OKCupid resident hambeasts throw a hissy fit about the horrors of exercise when it is discovered women are happier with an ugly man because they are lazy pigs.

81  2017-09-13 by autisticperson123


Where did I forget the period mr Snap?

Hey friend! Can I ask you a question?

Like, what does it actually feel to know you will never ever be loved by anyone, ever? At first you were just insecure about yourself, perhaps tried to make improvements. But then you discovered anonymity of internet and went full nuclear. year later, you are still an unlovable virgin, but now full of HATE. At least you have an audience.

My actual question to you is, if you had a chance to go back to a save point, and try a different approach, would you do it? Why or why not?



I have a male friend who I will call "Bob" in this post. So anyway, Bob has done some misogynistic things in the past.

Some examples:

  • He touched me inappropriately as a part of a joke. He immediately stopped when I told him to, and apologized afterwards.
  • I had sex with him one time and it was really bad. He complained that I refused to have sex with him again. He claimed that he is apparently "actually really good" and "could do better if you give me another shot."
  • He is jealous when I go on dates with other men, or talk about other people in a romantic or sexual context.
  • Driving a car and his male friend, was in the passenger's seat. His male friend cat-called a woman while they were driving on the Highway. Bob ignored this, not willing to confront his friend.
  • Bob supported Donald Trump during the election. Bob did not support Donald Trump's exist policies, but rather he IGNORED the sexist polices. Bob failed to prioritize the rights of women over lower taxes.

    After Bob touched me inappropriately as joke, I told him that I refuse to be friends with misogynists. He made a promise to me to try to be a better feminist. About a month ago, after the incident of him allowing his friend to cat-call a woman, I told Bob that he needs to put in more effort to be a better feminist.

As a means to get him to learn about and fully understand feminism, I asked him if he could do on essay (about 2 pages) on the topic of feminism. He agreed. For the next 3 weeks, I would ask him every other day or so how his progress is on the essay. He kept telling me that he has not started it yet but plans to start it soon. I asked him to show me even a few sentences or an outline, so that I can see he is actually doing it. He kept telling me that he will start it later that day or the next day.

Eventually I got pissed off that he was not taking me seriously, and I told him that I will not talk to him until he presents me with the essay he promised (I gave him an email that he can send a completed draft to.)

TLDR: I have a male friend who has done misogynistic things in the past, and I want to make him into a good feminist.

My question to you ladies: Can a man ever learn to be a good feminist and be worthy of your friendship?

(Edit: formatting)

Is this copypasta?

women are happier when their husband is less attractice

How much less, though? r/drama regulars need to know.

Ugly enough that she knows you'll be too pathetic to leave her when she cheats on you with Chad, presumably.

Well that's everyone here so not to worry then.

We can go uglier.

Literally what the study hypothesizes though, the women are less happy about themselves and gain body image issues out of fear of losing the attractive partner. This could probably be true for men too, for all the self esteem boost that an above average gf brings it can quickly become a paranoid nightmare and a self worth drain when you see how society in general interacts with her and vice versa.

I just figured out why my ugly ex-wife left me. It's all so clear now.

Yeah because you're an incel

Not an argument

There doesn't seem to be anything here


I like my dudes to look like primitive folk art paintings. I am not into conventionally attractive men. Also, manlets. Also, I don't mid them chunky. Oh my god! What is wrong with me!

I like my dudes to look like primitive folk art paintings. I am not into conventionally attractive men.

Well hey there bb...

Also, manlets

Seek psychological help

This may explain why all the women I've dated have been so miserable

Have to have a face covered in 3rd degree burn for anyone here to keep their spouse happy.

Somewhere between Blaster and Sloth.

if i want to eat less than i burn i have to literally skip meals and starve myself, which leaves me tired, irritable, and unhealthy

the reality of eating less than you burn is this:

the first month is hard as FUCK. your body and your mind will openly revolt, you'll be cranky and mean, you'll feel, ""starving"" all the time

but if you can commit yourself to it for 30 days, it will become normal and routine to you.

IDK if everyone has the strength to be strong for 30 days tho. admittedly, it's very very hard. you gotta' want it more than you want those donuts

I would say a week max tbh. If you actually decide to eat healthy rather than just eat less you should adjust quickly to feeling full from a reasonable meal.

well the problem with this line of thinking

eat healthy rather than just eat less

is that a lot of people will just eat a shiiiiiiit load of healthy food and then quit when they don't lose weight.

if you're genuinely overweight and need to lose weight, you can't just change what you eat, you also have to change your meal times and sizes

tbh changing what I ate made me eat way less without any conscious effort to do so on my part. You will feel much fuller on healthy food than you will on garbage with the same caloric content.

Yeah my buddy tried to lose weight at the peak of his obesity where the only activities of his were smoking weed, playing LoL, and eating junk food. His first ""attempt"" was buying a box of triscuits and a block of cheese and eating that instead of doritos. Obviously it didn't work.

Triscuits make me want to vomit until I die.

good weight loss method tbh

the first month is hard as FUCK. your body and your mind will openly revolt, you'll be cranky and mean, you'll feel, ""starving"" all the time

It doesn't even have to be that bad. I've been eating less than 1500 calories for ten days now and I don't feel bad at all. If you eat healthy you can still eat a lot and feel full. Cut out soda and snacks, eat more fruits and veggies and less fat and carbohydrates.

lol you make too many excuses for fat people.

its a choice. simple as that.

Nobody chooses to be fat

Some people just choose to eat an entire large pizza every night.

Lol. 100% of fat adults chose obesity And it's disgusting.

Massively over eating like that (1 pizza is more than 2k calories then add in the spfa) is choosing to he obese

4 weeks is a good line for bodily change to become "normal".

Eat 3 small balanced meals a day for energy. No snacking. Drink lots of water to fill your stomach in between. It's not difficult.

this kind of advice is like telling someone, "dude just stop smoking cigarettes, it's easy"

the problem is, it's not that easy. and telling someone who struggles with it that they suck for struggling is shitty and helps no one

Nigga you seriousposting in /r/drama right now.

true my b

You were serious posting as hard as he was, your seriously was just really stupid

Yeah, I'm wrong. Fat people should just keep eating more.

I know lots of people who just stopped smoking, that easy

You seem awfully defensive about fatties, /u/riggorous. Maybe if you dropped some weight, you'd be able to date other people besides desperate losers on OKcupid.

Hey u/riggorous, your r/wgtow hugbox is that way

holy shit they have a post where some chick made her friend write an essay

and nagged him about it

and was surprised when he didn't do it.

This is a comedy goldmine. Thank you.


Wow those responses were a thing of beauty.

lol, this is amazing

Oh yeah, that is what I need.

Its beyond amazing. Hopefully she follows my advice instead of listening to any of those essay haters.

"I demanded that my friend subject himself to a struggle session and repent of his sins. He hasn't responded for some reason? Also, I'm totally not the worst aspects of a Maoist and a religious weirdo, combined."

/u/stacey2109 did you fuck him after he touched you inappropriately?

Shit. I shouldve known it was too good to be true.

WGTOW is hilarious because it's just a defensive reaction to MGTOW, but somehow worse and somehow also completely missing the point. Most of them somehow still have boyfriends/husbands or are at least trying to date. At least the MGTOW dudes are removed from the daring pool.

the daring pool.



Is that a satire of mgtow?

No, though trolls are in it, it's 100% real

Not even surprised. Fats get upset every time someone mentions self control and discipline.

OP is a self proclaimed incel who blames all his woes on his ethnicity and his height. It's like choosing to be the absolute bottom of society. It makes sense for OP to lash out on people who he feels should be lower than him. Nobody wants to be at the very bottom. Yet they are 6 feet deeper than absolute bottom. Only people who are even lower than them are internet losers who encourage them. Like you :D

How hard do you want your dick sucked?

well, this is r/drama, so it has to be hard enough to be embarrassing to everyone, including participants and observers.

That's the only way I know how. Invite everyone.

Well now I kinda like you for being a good sport. Not good.

What you mean fam I just really like to suck cocks.

Who doesnt?

You're in drama? This is like a crossover episode in a sitcom.

I'm a white dude that is 6'0. And I don't think I ever mentioned my height on reddit, so you have a premier. I am autistic and a virgin, but I don't see anything wrong with my height or ethnicity. And I'll have you know I'm not a kissless virgin, I have touched breasts and female lips before.

I'm a white dude

but I don't see anything wrong with my ... ethnicity.


Gat the fat

depending on what your natural basal metabolic rate is, "not eating more than you burn" without constantly being on a diet is significantly easier said than done

I think she thinks choosing a healthy lifestyle as "constantly being on a diet." And in a way, she's not wrong.

u/riggorous maybe come up with an actual argument for once? Sassy comebacks won't do shit lol.

My wife diets and exercises guess that means I'm an attractive looking guy

Heteros are degenerate, what else is new

imagine being such a degenerate that your username is an obscure sega saturn game character lmao

Pls no dox

Zach I love the random nerd cred you can drop on me at any moment.

My dad actually kept my old Sega Saturn for years, and I finally remembered to take it back to Portland with me after the last time I visited. Haven't officially busted it out yet, but it's nice knowing it's right there for me.

That was like one of the few consoles I never got my hands on and I started with Coleco and Atari. For some games I do still wish I had them laying around.

/r/okc is full of the fattest degenerate slobs earth has ever spawned and they wonder why they are single


about 100 couples in Texas were asked questions about how they feel (cause those are always top notch accuracy), and then 5 people rated how attractive their faces were and 5 others how attractive their bodies were.

That's the study. did they look at income? nope. kids? nope. Sit for 10 seconds and think of as many things that might influence these outcomes and I can almost guarantee they weren't considered.

Plus, it's Texas. Come on, you've seen Texans.

Are you saying clickbait articles may not be well researched?

It's not an article, it's .edu.

/u/riggorous is one of the biggest lolcows on /r/okcupid.

I still remember her legendary meltdown on the post calling out /r/okcupid users for double standards on creepiness. She freaked the fuck out and sperged over the entire thread defending womyn

Link it for fuck sakes

Really dude. Where's the link?!

15 hours. Link this bitch.

Still waiting on that link.

Still waiting on that link.

Give me like three hours to go home and find it on my PC. Do none of you go to work? Don't answer that, I forgot I was in /r/deama

fwiw i tried being vegan once and it was the most stressful month of my life, and that's even in comparison to studying for the bar exam


I get the sense this particular individual has a lot of problems with food that have nothing to do with feeling full. Probs an eating disorder tbqhwuf

/u/anotherclumsyjawn what is your TDEE and what is your normal caloric intake per day?

You seem really sweet

first link sucks, this is too much work please make the drama easier to digest.

I literally can't eat less than I burn. I have to keep expanding until I fill the Universe.

New Research

Weird, I've known about this effect for at least five years. I don't think the other research drilled down much, though, because I remember thinking "the women must be happier because an ugly guy attracting a hot wife must mean he has money"

Well, how fat are we talking here? I could marry a woman who was 200 pounds. But if it ever got as far as 300 than that would just be too much.

lol like after 200 it really matters at that point.

High five I'm shitfaced right now as well