with him, he's brilliant and funny.

Because of this quote:

“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”

― Thomas Sowell, Barbarians inside the Gates and Other Controversial Essays

Socialism is wanting to keep what you earned.

Could you have earned your money without someone else creating the means of production for you to do so? No. Mirosoft employees wouldn't be making any money without Bill Gates, it's only fair that he gets rewarded for literally providing them with an income to begin with.

Bill Gates didn't create the means of production. Other workers did.

So you only want to read people who agree with you?

No? I said I've read Rand and Friedman.

Yet that quote is beyond the line? You're not making sense man.

That's because you've never earned any meaningful amount of money and most likely rely on your parents to buy you all the stuff that you want. In the context of that quote, you're the guy who wants to force other people to give you free shit

Capitalism is self-explanatory once you try and figure out how to actually allocate goods and services under socialist/communist schemes. As an exercise, try to figure out how to get wheat turned into bread and delivered to someone's table in a communist society. Then think about how you would get anything beyond what a small village can produce out of local resources.

I actually had a righty phase in late high school, I was heavily entertained by Rush Limbaugh et al, which I gather isn't the norm. Most of the high school commies I remember have either grown out of it or are still slacktivists from what I can see on their social media pages.

Happened for me too. Went from commie to briefly nat soc, then into an cap, then brung a little bit more left (from far right ancap).

I'm basically a moderate conservative now (also support trump).

Are you seriously comparing my political ideology to Satanism?

You're right... One's a destructive cancer on the planet, and the other's atheism in a ghost costume. It's really not fair to the Satanists, they do good stuff.

You don't just "grow out of" knowledge.

No, you gain more knowledge that makes you realize that you were naive and idealistic in your youth. Usually that happens sooner than in your case but every 16 year old thinks they have the world figured out.

Ah yes, it's communism that's ruining the planet and melting the ice caps.

I'm not against Satanists, but it's fallacious to compare a political ideology to "atheism in a ghost costume" (stellar analogy btw).

I never claimed to have the world figured out. But I think it says a lot when the vast majority of people in this thread are quicker to insult me based and assume they've got me all figured out based off a few Reddit comments that provide a counter argument.

Ah yes, it's communism that's ruining the planet and melting the ice caps.

It would if it could. Wannabe communists don't exactly have the greatest environmental record you know, far from it in fact. Nor the best humanitarian one, but I know, not "real communism".

But I think it says a lot when the vast majority of people in this thread are quicker to insult me based and assume they've got me all figured out based off a few Reddit comments that provide a counter argument.

We're not insulting you off a few Reddit comments, we're insulting your because you're a walking, talking stereotype. You're not unique or even novel, you are the absolute definition of a college communist but worse, since you're just out of high school, and that's why people are laughing at you. You're young, cocksure, naive, idealistic, and frankly adorable. We've seen your kind a hundred times before, in many varieties, and it's always funny. You'll laugh at yourself too.

That's not true that communists would ruin the environment? What does that mean? What countries have a track record of pollution? And while they're not fully communist, Cuba is the only country in the world that's growth is rated "sustainable" by the World Wildlife Fund.

Can I ask you how come you came to understand communism as a environmentally friendly? There's countless areas in the former Warsaw Pact that would qualify for a superfund clean-up.

did u just insult my religion shitlord

You don't just "grow out of"

said the child

You're right you grow out of ignorance which you are neck deep in... And you grow into realizing how ignorant you were and how little you know... That process persists for the rest of your life.

All these people are telling me that I'm dumb or ignorant it whatever, then don't actually tell me why. So do tell

You're a Communist.

Cool. Care to expand?

Only retards support a system that attempts to change society on the premise of every person in it suddenly becoming a self less paragon of virtue. When society doesn't live up to their impossible standards, these same retards then execute hundreds of thousands of 'counter revolutionaries' and end up skull fucking the system so bad millions die because of famine.

Then faceless retards like you sit in the comfort of your capitalist utopias and claim 'It wasn't real communism'.

If you retards had to calculate velocity of a parachute falling towards Earth, for example, you'd skip calculating the resistance created by air then say 'It wasn't real gravity' when people ask questions.

Being a commie means you're retarded. It's basically part of the definition.

Btw, has mummy ever driven you to the library to rent The Commie Manifesto?

No, I bought it so I could annotate it. Are you for real ripping on public libraries?

No, I'm ripping on commies

Edgy and original and funny

It was as funny as communism is good 😎

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

Not an argument.

Lol you're 18 and you think you can talk down to people in Internet slap fights about communism.

Damn right. This thread only further proves my point. It's not really a slap fight when OP links my comments to a brigade sub to get his buddies riled up.

Odd to see a communist molymemeposting

I'm going to be blunt here. I don't understand how you people are more socially acceptable than Nazis. You are all disgusting.

They're only more acceptable to retards on the internet and people born after the Cold War. This tankie was born in 1999, 8 YEARS after the USSR fell.


How old were you when you first learned all this

I read the communist manifesto when I was 16 or 17. I've read several books, pamphlets, articles, etc. since then. I'm happy to answer any other questions you might have.

I've needed to repaint my guest bedroom longer than you've known about communism.

I repainted my guest bedroom when I was 16 or 17. I've read several books, pamphlets, articles, etc. since then. I'm happy to answer any questions you might have.

Um, cool? Glad you were able to work at such a leisurely pace.

Do you not realize that you're a kid?

Give him a break, he's probably only a commie because some girl he wants to fuck said she was one.

No, my last girlfriend was a die-hard Sanders supporter and didn't agree with me on much.

Yes? I never said I wasn't. Not sure how that's relevant.

That's the problem.

man i remembered when i said stupid things when i was your age, god bless

Does it bother you that Marx, the hero of your ideology, had a child sex slave at the exact same time that he was going around trying to convert labor unions to his cause? Does it bother you that he never worked and was at all times a blatant hypocrite?

Lol, you have a source for either of those claims?

You're a 13 year old communist so surely you've heard of Helene Demuth.

The only article that I could find that mentioned her being a child sex slave was this blog post that linked to an NY Times article that mentioned that Marx fathered an illegitimate child with her in 1851, when she was 31 years old. If you've got a legitimate source that says otherwise, I'd love to see it.

It's pretty sad that at your age you're still at the "sauce plz" stage of intellectual development. Have you considered reading a book?

Ah yes, it's only young people who want sources for their claims? Could you maybe link to the book where you got that claim?

how about you tell us how you think Marx earned a living and had money to support himself?

who the fuck reads pamphlets

Me. I also pass them out. Are you for real using the fact that I read as a fucking insult

the fact that I pretend to read crazy-person screeds from 1912 because I am LARPing as Josef Stalin

Says the guy who assigns the label of a very specific thing, fascism, to anything he doesn't like.

There is a lot of that going around this year.

Ok? "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em" is the answer?

Every commie government has failed horrifically and the worst ones surpassed the Nazis in terms of killing their own citizens. Any advocate for communism is as bad as a Nazi. All those books promising utopia are lies used by despots to gain power and commit mass murder. Commie books are analogous to the Nazi books. China's recent prosperity is due to capitalism

Well, Marx was pretty anti Utopia, but ok. See my other comments in this thread about how communism supposedly killed hundreds of millions.

How is communism analagous to Nazis?

It kills it's citizens and is anti-liberal rights, again denying communism's kill count is like denying the Holocaust, millions of people were murdered by their own government and that matters.

The worst parts of communism are the same as the worst parts of Nazism, the mass murder of citizens, anti-liberalism, suicidal war mongering. They both promise to deliver some great society as soon as they kill enough people, and then they can't even deliver a decent society because of incompetent, crazy leaders.

I'm sorry that "utopia" was another stupid buzzword Marx redefined so now you, the intellectually superior and more educated individual have won the argument, I concede please don't kill me.

How is communism analagous to Nazis?

In kill count.

Not to mention totalitarian nature, no free speech or thought, power of secret police, giant cults of personality, cruelty to minorities, concentration camps, warmongering...

None of those things are exclusive to communism or Nazism.

No way, commies BTFO Nazis on kill count.

The 3rd Reich didn't fully achieve their goals of destroying the Jews and Germanising Europe, therefore Nazi Germany wasn't true National Socialism, as their ideology wasn't fully implemented.

Um, are you saying Nazis are socialists, or what? Not sure what your point is.

It is mocking your defense of communism, where you say that because historical Marxist governments didn't succeed in building a communist society, and never fully implemented the communist ideology, they weren't actually communist.

The Nazis didn't fully complete all their goals either, therefore they weren't true National Socialists.

It's different though. National Socialism isn't a science, and I'd be happy to see Hitler or any National Socialist talk about the phases of National Socialism and "Lower NatSoc" and "Higher/Full NatSoc". It's not like I'm making this up, I'm paraphrasing from Marx.

If you don't have the 3 things I listed. It's not "true" communism. It's really that simple.

And what about places that had those 3 things (or near it) and ended in misery? Your solution is just "try again?". (Also, I thought it was 10 from the manifesto, not 3).

I'm glad I'm famous! So is this sub just /r/shitredditsays without the fun parts?


fun parts

I knew you were a commie degenerate, but you're also a regular degenerate as well?

So you're nazis? That's your thing? Because I don't know any non-nazis that call people degenerates

"Anyone that disagrees with me is a nazi"

I don't know anyone that would make their username /u/yungouda other that a nazi, so welcome to the Nazi club, brother

I don't know any non-nazis that call people degenerates

Well that's the dumbest thing I've read today so far, and I was just in an SRD thread.

I'm honestly speechless.

Fuck. How many dog whistles are we up to know?

I lost count sometime around the making OK hand gestures.

Was that before or after milk became problematic?

Milk is white and so has always been problematic.

nigga you dont know anybody period lmao

He's adorable, can we keep him?

Just upvote and he is yours.

We don't have to be a nazi to call a dirty commie a degenerate. We just need common sense.

Do you have like a nazi fetish or something? I'm genuinely curious. I ran through a few pages of your profile curious if you do actually use SRS, but all I saw was literally in every comment complaining about nazis and fascism.

Do you literally just use reddit to argue about politics and ideologies? Can you even waste time in a worse way than that?

The difference is here you actually want to see the bussy that gets posted

I had my fun parts removed by a surgeon in Thailand.

ITT: People making fun of arguments and age without making arguments of their own. Good job, folks

ITT: People rightfully mocking commies

oh ok good argument

here's a nickel: it's not worth getting into legitimate arguments with communists online. They don't argue in good faith. For most of them, their ideology comes from an axiomatic place of "if there is X amount of wealth in the world, it is wrong (and must be righted) if it goes to mostly a few people."

The "arguments" they wrap it in are merely window dressings for that, which is why they don't care when you cut those arguments down and will just put up new arguments as if nothing ever happened. They will waste your time with arguments they know don't hold up; they know they don't really have a solution other than "anything but the current society."

HAHAHAHAH and all the borderline facist right wing trash on here argue in good faith? AHHAHAHA biggest circlejerk ever this place is.

when the fuck did I say that?

Fascism built Western Civilization, friendo. Without the glory of the Roman fasces, you would be some satrap's eunuch. Well, I mean, you are already a eunuch, but you get my point.

I have the same rule but for Libertarians. They're like Catholics: start from a fairly basic premise, build a gigantic pile of shit on top of it, and contort yourself around the glaring contradictions with reality or just hand-wave them away with a magic phrase. They're insufferable. At least commies are just dense.

WOW SON U BUT ANGERY lamao i hav never seen som1 so pooper peeved LALALALOLOLOL u ned to take a chilpill and stop raping u ownasswit u husbando lmao GAAAY XDXDXDXDXXXXXDD ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)vv( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)v( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)v ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)v( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)v( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)vv( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)v( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)v( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)v( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)v( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)v( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)vv( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)v( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) v v( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)v( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)v( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Waluigi is the ultimate example of the individual shaped by the signifier. Waluigi is a man seen only in mirror images; lost in a hall of mirrors he is a reflection of a reflection of a reflection. You start with Mario – the wholesome all Italian plumbing superman, you reflect him to create Luigi – the same thing but slightly less. You invert Mario to create Wario – Mario turned septic and libertarian – then you reflect the inversion in the reflection: you create a being who can only exist in reference to others. Waluigi is the true nowhere man, without the other characters he reflects, inverts and parodies he has no reason to exist. Waluigi’s identity only comes from what and who he isn’t – without a wider frame of reference he is nothing. He is not his own man. In a world where our identities are shaped by our warped relationships to brands and commerce we are all Waluigi.

People that encourage serious posting deserve the gas tbh.

Jokes on you, Communism was just pretending to be retarded.

Holy fuck my sides!


RES tag system is doing some work. most of those people already have a right winger tag from earlier encounters.

I do know the history of my political ideology, but it's not like pollution is exclusive to communism, or that communism was the main cause of the pollution itself.

#68 isn't bad for a tiny island nation under heavy trade embargoes from the richest country on earth for most of the 20th century, and even up to very recently. And that definitely has something to do with their political ideology.

You can add what they did to the black sea with oil pollution.

Communism is pretty awesome, my dude.

I, too, think that government sanctioned mass killing of its own citizens is pretty rad 😎