Some retard non-ironically posts "Democrats tend to vote to help the people, while Republicans tend to vote to make more money off of the people." in /r/iowa shooting his liberal wad into the ultra-left circlejerk abyss. Some brave redditors disagree with this assessment

5  2017-09-14 by IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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u/marco_polo sounds like a challenge!

I selected political as the flair; ya'll need to add "agendapost"

All someone needs to do is look at a city like Baltimore to realize that Democrats are more interested in lining their pockets than helping people.

Or Detroit

Or Chicago... Or all of California.

So, basically anywhere that libs are in charge they demonstrate this...

That's probably why Hillary is out selling books and giving paid speeches instead of volunteering her time.

Well, this dumb progressive take is being opposed by the more leftist side, not the rightists. That's how you can tell a place is a circlejerk. In real life, if someone said this the Republicans would take the most offense.

They banned any conservative users from r/Iowa long ago. The place is fully lost to commies.

/>American Democratic Party


Pick one

>Start the rotors

Oh nice, partaking in the mayocide?

How else will my bussy be the fairest in the land if I don't mayocide the others?

I'm one thirty second Cherokee. My Indian name is Howling Cooter.

I am 1/128th Haitian, one of my ancestors raped a boat wench in Haiti back in the 1700s

but the trickle down effect is a meme.

/u/PM_UR_VULVAS, the trickle down theory is actually a good theory but the implementation was wrong. The theory was if you cut taxes for businesses, they will use that money to reinvest in their people and business, but there were no regulations in place to make sure it happened.

Personally, I feel that if they got these massive tax breaks, they should have be required to show that a certain percentage of that tax break was used to increase wages or buy new equipment. If they didn't show that they used the money to reinvest in the company, then they shouldn't get the tax break, but they didn't do that, so corporations fucked everyone over.

God every Iowan is a terrible person, no exception. Not only do they have both extremes of the political spectrum in their state, but they are all extremely smug too. They drive for shit, have the worst sports teams, and worst of all, like to pretend they are better then everyone else in the Midwest.

Also, fun fact, their corn is literally good for nothing, using it for feed kills your animals, using it for ethanol destroys your car, and forget letting humans eat it, it's basically the most disgusting thing out there.


yuge if true

You should leave that terrible state and go to some place civilized, like Detroit, Michigan

Too many chimps

Better than living in what will hopefully be a nuclear wasteland in the near future.

Seems unlikely

Not an entirely inaccurate statement. Democrats just generally want to help everyone immediately regardless of the economic or social consequences. True conservatives are more concerned with the future ramifications and especially costs of these programs/bills/decisions. Unfortunately there's only a few actual fiscal conservatives in Washington to balance out the neocons/libs