Quality of /r/bestof gets called into question after it hits /r/all. (TW: AGENDA POST)

26  2017-09-14 by Ultrashitpost

WIth that out of the way, i can link to this thread, which itself links to a CMV post about how Republicans routinely vote to fuck people over.

Now you might think "Gee ultrashitpost, this is far below your consistently high quality content", but don't worry. One commenter retorts that many of the bills in question aren't nearly as benevolent as the original poster claims they are, which spawns a whopping 238 children. A similar accusation can be found here

Another poster goes in dry, and openly accuses /r/bestof of being pure Democratic Propaganda.

Finally, someone just blatantly calls OP an asshole, to which OP cannot help but respond to show how HE'S TOTALLY NOT BUTTHURT.

Sporadic dramatic comments can be found here, here and here


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, snew.github.io, archive.is

  2. this thread - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, snew.github.io, archive.is

  3. One commenter - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, snew.github.io, archive.is

  4. here - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  5. Another poster goes in dry - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, snew.github.io, archive.is

  6. /r/bestof - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  7. someone just blatantly calls OP an ... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, snew.github.io, archive.is

  8. here - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, snew.github.io, archive.is

  9. here - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, snew.github.io, archive.is

  10. here - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, snew.github.io, archive.is

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/u/ShiningConcepts you seem awfully defensive about your post

gotta get those Soros bucks somehow

Oh yes, I'm totally a Soros shill. Now if you'll excuse me

That guy effortposts harder than anyone I've ever seen. Who honestly has that kind of time?

People who get content to copy paste from their bosses?

I mean, he's a liberal, so not having a job frees up a lot of time.

Which comments you referring to? Lol I was just trolling on some of em

OP also embarrasses himself here

u/ShiningConcepts seems like one group is trying to limit what the tax contributors in this country have to give up to people who don't contribute which is who the other group is working for

Dems: "Here is a bill that helps people. There are literally no downsides lol!"

Reps: "Um. Ok but someone has to pay for that. We don't want government doing more stuff and taking more taxes. We want the opposite."

Dems: "Look at the republicans voting AGAINST bills that help people. How fucking evil can you get?!"

Exactly, yesterday they were touting saint bernie's health bill, I'm pretty sure its the same one that the xxxcruz roasted him on in their healthcare debate. You know the one that cost more per year then the govt takes in on any given tax cycle

"We don't want government doing more stuff and taking more taxes. We want the opposite."

Shouldn't this include a few caveats? If Republicans weren't so obsessed with stuff like military spending, farming subsidies, coal subsidies, and The Wall this argument might hold more water.

I think republicans are okay with government spending for secure borders and adequate defenses, so are libertarians. coal subsidies, though, I dunno what their deal is.

for secure borders and adequate defenses

I think most people would agree that Republicans go well above and beyond the "call of duty" when it comes to that kind of spending, though.

Most people are idiots. Our defense spending is massive because Europe, NATO, and everyone that isn't Russia or China wants the United States footing the bill for the kind of global defense strategy that other countries can't afford.

If you hate globalism and force projection, then you should've been born in 1910. The United States can't just plant a couple guys with guns on its beaches and call it a day.

(Note: this is not to say that there isn't plenty of pork thrown in, but that is a government problem, not a defense problem).

I get that. But I feel like we could at least cut it out with the middle east shit for a few decades.

Lol @ republicans being btfo and trying to cover their inner shame.

democrats: look at how shitty the rep's voted on all these different bills

rep's: well those are complicated and need context

dem's: ok then pick a few and give us context on your vote

rep's: crickets

I miss anything?

You're asking way too much of anyone's attention span. You should just stick with "DAE GOP literally Hitler???" and collect your karma

lmao you're probably right

I guarantee you, if anyone actually responded carefully and calmly, it would just get downvoted, with no responses beyond 'DAE GOP literally Hitler!'.

They've been pulling this on /r/askreddit for a couple of years now, putting up 'Can any Trump voter explain themselves?', and then only upvoting people who say 'there is no explanation for them!' and downvoting anyone who tries to have a genuine conversation.

There's not much point in arguing with teenagers who really just want to scream at you.

You'll get that when you have kids. Or stop being a teenager.

I mean yeah, you missed when someone gave that exact context in the first link. No drama though so it's hard to slog through.

Lol democrats.

Everything on reddit is a fucking circlejerk. There is no real 'best of', because the people submitting and voting are all children who have no idea what quality looks like.

They legit think think Rick and Morty is something genius, and not, like, the fiftieth Cartoon network gross-out show to use the same basic 'shock' humor. Ten years ago, it would have been Moral Oral or Aqua Teen Hunger force. /r/horror regularly shills for snoozefest horror films like House of the Devil or The VVitch. /r/comicbooks actually likes marvel's current direction, and on /r/movies, you can't say anything bad about any director they like (even their shitty films) or anything good about a directory they don't like--and the studios are always right there, even when they are behavior like idiots,

The site is nothing but young fools, old idiots and paid shill.

They legit think think Rick and Morty is something genius, and not, like, the fiftieth Cartoon network gross-out show to use the same basic 'shock' humor. Ten years ago, it would have been Moral Oral or Aqua Teen Hunger force.

We all know the true patrician Adult Swim show.

Not gonna lie, i only checked it out after i saw someone spam that pic on /tv/, and i'm pretty sure most people on 4chan only knew about it after that pic.

I thought it was just another crappy Adult Swim show at first, but the writing is genuinely good.

we all know oblongs was the goat

Bring back the Drinky Crow Show

Aqua Teen Hunger Force is a national artistic treasure!


Moral Orel is good clean fun.

Original poster of the linked thread here. I'm going to be honest; as a person who reinforced the perception of Reddit as a circlejerk, I agree that Reddit is a circlejerk.

/r/bestof, /r/politics, /r/all -- the post is a smorgasboard of liberal liberal liberal. I 100% agree with you that Reddit is a circlejerk.

When I first posted that post I was expecting to get downvoted for circlejerking... but somehow I got up to the top.

Reddit: let's upvote this post to the top.

Reddit: let's criticize this post for being a circlejerk.

You're right bro, this site is a circlejerk and its getting tiresome.

man it takes A LOT of bravery to shit on republicans on reddit of all places.


Yeah no I'm good


It's super depressing you can't detect sarcasm. Good god what is wrong with people.