CB2 drama about farting in Clinton's book signing line

16  2017-09-14 by Prince_Kropotkin




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CB2=Hillary Tankies, ChapoTrapHouse=Bernie Bros, SRD=???, r/drama= southpark neutrals, commies and Nazis

SRD = too lazy to get out and vote

aka the same as CB2 and CTH in practice

Why would any of them vote. The revolution is coming!

Any day now...

r/drama= southpark neutrals, commies and Nazis

That's possibly the most accurate description of this board's demographic I've seen. Also the fact that it is made up of those 3 groups is fucking weird

not really that weird considering we have no moderation whatsoever.

/u/snallygaster delet this

we do actually have moderation, but it's just for stuff that is actually bad /seriouspost

Plus, the people here think saying 'Trump did some good things' make you a Nazi, and that HRC is a communist.

If you literally describe the entire mainstream political system as 'nazis and commies', then yes, this subs demo is nazis and commies. And you're a crazy person.

As a radical centrist anyone other than other radical centrist are commies and nazis. It makes life fat more interesting.

This but unironically

No we have shit tier modding frankly, that makes this place annoying enough that most people leave rather than attempt to deal with it

We don't have shit tier modding anymore. No more bans and random post removals.

No just sticking stupid shit

Well we'll have about 75% less of that but who really cares about stickies.

I only ironically want to gas the Jews.

This but ironically

SRD is limp-dicked centrists whose politics consist entirely of woke cultural affiliation.

SRD is bug people

SRD are certainly not centrists.


hahaha you think SRD is like drama? nigga you in for a wild ride

What do you mean? I typicaly dont stay at this place so what ride am I on?

the wildest ride of your life boy-o.

Please look at /r/all at anytime and tell me again how Reddit is right leaning

excuse me but haven't you seen how popular gaming is on reddit? And as we all know gamers are republican goobergoblins who are one step away from rape at all times

Fug I forget, gamers are literal nazis


The american side of reddit definitely seems to lean center right from my perspective. Of course saying that doesnt mean that everyone is like that but it seems like reddit mostly leans to those positions that benefit themself the most. As the majority are nerdy straight white males you will see that these views are the most popular on this platform. They are great at hiding them though.




bad bot

no no no who is down voting zozbot now? that's not ok

from my perspective.

when you're hanging off the edge of the left side of the spectrum because you're aligned so far that way (don't lie, you post in cb2) then everyone is going to be center-right from your perspective.

Luckily, in actual reality land, not everyone is a jackbooted Nazi or a starving communist.

Well, I am left leaning through and through, but from an european perspective. I have no need to deny that.

I am not saying that all of you are nazis or something but it seems like that on almost every social issue reddit skews right-wing. I do wonder if this is more about being counterculture and edgy or if these are solidified views. I hope its the former since they are more open to change.

most regulars here are lefties lol just not the autistic screeching kind

I actually havent stayed on drama for long to say much about it. But it always seemed like a free for all any opinion is welcomed as long as its entertaining.

that's pretty much the case, serious posting is kind of frowned upon here. But if you did take the time you'd see that beyond all the shitposting about genocide is mostly just people with sensible attitudes and generally aligned on the left. There's obviously going to be some dipshits mixed in because of the nature of the sub but yeah

I think your perspective is just shit tbqh.

You can see left leaning subs daily on the front page, never see any shithole the right sits in on the front page. Only way to see the rights comments on /r/all is to sort by controversial in politics

Only way to see the rights comments on /r/all is to sort by controversial

What is the donald? What is cringeanarchy?

I think r/politics is a bubble. Outside of that and some other subs reddit is right leaning on pretty much any social issue outside of free education or something that benefits white males. Just look at what happened once twox became a default. A bunch of reddit dudes(and girls) streamed in and completely changed the way discussions turn out in that sub. It went from a sub for women's voices to be heard to a "let me criticise and invalidate everything a woman says" sub.

The_d hasn't been on the front page in ages, probs used bots to get there anyway and cringeanarchy? lol get out of here or come back with better examples that make the front page with actual right leaning shit

isn't cringeanarchy just a weird hybrid of r/cringe and r/tumblrinaction? That's the impression I got from it. Then again I guess people call r/TiA right wing because it makes fun of pink haired women and furries

It does seem to be a mix and yea its right wing because it makes fun of retards like me

Lol, cringeanarachry is a right-wing shithole. The real cringe are always the comments themself.

They were multiple times recently, assuming you mean /r/all

Before my bussy was blasted, I actually had them filtered. Makes sense then that I'd never see them on the front page...yea I think I'll end here

If anything, it's the American side that leans left.

Go to any /r/Europe thread about immigrants and see for yourself.

The american side of reddit definitely seems to lean center-right from my perspective

What the fuck? How could you possibly think this? Do you think Europeans are the ones nonstop flooding the site with an absurd amount of trump hate?

Just look at /r/politics. Purely America focused sub, 3.5 million subscribers and it's hard to get more anti-trump than that place.

Being anti trump doesnt really make you left leaning. Its the bare minimum for any decent human being.

I read the original post over on Chapo. The OP works in an office.

tfw not even working in the fields with the rest of the hoi polloi to further Comrade Bernie's Great Jerk Forward

How you been, man? Mostly been posting in LWE these days eh?

Also one offtopic comment: I started looking at and posting in subredditdrama again, but I dont know could it be that they became more right leaning and centrist, essentially more reddit-like? Like the drama sub? Maybe I am imagining things, but it seems like it changed quite a bit in the last few months.

LOL SRD being too right wing.

Dude this guy is nuts